I was a bully in school. AMA

I was a bully in school. AMA.

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How did you bully people?

who was your favorite loser you bullied

Dude that picture is so fucking disgusting wtf

Varies. I'd steal stupid shit from them a lot. I'd get my woman friends to go over and act interested in a quieter kid for a couple minutes then just mock the shit out of them. Loudly make fun of them during class for existing. Ask them humilating questions and demand answers. Low grade physical shit (sweepkicks and shoves as I was walking past and the like, not beatings). But I ended up on this board, so someone got the last laugh, right?

Did you ever feel bad after bullying them?


What's the worst thing you've ever done to a your victim?

Did girls find you attractiv for it?

how the fuck did you get here and why are you here?

Back then, no. I didn't give a fuck. It was like they barely registered as humans. I do more now. Not really anything soul consuming, but I don't think I'd do it again.

Ah shit. This one makes me cringe even now. I'll greentext it.

>kid named jason
>known for being just a classic actual autist
>embarrassed himself constantly
>was already made fun of 24/7 and had to sit in classrooms at lunch
>not a single friend
>always seemed happy despite this
>like a retarded puppy or something
>would always greet me and be genuinely happy to see me even though i made fun of him too
>started handing out cards that were like friend dating profiles one day
>said something to the effect of
>"hello! if you've received this card its because you are cool. id love to get to know you and be your friend!" with a photo of him smiling and doing the thumbs up in a suit
>clear his mom or someone had helped him make them or some shit
>get handed one
>thank him
>get his wattsapp
>message him and act like his pal for a week
>tell him im coming over with (names) and that we're bringing food and alcohol
>gonna show him what a real good time looks like
>he orders pizza for all 8 of us
>sends photos of him with 4 large pizzas
>i reply with a video of me with the people i said were coming to his around a campfire
>throwing in all the cards i was able to scrounge together and laughing

Sorry Jason. If you're on here

They found it funny, sure. Don't think they found it particularly hot. I didn't have problems getting girls, but that was probably more due to having a large social circle with a fair amount of women in it and a nice face back then

Been lurking on Yas Forums for a couple of years, but I really just fucking hate the porn and hardcore degenerates nowadays. This is really the only other board that isn't bant that's open to any old stupid bullshit.

I hate you and all bullies end up on this board because you're pathetic. Literally nobody in the world would care if you died

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>bullies others in school
>posts on Yas Forums

pick one

*Did bully others in school. Years ago. Things can change, tard. Checked though

you didn't change at all user you're still a terrible human being kill yourself

What makes you say that, exactly? Orgenal

because people who bully others to intentionally hurt their feelings are human garbage. you literally have no redeemable qualities in your life. most bullies end up as dumpster fires after high school and will never recover thankfully

What, you aren't trying to hurt some feelings here? When you're a kid your brain has barely even developed proper empathy. Most kids bully a bit at some point in some way. Of course I've changed, because I was a kid back then with my own shit to deal with. Have you not changed since age 15 user?

Seems more like a coin toss on bullies when it come to success after high school. Turns out confidence and knowing how to play the social ladder game help a ton in the business world.

So Chad could be your boss

I hope you lay awake at night seething in self loathing and guilt.

have u seen the error of your ways ?

If this is real then you you broken that guy for life

youre a piece of human scum. jesus that was so fucking mean. literally kys.

Yeah. If I could go back in time I don't think I'd do it again. Again, I'm not really consumed by guilt or any of that shit, but it does make me cringe to remember.

Kill yourself you asshole

Not the same bully but I can tell you that I did for a little bit, but I forgave myself for my youthful mistakes. The thing is i forgot about most of the shit I did as a kid, I'm guessing your bully will be the same. What I do remember forced me to take a hard look at myself, I think I have changed for the better but every day is work. I can't guarantee your bully will do the same but know that people can change and they probably are not thinking of you so try not to focus on them, easier said than done I know. But what do I know, I'm just some random fuck on the internet.

what motivated you ?
where do you think this stems were you trying to emulate strong behaviour because you know its really weak right ?
did you get anything out of it did you even like the people that would suck up to you ?
are you scared to be nice do you know how were you lashing out at life or did you have pollital reasonings ?
what made you start bulling were you kind of scared of beeing bullied so you became one or did you just think it was fun or what ?

you should be consumed by guilt. after what i just read, of you ruining a boy with mental disabilities life, i have no respect for you.

I would've loved to put my hands around your small, 14 year old neck and gave it a good squeeze

all he wanted was friends, and you had the chance to give him that. instead you gave him false hope, made him the happiest hes probably been in years, and crushed him. you fucking crushed him. hes probably never gotten over that. he probably still cries about it. because he realized how mean people truly are, and hes probably never tried to make friends again.

that doesn't sound all to bad the cards sound brilliant awful but classic the fire probably wasn't the worst idea i mean there might have been an easier way to tell him there a bad idea but its dosnt sound that awful i thought you were gonna say you put the kid on the fire or something

Imagine how satisfying it would've felt for one of your victims to put a bullet into your skull.
They made you and your bullying vanish in the flash of a second. Hell, they'd probably get a lower sentence for being a minor and getting bullied
One moment you exist, the next moment you don't

so why are you here now? also maybe dont call people a tard if your trying to go for the whole im no longer a 13 year old bully mgl thing no offence but i hate the edge lords that come here its a shame they get mixed in with the bowl cuts

If you're here to seek forgiveness, fuck off. There is no redemption or mercy to be found among the outcasts here.

