What did she do?

>finally cook a grilled cheese?
>get a boyfriend
>pass as a woman for the first time
>comprehend kant
>get sub 300 pounds
>get a job
>become the first female on r9k
whats your guess?

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She married me.
We're very happy together.

Well it sure as fuck isn't being sub 300 pounds that bitch is a porker.

She made chlorine gas like her German ancestors

why does she larp as a german nationalist so hard when she is from florida??

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To appeal to me, her husband.

Shes Germane

ethically, yes

do you give her back rubs whenever she wants?

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>do you give her back rubs whenever she wants?
Yes, we are very happy together.

what is your favourite quality of your beautiful angel wife audrey? do you go on picnics?

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She is a very good wife.
Yes, every meal we eat is a picnic.
We are going to have eight children.
We are really married and very happy together.

Jesus why can't you read a book or something idgaf

why 8 children? you just want audrey's genes to be passed down as much as possible? every meal is a picnic? that sounds tough. is she your sugar mama

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We both want as many children as possible but decided 8 was a sensible number. I provide for us both with my nondescript source of income that I earn.

if ur gonna make up some fantasy scenario in which you marry audrey, atleast try to make them somewhat realistic.
no sane person wants 8 children.

If wanting 8 children isn't insane, then my wife Audrey and I are crazy about each other

well, its not like aubby is sane.

imagine the smell of her cunt after birthing 8 kids jesuo christo

>imagine the smell of her cunt after birthing 8 kids jesuo christo
Don't make defend my wife's honor, you cur.

would you just consider her to be a plump breeding sow? a braphog, even? are you waiting a bit to have kids or is the process already underway? is she eating pickles due to her pregnancy now?

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>would you just consider her to be a plump breeding sow?
No she is my loving wife and we share a deep emotion connection.
We are currently trying to conceive, we are both very healthy and fertile so it will not take long.

shes what, around 20 now? so 20% chance I think after 3 months of trying? gotta do it everyday. do you already have baby names planned? what do you enjoy talking to her about? whats it like to cum in her? does she enjoy the smell afterwards?

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user these questions are far too personal and I would never discuss sex, smells, or my wife's genitals on the internet.

There will be a nice ww3/civil wartime romance first. Then the postwar baby boom comes in.

stop being weird guys

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im sorry i just really really love imagining the smell. what questions can i ask then. What is her favourite sent? Her favourite style of cloths? Haircut? do you guys talk in allemand or anglais?

>stop being weird guys

i love squeezing my chode to this chodette

how do you think she would feel reading these posts
no she wouldn't get off to them
im sure they make her very uncomofrtable

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>no she wouldn't get off to them
You're wrong, kiddo. These girls come her for attention and we give it to them.

maybe she thinks we're just weird retards maybe she thinks that having 8 children might be nice one day who knows

dude... these girls LOVE this type of attention. they actually jerk off to this type of shit. they finger blast themselves to it. you would do the same. she is wet as the yellow river right now if she is here. which is she. no doubt she made this very thread!

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Do not talk about my wife like that

Audrey legitimately seems like a cool girl I would like to get to know. I will never do this because I am a weird sperg, but under different circumstances it'd be nice.

what are you going to do about it? if I had to show you what an uncircumcised dick looked like in female human form, it would be AUDREY

She left all social media because of you niggers

what circumstances? know her in what way?

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They do that shit all the time. She'll be back within a few weeks.

>what circumstances?
If we met by chance irl I guess
>know her in what way
Talk to her about her interests and that kind of thing

what would you do if she fell madly in love with you, but had HIV even though she was a KHHV?

She...she's from florida?


That explains why shes crazy

I would gas her

shed probably like that desu. you just ripping a fat one for the boys back home on her chipmunk cheeks

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have a rare one

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Damn can I have orbiters too?
Male btw

damn kasper looks hot as fuck in that one post moar rares

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How the fuck did she get HIV?

