Ask the opposite gender

ITT you ask questions you wish to know about the opposite gender and wait for their reply.
Please be honest and civil

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Fembots, can I tap that?

why are women like so dumb lol

Cringe underage department.

Femanons are you afraid of men?

i am very way of being around ethnics in public, just because of how they are and previous experiences with them.
other than that? in general, no, unless i have a reason to

How much do you exaggerate your mood swings during period and pregnancy (also weird eating habits during second while we're at it) because you know you can get away with it?

why did marky stop being my friend? after all we've been through.. after all the hours of talking to her, comforting her when she was crying.. talking about vidya and music together.. Marky please come back ;_;

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Fembots why do not value virginity, do you feel like sluts or if not give an explenation.

To girls
Should I just take you for myself even though you have a bf?

Fems, do you like Blend S?

why do boys like cocks but claim to be straight?

I think penises are disgusting but so are vaginas

user, Being a faggot isn't a gender, The thread clearly states to ask the opposite gender, Not your gender.

I personally don't exaggerate them. My moods get a little different right before my period. I might cry more easily because of a song on the radio reminding me of someone or a phrase I hear someone say. It's almost like a sentimental switch gets flipped on. The cramps and period pain sucks and it's easy to lose your patience when you feel like shit. Pregnancy definitely makes you want to eat and strongly avoid certain foods. Any type of cold leftover smell in the fridge would make me want to vomit, even if it was leftovers I wanted to eat like lasagna or delicious Chinese food. I craved salty foods I hadn't eaten in years like potato chips. I would wake up starving at 2 am and crave a salad with chicken and my favorite dressing and lay there drooling over it until I got up and made it. I think it's your body trying to get more calories or certain things you might need for the baby, but I don't actually know that for a fact. I never wanted to drink pickle juice or eat super weird things like you see in movies.

Why are boys so dumb lol
Only when they shout or get drunk. Probably obvious why.
>why do not value virginity
But I do.

>But I do.
get away from me you can't steal my innocence

Would you prefer a stay-at-home wife/mom or one with a job?

Mainly nonwhite men or if a white man in public is particularly unhinged.

I don't think I've ever used my period as an excuse. Can't remember well though.

I value virginity.

One who also works. Anyone who says otherwise is a neet with no concept of how expensive a family is. Ironically, tradfags are only able to post on here because they're enabled by their working mothers who pay for their internet.

Stay-at-home but I'm not sure that lifestyle is feasible these days unless I make 6 figures and I'm only making 30k now

Stay at home mother. It's obviously entirely dependant on circumstance but that's the ideal.
Not true at all. I'm a tradfag and only my father worked. My mother stayed at home and I'm grateful to have grown up in that kind of family dynamic, which is why if I get the chance I'd love to give it to my kids too one day.

>But I do.
You don't and cut the trad larp bullshit, Adults don't buy it.

>Would you prefer a stay-at-home wife/mom or one with a job?
Stay at-home wife/mom, I wouldn't have it any other way and no I'm not trad larping, just financially stable upper middle class guy.
>I value virginity.
You don't and also cut the trad larp bullshit, Adults don't buy it.

Is it true that the clitoris is like a tiny penis?

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But user I'll give you a good deal for it.
>You don't and cut the trad larp bullshit, Adults don't buy it.
>anyone who disagrees with me is lying
Your beliefs aren't universal user and you shouldn't pretend they are.

>But user I'll give you a good deal for it.
give me the terms and conditions of this "good deal"

boys, does your pee pee float in water?

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>does your pee pee float in water?

>You don't and also cut the trad larp bullshit, Adults don't buy it.
Virginity was valued for 95% of human civilization and you think it's improbable that anyone today would value it?

;) not until marriage

does it being hard or not make a difference?

As far as I can recall, not really. It's hard it's just filled up with blood, which is roughly the same density as water, so I don't think it'd make a difference.

It might be a weird question but please answer.
Do robots have crushes? What was your first crush like?
I don't know why but I find it adorable.

like in the bath? yea its buoyant
i dont think so, i havent taken a bath or swam in a long but i think it still floats even when im hard

Yeah actually

Never because I've never even considered it.

I still have mine but I feel like it doesn't really mean anything

I'm not a weeb

It doesn't really look like it but I'm pretty sure that it's the same type of tissue because in the womb they start as the same thing.

i dont have any crushes anymore, the last girl i had a crush on got engaged. my first crush was in 1st grade i think, im not sure if i had a crush on a girl before this. there was this girl in my class that was so cute i could not stop staring at her. i wasn't staring at her in some creepy sexual way because i was way too young to know what any of that was, but i just really liked looking at her and wanted to know her. its kind of hard to describe plus it was so long ago, but it was just some innocent young crush thing.
also she turned into a turbo slut in middle school lmao. like she fucked 4 guys at some party tier of slut.

okay!! that's really cute. thank you!! :)

Do you name your sperms?

floating titties are cuter than floating dicks though

>Would you prefer a stay-at-home wife/mom
If I was financially able to support a family on my own, then yes. But the reality for most people is that two incomes are needed.

mine aren't big enough to float but i would agree otherwise!!

