
This thread is infected edition

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>how did you get that smiley

Coronachan has blessed me and I was purified

im coofing guys what do?
80% sure i have it

howdy laddy lad lads

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Clamming for my old mum to drop so I can get the inheritance. This is the true value of GBP

Fuck ya nan OP. Made a new thread as I posted.

Got a new job lads. I decided not to work at tesco because it's 40 miles away from me, short term contract and it's -25 degrees.
Will be working for Waitrose warehouse instead. Pay is higher, 9-12 quid an hour with contract til end of the year. Couple of miles away, can drive these scooters. Looks like good fun tbqh. And I'll be raking in money too.

please someone cure me im dying

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you have to clap

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You have already been healed, gtfo

kinda depressed and bored tbqh laddos

oh, so some get banned but some get a smiley or was the ban just japes from the beginning

Ban was never real, shame on you for trusting people on Yas Forums

My nan is dead. It's hard to fuck remains.

Oh my name is Jack
I'm a necrophiliac
I fuck dead women
I do it for a livin'
And when they get cremated
I get frustrated
Cause try if you must
But you can't fuck dust

568 dead so far from the coofing lads

Coof coof coof

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theres a lot of it about

lol to anyone who trusts Yas Forums

had a kebab earlier. Was nice.
Glad I could share this with you all.

Every post I make is a blessing, because people can reply to me and get less infected.

You should all treat me as a God

I hope I haven't caught what's going around.

*coof* how are *coof* we *coof* doing tonight *coof* then lads

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No shaving foam lads, looking proper scruffy

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wish i was a cute cat to be honest

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there's a chance to be saved brother. Stay strong

You're 1 of the lucky ones, you have to go round and unpoz everyone now.
*holds his arm out to be bitten*

I've never had the flu in my life so I'm hoping that that somehow means I'm immune to the ol 'rona

or it means your body has no idea what to do and you drop dead.
probably not though

lads no joke I ordered food from the local indian knockoff KFC shop

The chicken was underdone and greasy. Fries burnt. I ate half the chicken, woke up in the middle of the night. Vomited orange half digested chicken, had diarrhea on the other end

Now im feeling really ill the next day. I bet theyve corona'd me havent they lads? I dont leave the flat during corona and its the firs ttime ive ordered takeaway

just means more time to lurk

so transparent

You can use soap if you get a good lather, but not on a long beard. Also, it's not wise to do it often IMO, just an any port in a storm situation.
Wish I'd taken a pic of the cute cat I helped today.

does anyone here actually know someone whos had/got 'rona?

Had a wicked jam on the guitar. Played all sorts. Not even a "wow, nice one" from mum and dad. It hurts and I hate being here.

Food poisoning, and probably coofed all over. Unlucky user, I hope yer ending is quick.

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You're not a child anymore lad, parents stop caring about that sort of thing.

Hope you've got your money back and complained. Really don't get the mentality of people who have shit like this done to them and take it like a bitch

My aunt in Dublin had it, we're all sure. She's alright now but had really really bad symptoms. She's such a heavy smoker and is now fine though

My brother is highly suspected of having it, but he had "asymptomatic symptoms". Sounds like an oxymoron but he lost sense of taste/smell for a few days.
Continued working of course, and having his mates over for gaming. Very irresponsible.

My mum's not been able to relax knowing that at any time she could start showing symptoms. I could too but it's probably not going to kill me.

I know somebody who works in a hospital and was sent home with symptoms.

*coofing* I-I've been... *coofs* ..purified.. *coofing*

Cba complaining, ill just never order from there again. That'll suffice. Im planning on start a local social enterprise so I might make one about not eating unhealthy food and make the takeaway the main case study *pepe rubbing hands together menacingly*

tiny white dyke ass

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Mate fucking get your money back don't be a bitch. Next time they could actually give someone food poisoning to someone and kill em. Do it. They need to learn a lesson


bro no the coofers are out there

goodluck user wish em well

>Please agree that we can let you die if you get ill
Are these letters real?

yeah bro i just went to buy m&m cookies, potato wedges, vodka, lasagna etc. Having myself a last supper before getting back on the healthy horse tomorrow. Playing games tonight pretty comfy

heard Yas Forums is going to introduce twitch style emotes soon, get ready to KEKW and PepeLaugh

mom was saying some horrible things to my dad so i threatened to break her legs lads, now she isn't so mouthy

