What happened to this man, R9K?

I remember him from around 2009

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He became a heshe and started suckin dick for cash


hes doing this now

yeah i dont know either

I don't even follow him, Null and the people who stalk him are more interesting. I had stalkers that tried to troll me like they did to Chris and it was so weird like what? I don't know you. It's like trying to make a human into a animal product

*who stalk c h r I s not. Nul

Also my group of trolls reproduced and have kids now, they unironically needed abortion because they put more time into me than their kids

probably he has choked with a dildo and his rotting corpse is waiting to be found

Oh, boy...You missed out on alot, ready the cwcki, and brace yourself.

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>started suckin dick for cash
What, really?
Haven't heard about this.

Yeah, at some con he was at. I'm not sure if anyone took him up on it, but he was trying to whore himself out for cash.

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Why would you fuck this thing? And why would you pay him for it? I still don't understand

*cue someone fucked you user and you're just as bad joke*

He's still a virgin with rage deep down inside. He probably thought if he charged for it people would think he's "desirable" and take him up on it

Weird, how I missed this one.
The development of Chris' life is so fucking weird.

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Truly one of the most interesting and divisive characters of the modern day

It's so cringe to think this could be 29 year old married with kids. Fully grown and still trolling people

>It's so cringe to think this could be 29 year old married with kids. Fully grown and still trolling people
Dude, Chris is 38...

I was talking about the person contacting Chris not Chris himself. We all know this person is a fully grown adult with a pregnant spouse or pregnant herself still trolling people with a 8 year old mentality

bro, i got you


get ready for a god damn adventure

He now believes the following things: >Cartoons and Sonichu characters live in another dimension.
>Hyperdimension Neptunia characters are real deities.
>He himself is one of them.
>He can comunicate with the cartoon characters and Sonichus from the other dimension.
>He's in a polyamorous marriage with Mewtwo and three different Sonichus.


he's completely absorbed in his own insane world and he's happy.

im a little jealous honestly, i have a thousand dollar collection of video games and cant even really derive joy out of them and he can just sperg out about sonichu and have a blast

he did a video where he masturbate while singing all star

this sounds like most of the things he has believed in already

fucking fuck somebody take one for the team and put a bullet in the back of his head

I think he's a tranny now.

Is this what happens when an ethnic that can barely speak English tries to shitpost

he really hasn't changed much in two decades. he continues to whittle away his time masturbating, posting long facebook rants, scarfing junk food, building LEGOs and playing games meant for 10-year olds. (insert joke about Chris not being too different from robots here)

in all honesty, the golden age of trolling this guy in 2008-09 has reached a rather anticlimactic end. he's just numb and embittered to any and all people trying to improve his life at this point. He shows many symptoms of extremely poor health due to decades of moping, lazing and eating McDonald's like a fucking pig. i'll be surprised if he lives past the age of fifty.

Attached: 494px-Chris-tran.png (494x600, 356.54K)

His life has gone downhill and his mind is unraveling like a cheap sweater. The only things keeping him anywhere close to reality are his mother bitching at him and attending pony conventions.

I write things quick online and dont proofread, I lived in america all my life. Thank you for adding one Eceleb point to me tho

Is Chris Chan even a lolcow anymore? It's more sad than funny to see a man in his late 30s confused about his gender and buying toys while neglecting rent. It's sad.

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>chrischan has two boyfriends and people give him money to fuck him
how do femcels exist?

And you derailed my post which was about a group of trolls like Chris? I have a life outside the internet and its strange how they keep baiting me, I dont know them. Which is why I dropped out of the rat race.

The reason my posts sound like poor english is because I wrote posts quick so I dont have to spend so much time alone, it took me so long to reply because I was doing things outside the internet.

Keep claiming things about anonymous people

Have you seen his penis? It's horrifying he turned a prostitute lesbian.

Extremely poor health? What do you mean?

he's still around. became a "lesbian spirit" and believes there has been a dimensional merge between our reality and cartoons.


>>He's in a polyamorous marriage with Mewtwo and three different Sonichus.
Well duh i mean he IS the Mayor of CWCVille

What group of people is trolling you user? How did this group of people find you and what reasons did they have to troll you?

