I think this idubbbz debacle is actually indicative of a generational divide between Zoomers and Millennials.
The Millennial take on his situation is "It's their relationship, so what? I can't believe sex workers are getting so little respect..."
The Zoomer take on it is more akin to "We know it's his choice, and we're going to take the piss out of it as his expense."
The former are completely enraged with how the latter are behaving and treating him. They're a lot more passive compared to the aggressive disrespectful zoomers.
there's nothing wrong with taking the piss out of it, but once you start ranting and acting like you know him personally it just goes to show what a delusional, sad little human being you are
Lincoln Jackson
people who participate in e-celeb bullshit should be killed
Ethan Clark
We Millennials are unironically worse than baby boomers. I thought it would take the millennials children to call them out on their bullshit, it's nice knowing the based zoomers are already doing that.
Zoomers dont care about anything but fortnite. It's beautiful. They have cynical and nihilistic 90s kid blood.
Robert Mitchell
>They have cynical and nihilistic 90s kid blood
no faggot that's called being a child and not having real responsibilities, it isn't uniquely tied to a single generation
Jeremiah Williams
Responsibilities? What does having responsibilities have to do with supporting cuck behavior?
Ryan Collins
Good thing the people ranting about looking up to him are few and far between and the one he picked on in his video was a cherrypicking of the highest caliber.
Bullshit. Millennials growing up were way bigger faggolas.
Ayden Gonzalez
>This Idubbz debacle is only for leafy to have something to say on the topic
Let's be real, even if Leafy were to jump on it, Ian would still shit on him and reign triumphant
Kevin Davis
He doesn't really have a place to reign supreme from. Not a lot of people bought his whole reply video and the efforts his friends are making to do damage control also aren't going well.
Charles Watson
19-year-old zoomer boomer reporting in. We're going to remove all these article-writing, onions-drinking, cuckholding, hip-fashioned, left-leaning, white-hating, nigger-loving, fag-liking, low-testosterone, sexually-degenerate, socially-submissive, vegan-dieted, prematurely-balding, glasses-wearing, beard-growing, woman-worshiping, simp millennial urbanites from the face of Mother Earth
who is we? you and your two equally autistic friends?
Josiah Powell
Millennial fucking BOILING
Jordan Ortiz
no he wouldn't because Ian is doing other shit and is already plenty busy I think. I don't care about the drama. Ian is just a solid human being. No need to shit on him for anything really.
It's funny because boomers are the gossip faggots who spectate on bullshit no one cares about. you are a fucking loser if you still follow celebs, go to the gym
remember to season~
Nathan Clark
have fun never making a major difference in the world, let alone your own life
Michael Perez
Absolutely seething Millennial. Enjoy your time on earth while it lasts
Oliver Long
He handled the fatty situation like a champ and reported on it absolutely based
I'll enjoy it much more than you will. Enjoy dying in your early 30s
Camden Bell
Projecting from the heart because you have collectively failed as a generation by being completely useless and will be remembered at best as being the mentors for zoomers that couldn't even control them?
this generation war is a psyop by the kikes to create further division, JIDF fags gtfo
Luke Butler
aw, did I strike a nerve? maybe you'll feel better after watching some fortnite clips
Logan Mitchell
I am not. You know. I don't care so much about internet drama. Or Idubbz. But I loved his content cop videos. He is interesting guy. He basically radiates yank hillbilly but he got brains. Interesting mix.
In any case. I think he is getting played. His gf is an asshole. Like take me for example. I got borderlines, sale worthy bod. I am low on funds constantly. Why shouldn't I open nofans account.ru and make it raaain!!!
Firstly my bf would disown me. Second my whole town would laugh at me. Thirdly I couldn't take any relationship seriously or existence itself. Dubz man is too good for her.
My take on it is this some bullshit drama you'd find on the front cover of Woman's Weekly magazine or some shit
Colton Foster
>blackpilled millennial who's been stepped on by the world lashing out as his superios sad sight to see lmao
William Butler
watching overgrown children deriving their value from their entire generation instead of their individual accomplishments is definitely one sad sight to see
you can start with washing your dick and cleaning your room, sport
Camden Sanchez
millennials cranky and bitter as fuck LMAO
unfortunately you're too whipped to ever be giving commands to anyone, sit down and be humble. save up some money for that vasectomy as seems to be tradition for you people
based a legion of zoomers that hate you pathetic simps
Dominic Gray
Bruh, this is kinda pathetic. Is this really the best your generation can muster up? Explains the unbelievable lack of success lol
Gabriel Bennett
Its some beta shit and I'd not be cool with it personally but honestly if you care about it then you are a bigger one.
