Fembots, would you share your bf with a close friend? What about your sister?
Fembots, would you share your bf with a close friend? What about your sister?
Currently sharing my roommates bf with her. If he was my bf though I probably wouldn't return the favor haha
depends what I get in return. id really not like it. im super jealous so it would have to be some sort of a trade and id have to KNOW that he wouldnt get feelings or leave me.
I used to "share" my boyfriend with three friends in high school. Ironically the two of us never had sex. He fucked the shit out of my friends though and even knocked one of them up. I don't know how or why I was able to be in a relationship with a guy for seven months, not sleep with him, have him get my friend pregnant and fuck two others, all while I just enjoyed his company and gifts. I think we worked because we shared intimacy and quality time together. Lots of late nights hanging out, I made him tons of food, he would take me to do tons of great things.
It was a really weird relationship.
>depends what I get in return
From your bf or your friend?
They would rather share Chad than date or have sex with anyone else.
Stupid question. But at least you got answer from me. Gratz.
from bf of course.
Well the question in OP suggested that it would be a favor for your friend, not necessarily your bf
Also what would it require? I can't lie and say fucking two girls doesn't interest me, but I could never actually do it because I would never want my gf to have leverage into sharing her with a guy
favor for my friend? then no.
what would it take? i dunno, i know it when id see it. if he really wanted me, or did something equally nice for me in return. if he took really good care of me for instance.
I'm really gonna fuckin' need a sauce OP
I'm not sure what exactly could be the equivalent of letting him have sex with another woman?
Also would you let him fuck guys? What about if he fucked another girl and got her pregnant? What then?
I always say polygamy is coming and people don't believe me. Women just want Chad's love. They don't care where his dick goes. Being one of Chad's lays is better than fucking a robot.
It's not actually better, but this is the free market of sex.
im not into polygamy.
well it wouldnt have to be one thing equal to, it could be a bunch of smaller things equal to it.
fuck guys? NOPE LOL
fucked another girl and got her pregnate? depends the circumstances. is this part of our deal? that he fucked a girl and could maybe get her pregnate? like if so sure i can take care of it. but the other girl would have to have no custody. and id want it to be a baby of my race, white. so if he fucked some black chick no. i cant imagine what hed have to do to get me to allow that though.
I wouldn't but the idea of being cucked is very hot
Let me guess he was a black man
What's the difference between him fucking other girls and him fucking guys?
Would you allow it to be a one time thing only or would you allow continued sexual relationships? Would you have to be present for every encounter?
I'm bisexual so yes. I also wanna fuck my friend. Asked my bf what he thought of a threesome between us 3. He was hesitant because he thought I was shit testing him.
I really wanna see them two fuck each other while I slowly join in.
Polygamy is like marriage and stuff. Are their polygamy marriages where one of them just doesn't fuck?
No, we were all white. Our town was pretty much all white.
I got particular tastes so I wouldn't want a guy who's put his junk in just any and every hole. My friends and sister HAVE tried to take guys from me but because I choose dignified, quality men with more self-respect than to fuck every slut who throws themselves at them, they failed.
cause him fucking guys is gross and gay. i dont want to date a bi guy. i want a normal guy. it depends. id like to be there cause it would be part of the fetish right. getting cucked and him being alpha having sex with multiple women and making his girlfriend watch him fuck another girl. if it was continued with the same girl, or even with tons of different girls, id be concerned about him not loving me. this all just sounds fucked so id prefer if none of this happened. id probalby say if he is considering this id be freaked out cause i should be all he needs. but like i said, if he was say, really wealthy and treated me really well, taking me to places like the zoo alot, buying me all the outfits i wanted, nice house, then id consider that not only compensation but also demonstration that he was invested in me, so then id be okay probably with watching him fuck other girls. hed have to be really fit with abs if he wanted me to watch him fuck other girls cause that would be part of the fantasy.
>im not into polygamy
>im okay with my husband fucking and impregnating other women
Pick one.
>i get the baby tho
It's not yours, you fucking imbecile.
