>not a virgin(unless she is a widow)
>older than 25
>uses contraceptive drugs/device
>uses recreational drugs(especially alcohol)
>uses pharmaceuticals
>raised by single mother
>lives alone/with roommates(unless genuinely shit family)
>shit family and still associates with them
>lives in a city
>shorter than 5'5"/165cm(unless she is Oriental)
>fat or underweight
>went to government school
>went to university/wants to go to university(A desire to go after children are grown is fine)
>listens to hiphop/rap
>listens to "pop"
>constantly listening to music
>has dark skin
>has tattoos
>wears immodest clothing
>has piercings/body modifications(ears are fine)
>dyes her hair
>wears makeup
>has painted and/or plastic nails
>wears high heels
>eats fast food
>expresses an interest in "travel"
>is an atheist
>is polticially outspoken
>curses excessively
>uses Yas Forums
>homophile friends
>whore friends
>speaks in ebonics/slang/bastardized English
>watches television
>has a Netflix account
These are my red flags for females. How about you?
Other urls found in this thread:
when she's 3d
3D women are nice, user.
What the fuck. I hope you aren't serious right? Dude you will die alone. People this close minded and judgemental exist?
what do you do when you get a girlfriend and she turns older than 25?
He is obviously a psychotic narcissist who can not understand how the way he interacts With others effects them.
I fail 17 of these
Obviously you kill her you dumbass.
My thread is sincere. What is "close minded" about my red flags? I don't deny being judgemental, I don't consider that a negative.
My goal is love and marriage. I want children so once she gets over 25 it's a question of fertility as well as "Why is she still single? What is wrong with her?"
you make this thread everyday user, why dont you go find this girl instead of wasting time posting it here?
So if you met someone who had none of these flags, but had dark skin, you would reject them? Discriminating on skin color is bad, both practically and morally.
i havent seen your thread in months, glad youre back to remind other people of this shit
There is corona virus outside, I'm stuck in the house. Also I'm lifting weights so I can better attract a woman.
It depends. If she were an Italian or Japanese woman, who are sometimes known to be darker skinned, that'd be fine. If she were.....you know, then no.
There is nothing morally bad about having preferences. It isn't like he said enslave people or genocide people with darker skin tones.
>recreational drugs
>fat or underweight
>nails, heels
>virgin or widow
>does not use contraception
>not an atheist
>not politically outspoken
>does not curse excessivelly
>People this close minded and judgemental exist?
Some people are honest about their standards.
Some people lie about them.
>He is obviously a psychotic narcissist who can not understand how the way he interacts With others effects them.
It takes one to know one.
>why dont you go find this girl instead of wasting time posting it here?
Cuz he has no way to attract her once he finds her
>Discriminating on skin color is bad, both practically and morally.
Nope, only practically
>If she were.....you know, then no.
This is for you.
Babakiueria | Full Movie Video | 1986
then explain . corona hasnt gotten bad until like 3 weeks ago. do you even actually try?
I don't think a woman being infertile would stop me from loving her. We can always adopt or I can impregnate a surrogate.
Explain what? Why I didn't make the thread for a long time before corona? Because I was outside talking to women.
>who are sometimes known to be darker skinned,
What are you talking about? They get tan, or olive, that is not dark skinned. Pic directly related.
Can you explain what can you offer a woman to match up?
I'm just interested because this is an very specific list and I can only imagine a woman like this being with a man just as valuable.
I'm talking about genetics. They might have some admixture that makes them darker, but they are still *mostly* Japanese or Italian, so I think I can bleach the impurity out with my genes.
I'm just taking the piss, pure Nordic women ONLY
He specifically excludes people with dark skin, that's not just a preference. Not giving someone a 'fair chance' at any specific activity based on only their skin color is morally wrong.
I don't match any of the non-female specific red flags I listed, and I don't display any male equivalent red flags. I might have some traits that some women might not like, but they are free to have their preferences. Not everyone can be attracted to everyone.
>I don't think a woman being infertile would stop me from loving her. We can always adopt or I can impregnate a surrogate.