Owen Green
>Is this really the best your generation can muster up? >no comeback
literal smoothbrain
Parker Hill
And the boomer stance is hes a cuck faggot with no back bone who needs to reign in his slutoid, hapa piece of shit cunt girlfriend whos gona leave him for a PIMP once shes financial stable in 6 months.
Gen Y here, I don't even know who these fags are, sounds like Gen Z faggotry t b h.
Isaac Morris
zoomer here, we hate baby boomers but we hate millennials even more because millennials always talked about how they would change the status quo, but all you did was make faggots and trannys common and talk about muh rights. wtf ever happened to occupy wallstreet? oh right, you'd rather have protest for the mentally ill. even at my high school in southern California all the sensible people (we had some trannies and feminist in school) were pro Trump. Right now we just want all the baby boomers to die so we can at least start to get actual change
Angel Adams
I think I qualify as a millennial and I don't approve of it at all. You don't do shit like that in a relationship. A woman shouldn't whore around like this because it's degrading and it isn't respectable and it cheapens the value of her relationship. Doing porn isn't good for women, it's morally and emotionally fucked up and it hurts our culture. Men shouldn't let their women do this kind of shit, either. There's blame on idubbbz here, too. It makes him look weak, it shows that he has no control over his relationship, and it's emasculating. You're sitting here taking care of a woman who wants to offer herself to other men, that's a step away from actual cuckoldry. This way of life is just as bad for men as it is for women. I get it, it's his life he can do what he wants, I'm not gonna fucking find where he lives and attack him, but it isn't right. I'm not gonna pretend like what he's doing is normal or correct. Shit like this is bad for people, but nobody seems to think so anymore.
Imagine being so fucking stupid that you actually care about what celebreties do and say. They are making money off of fucking subhuman freaks like you who drool over clickbait news articles and autistic youtube videos. You have literally allowed someone with zero value to somehow take over a small portion of your life.
All those who want to "weighs in" or "gives their opinion" doesn't actually give a shit. They're making posts for attention and you are feeding them attention. You are feeding animals and teaching them that being loud and obnoxious is an acceptable way to get attention. You want this autistic shit to go away? There is one way only. When your friend at highschool asks for your opinion you say that you don't care because it is a waste of time.. Make him know that it's pathetic to slave over these internet celebrities.
Idubs is a manchild with studented development. He talks like a baby on camera because he never progressed past that moment in his life. He is stuck in the year he became youtube famous by being childish on camera. You would be like this too if you were made money off of what you do on camera. Could you imagine living like this? Wake up each day knowing your paycheck comes from how much attention you can get? You know that all that matters in your life is how many people will subscribe and pay attention to you? His brain has been rewired to understand how to maximize exposure and attention. He only makes topics concerning other people who live pathetic vapid lives like he does because that is all he knows.
has idubz ever actually had a career outside of being an attention whore? or is it his only job?
I think that kids look up to idubbz because they get in toruble whe they say NIGGER at school but since idubbz says it on camera they idolize him.
If you're underage and reading this: go have a fulfilling hobby that brings you joy. You'll someday look back on the time you wasted talking about people like this.
People PAY for this? Is her onlyfans literally just a couple of pictures of her topless or nude?
Xavier Robinson
>People PAY for this? Is her onlyfans literally just a couple of pictures of her topless or nude? yes and this is why idubbz doesn't care. He and his girlfriend make money off of you. Every time you have outrage and boldly say online that you hate him or look down on him, he and his girlfriend knows that YOU ARE ADVERTIZING FOR HIM. This thread is an ad for him and his girlfriend. They are making bank because outrage = attention... and attention = views and subscribers which is where their money comes from
the real only correct answer is "everyone involved is a faggot and I don't care"
How much do they pay for that? Because she isn't even really that attractive. She's not bad, she's got nice tits and a good physique, but she's also kinda got salami tits going on. And there's just something weird about her arms and her face.
Easton Williams
I would usually agree with this stance. After all, there is no bad publicity. However, I think this is bad for his career. She can't seriously be making that much on the OnlyFans account, and you know for a fact that this is a black mark on Ian's reputation. Maybe they'll make a lot in the short run, but past that it looks rough. This controversy is gonna be yesterday's news pretty shortly.
Logan Miller
>I think this idubbbz debacle the what? t. millenial
Jordan Ward
>He and his girlfriend make money off of you user says as shit gets leaked and spread. Brilliant.