On some level, this makes sense. I'm always saying women care about sexual relationships because they get kids out of it, so in that way, you can see a woman not caring about her husband fucking other girls, because it's not the fucking she cares about. Okay. That's disgusting, but okay. I also always say women are natural environmentalists, or environmental determinists, meaning they only sort of believe in genes, but they can rationalize raising a rape baby or the baby of some other horrible man because they'll see it as THEIR baby and not his, which is just not true, but it doesn't matter. However, even in that case, at least it's YOUR baby. Here, you're raising the baby of the dude who cheats on you and the hole he prefers over you.
I SAY all that shit and just shrug my shoulders accepting women as irrational, and they'll deny it, but it doesn't matter. Maybe a part of me wants it to be untrue, though, because actually seeing a girl say it is curing my interest in women.
i said if i get the baby. then id be okay with it. but if he has a second wife then no. or if she gets preggy, and takes 100% of the custady and screws off, then thats fine as well.
well if he is cheating on me then of course im not okay with that. and i thought it would be just a fetish thing, if he likes her more than me then i dont want to be with him.
seeing a girl say what? that feelings and emotions are irrational? thats just tautological
>curing my interest in women
I feel this. For men, desiring women is a pathological condition akin to suicide. All that comes from women is pain and exploitation, and this thread proves it.
What kind of limits do you have for partner selection besides race?
What if she's much younger than you?
>My friends and sister HAVE tried to take guys from me
how can you even trust those worthless whores if they tried to do that to you?
Damn, I wasn't on board but since there's proof, ironclad logic
huh? the girl my boyfriend is fucking is younger than me? i mean that makes me feel like he is loosing interest in me
>i said if i get the baby. then id be okay with it
Why do you want some stranger's baby?
>but if he has a second wife then no
A wife or husband is simply someone you have committed to fucking. I don't know what else you seem to think it is. I guess, for you, it's about raising kids together? That's kind of whatever, though. The majority of what a father does, he can do from the other side of the world. He can go live with his mistress and just show up once a month to wrestle the kids and keep them in line. What am I missing here? Where are you drawing the line between his wife and his mistress? A legal binding? Laws are memes and marriage laws are probably going out the window in the near future.
>well if he is cheating on me
Having sex with another woman is cheating on you. You can say you don't mind, but that's retarded, every woman who says this ends up regretting it and going ballistic.
>i thought it would be just a fetish thing
Yeah, it's the "I want to fuck as many girls as possible" fetish, which every guy has.
>if he likes her more than me then i dont want to be with him
You have no way of even knowing this.
>seeing a girl say what?
That all they care about is having a baby, and it doesn't even matter if it's their own.
well it would become my baby, and presumably hed know the other girl somewhat? although it being a stranger would be much preferable since there would be no emotional connection there. and it would be his baby as well.
well he wouldnt be commited to fucking her if it was just a one time thing or whatever. marraige is living together, doing stuff together, like having kids is one part of it perhaps.
his mistress he wouldnt be living with, hed just go and fuck or sneak off and spend time with. but his wife would be like, his actual life. his life proper. who he is in bed with for 6-8 hours every night sleeping besides. who he has breakfast with. who he kisses before work. but i already said im not okay with him cheating on me
its not cheating if im okay with it and he asks me if he can do it and im there.
"i have no way of knowing this" and that is why i said id probably not be okay with any of this. but also, if he was buying me stuff, and treating me really well, i said that showed his commitment to me, his investment. so in that case i could know that way somewhat.
well i dont just want kids. i want a husband. i want time for myself. i want my own kids. id just be okay if we had a couple kids that would then become mine, but were just biologically his. but having kids that werent biologically mine would be better than no kids at all, assuming they were of like the same race.
you just posted cringe. back to pol now bucko!
Male here. I share my gf with her best friends regularly and I even give them money to go on dates,
we are returning to the caveman days holy shit society is going to crumble sooner then i expected
wtf go fuck yourself incel lmao
If hes 6'4" has 8 inches and money you'd do anything
No need for abstraction make it easier for all the guys who dont have that to rope
Where did the whores go just say how big the dick has to be, how tall he needs to be, and how much money he needs
height: atleast 6foot
dick: 5 inches-6. 7 is pushing it. and 4 is just far to little
money: enough to give me an allowance and for me to not work.
