Stop faping to porn

porn is degenerate and unnatural
stop watching or reading it you porn addict pig!

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No, how 'bout dat?

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>No, how 'bout dat?

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It can't be helped, user-kun.

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I renounce this life.

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begone from my thread fiend

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bum is too good

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I wish I could but then I see a picture of Coco Bandicoot and then want to fap again, the jews have got a stranglehold on me.

I'm trying but it is hard

The only thing stopping me from jacking off is interacting with other human beings and beings and maybe having an actual nice convo

But you know corona

Unironically trying.
It's difficult to coom without it. Takes like an hour, instead of 15 minutes

Yeah user but it feels so good to coom. I'm gonna stop this hedonistic life to go to the gym, study build network. As my value grows in the pussy market i can find a gf easily.

The coom is not enough the shit life it brings, user. Accept the discipline pill

So are most things that are fun, faggot. Just don't overdue it. I've cut down my masturbation to once every two or three days, and it's been great.

strengthen your will anons. I believe in you

porn in general rots your brain and should be avoided. fapping on occasion is fine and natural

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Let it take an hour and enjoy it , better than 15 minutes with that filth

I quit porn but I feel like I can't stop masturbating. It's really frustrating. I'll stop for a day or two but then I'm back to jacking off. Does anyone know this feel? How did you overcome it?

Source, faggot. I've been watching porn since 13, and I'm now 31. I have zero problems getting it up or with anything else..

you like watching women being degraded and exploited? How terrible.
What a society we live in. Prostitution is legal as long as it's done in front of a camera.

day 2 of my NoFap it's very hard

Hang in there bro. This is my day 1. I haven't jerked off since yesterday. I'm gonna make it count this time. Let's cheer each other on!

Prostitution should be legal anyway, faggot. As long as both parties consent, then what's the fucking problem? Same as porn. The women agree to be in porn to make easy money. What's wrong with that? Don't force your gay-ass morals on others.

If you don't see what's wrong with pornography and prostitution, I can't help you. But I think deep down you know it's wrong.

It's not wrong at all. If you won't even try to explain your reasoning; then how do you ever expect to convince anyone of anything? I think it's wrong to try to limit what consenting parties can do just because you have a bad feeling about things that don't even involve you.

feels better too desu
didnt have that issue. after I quit porn I went from fapping daily to twice a week desu
I disagree about everything said here but Im too tired to start this argument

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>I disagree about everything said here but Im too tired to start this argument
It's because you have no ground to stand on, coward. Let me guess. Something about controlling what direction society goes in, something about your own personal morals, something about religion, maybe something about culture, a little collectivist faggotry sprinkled in. Am I about on the mark?

its all about morals from both you and me thats why its a waste of time to argue this.
only thing i can say is that porn usage causes addiction and degenerative fetishes which isn't a good thing no shit.

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pretty obvious butthurt there chief. Objective good and evil exist. Pornography and prostitution are evil. Maybe you'll understand once you finish high school.

The device you are using to access the internet and tell me that porn is unnatural is unnatural.

It's not about morals from me. It's about letting everyone live how they want with whatever morals they want; as long as they don't murder, assault, or steal from others.

No they do not. Only a child would think that. That or someone who's brainwashed by their societal/religious programming.

Based chineseposter

Reminder that watching porn is the ultimate form of C U C K I N

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thats fair. I still try to limit my usage of the internet to less than 6 hours per day.
sex has an objective meaning. procreation.
what it has become is so far detached from its core purpose it lost all its meaning. of course this to you doesn't mean anything because you are so detached from nature.

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Sex also feels good, and even naturally you can pullout to not procreate. There's nothing wrong with experiencing pleasure without changing your entire life with a kid.

only when you stop saging my threads, whore.

>rape and murder are not objectively evil

They aren't. Most people, including myself would say that they shouldn't be legal though. Rape is physically forcing someone to do something that they don't want to for your own pleasure. Murder is ending someone's life against their will. The problem with them is the lack of consent. That's what makes it wrong. Not the act.

Chasing dopamine is not a good thing specially nowadays where just about everyone is a dopamine addict.
sex is a pure and personal act between 2 people to create life. It shouldnt be seen as just another way to get some extra dopanine that you do not need

forgot my avatar baka

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Well clearly, otherwise there wouldn't be any cultures that allowed them

To you maybe. That doesn't mean that others shouldn't be able to do that. No one's forcing you to chase dopamine.

no one should see sex as just another dopamine hit.
its degenerate to do so

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How is it "degenerate"? Dopamine is literally nature's way of making people do things; and it's all natural, so you should love it.

Also, why do you care what other people do? If you don't want to chase dopamine, then don't. Why try to get everyone else to act like you do?

>Dopamine is literally nature's way of making people do things; and it's all natural, so you should love it.
exactly. in a natural amount dopamine is what gives us the drive to do things and its good for you.
too much dopamine however causes a tolerance. this tolerance just about everyone nowadays has makes mundane day to day things that should give you enough dopamine just not good enough.
this creates a cycle of wanting more and more unnatural sources of dopamine.
and thats how addicts are born...

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That's fine and all but our original thing was about how you think that prostitutes should be illegal because of that. You might be right about dopamine addiction, but it doesn't mean that you should be able to dictate what others do. If they wanna be dopamine addicts, then it's on them. No one's forcing you to go to a prostitute by them being legal.

Are you of the opinion that life partners should also refrain from sex when it's not specifically for procreation?


well regarding sex I just think its a special act that should not be tarnished. having it being sold for mere money is degrading
no I wouldn't say that. If you are in a monogamous relationship I think its fine

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Fapping to porn is ok
, that is all I have to say

That's fine if YOU think that sex is special; but not everyone does. Why should it be illegal (as in dudes with guns lock them up/fine them) for THEM to engage in prostitution just because YOU don't want to engage in it? YOU can do whatever you want. Are you some kind of control freak?

>no I wouldn't say that. If you are in a monogamous relationship I think its fine
Don't you still get dopamine from monogamous sex?

sex is objectively special. that is how life is made user kun.
dopamine by itself is not a bad thing its just when its excessive that it becomes a problem.

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And why is life special? Life just is. Your desire to control others just because they aren't living how you think they should is disgusting. But what else could I expect from a collectivist chinaman, I guess. You make me sick; and I'm disgusted that controlling freaks like you live on the same planet as me.

>And why is life special? Life just is.
>Your desire to control others just because they aren't living how you think they should is disgusting. But what else could I expect from a collectivist chinaman, I guess. You make me sick; and I'm disgusted that controlling freaks like you live on the same planet as me.

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Is a monogamous couple having a great deal of sex a problem?

You're sticking your nose where it doesn't belong, in other people's business that doesn't concern you. How do live with yourself, scum?

>Is a monogamous couple having a great deal of sex a problem?
If they fuck a lot then yeah I would say so.
too much of anything is never a good thing

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I lost all interest in whatever you are talking about.
have a good day

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Yeah whatever, control freak. Go suck off a shotgun. Oh wait, you can't because someone thought to impose their way of thinking on you, so you can't own one. Oh well, I'm sure you'll figure something out.

>Yeah whatever, control freak. Go suck off a shotgun. Oh wait, you can't because someone thought to impose their way of thinking on you, so you can't own one. Oh well, I'm sure you'll figure something out.

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check my cool digits by the way

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