It's random internet people like Chris's trolls.
I think one of them might have kids by now. As soon as one of them got a sex life I noticed all the content about me was rapidly deleted, I guess they didnt want me invited to the wedding. Sad.

The people who troll CWC are worse than him desu. CWC actually attended a panel at a convention with a bunch of his trolls, and they're all really gross looking. The girls are all landwhales and everyone there looked mentally ill. You can tell these people are bottom of the barrel trash people themselves. Otherwise they probably wouldn't spend so much time harassing a mentally ill autist. CWC is a retard and a shitty person but somehow he's not as gross as the people who troll him, maybe because the people who troll him are sadists, idk.

Do you have a youtube channel or facebook or something? How do people "troll" you unless you put content out there for them to troll you with? I'm confused by your situation.

Things like this really make me wish chris is a troll and has been since the beginning. This is so fucking ridiculous that it would be even funnier if it was a troll. Part of me wishes that chris has been doing the worlds longest larp as an autist but sadly he really just is that pathetic.

>Null and the people who stalk him are more interesting.
Not in the slightest, retard. Chris Chan trolls are boring. The most entertaining stuff comes from stupidity CWC caused by himself.

>implying his trolls aren't lolcows themselves

I'm not really into lolcows.

Is the sonichu wiki down for everyone or just me?

I dont remember, I havent had a internet presence in years. I think i had Skype for a while? They made tweets and a wiki about me but its hard to memorialize text on a screen when it's so generic. It happend when I was 12 years old. They're adults now and focus on education rather than trolling me

Weird man, how did you meet these people? What were they making fun of you for even? Were they adults at the time or around your age when they started trolling you?

Nitpicks I assume, like claiming I abuse my dogs because I didnt do x claiming I have the mentality of a kid.

Also around my age
They're adults now and not as obsessive about me

How did they know about you, did you do something to piss them off? Tell us more about how you met them, this situation still doesn't make any sense.

I didnt annoy them, it was all text. They just documented me like people did to Chris. I'm a nobody but was temporarily a eceleb

Damn it user it's so hard to talk to you

It's not that deep they just did Epic troll XD

he should've died in that house fire

Last I heard his mother was selling their home because they needed money. I seem to recall a website that kept up with his current events, but I cannot seem to find it

He believes that he is the guardian of the "Dimensional Merge." He believes that cartoons exist in other dimensions, and that he must protect them.

He is almost old enough to be a grandfather now.

Jesus it's longer than the Horus Heresy

I feel that once his mother dies, he probably won't be long for this world himself. He cannot support himself and refuses to get a job. Either he will get NEETbux, he will become a hobo, or he will die. I can't help but feel sorry for him DESU. The internet was not kind to him, and his mother is almost as mentally ill as he is. Both of those factors led him towards a spiral of degeneracy that he is unlikely to get out of. Anyone can improve, but he needs to want to for any change to happen.

Why hasn't both him and his mother been put into a home? Especially after that incident where he ran over someone with his car. I don't understand how no one has intervened yet, especially with all the attention on him. He's an asshole but he could probably live a meaningful life if he had caregivers who didn't allow him to vegetate and be exploited by sociopaths on the internet.

>no one has posted the picture yet

OP, leave this thread asap. you dont want to see what someone will probably post very soon

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>no one has
Which picture? This picture?

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He believes that cartoons are real, sonic is real, and about a year ago he prophesized that our dimension would merge with his dimension, one in which all cartoons and fictional media are real.

Like all self-fulfilling prophecies, he would rule us all like how he rules that world. God Emperor Chris couldn't declare his supremacy over us because it didn't happen, but he still firmly believes that it will one day occur in his lifetime.

This isn't some newfound faith, he has delusions now, complete with hallucinations and all that jazz. He is a tragic figure, please don't make fun of him anymore since Chris is a victim of his genetics.

He hit rock bottom and is now wallowing in some kind of delusional fantasy involving MLP and Neptunia that I'm not even going try to understand.

Bizarrely enough, it's so insane that I've actually become bored and I don't keep track of him anymore.