Why aren't you a mother yet, fembots?

Why aren't you a mother yet, fembots?

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I am super loner. I don't got hubby

marry me originally orz

The trad moms I know seethe at me for NOT having kids, they call me carefree. I think they're coping because they realized they reproduced for nothing.

So that's why I dont have kids, because moms aren't happy either

enjoy when you hit your 30's and your eggs all dry up lmao.

I never want children. Just wanna live a selfish life where I can do whatever I want with my bf. All my time will go into art, not fucking up a child.

>women on Yas Forums
only trannies, faggots and hermits here.

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I am, I have 18 kids currently


Trad girls are always the most autistic mother fuckers around.
Good god why cant I just meet a normal fucking girl for once?

what about when your old and your bf is dead and you have no family and all your friends are old too and there's no one to look out for you and you die alone an old widow spinster miserable

> ywn impregnate an autistic fembot

Honestly: why even live?

feelio when I'll never meet a girl who hates children as much as I do

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That's very true user but I think it's also a very selfish reason to have children for that reason. It makes me uncomfortable thinking people having childeren to fill up the void. I won't get old anyways probably.

my robot bf doesn't want kids so i guess i'm not having any haha

>the classic egg response
Yes user your post will make me travel six hours to get impregnated by a stranger and make me give birth.

No of course not, your post changes nothing

guys i don't feel so good. oregon

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because >antinatalism

>Why aren't you a mother yet, fembots?

too /mental shut in/ to acquire bf

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hey lets get married cutie

I don't even have a boyfriend rn, and also I don't really want kids desu

So glad that genetic trash goes antinatalist

Cringe shit my nigga

Oh, no thank you. You seem to be infected

Because all "fembots" have dicks.

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No honestly I really don't care what you do but I know you will be miserable in your 30s. Women putting emphasis on career instead of family was a mistake, one that will only fuck themselves over in the end. Men don't want a women that makes a lot of money, men want a women that will be a good wife/mother. So honestly do whatever you want.

i want to finish my education and get married first. after ensuring they're someone i can build a successful future with.

hey bb im immune

have sex incel
>inb4 cuck
I am in a monogamous relationship

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I think you miss that a lot of people not wanting kids realize that having children is just unethical. Me, I'm a guy, and I will never have kids because I have really bad mental and physical health issues that I don't want anyone else having. Autism, some kind of something that makes me hallucinate, busted lungs, busted circulatory system, and a pre-colon-cancer condition at only 23 years old. And I've never even exceeded the average healthy BMI (22.5) for my entire life.

I don't think that most people are like you. You are doing this not only for your own good, but for the good of someone else. Other people just don't want kids because it will waste their time and money.

I'm now actually..not feeling so well myself user


I feel like I won't love my kids or that I'll fuck them up

now we're both infected let's get married before we die.

it's better for the environment not to have kids.

for me personally the reason why I don't have any yet is because I want to pay off my college debt first and be more financially stable. my spouse also isn't ready yet, but I kind of don't think he will ever be ready.

no one cares what men wants faggot, you are no the center of the universe go kys nigger

I am to a black beautiful boy

i don't know if the guy i'm in love with wants to have children

NOT having kids is unethical.
For whites anyway. Reverse for nonwhites.

keep telling yourself that as you die alone with no kids roastie, better start getting cats.

>Men don't want a women that makes a lot of money
Shit, I fucking do. Fuck having kids. It's a money black hole, and a lot of effort for them to probably not even call you when they get older. I'd love to be a house husband to some rich chick. Or hell, to any woman with a job that pays decent.

Yeah but the problem is that richer women don't want to date down and have a house husband for the most part. They still want a man that has a higher income/social status than them. The problem is that those men with higher income/social status don't want a career women in their mid 30s

That's probably true. I'd rather be alone than pay for someone else though, lmao.

Because of Corona!!!! Shut up!