Pahaha, this meant to be some kind of brutal takedown here? "What if you'd been shot bro. What then. Cower "

>kill yourself
>dont hurt others
wow yeah thats some reddit efforts of covering up your pathetic logic you may as well have said
hello fellow bully im a suck up to authority and i want you to know this im not hear to help or anyone else really im just a loser whiteknight and i want you to know this

I am sure some thought about that. Couldn't really blame them either, kids don't think things through, many lack a full sense of empathy. I know I did.

Yeah, I was a cunt. I get it. I just don't really have the need to feel horribly deep guilt over it. I was just a kid. Why beat myself up for something that happened years ago when I barely even had a functioning empathy centre? To redeem myself to strangers?

bully/bullied here. I would not beat yourself up about it. If you can recognize your bullying it means you have a chance to do something about it.

If you are beating yourself up about it. You can learn to forgive yourself. Sometimes you have to accept your are flawed before you can take a step to improve.

I kinda want to address the bitter anons here. Just remember this is not your bully. This is not your battle.

you should try and make it up to him just say you were sorry for being tough on him or something then kill someone evil to balance out your zen

Nothing that deep, user. I wanted cheap laughs for me and my friends and probably a bit of power.

Not sure the killing would balance anything out.

You probably can't imagine how being a victim feels or you just lack empathy.
The visceral hate is very real and there's nothing more that a 13 year old would love to do then to torture the guy who picked on them.
Some bullies actually get shot in the end and I often wonder if they're completely oblivious to the fact that they're breeding hatred.

Sounds about right. It also got the other kids to focus and bully someone else. That kind of power and safety is addictive as a kid.

why did u bully people user?

How are you doing in life now?

Fine. Nothing extraordinary, just fine. Alright girlfriend, studying law, whatever. I just can't really feel that much about any of it. That's the problem. It's not depression or any shit like that, I'm just very easily bored. There's always the urge to go chase thrills for some reason. Fucked

Sounds like you got off better than my "bully".
My "bully" grew up to be a 4/10, skinny 5'10 manlet who didn't study, so you seem to be doing atleast decent

oh man were you that rough ? you might have to do more then yeah but you would certainly make alot of people happier and take olto of unnessercery strain out of life

pressure is good sure so is having tough people but evil doesn't actually help anything

the power sort of makes sense but you had that anyway would have made sense more to use it and if you wanted to exercise your self you might have focused on bigger fish
also its genuinely funnier if you pick on your friends and it toughens people up you could have had more fun and been a good influence and a lynch pin in your community that way in the future your friends might have had something to look back on now everyone probably just thinks you were a cunt

Nice thread user, loving the bullied retards projecting their hatred into someone they don't know. It's a shame they didn't get bully harder, they might have had learned their lessons then.

I have only one question. You said it's nothing too deep and you just did it for cheap laughs, however there's still something that can be clarified. Do you think your behavior was a result of your environment or that it's entirely because of how you were at the time ? I don't think the former excuses your actions at all, I'm asking that for a theory I have.

>But I ended up on this board, so someone got the last laugh, right
Not really this board is full of normoids like you now. Parasites.

I'm not really sure. Obviously I had to have been lacking in a few mental departments to do that kind of shit, but I never really felt like I had to do it in school to be safe or anything. I just chose to. You could blame it on me being abuuuused as a kid, but it's not like I was ever thinking about that when I did it. I want to say it was more because of who I was, but the environment shit probably didnt help, no.

insanity plea sounds like your guilty buddy
and yeah alot of people are abused and arnt terrible people but yeah its probably quite alot to take in as a kid this is when you become a guidance counselor and star in a troubled teens film ahah
but no its good your feeling something about it but thats life what do you think you should do now ? personly i think you could work on your cheese and actually try and still pick on people but in a reinforcing way because often some pretty stylish people are bullies and are just venting and have stupid opinions as children but yeah you really fucked up picking on that autistic kid what if his dad was hulk hogan or somthing you would have shit yourself seriusly find some more good and run over a fox

Get off my board, normie nigger

kys larper faggot

>get off my board normie nigger
What a faggot

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it's okay when normies do it :^))

l hope you die you type of people ruined my life.

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>you bullied classmates
>ended up on Yas Forums

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dude if this is real, can you explain how you made the others that were with you do something so evil?
were you like, the leader of the scumbag circle? didnt they EVER try to go against something you did?

Just remember that when you die you will reincarnate and you will be a retarded person. Heavily heavily retarded, and barely able to speak. You'll have to work as someone doing whatever labor they put retarded adults in care to. You will live a life of abject misery without knowing it and it's so much better than you deserve.