For someone with all those sexual and racial purity requirements I must admit you sure surprised me by suddenly not giving af if she even has kids with you.
>Not giving someone a 'fair chance' at any specific activity based on only their skin color is morally wrong.
Then you have to go on grinder and get TOPPED because not giving someone a "fair chance" at "ANY SPECIFIC ACTIVITY" based on only their genetalia is morally wrong.
Proof and documentation will of course be required by your (((NWO))) to make sure you don't display any "systemic bias" during your proscribed duties. Chop chop.
>that's not just a preference
How is it not a preference?
>morally wrong
According to who? God created the separate nations and tribes, what moral paradigm are you operating under?
I'd be disappointed if we couldn't have children together, but if I love her then abandoning her simply isn't an option.
Spotted the nigger femoid
Why do you blackies crave white men then get upset when you are rejected? You dont actually expect a white guy to pick you over a white beauty do you?
Women judge on height and race so men can too, sorry
Just the Golden Rule, no moral paradigm beyond that. He didn't express a preference, he set a requirement.
This is simply whataboutery, didn't actually refute my point.
Women set requirements on height and race all the time, you aren't entitled to his love when you dont fulfill his standards, sorry
If I specifically exclude putting hit sauce on my food because I don't like spicy things then that is a preference. That isn't morally wrong. They wouldn't be giving a fair chance to other spicy food because he doesn't like it. He doesn't need to experience it because he didn't like spicy food in the first place.
It is a reasonable preference so stop shaming and guilting him.
So you don't believe in morality, yet preach morality. Interesting.
>He didn't express a preference, he set a requirement.
A preference is a requirement in this context.
I don't think hot sauce is sentient
>Spotted the nigger femoid
Your pic of a nigress is hot af, do you have a version without the creepy hand for me to fap to, please? In exchange here is one for your collection. Also try Halle Barry in Swordfish (2001)
>Women judge on height and race so men can too, sorry
Just lie about those things on the dating website form so you can't be pre-filtered. Women judge by who has the stones to talk to them, nothing more.
>This is simply whataboutery, didn't actually refute my point.
Your point can't be refuted.
"Boo hoo discrimination is morally wrong."
No counter to that.
Except forcing you to live by your own standards.
>This is simply whataboutery, didn't actually refute my point.
But I did point out to all the people dumb enough to listen to your bullshit that you don't actually follow your own point in your own life :)
Yeah, but he is sentient and he can choose what he wants to do with his life. His body, his choice. Why are you hell bent in depriving him of his choices and preferences?
Stop being a fag liar and stop posting
I'd happily date someone of dark skin color, so not sure what you're getting at here.
And I wouldn't. I respect your preference, please respect mine.
'Treating dark skinned people fairly' = (((NWO))), because the people here are mentally unhinged
Women have preferences on race so men can as well, seems fair to me
Given that you didn't specifically call out blacks I'm pretty sure it is just aesthetic preference, but even if that weren't the case, its pretty fucking retarded to say that someone should consider spending the rest of their lives with a person of a race they hate
I'm actually genuinely curious about the height requirement. Why is under 5' 5" a red flag?
It's actually the other way round, neither should have preferences on race in a morally ideal world
>I'm pretty sure it is just aesthetic preference
It isn't. I can fap to brown 2D women for example.
I don't hate any race, I'm just not sexually attracted to certain women.
Just use photoshop. Picture related is EVERY black femoid's dream. They are WHORES for WHITE COCK
You're never going to get a girl... even the Amish eat fast food.
You don't believe in morality, so your opinions on what is and isn't "moral" is moot.
I don't eat fast food. Please take note that my red flag is "eats fast food" not "has ever eaten fast food".
Plenty of people are smart enough to have stopped doing that, there is no excuse to eat fast food in 2020 with all the health information available online and disseminated in the media.
I'm not op
It's perfectly acceptable for women to have preferences on race and height so it is also ok for men
>'Treating dark skinned people fairly' = (((NWO))), because the people here are mentally unhinged
Why don't you go treat people fairly with your own money instead of forcing others to do so?
