Write a letter to someone who may or may not read it ITT

Write a letter to someone who may or may not read it ITT

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Dear OP:
Niggers tongue my anus.

dear female i had a brief friendship with,
im glad you are gone from my life
go fuck yourself

Dear S
How are u?
I hope you are doing fine and not going crazy during these weeks at home

Remember not to give unwarranted advice in these threads, if people want advice or want to give advice they can go to /adv/

fuck you don't give me advice on how to give advice

dear sorry but i don't remember what your name was,

it's been a long time since we talked. i wonder what you are doing from time to time and if you still come to this board. i hope things are easier for you now

Yours included in that?

Hope you're alive and well. I'm really worried about you.

Damn, I wish someone would say that to me.

I hope you talk to me this week. Everytime we talk or hang out life feels livable. I have no clue how you have that kind of power, but it's wonderful.


Why are you not responding to my letters?

>Damn, I wish someone would say that to me.
letter threads in a nutshell

I don't know what it is that keeps you trying to talk with me, but I'm thankful you do. Sorry for the 'cringe' these days, I'm not doing so well emotionally and I'm having a hard time talking about serious things.
Be patient with me, and let's get to know each other better please

What do you talk about?

Dear L

I'm just a mentally ill person without a life, I don't know what you see in me. There was nothing in the world I ever wanted than you , and I mean it.


>What do you talk about?
Anything, talking to them about anything makes me not feel awful.
>let's get to know each other better please
I am not your person unfortunately based on this, my person doesn't really use this board much or at all. I have also known them for more than two years.

Hey F!
I put a peeled banana up my ass and only half of it came back out.

Dear OP,
I love these threads. One of the only things i still like about r9k.

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Hey, remember when we would talk about getting married and moving away together? And all those other things we would've done? There's one I think about the most, just the two of us walking around exploring things. Like a comfy video game or something. It would've been fun.

What happened user? Whys it but a distant wish now

let me know it wasn't just a figment of my imagination. let me know it was really you that posted here.

ok i admit it it was really me

No it was me!
Dont believe that imposter

vauguely describe yourself then we can tell you if it was who you think it was

Do you want to explain these people you've been talking to behind my back?

you'll know its me because I already texted you the same question but you never replied

really? check again

user if they didnt reply then they wont reply now.

I know that. I thought it was worth a try.

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sorry i tried licking the tip of your flute when you weren't looking. give me another chance

I wasn't hoping you were, just curious is all. Mine doesn't browse here either thankfully

Anastasia was not original

pls respond people are coughing around me
i miss you

nice quads. i like these threads too

Ah well, if you were them I messaged them last and haven't heard back for quite a while. But neither of us know each other.



Im drunk l wanna fuck you and do all that stuff i told you come to me and ill make you happy

hm whats your name start with?

Hey T, it's me.
Remember you telling me Claire de Lune was your favorite piece and how I told you I'd learn it for you? I've finished it now but struggle to play it in its entirety without crying my eyes out.
I know I'm not in any position to be this emotional; I was a total shithead to you after our breakup. I disregarded anything you said, turned you into a stranger, even told you you didn't matter to me. I still shudder at that. There's a lot of things you didn't know about me during our relationship, some not even I knew back then. When we got together, I was foolish. I thought the depresion that plagued me during the weeks before we met would just vanish now that I finally had a girlfriend. Oh, how wrong I was. I now see that, as the high of having somebody I could love that loved me back wore off, it crept back into my mind. Made me insecure, feel unworthy, the whole package. It certainly didn't help that you were never tangible. Then you told me about your ex. I emphasized from the beginning how I'd take a painful truth over a lie anytime. How we could talk anything out as long as you stayed honest. You said you were,
and then you weren't.
It dented my perception of you for the better part of those last few months. But still, your apology seemed genuine. We continued.
As the year came to a close I realized that you weren't saying goodnight before going to sleep, you weren't showing your face anymore; The only real way of contact in a relationship like ours. I was planning to break up. Now that you were distancing yourself, the downsides of the relationship outweighed the benefits. The insecurities were overtaking me.

After we eventually split apart, it wasn't necessary for me to treat you like a nobody. I was just happy to be out of it. All of that overthinking finally deemed unnecessary, the insecurities vanishing as quickly as they came. Now I was left completely emotionless, however. You really didn't matter for those first few weeks afterwards because I didn't want you to. I was so worried of heartbreak that I killed the heart. I see now what a complete troglodyte I was. That's why I reached out to you weeks later. I came back to myself, could feel again. Immediately the regret hit, what a retard I was. I could feel again and this time I was not worried of heartbreak, I embraced it. Knowing not only you were gone but that I was the one to push you away ate me up and it hasn't stopped yet. Life gave me a chance at happiness but I bit the apple and threw it away.

If only this could reach you.

you're a dumb ho who pops too many pills because you're fucking retarded

everything you do is substandard but you get a pass because you have a wet hole between your legs

i'm glad i dropped you when i did but i should have done it way sooner

you deserve to get thrown down a flight of stairs like a cunt who ran her fucking mouth too much for her own good

I got a lot to give and i want you to take it

if i'm just filling a role that can be replaced then i'd rather you just forget about me completely. don't even count me as another notch in your belt

I dont give a fuck about your past or what you did to me i want you and you are all i need dont give a fuck about the others thats the truth fuck you

I used to talk about that with someone from my past, and ended up doing it alone. It's fun to take a train somewhere, get off at a random town stop and spend a few hours there.

Where did you end up moving to? I want to move far away from my hometown.

I didn't move. I'm about to, though.

Well, before the lockdown.

whenever i want to find new music i think of you. you always had great taste in music.

Dance to the music and then match the numbers on the platform!

Let's grooooove to the music!

Lookin' good!

Let's find our WINNERS!

Are we havin' fun yet!?

You left us too soon.

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I just stroked my rod until it was hard as a rock with precum dripping down all sides, throbbing in my hand, and then I abruptly stopped. What do you think of that?

rod? what do you mean

i think he means penis

Yeah that's what I mean. But fuck man. Fuck Rod.


Gross, I was picking my nose and... somehow... my booger got stuck to bottom lip, so when I took a sip of my tea I lifted it in and felt it touch my tongue.

*distant rhythmic clap sound*

yes, user, like his willy

user's willy?

that which resides in your underpants.

Dear string,
Im so glad I finally caught you, I was worried I would spend a year without you. Now you will always be safe and I won't have to stress over the thought of you.

Oh letter thread, you never fail.

where did user touch you?

I know
Original coomment

K, it's been months now. at first when you left i'd get warm every time i thought about you. but i don't anymore.

I got lucky, I was coming to make a pleading post for it but I found it right before I made the post. It only took about 50 baits.

Dear D,
I would really appreciate it if you could just leave me alone already.

Would be cool if you wrote to me in these threads.

>It only took about 50 baits.
And musical chairs.