LDR Fembots, are you loyal / would be loyal to your partner?

I just want to work hard until I can move on with a girl wherever she's from, but I'm afraid of getting cheated on by someone I love.

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I was loyal to my LDR bf but he wasn't...

I was loyal, he cheated, no more LDRs for me.

What happened? Were there any red flags, or it just came out of the blue?

non-bf but I guess, because I'm not interested in anyone else and normies disgust me to the core

He was an insecure robot who got a huge ego boost from dating me and started whoring out on discord.

Loyal for 5 years and i will always continue to be loyal. I dont understand cheating, since i am autistic and having one relationship and working on it, is enough to spend all my social energy.

Similar situation as
Maybe we even dated the same guy kek. And there were some red flags right before the end of our relationship that I noticed but didn't want to believe in.

you cant really trust LDRs. you have to move in and start having sex once a day to secure real loyality and trust. make your lives truly interconnected and dependent on each other. otherwise one person is going to end up getting that from someone else. I've talked to 2 guys from here and they've both done that. you need 6 months of talking, have the dude buy you a plane ticket, you move in with him, get married, start having sex.

What's the first letter of his name? If you don't mind sharing it

>Maybe we even dated the same guy kek
I wouldn't be surprised. I still see him posting his discord for girls on here.
If you think it was you, fuck off.

>make your lives truly interconnected and dependent on each other
How to develop a bitter, toxic relationship 101. No wonder you retards can't stay in healthy relationships, you need acceptance and dependency on other people to feel secure in yourselves. No relationship should have any emotional, physical or economic dependence. People should always share each others individual happiness, not suck the soul dry out one or the other. LDR are terrible anyways.

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A LDR sounds perfect for what a need (mainly someone to share thoughts, feelings and experiences within a relationship).

How did everyone get to know their partners?

>he cheated on me
>he talked to other girls online
Imagine thinking that shit is real. What are you guys 15?

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Never cheated but no relationship has lasted over three months. Usually I meet another guy and break up with my bf to be with the new guy. Not sure how I would handle it if I was with a guy for like a year.

>tfw other guys cheat
>you get labeled as well
>now you're a cheater without doing anything
but i mean i can't really blame you. why are guys so trash...

i dont know what you think marriage is. every sucessful old couple i know has done this. theyve moved into together and lived the same sort of life. their money goes into the same basket. and i dont get what you mean by physical dependence? just the sex? sex is a good way to bond so its not about being dependent on it its about doing an activity which will make you stay connected.

random people on discord chatting to them

Am in a LDR, I dont know if he is loyal (he says he is) but in a way I would rather not know. I am immensely loyal and have no interest in any other men. Not even gigachad could drag me away from my discord boifurendo.

I'm not wondering if it's me, I was wondering if maybe I talked to the same person...

its not that all guys are awful, or all LDRs are awful and never work, its about judging probabilities and understanding LDRs with robots tend not to work so dont do them. also self hating isnt veiwed as very epic so dont do it eh? but i get you dw

His name starts with A but thats too common.

What this user said. I made that mistake when I was 16 and it fucked me up, set me up for years of loserdome. Its not worth it to focus on bitches. No matter what you do it'll never be enough. They know not satisfaction. Don't fall for the trap of jolly hollywood romantic love and the rest of it. Theyre useless displays meant to put a show on for women and an ego trip for men. Being in a relationship irl is kind of ill advised as is, e-relationships are to an even greater extent mostly retarded. Youre better off getting a kick from almost anything else bar hard drugs.

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It's not him then. Guess we just had a similar experience. Take care, femanon!

Still makes you a whore, you make people like you then throw them away once you're done with them

I don't make anybody like me they just start liking me. You cannot change the whore rules just because I start liking somebody else. I never cheat so I'm not a whore.

>tfw no loyal LDR gf to marry

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If you're an LDR for 5 years, why even bother? Like how the fuck aren't you guys living together yet?

yeah i mean we vc all day until i sleep so itd be kinda hard not to be loyal. even if we didnt, i still wouldn't cheat. hes the first guy I genuinely have loved and i don't wanna risk losing this

>He was an insecure robot who got a huge ego boost from dating me and started whoring out on discord.
this was my experience as well. still think about him

I was loyal but neutral, I wasnt desperate for the trad lifestyle

he said he couldn't wait for me

I'm in a LDR relationship for 1.5 year now and it works out great! Cheating doesn't even come up in my mind and I'm pretty sure he never cheated since we talk literally every for hours. We are both introverted and stay at home mostly. Even he's on a distance I never felt so supirtednandnconneted with someone so for me it's 100% worth it!

How much do you talk? I think that's a good indicator of trust. For relationships to work, ESPECIALLY for an LDR, there needs to be 50/50 effort to keep the relationship good. Sometimes it's hard to do this if you or the other person are busy but if you put in more effort than your partner than it's something that needs to be sorted out

If you start liking someone else while you're in a relationship then you're whore and never should of been with them in the first place. You don't want a relationship, you're just a bored slut.