Last year's emojis were shite, this year hasn't been much better

it's pretty dead around here this time of night
l'm just bored and cant see why l shouldnt get drunk again

he said 'fuck niggers' PogChamp

>Iast year's emojis were shite, this year hasn't been much better

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whats the best place to search for truck skins?
all the mod websites are pretty aids for finding skins for individual trucks so i dont usually use them
always liked seeing truck and trailers matching though

Go for it . Im off to buy tinnies being sober is fucking boring desu.

god the things men will go through to get a sniff of fanny

Not him but, I'm trying to be good but you're right. Fuck sobriety. Waiting 30 min till I'm not as stoned and paranoid then skulking down to the petrol station for some beers.

picked up my keyboard, didn't bother going to lidl. Just wiped all my shit down with disinfectant wipes and washed my hands three times when I got in

>Mfw my car is full of bird shit again and I can't clean it

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Called it.


It's on the inside or it's covered in shit?

Called what lad?

was he suicided? was he working on any high profile nonce cases by any chance?

dont know which dealer to go to for coke. me main dealer isnt answering his phone

How do I know if my post is infected

I think he killed a policeman. Must be SCEA

He accurately predicted that Jim Webster, acting assistant chief constable of Devon and Cornwall Police, would die. We all remember that post!

See for initial thing.

he was last seen at Poley's house. So yeah, nonce hunting

you're infected if the outer edge of your post is green

The anonymous name gets funny symbols and then you turn green.
Or do you mean your post IRL?

Not him but, did you see youtube.com/watch?v=Hx5iDj64fEs earlier?

dont want no forrin symbols in my name

might have packed it in for corona lad. my usual drug man has done the same.
got a text from him today though saying he'll do stationary pick ups, so we go to him instead.
fine by me if I can get more drugs. would usually go DM's but I'm not up for buying more btc.

I've seen him on Shaun Attwoods channel. He's a bit of a dodgy guy himself apparently.

*sets up a exclusion zone around #@>57444244*

>imagine being infected
Crying laughing emoji lads. Crying laughing emoji.

Thinking about getting a Nintendo Switch tbqh

zhang he is a cute femboi. would love to bum him

Maybe he's part of the Missinformation thing he said was it false information branch or something?

fackin hate these pretentious cunting immunefags
want to beat forrun symbols into their heads.

something along those lines, he;s selective about what he whistleblows IIRC, still doing good exposure work but take him at face value, also the name Brian Harvey gets thrown up a lot in contest to him, I havent looked into it much.

He was probably smoking too much crack

The puppet master has returned. I'm a happy boy

5 min then I'm off for my gubbermint approved social distance acceptable daily exercise allowance.

stay mad coofter

you shan't be laughing when I infect ya gran laddo.

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>tfw nice and clean in my comfy womfy bunker

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some big digits coming up soon lads.

i still never even got slightly green and i've been here all day

the coofing pandemic has been discovered to have started from a lone rotisserie yasin which was sold in M&S yesterday

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hearing reports that you only get infected if your IP has ever posted in a loli or shota thread
infected are nonces, be careful lads

Actually SEETHING at the immune right now. Smug little cunts.

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>Essential reading:
->Industrial Society and Its Future (ISAIF):
editions-hache.com/essais/pdf/kaczynski2.pdf (ONLY 30 PAGES)

>Further reading:
->Anti-Tech Revolution (ATRev):
->'The Technological Society' by Jacques Ellul
->Ultimo Reducto
->'Propaganda: the Formation of Men's Attitudes' by Jacques Ellul

>What do?
Here is our 5 step plan:
->Step 1: Read and understand ISAIF (and ATRev)
->Step 2: Raise your powerlevel
->Step 3: /prep/
->Step 4: Spread the word
->Step 5: Revolution
Details: pastebin.com/VwqKYKpb

>Who is Theodore "Ted" John Kaczynski?
->Confirmed 167 IQ
->Man of Action
->PhD in Mathematics

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based and carpilled

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we'll be doing alright
we'll be doing alright
we'll be doing alright my laaaads