
Imagine being such a spastic that you can't spell /britfeel/ correctly edition

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Nth for top shagging


>tfw no jp idol gf

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I've been wondering for you dole lads, do you still have to go down for your meetings or are they called off? or are they online?

the great wall of britfeel is almost done

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Fuck me finally a thread. I've been refreshing the catalogue all morning.
Where the hell did everyone go?

They've completely stopped all meetings, not even over the phone

oh dear Iad...

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Why are we crashing the economy again?

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All you got is this moment
Twenty-first century's yesterday
You can care all you want
Everybody does yeah that's okay

So slide over here
And give me a moment
Your moves are so raw
I've got to let you know
I've got to let you know

............you're one of my kind

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only 175 days until autumn my friends

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Silly billy, we were on /brutfeel/
Do you not check the front page? I never search for /britfeel/

>Why are we crashing the economy again?
For the bants.

having 4 months worth of flu deaths in 4 weeks is an enormous strain on the nhs

28,000 people died in 2014?

because the sheer numbers of people who need to go to hospital from it will be too much and then loads of other people with unrelated but deadly issues will die

Going into critical withdrawal from my meds lads. I can't get my prescription done.
It's over, I'm getting terrible shakes and feel like I'm going to be sick all the time.

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So just let them die? My amazon deliveries have been delayed until next month and the gym is shut.

no, 28k people died in late 2014 and early 2015 due to the flu
they were almost entirely pensioners who were on death's door to begin with, just like with the coronavirus

Because the numbers coming now are in addition to those regular numbers, why is this so hard for people to understand? This is a completely new strain of flu that nobody has any antibodies for. Most people can ward the flu off every year.

I hope you're joking mate. You're putting your consoomer products above human lives

>tfw have to apply for supermarket work because i'm self employed
>tfw considered high risk

fucked lads, i am fucked. i have about 20 quid to last me till the end of the quarantine

prince charles is fine apparently. didn't even need to go to hospital. a 71 year old bloke and it hasn't even scratched him

Tired of this argument.
How many flu equivalents should we be forced to accept? You can't just say 'worse things happen at sea' for everything, it's absolutely right that we are taking precautions.

No I'm not joking, I have been extremely inconvenienced by this. If some gay little virus kills you then that's down to you, it's your body, it's your responsibility to keep it fit and healthy enough to fight these sorts of things.

Is deleting your tinder account and staring a new one actually worth it? I wanna match some bored normalfag qts.

Probably cause he keeps fit and active instead of just monging out in front of Corrie and eating biscuits

Because we were heading into a global recession anyway. Now they have a convenient excuse as to why the economy is fucked and why they can no longer deliver all those things they promised in the recent budget. I'm not saying any of this was deliberate but when all this has finished it will have worked out in their favour.

Good luck
They don't provide me with face masks

It will give you another chance to get placed in the hottie section of tinder.
They have it set up so uggos only see uggos. Beautiful people don't want to have to put up with trash, just like real life.
Always makes me laugh when I see people posting about rank tinder lasses on here, you're seeing them girls for a reason.

of course he is because the fucking vaccine is available to the royals, they're just holding it from us so they can rinse out the process of making everyone else suffer

I'm sure there's absolutely nobody else competing with you on tinder and that you alone will alleviate their boredom.

i fucking need it lad, face mask or not i don't care lad i just need the cash right now, it's blood on their hands at the end of the day

Good job you. What do the numbers on the left () mean?

He never had it. They pretended so that the same retards who clap for the NHS think "wow they're just like us".

unread posts

a vaccine does not cure you of a virus you spastic, it prevents you from getting the virus in the first place. Also, there is no vaccine

sorry wrong quote, was meant for

feel agitated because i haven't had any crisps today

>nobody has any antibodies
Do we know yet if we produce antibodies for it?
We have recorded recovered, so we should be able to test for it?
Also people have been talking about reinfection?

Apparently you can get it a second time, but only the first time is contagious.
Sounds like absolute bollocks to me but that's the current thinking and its guiding policy.