In high school I took a few courses a year early, and there was this girl a year older than me that I used to always (playfully) tease and pick on. She could tell I had a crush on her before I even realized it myself. I cringe whenever I think about it desu. I don't really talk to people enough anymore to have crushes.

>It doesn't really look like it but I'm pretty sure that it's the same type of tissue because in the womb they start as the same thing.

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yeah but why do you find it cute? did you have any crushes?

>Your beliefs aren't universal user and you shouldn't pretend they are.
If you expect me as an adult man to believe that you "value virginity" as an adult woman then you've had way too many underage (You)s and you should try that larp in the real world, See how far you go.

>you think it's improbable that anyone today would value it?
There are women who value virginity, You're not one of them.

>Do robots have crushes? What was your first crush like?
My first and only crush was the girl next door unironically, I was in my early teens when they moved in next door, she was a year or two older than me and our families were very strict and traditional so I knew it wasn't going to go anywhere and never told her how I felt about her or talked to her much. A year later they moved to another country, I didn't keep in touch with her and I never saw her again.
It's strange how while I'm typing this I still remember her perfectly and still feel the same way I felt about her 17 years ago even though I have a terrible memory. I don't drink but boy do I really need one right now..

It isn't though. You guys start with vaginas. It's why we all have nipples? I bet you don't think climate change or evolution are real either.

fembots, what would you think about a guy who has trust issues against women because he has been raped by one before? i know this is pretty dark but i need to know sorry

>If you expect me as an adult man to believe
What's so unbelievable user? Like I said your opinions and beliefs aren't universal and you should stop treating them as such. You just sound bitter desu.

uncut pIs..

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why arent you my smol titty gf?

Nah I think climate change and evolution are real, but see me starting with a vagina isn't gay, but me sucking a tiny penis? Now that's pretty gay

because you likely live very far away from me :(

>yeah but why do you find it cute?
I don't know. My little brother is starting to get to the age where he wants a gf and hearing him talk about a girl in his class made me want to cry it was so cute. He was even asking me for advice and stuff.
>did you have any crushes?
Ya but they never really reciprocated.

>be roast
>trad larp on 4chin
>inb4 u no belive me incel hehehe
why do you trad larp? what's the mentality behind this shit?

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Would most/any fembots want a guy to be her live-in domestic slave, like "houseboy"? Is that something many girls would want?

i think she is mocking ur beliefs frog-poster

>Do robots have crushes?
Not right now
I've probably had 4 big ones in my life so far
My first one was in kindergarten and I swear the only reason I liked her was because our name started with the same letter
I probably might have had a chance with my crush in high school. She was chubby but at least chubby in nice proportions
Good thing I didn't actually date her since she turned into a man-hating turbodyke in college
I haven't had a crush since college. Mainly because all of the women at my work aren't close to my age

No user, why would they want that? What the fuck would they get out of having to house and feed some live in simp who doesn't even have any money to give them?

What're fembots opinions' on gentle femdom? I don't like the whole "femdom" aspect of it, but i wouldn't mind it if it meant being the little spoon sometimes

>get asked a question
>answer honestly
>answer gets refused
Why do you even ask the question if you won't accept the answer? If you don't believe it then whatever, I can't prove to you it's the truth, but why even ask in the first place? It's asinine to even try if your own preconceived notions will take precedent even in the face of glaring exceptions.

Not really a fan. I can see why robots are into it and I can respect that, but it's just not my cup of tea.

I'm not a roastie, and while I'm not at the point where I could confidently call myself trad, it's something I aspire to be.

? It's true

I certainly wouldn't rule out a guy based on that.

Probably only in the sense if we were both homesteading or whatever.

It can be cute, but I'm not into pegging or feminization or anything.

Yeah, sure. My first crush was some girl in elementary I barely remember and never talked to. There were also plenty of fictional characters I had a crush on. These days I don't meet any people but sometimes I see a woman and get a bit of that tingly feeling in my stomach.

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>I still have mine but I feel like it doesn't really mean anything
Why wouldn't it?
It means a big fucking deal if only because you was willing to not give it away for for attention from guys

Are in fembots into cucking relationships?

>It can be cute
Which aspects do you find cute?
>pegging or feminization
Yeah that's just weird. The extreme mommy stuff is really off putting too

just a genuine question. why do you fembots come here despite having a way better image board that is populated with females?