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This is not a good use of the boomer brr meme. This is shit.

Then lll be dead.

I'm too selfish to have kids. If I had a crying brat I couldn't play minecraft all day.

I have yet to find a woman to impregnate, that's why.
t. mtf

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>implying I care about what people think about me
Hm. Marriage and kids are for uncreative people. I had plans to meet my favorite celebs even before I was expected to have kids. I will doing that instead of having piv sex to produce kids. Keep coping because you dont know what else to do in life. Bye now my hands hurt from typing

I'm mentally ill and don't want a mentally ill child, I also am not interested in having sex in general, let alone to make a baby. Anyways, did you know that some women rip their taint apart from giving birth and are then left with a giant hole? I also do not want that.

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You don't want us to be

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Made me think of this song.

What if I do? completely original

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Can you just allow women (and men) to choose whether or not they want kids? Seriously who gives a fuck about some random chick (or guy) who doesn't want to procreate? They don't owe anything to this world and not birthing another person into this shithole is probably the best move morally. I'll never understand people who get triggered because some slut wants to be a slut for the rest of her life and not have to raise kids. Let her suck dick and never marry, God bless her. She's given her life over to men's pleasure and that's a beautiful thing. It's a sacrifice.

I've come to think that it's just control freaks who think like that. Trying to convince everyone else to act like them; because in their eyes the way that they live is the only correct way. It's disgusting. Deeply mentally ill individuals.

>I'll never understand people who get triggered because some slut wants to be a slut for the rest of her life and not have to raise kids.

You like show X. You tell people and they say nah that is gay I like show Y. You are hurt and upset because you devoted your whole life to show X and feel frustrated and angry when people are rejecting your preference. People require validation with their choices.

All of you are undoubtedly trannies.

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Not a tranny; but I'd rather have gayass trannys than cancer mass replyers like yourself. Your cultural programming is lame, and I want no part of it. Nothing tranny-like about that.

i work in a chemical lab, and would need work accomodations from the moment i started trying-to-concieve. not about to tell my boss that. hes really nosy.

also although i make a decent income, my partner has alot of school debt, and we live in a high COL city in a tiny apartment, and can never afford a home.

Will you at least TRY to a good mother, or will you raise our children to be pink-haired trannies?

True it's only on the internet you see so many childfree women, irl most women never want to commit if you don't want kids.

Took a while to dig this up, but pretty much how I feel at this point. I'm not birthing a kid for a man who is bound to walk out at any moment, assuming I could even land a guy in the first fucking place.

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I dont give a shit about my race. I just dont want some poor kid to be forced into the same shitty suffering I was. I dont give a fuck if some exceptional autists can excel and be happy. I didnt, and my kid most likely wouldnt as well. Im not gonna force someone to suffer just for the ego of some identitarian.

then try build relationship with other men based on respect and loyalty , if he respects you he won't abuse you and if he will just notify police you will be prased for that and he's reputation gets fucked up

>if he respects you he won't abuse you
Therein lies the issue. Men are biologically hardwired to hate women, even if it's just on a subconscious level.

This isn't the 1950's anymore

>a man who is bound to walk out at any moment
Have you considered dating a decent man instead of a retarded manchild?

Proof? Source of studies on that?
Nah there are good men and good women you just gotta know where and what to look for. But majority of people out there are not good partners since we live in fucked up times.
If you gonna assume men hate you just for being a female you are no different than incels screeching how women wont date them.
Try thinking why would your future partner respect you , dont be either reckless and dependent

>not birthing a kid for a man who is bound to walk out at any moment,
Sounds like you made shit decisions with the man you are going to be with.

All men are retarded manchildren
Name the sex that murders their spouses, children, commits a majority of violent crime, rape, etc.

Men are natural cheaters who want to "spread their seed," this entire website and redpill agree with me. Men are 7x more likely to leave their terminally ill partner. Of course, somehow it's the woman's fault for choosing wrong.