/r9gay/ - #978

Loving the boy edition.


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Other urls found in this thread:


why are you posting shitty furry art. get out of here you zoophile

Born just late enough to see pederasty come back in vogue, but born too early for genetic engineering so born incel.

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go back

Me on the far right :3

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give me cute secret femboy bf now faggots

seething dog fucker lol

Why do i have to be clingy? why can't i just be emotionless and learn not to love?

the op pic isn't even furry you fucking spastic

this is my bf.

say something nice and original about him!

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OP is not "that" user so there's no need, that pic has been used many times before by others in previous threads

Look at this city slicker with his twink bf

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He's from a korean web artist so he's bad
i jest, i enjoyed reading it very much
but i got caught up and there was no more, maybe there is now

i like this one a lot more, it's very punkish
you have a much more varied taste in artists than me, for that i give you kudos

I wish I was gay
Heterosexuality sucks

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>latin class in 45 minutes
and i'm having a bad hair day ;_;
guess there'll be no webcam appearance from me then
i need some tea

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Just snuggle with another man and you'll get quarantinegay

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no user do the webcam anyway! part of the reason i even bother waking up for my 7:30 is so i can make the cute boy's webcam fullscreen

I feel like I'm pretty super picky when it comes to men unfortunately
Like, I find some men to be cute and attractive but that's like maybe 10% of the time at most

it's good to be picky, better than being a sloot atleast...

I'm gay and find like 5% of guys attractive wtf

Similar boat, but I feel like I could develop more attraction for someone if I had feelings for them. I think it's a combination of shades of asexuality to allosexuality, libido, and pickiness.

LOL The true form is revealed. In the next breathe they'll be mocking gaycels for "not trying hard enough" and saying its easy to get a bf if you try.

What to do that doesn't involve sitting?

Excersize. Cook. Paint. Sing. Recite poetry. Pace back and forth.

I would very much still date someone with a good personality/interests without finding them immediately attractive the moment I looked at them though. Obviously it might help, but I don't expect every single person to fit my picky ideals.
I'm unusually picky in terms of physical characteristics and, like I said, I'd date someone who didn't fit into my "ideal" physical features if I came to really like them on a personal level. That can result in me finding them attractive anyway. I'm sorry you have this strange mentality user, but physical appearance isn't everything in a potential partner

>The main two threads I lurk are this and /NSG/ over on Yas Forums.
>Mfw I'm the degenerate.
Honestly thinking about quiting politics and just focusing on learning history and teaching myself to paint instead. Maybe then I'll actually be somewhat happy or satisfied. Also
>My hair is getting fluffy and wild again because I'm not putting hair oil in and it needs cut. Also I need to shave.

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politics suck and that's my field of study
cute anime boy tho i like

Did you want to chat about music sometime?


anybody want to try playing Half-Life 2's Synergy?
its a multiplayer mod that'll let you play HL2 with other people.. might be kinda coole...

but not rn but if you reply and are here tomorrow then ye


>teaching myself to paint instead
wont people laugh at you?

>posting on r9gay while my teacher is talking on zoom
hehe... boomer

I'm studying CS. But I wish I could be studying history instead. But that's not practical so it remains just a hobby. And I'm trying to learn art because it's actually really fascinating. I had family that were antique dealers so I grew up around a lot of old art. I never really appreciated it as a kid though. I've wanted to be able to paint for as long as I can remember though. And a couple weeks ago i decided I'd try to give it another go.

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Probably. But nothing risked nothing gained user. And really I ignore people most of the time. I tend to self isolate a lot even when my friends want to do stuff. So if I just stay in my room and paint no one will laugh at me. I don't plan on showing it off till I have at least a basic level of competence. I don't plan to do ot professionally or anything. It's a hobby for my enjoyment. And if people have a problem with that. Well.. Pic related.

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I am about to shower
and then shave so that I'm smooth al over for my non existent bf :(

I wish I had an epilator

no, quite the opposite actually, gaycels just try to hard. Anyone can find a gross guy on grindr to have sex with. Finding a good bf is really hard though :(

>natsoc general
You're better than, user.