>she LDRs with Chad and he cheats on her

This is a very close minded view. I agree it's not a good thing at all but it means you should work on your relationship. We humans aren't good at controling feelings. I reccomend you looking up how falling in love works. Won't hurt to learn something new right? I never experienced it tho but I'm pretty sure it isn't at black and white as you think.

I am loyal to my partner. We plan on moving in with each other after my graduation. LDRs are hard to maintain not solely because of the fear of being cheated on, but because it takes 2x the amount of effort you usually would put in a normal relationship. I always set time aside for my boyfriend, he is one of my top priorities next to school and family. I try my very best to make sure he knows that I love him very much everyday to compensate the lack of physical affection.

Solid chance it's me if you met them on Yas Forums, I've done it so many times to women online only to find another woman. Not even sure why I do it at this point, the drama makes my existence a little bit more interesting and tolerable.

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She isn't describing love, she is describing lust. If you love someone then you'd stay with them and not get bored of them quickly and move on. If you love someone then you wouldn't be talking to other men often and in depth enough to fall for them. I think you're the one who needs to learn what falling in love is instead of being a condescending prick on Yas Forums. If you love someone then you'll realize you should break up with them before you even start looking for a relationship with other men.

When I was a kid, I'd have all sorts of online relationships with people, and they were fun, but not once did it ever cross my mind that we'd meet up in real life or something. You don't really know people until you hang around them for awhile, months at least. I really want to "kidnap" a depressed introvert like me. I think I can meet someone in real life, but I'd rather meet someone on the Internet, since it's hard meeting people like me out in the wild. People like me don't go anywhere.

Your fear of being cheated on is understandable. I was thinking earlier today that the reason there's such a divide between virgins who long for a girlfriend and guys who've already been with girls before and want nothing to do with them, is because those virgin men are imagining the ideal mate, and not necessarily someone they'll actually find. Everyone has some level of compatibility with each other, there really isn't something like a soul mate out there, so everyone basically settles for something less and sometimes that something less ends up way worse than you originally gauged.

Pls come back even if it's just as friends.

Nah, talking to women is gay. I thought being alone would be more sad but it's actually not bad, wonder why I've even bothered getting in relationships and fucking around with women the last few years. I'm out, don't even want to bother talking to women. I'm going to switch up my typing habits and stop renaming all my images, it's too predictable to guess who I am.


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I haven't read the post you replied on desu so I'm sorry for that. Might have been smarter. Don't get me wrong, I do think there's something wrong with the relationship if you are even open for falling in love in someone else but it doesn't mean that person is automatically a whore. Often it's not even about the other person I think and more that you miss something in your current relationship. You should break up if you are considering cheating but communication can help a lot. If you are actively looking for someone else then it's a lost case indeed.

very fucking loyal. I have 0 interest in anyone else.

I can feel him losing interest in me, though. Its breaking my heart.
We were supposed to meet up again next month but we can't because of this corona shit.

If you're a femanon who had multiple LDR and got cheated on, you deserve it. Especially if you have BPD, fuck BPD whores you get everything you deserve.

Alright well I'm not changing my tag so you know it if you ever want to come back even if just as friends.

If you were him, I doubt you'd reply to my post

>He was an insecure robot who got a huge ego boost from dating me and started whoring out on discord.
that's why you should date narcissist robots

>gf says she has some irl problems to deal with
>has not been online in a bit over a week
>used bait accounts to send requests and no response
the fuck happened
at this point i'm afraid to open up to anyone

>just a bit over a week
that's normal. you're overreacting

Narcissist robots and insecure robots are the same people

how is it normal to disappear for over a week?
please explain to me will you?

>Narcissist robots and insecure robots are the same people
but those are literally opposites

it's not
she's getting pumped by another man or thinking about leaving you for him
accept it and move on, start making plans from now

>accept it and move on
don't be so pessimistic user. once she gets her fill she'll be happier when she goes back to him

bruh this is the most cucked shit ever
i'm done

Yes, even though I was the "other one" to begin with lol

shut the fuck up no she's not
if she did that and i found out i'd go and cut her fucking head off
kill yourself

>if she did that and i found out i'd go and cut her fucking head off
bruh don't do that, ofc she's fuckin, no one disappears for a week because of "irl problems"
irl problems = i need to get my pussy stretched by this guy i met, pls don't disturb
but don't pull a bianca bro, that's the unfortunate nature of all women and you shoulda known that
they're all sluts, it's nothing personal bro
once you realize this and accept it, everything in life is much easier bro, nothing personal again

But she's a reclusive virgin so that would make 0 sense
and why would pulling a bianca not be worth it? i'm not a retard so i could get away with it even.

>if she did that and i found out i'd go and cut her fucking head off
poor girl. i hope she doesn't go back to you

>reclusive virgin
even if that's slightly true, she's most likely talking to 20 other guys online leading them on making them think they got a chance with her, she probably got interested in one guy and dropped everyone else, ofc this won't last long because once she whores on his cock it's not gonna be long before she's gonna get back to her orbit

>and why would pulling a bianca not be worth it? i'm not a retard so i could get away with it even.
because even tho they're worthless whores they still deserve to live user, no one deserves to get their lives taken from them. i despise these sluts more than anyone but i realize that most of them can't help it

i just play with them now, pump and dump