I have had several attractive girls in the past, but a lot of the time they don't respond. I don't imagine it would be much different a second time, but as you said it'd give me another chance.

Thanks lad. :)

*panics because all the furniture in britfeel towers is from brighthouse*

I M O He Never had it, just the royal family doing there part to help the public take it seriously.

If you send me a picture of your penis, I'll pay you 100 bong

>Hello, Elizabeth? An anonymous poster on Yas Forums found out about the plan, we have to shut it down

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So will my bennies still go into my account as usual?

>gives the plebs bennies now so they can implement disaster capitalism policies once it blows over
the tories are cumming, the tories are cumming

About to have a spliff and a bath. Feeling like that's the first productive thing I've done today.
So exhausted. Real struggle doing anything.
Checked babies and I've had two Thai and one zomproi hatch over night. Don't know what to name them and fast running out of jars

well my lamb burgers were a total failure, they just crumbled apart as soon as I started frying them

Can you not sign on?

sounds a bit weird that only the first time is contagious. I heard it makes you infertile tho

of course they will lad, they're not just gonna cancel bennies at a time like this

Did you follow a recipe?

>m-muh mental health
>smokes cannabis

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so far eaten 380 calories today

got a really empty feeling in my stomach, but energy levels are fine, just a bit cold

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Nurse here at Britfeel University Hospital, Wards are inundated with Apus claiming they're "not womfy" anymore, most refuse to leave because they're so lonely. SPACCA party MP's have called it a violation of Apu rights to eject the little green bed thieves. None of them are even sick.

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what did you put in the mix? i usually add an egg, breadcrumbs, etc

They're not paying me until next month :(

When was the last time you creampied a woman?

Kek nice assumptions lad.
People struggle to get out of bed for other reasons than depression.

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Feel like playing minecraft on the xbox 360. Haven't played it on there in years and can't really be bothered to come to grips with new updates

is now a good time to claim bennies?
i always wanted to claim but i felt like i couldnt figure out what i was meant to do. all seems quite overwhelming and then having to do all this filling out forms to prove you were applying and all that

im such a mong im getting filtered by bennies

>When was the last time you creampied a woman?
ask yer mum


Answering the toilet paper hoarding mystery here

*carries out his 10th funeral of the day, yet again for an Apu who has tragically succumbed to the Apuvirus*

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Yep, almost to the letter except I didn't add rosemary

A small amount of flour which I thought would be adequate to help it stick but maybe an egg would have been better? I'll try that next time

>govt spends hundreds of millions building field hospitals
>infection rate is already slowing

hahaha what a fucking waste of money that was

my wife this morning

things that might have gone wrong:

not enough fat content in the mince

pan wasn't pre-heated meaning anything that goes onto it will get stuck in the cold open pores of metal - a hot pan is a much smoother surface

flame was set too low causing the meat to sweat and fall apart rather than rapidly seal from maillard reaction

Saturday night
I was thinking of my ex the whole time

now is not a good time lad, the system is being absolutely swamped with new claimants right now

It's terrible, their little lungs can't take it. The thick sprays of mucuous the dying ones emit is terrible. Nobody wants to help the Helpers.

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>is now a good time to claim bennies?
Yes lad it's really quiet at the moment. They're actually asking for more people to apply because of how few applicants they have

>the great wall of britfeel is almost done

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To the lad asking about the shirt I was wearing last night I found it for you here


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he looks like somebody grabbed a handful of teeth and just shoved them into his mouth

>n-no you are!
typical stoner. enjoy getting raped by your dealer.

That's a good point user. Who helps the helpers? All their lives Apus have just given gratiously

I agree they are awful, the massive bottom one is a denture as well I think.

does put some good content out though

January when the condom broke.
I shouldn't even be wearing condoms for fuck sake it's my girlfriend.

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thats quite good lad, are you just hiding the thread watcher when you aren't using it? i couldnt do that forever, im going to clear them soon

Thanks lad, I had a PAN, NICE N' HOT so it can't have been reason 2 or 3 but it was lean mince so it very well could have been reason 1