Boy, I sure hate being mexican. Who else hates being mexican?

Boy, I sure hate being mexican. Who else hates being mexican?

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Hate myself but being a descendant of beaners is the least of my worries. Food is at least OK

I don't eat it because it makes me fat.

why do you hate being mexican? I think mexicans are super based and cool

t. asianbot

I'm a CHI which is worse desu. No cultural identity and I have Mexican manlet genes in one of the most heightist countries in the world

>my spic ass reading these threads

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whats a CHI? chicano?

I can't even roll my R's, literally a man of no country

>Boy, I sure hate being mexican. Who else hates being mexican?

>No cultural identity
>Oh noes I have 2 cultural heritages. Guess I inherit neither.
What is with this weak fucking Yas Forums cope? Only ever used by cultureless trailer trash and bongs who think beans on toast is part of their proud heritage.

I hate being brown, short and having a stupid culture full of assholes like:

lol it doesnt matter. Im 2nd gen asianbot and cant even speak my own tongue nor do I care about muh heritage. also a manlet lul

are you a burger-chi btw? you said your country that you live in is super heightist

I hate American culture, at least Mexican culture is comfy and fun
yes I am a burger

idk if america is that heightist. Im 5'7" and my height isnt really an issue. Dont get me wrong, im not coping, life would be better if I was taller and I would be treated better but life is still comfy for me at 5'7". I really think manletism is only an issue if youre a white guy, if youre ethnik then people expect you to be short and its not as much of a failo.

what would you rather be then? white?

5'7" is livable, I'm 5'5"

I love mexican guys. Too bad you guys, like every Latino, like snow bunnies only.
t.ecuadorian femanon

that's false but here's your (you)

>what would you rather be then? white?
No, dead.

how is that false what the fuck
every brown user drool over white girls

not me and my IRL friends, I prefer latinas DESU. Maybe it's because I'm not actually brown but whatever

how get ecua gf as a mexanon? was under the impression you looked down on us

Can someone edit this pic to a skinhead?

lies, i love brown girls but too bad they dont like me

i hate niggas like you OP

>i hate niggas like you OP
Why, though?

5'5" is bad but not sui tier man

What do you filthy chicanos listen to? For me it's pic related.

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mbv, Lush, Slowdive, Cocteau Twins, Ride, the list goes on...

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Same lucky I'm 6.3 so I say I'm French and people usually believe it

do you dress like a rockabilly ?

I don't think so? Low top black vans, regular blue or black jeans, solid color shirts or maybe the band shirts I have (AiC, Type O). I don't think that's rockabilly.

I'm lucky I can grow a beard so I can hide my ugly indio features.

I see this thread every week
Is some white Yas Forumscel making it?

Just go to your family parties you faggots
Tell your normie primos to help you out

>being sad over being mexican

you must be mexican, because out of all the races i've seen, mexicans are by far the most susceptible to being cucks. i'm mexican myself, and I'll tell you, stop being a fucking cuck.

you're from a race of men who can cut off heads and enjoy a beer right after. what is your fucking malfunction user? you're not indian, you're not asian, you're fucking desirable to women. just say the lyrics to cucaracha and any dumb white woman will suck your dick. obviously it aint that easy, but come the fuck on. grow your beard out, learn how to make a basic ass taco that white people like, and you're out there man.

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I'd rather be indian or asian. At least their cultures value education. I'd kill to be a doctor or engineer.

Then fucking do it dumbass. Nobody is stopping you from picking up a book.
>t. 2nd generation and training to become nuclear engineer

>grow your beard out
check your normie provilege

Sounds like you're making excuses faggot

Probably a dumb neet

It's not the same. They actually get hired. If they see an obvious mexican name on a resume, they ignore it. That's why Joses write their name as Joe and Juans as Johns.

>tfw northern American native and constantly mog all the fat manlet beaners I work with
At least you guys are fun to drink and party with, and your food is good

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I've literally never seen an attractive injun. Male or female.

I'm not gonna lie a lot of us are pretty clapped but the Chad incarnations of us are out there. Also ditto, I've never seen a good looking beaner in person.

why would you hate being attractive? nothing is hotter than a threatening masculine mexican man
t. femanon who only dates Mexicans

>claims to have never seen an attractive latina (mexican)
keep coping

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disgusting female take. go back to fantasizing about getting raped femoid.

I was talking about the males retard, obviously latinas are hot as fuck. Too bad they took all the good genes, eh Juan? Lol keep seething you fat little goblin

here's your (you) now tits or GTFO

>poster you're replying to is talking about males and females
>you reply "ditto" and except everyone to know you're only talking about males
I see that injun IQ is not that far off from beaner IQ

I thought you might have been able to use the fact that latinas are known for being hot as common knowledge, and then could infer I meant the males. I should have known better to assume that, my bad, I forgot how stupid beaners are. So how tall are you? 5'4? 5'3?

5'10 buddy boyo, probably taller than you based on how you chose to attribute such a ridiculously short height to me. you're probably 5'8 or so xd
how many alcoholics do you have in your family? desu I don't even know any other injun stereotypes that I could throw your way because of how irrelevant your people are :( sad shit man

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how the FUCK do I make my skin whiter? I can't stand having bean-colored arms and face, I want them to be the same pale color as my untanned torso. fuck being brown

spoken like a true monkey, no one cares subhuman

>5'10 buddy boyo, probably taller than you based on how you chose to attribute such a ridiculously short height to me. you're probably 5'8 or so xd
I'm 6'1 actually. Also, congratulations Carlos! 5'10 is incredibly tall for a wetback!
>how many alcoholics do you have in your family?
A lot. Myself included. How many people in your family work at home depot or cut peoples grass for a living? I'd rather my people be irrelevant than be known for being short, stupid bigger wannabes. Shit sucks man!

>HAHA! your family has jobs!
only a drunken, listerine-sipping redskin would consider work an insult.

Corridos, Metal, Hip Hop, Electronica and other Hipster nonsense

You're shifting the goalpost faggot. I never mocked you for having jobs, I mocked you for working minimum wage retard jobs. Also, I don't think cutting grass for 20$ counts lmao. We work real jobs, you know, shit that takes a little bit of skill and critical thinking. Did you know most of the infrastructure in the northern east of the US was built by Native iron workers? I'm an iron worker too, it's tough but I get paid handsomely!
What do you guys have to be proud of again? Oh...right..home depot. Ouch.

Top kek, I'm not even him but you seem to be assblasted kek

Dumb shitty reservation neet larping as a tradesman

This is the cringiest post I've read for a while, Jesus get a grip you redneck hick

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nothing could be more pathetic than thinking a native american is better than a mexican. White people shouldve finished the job

Cope, you're seething hard lol. Lots of us are ironworkers, lots of you work at home depot. Must fucking sucks man
What? Alright then lol

Another seething beaner, don't be mad because you're stupid, short, ugly and useless! It's just the cards you were dealt and theres nothing you can do about it, oh well better luck next time! (There isn't a next time)

Haha sudacabot

oh you're not a hick, you're some retarded injun. Still a subhuman though, as evidenced by your choice of work and your posts. You're pathetic

natives are literally next to pajeets in looks.

No they don't. Have you even tried?

Manipulating the iron pays good, there's always work, I get paid to travel and I'm part of a union. Seems pretty good to me. I also make a shit ton of money and then get to take months off as I please, you actually get to call some shots when you're skills are desired. Where do you work buddy? Do you cut grass for a living? Gas station?