>tfw you will never protect Audrey from the cyberniggers

her mother had HIV and gave it to her via breast milk. what ended up happening is her mother had another kid after audrey, and stored her breast milk in the fridge. audrey went down to make french toast and actually used her mothers breast milk not only in the batter but also as a straight drink as a side. she got HIV that way.

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and fat

if youre a male like audrey yes


why even live

Itd be an honor to get infected by her juices and die painfully with her perfect face and body the only thing on your mind while in agony but source?

dude. imagine tasting her nasty infected meat flaps. just dangling above you. covered in yellow smuck. foot on your chest "eat up user". it would smell so fucking incredible. she'd invite all her friends to watch. she'd get a discord call going and kasper and tahlia would watch it happen. holy shit. you arent a robot if you arent into this

i said stop !!!

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Truly, people like you should be killed.


Id love licking the crust from her unwashed pussy. Im sure there are no flaps shes too pure but buried underneath them is the stenchy vast dried pussy cheese and period blood watched over by her hymen strong and certain to give passage only to the most deserving seed. Shed immediately conceive octuplets because the ranks of future soldiers and maidens cant wait. Shed feed them and you with endless ammounts of milk. Her breasts would be so large and endlessly producing milk.
After bearing your countless children shed give you one last time in her wide pussy and then casually pull out a zyklon b canister to end your life in bliss squirting milk and vaginal stench over your cold lifeless body. The last thing you hear is her tahlia kasper and all the other girls climaxing in tandem

I don't want to live in a world where this exists.


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i feel like i went a bit too overboard here.
For real audrey is the coolest one and i wish her well glad she doesnt get too involved with this shit

I would endlessly service that rotund whore's juicy little snatch. When I would go to work in the morning she'd have her work set out of her. She'd find herself going to a local dumpster and fetching out some rotten meat full of maggots to shove inside herself. So then she could come back home and lay in bed while the maggots squirm all inside her, giving her countless pleasurable orgasms. Her pussy would turn all blue and hard from the maggots eating away at it, then she'd take them out and not wash for days. Jogging in hot sun. pouring gallons of horse sweat inside herself. She'd have the other girls munch on their own used tampons and baby bird the juice inside of her, by now, infected vagina. I'd come home to her riding on her horse, she'd get off and push me into a bail of hay. standing over me, she'd quote the pioneer squad from COH: "Was wunschen Sie... what do you want?" I'd swallow whole her coagulated period blood, comparable to swallowing raw eggs, the smell of her yellow gunk would be like when you've just eaten pizza and nutted in your pants, or when it's a bus load of highschool girls mixed with the most revolting old man's penis cheese. the smell would make me so fucking hard. kasper would be there too, watching. she'd have to stop playing animal crossing so she could finger blast her ruined cunt to our sex. I'd make what marc did look like a germaphobe's bathroom. my cum would be so thick and she'd take all of it. impregnating her on the spot. the babies would be so big she'd cry out in pain birthing them later. you know she'd love it.

>contributes to exactly the sort of thing that audrey doesnt like and tried to get away from
>"For real audrey is the coolest one and i wish her well glad she doesnt get too involved with this shit"
well atleast you're (kinda) trying to be nice (to some extent) (maybe)

shes the one writing this stuff.

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Fucking killed herself. Who is this clown?

audrey is sleeping

Well Im sorry shes the one who least deserves it. Tbh its for the better if shes disgusted with this place. Im all for redirecting these fantasies to the other ones. Which pale torn out fatigued whore should we choose

no. shes awake. offline mode.

if we make it tahlia she will actually read it. kasper is fun one. what one do you think?

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its 11pm florida time
shes probably asleep
i mean ideally you'd direct them at noone, even the bad e-girls, or u could just keep them in your head, or fuck it dude pick tahlia or kasper or fantasise about dead ciara, idgaf about them desu. the only other r9k girl i like is sunny and she seems to (mostly) be free of this place.


surreal to think how popular kasper is.