Nathaniel Foster
I think it's interesting that people refer to zoomers as snowflakes/SJWs - whatever the fuck you want to call it - when I feel like if anything, I feel like Generation Z is a lot more politically incorrect and rejects a lot of the shit that usually is associated with millennials. I feel like zoomers, having spent pretty much our entire lives on an unregulated "Wild West" internet where we're given a platform to just say whatever the fuck we want, are naturally more irreverent than millennials.
Sebastian Sanders
They're definitely confusing zoomers with millennials when they do that.
Zoomers are basically gonna be remembered as Generation Acceleration if this keeps up
Cooper Jones
idubbz's girlfriend is making herself and idubbz SHITLOADS of cash money and free advertising by selling pictures of her naked body naturally, teens with autism and faggoty manchildren actually care.
t. 12 year old who doesn't understand that celebrities are literally world-class attention whores who have built entire careers off of giving their uneducated retarded takes on current events and riling up attention by doing so. This guy makes thousands off of fucking YOUTUBE videos where he talks like a baby on camera and somehow you think I'm going to respect the voices of the people who pretend to be experts on his personality and who he is? If you watch his video you're a fucking developmentally disabled subhuman. If you think he adds any value to this planet at all you're a fucking idiot. HE IS MILKING YOU AND HIS GIRLFRIEND'S NUDES FOR ATTENTION. THIS IS PART OF THEIR FUCKING STRATEGY TO GET VIEWS, HE MAKES A BIG CONTROVERSY AND THEN WAITS FOR OTHER E-CELEBS TO GIVE THEIR PEABRAINED TAKE ON THINGS because he knows that faggoty children will spread his stupid fucking youtube channel around at school.
If you don't like him, don't watch him and don't talk about him. He's a celebrety, he is only culturally relevant and popular because people like you care about him so much. All you have to do to make him shut the fuck up and go away is stop giving him attention. Doesnt he have a big series on youtube where he just says this over and over again about other people? The whole fucking point of content cop is to shit on faggots who waste their lives whoring themselves out for attention and living off of controversy and retards who hang on e-celeb's every word.
>destroying his reputation/dignity for a brief return to popularity Big brain move.
>The whole fucking point of content cop is to shit on faggots who waste their lives whoring themselves out for attention and living off of controversy His latest video was an unintentional content cop on himself.
Jacob James
>"Hey Anisa, we haven't been getting very many views lately. Can you please go make some retarded controversy to stir up shit so that we're relevant again?" >sure thing ian! let me just go take nudes of myself and plaster them all over the internet and pretend like it's some sort of big deal, our fanbase of children and autistis will eat it up >"look Anisa, the internet is absolutely covered in news articles and rageposts about how I'm a simp! let's be sure to milk this for as long as possible for free advertizing"
>His latest video was an unintentional content cop on himself. You know what I started typing out some fucked up post about how retarded you are, but now I feel bad
You really don't get it? I'm not trying to be mean here but do you really think idubbz actually spends his life slaving away over filth and degeneracy because he thinks it's part of his valuable reputation? The guy runs a youtube channel.
Do you have a job? Do you not realize how money works? This guy's LIFE revolves around getting attention. His PAYCHECK is literally just based off of how many children watch his videos and how many teenagers spend their allowance on his merch. His day to day life is literally waking up, reading youtube comments/emails/twitter replies, and then getting in front of a camera and acting retarded to get kids to click on his youtube videos
You think he gives A SINGLE SHIT about what people think about him? If this guy cared about his reputation he'd do what every normal healthy adult does when they fuck up in front of everyone: try to forget about it.
He does it for attention, because attention = money.
>typing up a useless essay just to say that My point being that he's seeking huge short-term gains for abysmal long-term ones because after this whenever iDubbbz is brought up again they'll just go, "oh, the cuck?" and move on with their day.
Michael Sanders
>Ian is just a solid human being. lmao more like a solid cuck
Ahh i see, you must be one of the adult manchildren who never grew out of his youtuber phase. youtubers cater to children, and once their audience of children grow up they just move onto the next generation of children.
You know he's worthless right? The only reason people like you think he gives any value to your life is because he told you he does.
Gavin Kelly
>Ahh i see, you must be one of the adult manchildren who never grew out of his youtuber phase. I never watched any of his videos during his time. You have like a 0% hit accuracy, mate.
Ryder Parker
Cuck for being into a girl that sells herself to other guys.
Simp for defending her for doing it.
Asher Wilson
>The Millennial take on his situation is "It's their relationship, so what? I can't believe sex workers are getting so little respect..." No. People individually have their own opinion retard stop putting yourself in a box.