
still quite proud of the corona op images lads edition

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*Reserves a seat*

Foraged finds from today.
Glistening inkcaps were a real treat

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Reminder to add these to your name filter to improve your /britfeel/ experience
/^Lil Big P$/
/^Cap'n shitjoke$/

choked down a square of that chocolate and nearly threw up. Jesus the taste was unbelievably foul

nah he's alright

Shame we can't filter you. What do you bring to the community?

All good here lad. I'm actually seriously lucky, so far this quarantine has been comfy. All well with business etc. I'm liking mrs BN working from home too.

Yeah we get married on saturday with no guests. Big change to our plans, but we'll do the party next year. We're going to just drink champagne together on the balcony all day.

How is this lockdown treating you mate?

Based trips. Cannabis edibles are generally fucking foul.
Glad you didn't throw up lad. Have you tried cookies before?

He brings seething

He's provided me with a convenient list of filters. A chemo to the cancer, As the other lad said though, I shall be leaving KikeNight on. He and Senor Benis are ok in my book

What are the top things a lad needs to get done in his 20s?

So far...
I have a degree.
I have a PGCE
I have secured a job.
I am learning Russian in my free time (coming along)
I am practising guitar (I suck big time; no talent at all).
I have had sex once.
I have never kissed a girl.
I have been to Russia multiple times.

What should I do before I turn 30? Time is speeding up.

Just went to the local 24 hour garage for 6 cans of 9% Polish piss.
2 ambulances parked outside a house up the road... it's starting.
Literally only heard of 1 person being infected in my town until now.

My dad got charged with aggravated assault last weekend. Today he called to tell me if they sentence him to prison he's going to kill himself.

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I could say the same to you user

Which personality is is? No SCEA name in there.
*noggin starts joggin*

>I have had sex once.
>I have never kissed a girl.

An excellent list of filters to help purge the gawping, moronic tripfaggots and attention seekers that plague this thread you simpering tripvassal.

Why did he assault someone lad?

me? i've contributed a lot to this general. plenty of gimmicks you've seen and thought were different people. but the truth? they were all me

>what is a prozza

She kissed me on the neck.

anons are the backbone of this community

what an absolute plonker, he'll get like 3 weeks and be out in 1 with good behaviour
state of him, should kill himself tbqh

Sup lads. Life is quite shit, yeah? Cunt mum wont even spare a few quid so I can get some fags.
Not a brit but I wanted to join the banter.

My stepmom started punching him so he grabbed her by the throat and pushed her to the ground.
She called the cops and said he tried to strangle her and they arrested him. That's his side of the story.

Serves him right for being a chav cunt.

Someone on /asp/ has literally ordered some e-thots shitcake to eat

Want to go shop for baccy but don't want virus. What do


no, out.

>What do you bring to the community?
I applaud him for doing his best to stop this general from sliding even further into a grotesque personality contest. Fuck trips and personalities

What's that...

What is your stepmothers side of the story? Why did she start punching him?


lol utter mong

nooooo you cant just filter wilter kikey knighty, walking around at night in a jew costume when no can see you is soooo comfy espically when you keep doing the same thing for monthy womfs noo

leave now

No, try again user

they shit and put it into a cake

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shit aside that's not even a nice looking cake.
what's the point?

Don't care yank runt

I try to bring comfy things and share knowledge

The absolute irretrievable state of Coomers.

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Sorry. Something like Oi would have been more appropriate

has poley deleted this?

ffs bad timing

I agree about saying fuck trips but personalities might be a given.
Everyone has a personality, some just let more of it show than others.

>Posts his filter list
That will invite discussion about the tripfags on that list, like what is happening now.

That's probably the grimmest thing I've read today

>How is this lockdown treating you mate?

Well the direct impact was that my dads funeral was only allowed to have 5 attendees, although its fortune that funerals are the one permitted social event as weddings and christening are banned now (although perhaps they can continue without guests)

Otherwise I've been coping because I've got 100s of tins of beans and other supplies to see me through as the supermarkets have a 2 hour queue for people to buy a loaf of bread.

I actually have it myself now, on day 7 so I'm allowed out of quarantine tomorrow, but its been the worst illness I've had in 18 years, couldn't get out of bed for 36 hours on day 3/4

Thanks to his list, I can no longer see the mongs. Happy days.

Let's all take a moment to remember the hero that took Nubs' virginity by force.

A toast to that good sir!

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>Let's all take a moment to remember the hero that took Nubs' virginity by force.


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haha omg lad is that really crona??

IDK I don't talk to her.
They are in the middle of a divorce.

>have you heard of the high eIves?

At least truckposter isn't here today.

yes i am because i made the thread and i made the fucking op images

>yes i am because i made the thread and i made the fucking op images

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Good on you lad. Thanks for everything you do

A toast to the baiters and the seethers.

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as a northerner I would've preferred alrite lads or safe lads you did pretty good though

depends how much you want them rollies lad

Shut up you grotesque, bloated, pallid noncecase abomination

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C'mon lads, love not war

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Would you reccomend Russia as a place of travel, even if I don't care about Russian culture etc

Ok,erm? Shippy?

day 2 of OMAD + IF
hard to fit 1500 cals into one meal, I managed to eat 1200 in one serving but couldn't get the last 300 in

Don't fucking hug me corona spreader

>the image that forced shippy to stop posting his gimmicks and hide

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it's a virtual hug fren

>we almost lost shippy

Too close. It's times like these you really learn not to take things for granted. Welcome back to the fold my friend.