You all should be ashamed of yourself

All the leah threads were larp. For a board full of people who claim to be genius IQ, you are pretty technologically illiterate. I mean maybe the jannies knew and thats why they nuked it, but they might have just been seething.

Leah thread OP was a larping faggot. I thought i recognized that stacy. Turns out I did. Her name is not leah. She doesn't have a boyfriend. Doesn't live in boca. none of that is true. No I'm not going to give her IG to you.

The nudes were taken from leddit gonewild. Time stamped photoshopped (albeit fairly creatively). Still I mean how stupid do you have to be to not notice thhat they are different women. "Leah's" hair much skinnier, has no hips, and is taller and blonder. The pornos were cut and cropped from some thick slut named "blondeadobo" on pornhub. Don't believe me? See for yourself?

All this indicates that OP is a gay fag incel coomer who used these threads to seem cool and jerk off. "Leah" is probably some girl he knew in high school that he cooms to every night. Pretty pathetic.

But what's even more pathetic? All of you incels in > LARPING, claimed that you found her gram and exposed her. Claiming that she deleted it. Her gram is up and running. Even on the off chance that you found her, why would she care about the thread? The photos are literally not her. They don't even look like her. Even worse is the guy pretending to be "Leah" begging for the incel not to show her family the pics? I mean come on. You should be ashamed of yourselves. This stacy doesn't know about this shit hole, and even if she didn't isn't going to come here and beg for the forgiveness of you lot.



Part I:

Part II:

Worst thread of them all:

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Other urls found in this thread:

yea theres some fucking loser on r9k that always loves making fake time stamps and creating stupid fucking larps

I'm dumb as bricks, fandango.

The internet is a hive of scum, trickery and time wasting shenanigans.

I'll give it to him his timestamp was good. Instead of writing his own and shopping it in he used her own letters. Look how he turned the i into an l, m into an h, ld into a k and so on.

the last time he did it he was larping as an older woman who had a baby and the baby died due to some freak accident
he's an incredibly weird creeper

mods, pin this thread please

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i mean at least he pretended to be fucking a hot chick instead

Didn't have to investigate that much to spot the fake, first video posted user claimed the girl didn't notice when he took the video when in a posture it was literally impossible, and I got mass (you)'s from autists telling me to have sex, never change incels.

Some 4channers here are smart and know how to code, and they do know how to make money by themselves, but they do tend to believe everything

I still reccomend avoiding these people because they do know how to find people's families

>For a board full of people who claim to be genius IQ
Dude there are no 'smart' people on Yas Forums anymore. This board is just full of the exact same people that use Facebook/IG daily. But they like to pretend they don't and that they're part of some super cool club. Newsflash, Yas Forums has been a mainstream website like Pleddit, Facebook or IG for at least 10+ years now.

The only time Yas Forums was full of smart people was back in 2005 when there weren't many people on the internet. It wasn't as accessible back then and Facebook faggots like yourselves that found Yas Forums a year ago never knew about it.

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>I still reccomend avoiding these people because they do know how to find people's families
well they couldnt find "leahs"

it's not about what you know its about what you can prove. you probably didnt know shit and were cooming like the rest of us. have sex

Even if it was fake, it was a pretty interesting thread, i'll give it to fag op

Don't include me in your fantasy fagboy.

yeah more interesting than most of the larps around here

i figured was a larp when op was acting like a whiny faggot in the first thread then all of a sudden he was acting like a chad. but the best part was everyone sucking ops dick when the op was a scumbag for fucking his friends gf(if the larp was actually true)

yeah his demeanor completely changed i noticed that too

did anons end up messaging 'leah' or whoever? imagine the confusion lol

no of course they didnt. they couldnt find her because they are stupid. one claimed to have and said she took down her ig but he was larping

as you can see her insta is alive and well. and why wouldnt it be? do you really think this board could ever influence her to do anything

Attached: Leahs Insta.jpg (2232x1260, 564.13K)

>maybe the jannies knew and thats why they nuked it
it is against the rules to post pictures of yourself, it is not against the rules to play pretend. thus, mods are gullible idiots

you threw that together in paint user?

are you stupid or what? i saw the threads and recognized the girl.

Ok the time stamp is fake but what about everything else? He took a pic of a hot blonde girl through a door crack and vids of him fucking her. And the text from his friend were from another iPhone how would he have 2 iphones? They are expensive

Suicide is back on the table boys

God, it was so lame and annoying how everyone was Sucking the retard off.



read the post you fucking retard. The "doorcrack pic" is just cropped pic related. All the vids are from clipped from here.

>iPhone how would he have 2 iphones? They are expensive
wow you are really retarded. First, not everyone is poor. Second, if you text your own number on the iphone it sends the message to yourself. so you can construct fake texts by just deleting the duplicate texts


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why? OP was literally larping as a chad. the guy in the photo he claimed to be is a fitness model. if you actually got hope from that you're delusional

Can you answer the question without being a fucking ass hole basement dweller

i answered all of your questions. you failed to read the post where i literally sourced the videos

Yas Forums was shit in 2005 too, I know because I was an underage high schooler on here, doing dumb shit. You talk about '05 like it was '95, but the internet was very mainstream by then. Even today's social network plague was in full swing with MySpace. Cry Eternal September all you want but it was only marginally better in '05, not enough to lament or miss.

So you are whiteknighting for some obvious slut? Real or not this toastie is a whore and you can tell. Do you think you're some sort of hero here or something? You're still simping, and actually, I think you are double simping because you know too much about this. Care to tell us how you have an answer and resource for literally everything? How did you manage to know it was a clip for that very specific video, with millions of porn our there, find her insta when no one else has, know it was the girl from Reddit, and know about that door peeking picture? I think OP is an actual autist, you are the original OP that made this stuff up, and now you're larping as a whiteknight that saves the roast. user what a sad life to live, get a fucking life, do literally anything but larp on here again ffs.