So 7 inches is too much, what does an allowance look like I said how much money does he need to have
Not an abstract answer like an allowance
well its not like im going to turn a guy down if he is packing 7 inches its just were talking ideal.
also he cant be lanky kong
preferably not bald
enough money so i dont have to work, and enough to give me like, idk, 50 bucks a week would be nice? but 20 would be fine.
All measurements for me mean bone pressed so I'm going to assume you as a woman dont understand men typically measure like that
I'm going to call bullshit on a 50 dollar allowance a week
So he just needs to own a home, and you'll let him have a second girlfriend essentially
>All measurements for me mean bone pressed so I'm going to assume you as a woman dont understand men typically measure like that
I'm going to call bullshit on a 50 dollar allowance a week
>So he just needs to own a home, and you'll let him have a second girlfriend essentially
its not a second girlfriend.
Unironically the best thing to do would be to convert to Islam or Mormonism or some religion like that and lock down a wife.
A second casual sex partner
The op clearly shows a threesome, so I'm assuming that this includes threesomes
Men measure bone pressed because it eliminates fat in the measurement, so if you didnt have fat that is your size
For instance I'm overweight, my bonepressed measurement is 7 inches, but I have a 1.5 inch fat pad, so you only see 5.5 inches of dick
Some guys have less fat
Also share implies that he would have a second girlfriend not just casual sex
That's what sharing means
So you want babies, points for you femanon.
This makes me feel good about my 6 inches. Do you not want to work so you can be a NEET, or so you can have babies?
i wouldnt just be a casual sex partner id be his wife or girlfriend. threesomes sound... gross. im not bi. but if he was, to use your termonology, chad enough, then id probably end up doing it in the moment.
i have no clue what the heck you are talking about in your second bit. fat that is your size? bone pressed eliminating fat? whats a bone pressed measurement
so then what i meant is unbone pressed? cause if you have say a 7 inch dick but 6 inches is covered in fat then what the fuck. you got a 1 inch dick
>Also share implies that he would have a second girlfriend not just casual sex
well he'd have to composate alot to get a second gf. I dont like the sounds of that at all i rather just have 1 on 1 relationship not this jeff bezos mess.
most women do, just like most men. its very basic desire
both screw working and babies sound v epic!
Lol that's why I said earlier 6'4" 8 inches and a lot of money
Pubic bone, ruler pressed in is bone pressed
I think op means "real" sharing as in 2 real girlfriends or wives, or 1 girlfriend 1 wife
In this case the allowance would have to be a lot bigger right
That's why I called bullshit on 50 dollars earlier
well if 2 inches of your dick is covered in fat, then yeah, 8 inches in that case.
if its the case that he has 2 wives, then yeah, the allowence is going to have to be much more. unless the other girl is like, my best friend. if its just like, he wants to occasionally have a threesome or have me watch him fuck another girl, then a smaller allowance and general taking care of me would suffice
Generally fatpad really doesnt effect penetration unless he is fat as shit, so like a 1.5 inch fat pad can just be pressed in pretty easily
It's just a visual thing and I thought it was important to clarify
Because when you say 7 inches is pushing it you meant non bonepressed most likely
Which is 8 inches bone pressed
And when you said 5-6 inches that really means 6-7 inches bone pressed for the average guy
How can you read this thread and not want to convert to islam ?
Does dick size really bother you user lmao.
Not really as I'm well above average with 7 inches bone pressed it puts me in the top 5 percent of western men according to the calc sd western average
I just thought everyone should be at the same level of understanding
Continued, what bothers me more is that I'm 5'9" and I'll never live up to this womans height standard, so I basically have to move to the phillipines if I want an ideal life
Wtf that was just friend not your boyfriend
I don't know who sounds more miserable ITT the men or the women
well for me, that was just if you wanted a second wife or whatever. or threesomes. if you want that stuff then youre going to have to be chad. 5'9 is fine if you want to have a normal relationship.
Feels like a larp but if you are that shallow congrats
would you allow your girlfriend to fuck another dude if she was a millionare, bought you basically everything you could ever want, was submissive in bed and elsewhere, and was like an 8 or 9/10? i dont think thats being shallow.
yes but I have a femcuck fetish of watching my guy fuck girls while I watch. Only child so no idea on the sister part.
It's good to know the depths of your depravity if you are real, I'd probably just tie you up in the basement then because you are incapable of love