ITT: hung anons post their big fat cocks :3

ITT: hung anons post their big fat cocks :3

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what if i have a small pencil cock?

robot peens assemble

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Does he fire pozzed loads? That biohazard marker is concerning

Not gay but would like these very much

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Still virgin please no bully

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Leah says it's alright

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i would trade a kidney for having a big cock

Your cock is a good shape for g-spot stimulation.

Would suck! Got kik?

What is considered hung

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Sorry im in italy, but thanks for the compliment

why is there a cable coming out of your peen

Sick of you fags and your cocklust thread head over to Yas Forums with the rest of the trannies

please be straight

The penis is a beautiful organ. I just wish they weren't attached to ugly smelly men. We need to engineer a race of cute twinks and futas with nice big shlongs. I also have to give a shout out to horse penises, the second most beautiful in the animal kingdom after us

>threading your own post
n word

It's a female to male with a neopenis. He pumps his balls to get an erection. That pipe is to let the air into his internal dick balloon

Not sure my headphones maybe

I am, also a khv

thick, solid, good job keep it up.

I wish mine looked like yours.

foreskins are so nice. They keep the glans shiny and moist and give you more to play with

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Mine was stolen. Nicecock, through.

>he stole a foreskin
Are you jewish by any chance?

i want to see and and suck it user

i cannot believe a boy this delicate and pretty is also a virgin. absolutely BASED

Are you samefagging what's so special about that dick?

it belongs to my future husband

So its a fag thread? Okay

thank you future wife

>tfw no nice ohio cock to suck on during quarantine
Why live

top tier peens, would nom

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>tfw small circumjewed dick
this thread makes me want to curl up and cry

Twink butts > Cocks

So cute guys on reddit btw

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>Twink butts > Cocks
absolutely based and redpilled opinion

How do you keep a nicely shaven cock. My junk is so hairy everywhere and I'm too scared to get too close to the balls when trimming

I love sucking on my twink bf's cock

Tiny little penis.
Actually 6.5"x5.3", looks tiny in the photo.

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Why not both ?
Looks fine user

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if i was this hung i wouldn't be able to fuck my thai gf

Inb4 this thread gets deleted

What a lovely bunch of cocks.

Would you guys agree to fuck and impregnate a guy's wife if he offered you to?

I don't have a wife, but if I did...

>tfw 6.5" penis
>have a sph fetish and no size queen qt to bully it

No id just make your wife my wife if I wanted that

How would you do that?

>not wanting to be a bull

Because you're a cuck and shed probably be fine with leaving you

Women who marry cucks know what they are doing.
You on the other hand don't.

Still, I like your attitude, you'd make a decent bull.
Too bad you don't want it.

who cares. Be hairy

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Yeah I would. I gotta spread the big dick Gene's around. Only problem is that my gf doesn't want to share me out with another woman, so it's have to be a nsa thing.

Really I've never known a girl who was into cucking unless shes a camgirl being paid to do it. Seems like the guy always pressures them into it. Also wouldn't want my kid being raised by a cuck he'd turn into a tranny or something

guess I'll represent the straights then

not circumcised, my foreskin just folded weirdly

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The good cuckold couples are rare, but they definitely do exist.
The number of men who are into it is higher than women (like in every kink).

Still, a woman gets to pick ghe genes for her baby + who she fucks, it is a very good deal for her.

r8 please my other pics are over 2mb

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I'll let a coof nigga suck my cock

>tfw will never have a qt to use it on

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Do qt traps count?

tfw blackbot w/ 8" scared to post out of fear of getting banned.

>Do qt traps count?
If they're actually qt then sure.

>peenor too big to upload

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how big are you? looks about the same as mine.