Im a girl that looks like a boy AMA

Im a girl that looks like a boy AMA

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Why don't you wear make-up, ya butch dyke

will you be my quarantine e-gf?

Im not a lisbun!!

Too autistic for that bro also I look like a boy.....wanna be my friend? I have no frens

>tfw i'm a boy that looks like a girl
And no I'm not gonna be a tranny.

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idc if you look like a boy ya dummy. but I guess we are e-friends now.

I know that feel bein a tranny dosent solve anything

Turn a negative into a positive. There's a lot of sick fucks out there that would love to fuck an ultra-mega zoid tomboy.

I hate sex and I like being an incel but I really would like to cuddle someone

please be in TX

At least you are not likely to get raped in WW3, Sir!

On the downside you provably going to be shot on sight.

tomboys are the ultimate straight man's choice


No one outside of the Internet seems to like tomboys or autistic chicks

What about you looks boyish? Is it your facial structure or your mannerisms and dress?

Makeup + fashion + excercise. You can literally become a mans most patrician wifu taste: a tomboy.

I hear good things about filters op.

All of the above user I legit look like a 12 year old boy and act like one

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Show tits or gtfo

Do this
I want to see your 12 your old girly boy brown tomboy titties. Nothing to be ashamed of we'll see it anyway.

if you could kick Warwick Davis in the head or starve him and then feed him his own son, which one would you do and why?

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>Tom boy

Im not a hoe i dont take nekid pictures

I would pull him apart like a twizler and eat him myself

based midge hunter

pls be midwest

Midgets would make great snacks during the apocalypse

What's it like knowing everyone who ever fucked you is a closeted gay man?

OP here no one is out here fucking me dude

Prove it. Post your pp.

hurry up and become a tripfag so I can obsessively watch your posts please

I can be your e-friend if you want. I like boyish girls but only if you are not faking it and you not actually an e-whore

lol i look like one too since I cut my hair
like I did before but now its even worse cause my voice isnt super high either

Heres my BIG pp hes happy to see u bro

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Who would fake bein a lil boy lookin ass also I am the exact opposite of a whore Im an incel with special virgin powers

Me too when I yell I sound like naruto

>I legit look like a 12 year old boy and act like one
do you sound like one? maybe you could voice act young boy characters like how women do the Bart Simpson and Ash Ketchum voices

Are you at least a cute boi?

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You've got some SHORT big toes


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I dont know. For me it feels like you want male attention otherwise you wouldnt have made this thread.

That's because people on the internet don't interact with people in real life.

not looking much taller than Warwick there

Why not just go full butterface mode if you have a bad face and are all that consious about your looks? Who cares just go nuts. I learned accepting my shitty face long ago even though I'm a guy

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Wear a strapon and fuck me then.

(Le OP here) dont care if its males or females I just want friends

Dont look at me feet bro

how tall are you? if you play any vidya you can be my friend

Whatchu mean? I could eat that midget like a candy bar Its the female genes making me shortish

Not cute feet.

so like this?

filler filler for non original comment aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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Im tall enough and I play San Andreas every day bruddah

Im not fat and white but she thicc why her knees have asses

OP here i strip naked and beat my chest like a gorilla establishing his dominance before I shower if that counts for anything

I like my autistic feet pls no bully

Why aren't you playing Vice City?

Havent played it is it good?

yes but it's a bit more primitive than SA

Is your favorite game the Sims?

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Post your feet then lemme see them toes

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You're a man but fuck I need people listening to my drunk ramblings tomorrow so anyone here can add me on jewcord karl#5669

On all levels except physical I am a man

do you wish you were born a man or do you prefer being a quantum man?

I would not become a tranny but I wish I was a boy from the start because being female is gay

I will not. They're cute though I'm wearing heart socks mommy bought me for valentines day :3. Your toes look like they have dried blood eww