Dubs decides what I text her

Sorry jannies for asking for advice didnt know it was against the rules

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Hey haha you look very cute in your pictures

hey, my buddies on Yas Forums told me to confess my pedophilia fetish so you down to talk?

haha thanks

>Dubs decides what I text her
you already texted her you autistic idiot

LMFAO you the dude who fucked his friends gf on e? Anyways, thanks for this collage. I had saved a few of Leahs pics to wank to and this is much more convenient

nobody has ever gotten a date from texting someone unless you're a 10/10 chad

Now what boss
Go hard my man
She took my virginity so

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considering you already texted her about drugs, im concluding your story is fake and gay
fuck off, op

Wasnt me user sorry

you must be a chad then

Can't even clean up the damn lawn before taking a picture.

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Thats a frat house on a game day you gotta get out more bubba

so when are you texting her this im waiting

That doesnt make any sense if I said that she wouldnt text back

>fsu pike
No doubt this girl has been rawdogged by at least 30 ripped chads. OP you are no robot.

I got a bid somehow freshman year before they knew I was autistic. Now Im the pariah

Maybe it's a cultural difference but where i live people don't throw shit on the lawn no matter how great a house party is because it's damn rude. Shit is either left standing on the tables or thrown into makeshift trash bags.

Its a frat house man. A hundred 18-22 year old guys live there. It gets rowdy sometimes. Dont know what to tell you

Alright now text her Can you please bestow another crumb of your delicious fruitcake upon me fair lady

Lol one away

Just text her some corny shit and post it here for the fuck of it.
Just act real desperate to get into her pants.

Wheres the fun it that

Because I won't get dubs again only when I'm typing shit like this.
If I do get dubs tell her "I still remember the way you took my virginity haha, I miss you"

Just for you I will but why do you keep saying haha what is so funny

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Nothing it's just this gay whatever you call it people say like uhh or hmm

I think shes getting mad

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I want to sniff your asshole you whore

Based, do it phoneposter

OP you better fucking deliver. But im pretty sure this is fake cus u already texted her about doing lsd.

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I kinda wanted to maybe get some pussy out of this but I feel like I blew it

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i fucking wish babe, so we bangi

He did it again, absolutely based.


Hey you're the user that posted the other night about losing your friend because you porked that girl on ecstacy.
Say that if she won't let you smell her cornhole then at least she could tell you what she ate today (because you have a very strong imagination).

OP can you greentext ? I feel left out :(

Why do you keep winning

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green text what user?

"Bite your tongue! You can't say that to me. I have to say, I have a very thick skin, but that went way too far."

History with the girl ?

rolling for this

How dare you? are you denying liking it despite your body saying otherwise? besides i was on ecstasy.

>freshman in college
>Me, my best friend Jamie, his girlfriend Leah, and her friend Sarah planning on going to the beach for spring break
>Jamie ended up having to work so he couldnt go
>I tell him I will stay on campus with him but he tells me to go and have fun and hit on girls

Fast forward to spring break
>we are out and drinking on the beach
>Leah takes a pill shaped like a cloud and offers me one
>I ask what it is and she laughs and puts it on my tongue
>turns out it was ecstasy
>30 minutes later it kicks in I am overcome with euphoria
>I can barely stand up
>I look and really start noticing how pretty Leah is
>I just stare at her
>probably staring at her for at least 30 minutes until she notices and asks me why im looking at her
>I kiss her
>she pushes me away
>I kiss her again
>we make out for like 45 minutes
>she stops and tells me we should go back to the Airbnb
>we walk back
>As soon as we get back to the room I kiss her again
>she feels my hard on through my pants and laughs
>I say sorry
>she sits me on the bed
>she takes her pants off and takes my dick out of my pants and starts riding me
>looking at her, the ecstasy, her rocking back and forth, breathing heavy
>its too much
>I cum buckets after maybe two minutes
>she freaks out because I didnt say anything (I didnt know you were supposed to)
>she starts freaking out even more because she cheated on her boyfriend
>she tells me I should leave so I have nowhere to go
>Sleep outside and take a bus home

Another trip kek. Literally unstoppable
Goodjob user.

>hey, would you like to go out with me after this whole corona thing blows over?

Damn that was shitty of you and her. Did Jaime find out about it and good thing you didn't get her pregnant.

U have modhax

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yeah he found out recently. I think she told him. We arent friends anymore

"How about I return the favour and let you take another ride on the cockstallion"

honestly if I got her pregnant it wouldnt have been the end of the world shes gorgeous maybe she would marry me plus her parents have money

rolling for this


You a nigger OP ? Why would you do that, Seriously you might actually have a shot with her this time around with how she keeps responding to you.

He exposed Jamie's girlfriend as a cheating whore, which was pretty cool and good for his friend.
Granted, he should've told the dude (even though he assumed he knew because OP is autistic) but his friend eventually found out and now they aren't friends.
Come on, OP, ask what she's been eating so you can imagine her farts.
Also send one of her bikini pics with camel toe in it and ask why she doesn't grow her pubes out a bit.

Rolling for this one.
>OP actually is delivering

I'm sorry about the dog

man you guys keep saying stupid shit

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I shouldn't have done what I did, but I did it and I can't change anything about it

You have a cuck fetish or something

Bitch no need to get all emotional. I'm the pullout king of the midwest

Do you believe in race/IQ correlation?

I never implied that that was the favour. READ, buddy. Anyway, im hornyyyyyyy so c'mere.

i know you're in denial but those were the best 30 secs of your life

Hey man you can never tell in Muttland.

deliver OP

Ok this is epix

Choice is an illusion created between those with power and those without

Get ahold of yourself bro. Also im not white

BTW do you know any good pizza place in the area

Kek based and original

i fantasize about throatfucking you, you ugly whore