No. Now it's overrun with shills and larpers. When the redditors came they conquered this shit and molded it into their own stupid club. They tried this on Voat but failed but on here of course it worked. This place is dead even in 2015 it was a lot better than now. In 2005 i could only speculate. Everyone worth their salt left to other distant places like 8 and it was good for a while but the shills couldn't control that so it got nuked. Now everyone goes to different honeypots. Message boards are dying. This one is dead.

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It was never good, that is true. But it was whole lot more creative and I would still argue that average IQ of not only this shithole but also whole internet was way higher pre-2007. 2007 ruined everything with faggot smartphones and Faceberg.

It was pretty easy to find
>browse r9k
>think I recognize Leah
>look at her gram
>see time stamp
>search reddit gone wild for similar bodies to time stamp
>Find girl
>look at verification post
>found time stamp photo
>start searching gone wild couples
>found video of girl riding that looks similar
>found link to her pornhub channel
Literally that easy you could do it too if you werent abrain let

Ngl it tricked me and I wasnt even cooming. Did not ever think that someone would photoshop shit like that

>Tfw this Leah episode is the closest thing I will ever experience to getting laid

>I just so happened to magically know her from Instagram, out of millions of similar looking basic blonde thots
>I just so happened to know it was from gone wild and not possibly anywhere else
>I managed to go through millions of blondes in porn videos to find that very same one
>Larping this hard
Do you hear yourself right now you fucking larping autist? This is the most pathetic larp I have seen in a long time. Imagine larping as an awkward Chad then larping as the whiteknight that caught other incels larping themselves as ruining her life. Kill yourself, you're not fooling anyone here.

>>I just so happened to know it was from gone wild and not possibly anywhere else
who wouldnt think to check one of the largest sources of amateur porn
>I managed to go through millions of blondes in porn videos to find that very same one
lol she was on the first page of gonewildcouples

t. coping incel who was caught larping

why would OP call himself out? he was a hero on here. if it was truly OP he couldve just posted a screenshot of the instagram and said the incels were lying

>still doesn't answer how he knows Leah
Just stop, I already caught you. If you keep replying you're just embarrassing yourself further. You already put so much time into this, the fact that you keep going is hilariously baffling.

incel is very mad that his bros on r9k know he didnt really ruin her life :(

probably the same Yas Forums fap thread that leahthread OP did

wahh he was larping faggot!!
who cares, it was good content, I enjoyed reading

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Truth. Way better than the degenerate tranny/gay threads or threads whining about being ugly. Way to go Leah OP. You fucked Leah in my eyes

Where is the video of her riding from? I checked the link you posted but there was nothing similar in that video.

keep whiteknighting for some whore

Its all from this chick

Keep coping with your miserable existence by pretending to ruin some random girls life LMAO

He just proved OP was full of shit. Why get mad

Because he was in another thread larping pretending he ruined Leahs life

I can't believe I fell for such bullshit. The signs were there but I wanted it to be real. I guess my teachers were right, I really am a stupid idiot.

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All "fembots" on r9k are also larpers, don't fall for it.

Lets be honest you arent the only one everyone in this thread is acting like they knew but there were hundreds of replies. All these anons were deathgripping begging for another video

whats this big wall of text
do you think im going to read this?
go away you stinky poop

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Brain let dummy


COPE HARDER NORMIE. Im the guy who said he was gona dox her. I just woke up to see this epic shit storm. God you cunts are so much fun.

But cope all you want, its not gona change shit. You can sit there and say its here, it isnt her, her IG is up or it isnt. Ive already sent all the vids and pics to her family and friends along with the thread.

Next time you wana come onto r9k and larp as a chad, dont.

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Shutup faggot. This is all your fault. Let this whole experience be a lesson to you.

Imagine typing this and thinking anyone actually believes you lmfao

So let me get this straight
>Comes onto r9k larping as a chad
>Le epic ruse
>Posts actual photos of a girl, most likely some chick hes in the friendzone with
>Posts porn vids of a similar girl and claims he went and fucked her
>turns into an r9khero
>But wait
>Someone recognises the girl
>Doxxs her
>Whole saga back fires on OP
>She most likely got onto him and has threatened to go the cops
>OP now in damage control calling us losers and incels

Not a good move dude. If I wa sin your situation I wouldn't be stoking the fire anymore. You fucked up, badly. End of story. You must be a monumental fuckwit of an incel to stage this and fuck it up so badly. And then still have the aduacity to claim you're better then us.

Im not the one who opened a wall of txt coping thread calling everyone on r9k a loser because 'epic chad larp maymay' was uncovered. I'de imagine you're gona get a phone call from the cops sometime in the next few days sonny boy.

>Worst thread of them all:

Lol epic. I didnt realise how cunt mad you normies get.

I think its time you all left my board. Seriously go away.

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>Ive already sent all the vids and pics to her family and friends along with the thread.
Cringe and larppilled. You post the same dominos screenshot/girlsdoporn message everyday. If you had really found her youd have plastered the screenshots of le epic owning of Roastie xD all over this board

If thats the case then explain all the txt messages.

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I dont think a picture could sum you up as much this does.

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Im curious, why do you care so much? Either yoy are the girl in question, her bf OR you are the loser who larped this whole thing and now you are frantically back pedaling. You arent in any position to be calling people losers or demanding terms.

Cope harder roastie.

1.Nobody doxxed her I followed all threads
2. Found her on a Yas Forums ig fap thread a while back lmfao
3. Idgaf what happens to the Roastie I just find you larpers very cringe

>doesnt know how to fake iMessage

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