Cool/ comfy pictures that give you comfort, that you enjoy to look at

cool/ comfy pictures that give you comfort, that you enjoy to look at
hope this thread will be nice
this is the first ever underwater photograph and i like it a lot

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sadly i dont know much about this one, but i love it as well

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I know people meme this but this location is really comfy to me
I like it

Like the middle of the woods and a bathroom is cute to me

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this one is my favorite drawing. notice the cat?

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interesting choice user, did you make this pic?

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not at first, but that bearded guy in the back looks familiar.

this is the last japanese samurai.
i think he knows

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i enjoy the mystery mixed with nature in this one.

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No its a shitty youtuber picture
Its from Scarce but the scenery itself mesmerized me

wish fancy beards like that would be more normal. theyre wholesome

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do you often go into the woods?

oh no what happened to the pic

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A picture with a girl like pic related is always comfy

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obligatory /comfy/ post, really sweet one. hope the user who made this is aight

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Yea i do, I grew up in an area with a lot of grass and woods near my house so they're comforting to me.
Or any desolate area like Scarces picture.

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i like them more when the 4th wall isnt broken. wonder from when this pic is, she looks like a hippie - sweet. bet shes a grandma by now

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>ywn sail around the world on a sailing yacht with the boys, seeing cool sights and shooting sharks for dinner

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very comfy. i love the colours

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art museums are maximum comfy

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Her name is Emmylou Harris and this was like mid seventies. He's still attractive for her age, tough.

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amazing shot
why wont you ever sail away user?

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yes! they are.
i wish to one day be able to speak to any of the cuties walking around there alone like me

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i'd love to but while i truly am fascinated by the new and unknown, they also paralyze me with fear
here's some oc for you

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me too man, me too. art museums and bookstores are where i try to pick up girls

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shot this yesterday and like it a lot. it represents the city i live in so well to me (nice/ france)
looking at it all few hours, happy i made it and hope guys like it too

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kek, made me think of this
gavin mcinnes?

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comfy. is this a typical american city?
i would be too scared to sail too, imagine seing no land and knowing theres none for thousands of miles. spooky

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usually not into modern art but this is a vibe

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sweet drawingstyle
had any success sometime?

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it depends greatly on where in the US you are, i live in a farming town, so most of the town outside of what you see is orchards and ranches
here's what it looks like when it snows up in the hills

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any success?

holy fuck. original

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sick. love the edge and perfection

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sounds comfy as fuck. any local legends about weird stuff that happens in those woods?ee

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absolutely love it. reminds me of japan.

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Post more, i love all of your pics

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Gotta say im pretty jealous of all you who lives in a comfy country area, i live in a dry desert

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thank you
nice pic, i want to soon drive around europes south and hope to see many of such snowy cabins.

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ancient monuments are always awesome. fantastic energy

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at a bookstore, yes

was aimlessly browsing when a girl came up and started browsing near me. i made a joke saying "they make it so hard to find books here" and when she wasn't instantly repulsed i took that as a good sign and kept talking.

i got her number but nothing really came from it. still felt good to know i have chances tho lol

pic is from the mcnay, a museum in san antonio, texas. it's art selection is decent but the building and grounds are 10/10

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theres something so mystical about the ocean and its creatures

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my dude. i love looking at sculptures and inscriptions from the classical age. seems like we were a different species back then making such bizarre shit

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original version is from the book "be here now"

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i love this thread. there's something nice about being comfy with strangers while a global pandemic is going on, and here we are just enjoying ourselves

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supposedly a skinwalker lives up here, but that's what i've got my trusty Gewehr 98 for
last one from me, enjoy the rest of your night, brothers

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this is pretty comforting

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fantastic colours. so deep. so beautiful. master piece.
yes, its fascinating to see such things. and knowing we will never understand those times truely adds such a sweet tone to it,
even the way they build walls like pic related fascinates me totally

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also deserts can be beautiful man, the area i live in could be considered one

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listening to this on repeat right now. thought imma share it too

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NEET stronghold

scenery like this puts me in tears sometimes, beautiful. good night user

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wholesome yet sad pic. love it

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just chilling

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ancient egypt is always a win as well

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majestic vibe

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how sad that this wasnt written before here.
truely depressing

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i capped this a long time ago

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FUCK Eastern Washington
Washington is known for its beautiful, cool, rainy climate and lush, mossy temperate rainforest. The moist climate means you never get dry skin or chapped lips. It's also known for Seattle, a vibrant, cosmopolitan city that serves as the anchor for the whole Pacific NW and one of the Pacific Rim's international hubs (great airport too, btw). There's lots of cloud cover so you never get sunburn or glare and it's nice and shady. Good infrastructure too, you don't need a car. The people of Washington, furthermore, are known for their rich cultural diversity and delicious food from around the world--there's a pho place in every strip mall.

All of this goodness, however, is located in WESTERN Washington.

Eastern Washington is Western Washington's retarded cousin. A barren, bone-dry, dusty, hot* shithole full of dumb rednecks who wouldn't know a good pho if it bit them in the ass. The dust hangs in the air and gives you allergies and the air dries out your skin. When it does rain (rare) it's a loud-ass thunderstorm that you can't enjoy because it's over in five minutes, unlike the gentle, comfy, weeks-long rain that you get in Western Washington. There are no cities (Spokane? More like Spo-can't) and the trees are all ugly-ass ponderosas. Not aesthetic at all. And did I mention the dumb rednecks?

Man, Eastern Washington sucks. What an absolute toilet.

I feel very strongly about this.
t. Bellingham

*don't give me that "it's cold in the winter" bullshit. It snows at night and then melts the next day because it's 50 degrees (in January!). 50 degrees in the sun is HOT.

any tips how i could improve the thread so people join next time?

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Yeah, no pictures of fucking bullshit Eastern Washington

hbox back there explaining that puff v fox is an unfavorable matchup

wasnt my post:(
why didnt you make it even and share comfy part of washington?

tell me this isn't gorgeous

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>t. Bellingham
Your entire argument is now rendered irrelevant, prepare to be encryptively defrauded.

Eastern Washington is full of simple, hardworking, friendly people from all walks of life. Farmers, hunters, (surprisingly a lot of) programmers, artisans, musicians, etc. all live over here just as much as they do over there, bud.
>waaahhh waaaaaah it's hoooooootttt
In the summertime, yeah. Sun's good for you, you should try it sometime. You've obviously never been over here in the winter to see the 15 degree blizzards, but hey good for you. I'd rather you stay over on your CONTAINMENT side of the state. God I actually can't wait to be separated from the absolute tumor that is the land West of the Cascades.
>actually preferring colorless and demoralizing urban life to a slow-paced, hardworking and rewarding life of farming out in the countryside
You sound like you've never worked a day in your goddamn life. Also knowing everyone in town is actually the bees knees, makes me feel not so alone like I would sloshing through the dredges of any coastal city.
My fellow user-brothers, do not listen to this snake as he slanders my homeland. It's actually pretty wicked out here and I prefer it much more to getting stabbed with heroin needles by homeless people.
t. Quincy

Also crying about pho, really? Come try the mexican food over here from the migrant workers, it's really good.

how can eastcucks even COMPETE

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don't listen to him brother, he lies
imagine sitting through 2 hours of traffic to go ANYWHERE

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