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being a gay who's self aware about how bad gays can be helps

Therapy has helped a lot but I'm still not confident if I'm saying the right things. Can I try for a bf now?

>cs is particle
If its not your passion then get ready for a pathetic life.

Some of what they say makes sense. Not all of it certainly. I don't consider myself nat soc. They're also really fucking positive and uplifting. Like its the last place you'd expect it. But that thread and this thread are two of the bright spots in my days. But yah I know I really shouldn't be lurking there.
Absolutely. Regardless of accepting myself some people twist things and act like actual degenerates.
It was my passion when I was younger. But idk now it just seems kinda cold. I still enjoy computers and working with them. But I don't feel the same passion I do with history. But a history/anthropology degree doesn't pay the bills.

>paying bills so you can sustain your unlivable existence

Are you guys gay in the "I find grown hairy fully developed males attractive" or "I find young little spunky boys attractive"?

for different reasons

could always be a teacher. my favorite teacher in high school was my history/gov teacher actually, they always seemed to be the chillest. painting is really neat, you should show some of your work! I doodle monochromatically pretty rarely, but I'm not good since my brother and mom got all the art skills... and anthropology can actually pay really well! I mean, not the anthropology you probably want to do, but anthropology is a hugeee field in the first place. I'm taking forensic anthropology currently and took general anthro before; interesting stuff but not my cup of tea

I can't spend my parents money on a meme degree dude. It wasn't an easy decision for me to make. My history professor was encouraging me to switch and helping me make contacts and such. I felt excited for the first time in a long time. But my family can't afford it. I was crushed when I figured it out.

im a cute gay boy who likes cute boys

I like guys slightly older then me. Or at least that's my type I guess. I'm attracted to guys my age as well lol. I'm not typically a fan of lots of hair but I like muscular and manly. Being bigger then me is a plus and common enough with me being 5'8 and 140 lbs lmao.

I like cute feminine boys

I considered teacher. But I would probably want to teach on a college level. And once again it just seems like too much money/time with not enough security to be a good choice. Technically I could do it. I'm in my first year and absolutely could switch majors. It's just I don't really feel like I have a choice. And yah I wanted to do anthropology so I could do archeology work on historical research which are both underpaying jobs that require a lot of education and academic politics as well. As for my paintings. Well maybe someday. But I'm really just trying to learn the basics right now. And i have shit resources cause of the quarantine. I've been meaning to try to build an easel here at home.

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based furry OP

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How about "little spunky hairy fully developed young adult males"

Yeah I get it, I'm shoehorned into law which is why I'm majoring in political science right now. Not the worst thing in the world but it's not something I have immense passion for either. Weird hearing about a first-year in the thread, I've always been used to being one of the youngest in the thread but as of last year there are even pornstars younger than me now... getting older sux

do gay guys care about dick size

I prefer them actually average and below. Too big is untenable.

What is there to discuss about music though? The fun of it is listening.

Yah. I feel old at 19. I know I'm not. But I feel simultaneously old and young.
There are gay size queens yah. It's not something you can really generalize though. I remember one of the times I got on grindr there was a dude with a beautiful cock who messaged me first and was being all flirty. And I was flattered but I turned him down cause he was too big. I was(still am) a virgin and he was like pornstar level size wise. He would have probably actually hurt me. Regardless you'll probably be fine. If you're just looking for hookups well you'll find someone desperate enough. If you're looking for a relationship. Well someone who bases their intrest in you on the size of your dick isn't a very solid choice for a lasting relationship.

(he is asking if you want to hangout and shiet, ie hitting on you)

Oh yeah and if you liked that stuff from Orange Juice I was posting then check out their compilation album containing all their pre-1981 stuff, entitled "The Glasgow School", it's on slsk

Theory, history, musicology?

maybe i have autism then

i like the latter but i am the former, i am a manlet and nonwhite though so its not fun

>tfw no progressive house bf

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I'm afraid I wouldn't be much use there. It seems everyone's an intellectual in this thread but me...