Why do all the rich people advocating government socialism never just use their own money to implement it?
Why did the one democratic candidate that wanted to give money to actual "dark skinned people fairly" instead of corrupt (((NGO)))s which continuously keep them inferior get shut down by the "party of compassion"?
And why have you still ignoring the coup de grace, that you won't fuck trannies and are therefore "not treating people fairly"?
It looks I'm only person whose mentality IS hinged together cohesively, instead of swining in the air hypocritical contradictory doublethink.
If a woman is a whore for your cock and you don't know why, she's playing you
Still HOT af episode tho
American Dad! Steve Finds His Camp Love
Can't speak to the politics, but OP's relationship odds may be improved by being less discriminatory regarding things people have no control over like class/race/appearance, particularly if they're looking for a life partner.
People have control over their class, culture, AND appearance. Well-spoken well-read slender nigress will win every time.
People have no control over having a (real) pussy, do you advise not to discriminate on that as well?
Also, I'm poly.
I can see where the motivation for basically all of these comes from, but why height?
No, They actually prefer black guys generally. It would make sense that some black girls would be really into white guys though, cause people generally date within their own culture (which explains why black women like black men) and many black women are whitewashed to where they act more similar to whites than most blacks.
I am relating to black fembots, the ones that are whores for white men. We are the most desirable and blackies know this.
I don't want my sons to suffer being manlets. If I fall in love with an Asian woman, it can't be helped.
fair enough, but i figure i should let you know that the average female height in the usa is 5' 3"
The USA is a multiracial country.
fixed your graph for ya
Nice. I love graphs. However...
-Remove the grid lines. Graphs are for visualization, not for reading numbers off of. Use tick marks on the outside instead.
-Specify units on the vertical axis.
-Include a label for the horizontal axis.
-Vertical axis label shouldn't be in all caps.
-Don't color the text.
-Use the same font size for all text.
Your critiques all suck.
>fixed your graph for ya
Good job, but your talent is wasted on something that is garbage to begin with.
every single one of them are trannies
>every single one of them are trannies
More like half.
>if i could say something to all robots, it would be to make the most of your quarantine time- i've been sprouting veggies and cooking and playing animal crossing :^)
>I've never been even spoken to in a potentially romantic context so I wouldn't say I'm in "high demand" but also I am very shy and a homebody so that's probably mostly my own fault. To the robots I say, make sure to drink some water today!
>id tell robots that the hardest part of claiming a tradmaxxed gf is finding one to begin with. a lot of post-carousel or bpd narcissist girls pretend to be tradmaxxed but really just want a free ride with a betabux, real tradmaxx puts in her worth by cooking, making a nice home, and taking full care of the children. you deserve nice things, don't fall for roastie leeches
>if you could say something to all the robots out there that claim to want you, what would it be?
>They don't exist. They like the idea, not the execution.
>To find and acquire a woman that you deem to be high quality you also need to be of a certain caliber yourself, or at least be on a path to having your life in order, and show promise to be a good provider for a family one day.
>And to anyone who'd want me I'd tell you however you see yourself is how you need to see me for it to work. Can't just be your slave. Gotta be an equal and a best friend.
>Your critiques all suck.
No, you suck.
>-Specify units on the vertical axis.
>-Include a label for the horizontal axis.
You give two suggestions for including more useless information - the horizontal label of race being implied and the vertical "units" of "desireability to women .35" being meaningless.
>-Remove the grid lines. Graphs are for visualization, not for reading numbers off of. Use tick marks on the outside instead.
You then turn around and give a suggestion for removing useful information. The grid lines are barely visible i.e. non-obtrusive if glancing and useful it looking in more detail.
>-Vertical axis label shouldn't be in all caps.
>-Don't color the text.
>-Use the same font size for all text.
3 pointless OCD changes that remove signaling and misses the 1 OCD change that actually matters, using dark mode.
Then, overall, giving suggestions that don't matter on style when the substance of the graph is useless to begin with. My sucking doesn't change that your critiques suck and mine don't.