Why is sex so hard to get?

Why is sex so hard to get?
I really don't believe that a few guys are fucking all the women or that the majority of women are secretly all fucking chad.
I'm decently handsome, with good height and with a muscular body that gets complimented and noticed a lot, by both males and females and it is NOT easy for me to get sex. How the fuck do people less formidable than me are even supossed to get some pussy? Wtf is going on, for real? It shouldn't be that hard and even less for an objectively attractive guy.
I'm attractive enough that: some girls get flustered/intimidated, I get complimented or noticed because of my body daily, 99% of the time I'm the strongest fittest person in any situation I'm in and also among the best looking.
I notice guys who are objectively more attractive than me, because it's rare, and even then they don't face mog me brutally and I'm still always stronger and fitter.
I've met very few guys who are both more handsome AND fitter/stronger than me.
Yet, sex is still hard? Wtf is going on?
It seems that women have almost impossible expectations on who they fuck, YET aparently they are all getting fucked by some misterious chad?
Who is getting all the sex?
Have YOU actually met a chad irl?

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Its really not that hard and I swear you guys are just making it far more difficult than it needs to be. Im a 6/10 and Ive been in constant relationships with girls since I was 16. Just talk to them and be confident, thats all it is. You can make up literally any physical shortcomings by being confident and taking the initiative to talk to them. Im engaged now and punching above my weight as my fiancee earns more than me and is hot, but she doesnt see it that way.

Literally just act more confidently around women.

You have made it an insurmountable task in your head, mostly subconsciously, throughout your adolescence and early adulthood. You are trapped inside a matrix of your own design.

It isn't hard.

>Ive been in constant relationships with girls since I was 16

Dont be this guy.

yeah. the guys who don't mind being around women can have sex with them, go figure.
literally every answer is "initiate, confidence, initiate, start, did i mention initiate?" the problem is i don't want to initiate convos with women, convos with women fucking suck, fuck you.

Why? Its been fun and its helped me in lots of ways, even the break ups wernt that bad, you just have to realise sometimes shit doesnt work out. Im 26 and getting married now so thats all behind me, but its certainly not something I regret

Well then you need to kill yourself and hope youre reincarnated as some 13th century mongal warlord, because literally every other man in history has had to put at least a little effort into finding a girl to smash

Friendly reminder that this advice doesn't work if you're below 5'8, have a recessed chin or a sub 6 inches dick

Circumcision should be outlawed and ever doctor or person who performed it should have their hands removed.

Why all the fuss about sex?

i don't get how you comprehended that from my post.
the effort part has nothing to do with my point.

my point laid out for you: i do not want to have conversations with women. conversations with women FUCKING SUCK. do you understand?

Convos with women suck yeah, news flash: most men pretend to be interested to get laid. Unless youre the guy below and completely braindead who not only enjoy the company of women, but cant live without it, i'd say youre good.

Like I said before: Pathetic. And im not even an incel, actual failed Chad here, but your kind is pathetic and I know all about your kind.

Your social acumen is shit. If you can't read signals, make moves, predict intentions and cues, understand body language, none of what you have matters unless its money.

>most people pretend to get laid
i don't do shit like this in life, ever, at all, for anything. but yeah, i'm aware of it.

I'm objectively a top tier guy, looks wise.
Having a body that is better than 99% of people I meet in real life, plus a symmetrical face and good height should theoretically put me in a more comfortable position and make it easier for me to get sex.
Would having that not overcome any potential drawbacks?
I'm an attractive male specimen, the natural and logical thing would be for me to hook up more easily with attractive females, yet I feel I have to work so hard for it.
Just to make it clear, I do not expect women to throw themselves at me while I do nothing, I just feel that it shouldn't be this hard for me, which leads me to question if chad really exists.
Is chad even real?

If you have to try, it's over. If you would look like Brad Pitt or something, 8-10/10 Model looking women would just randomly touch your crotch at parties and say "Fuck me now pls".

It's hard for every guy even Chad since most women have been conditioned to play hard to get to not be a slut or whatever. Why do you think PUA is basically a way of tricking women into fucking? Remember that women have more to lose and less to gain with a one night stand than a man does.

because it's iterally the most pleasurable thing you can do

I honestly admire you dude. For one I cannot maintain any interest whatsoever in conversations with females without the possible reward of warm and wet pussy.

How do you do it? How do you look past the river of klichees that all women inevitably spill in the duration of an average conversation? How do you find a person, who is literally just a copy of another medium intersting? My guess is that you are a midwit. Honestly. You sound like a midwit, no offense. Finding women genuinely interesting. Kek, I heard many, but this was a good one.

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They are neurotypical
You post here, so you're likely autistic

Is chad even real then?
I'm not talking famous or extremely high status people like brad pitt or drake.
I'm talking this mythical top tier male that just by being formidable among his peers gets to fuck most women he meets easily.
I feel like I should be that guy, yet I'm not.
I cannot go anywhere and not be acknowledged as the alpha male physically.
"You're so big, your arms are huge, you are so strong", I get that from males and females daily everywhere.
This doesn't mean I'm mr. olympia, arnold in his prime or whatever, it means that irl, 99% of the time I'm more formidable than the majority of people that I meet and they acknowledge and react to it.
They basically say "you are the alpha male". Shouldn't that also make it easier for me to fuck the majority of girls?
I therefore propose that CHAD IS NOT REAL.

>aparently they are all getting fucked by some misterious chad?
chads from tinder that you do not get to meet

I'm 5'8 and my dick is 6 inches, so close lmao

So misterious chads from tinder are fucking all the women?
Where are they? Have you ever met one?
Has anyone here ever met a chad?
Does anyone have chad stories?

you're not as good looking as you think you are and probably got autism. I'm fit and good looking and can get puss extremely easyyyy.

It's not that lopsided. It is lopsided, but not to that degree. I know lots of mediocre guys who get laid, they just settle for used goods or uggos.

>7" cock
my jawline is fine it is not recessed at all and I get looked at like Im disgusting. I cant get laid cause I get big blaring red lights telling me not to approach. This shit doesnt apply to most guys.

The reason the numbers don't add up is because you don't account for the fact that a lot of women just either
>don't care about sex
>are scared of sex
>are in some long term, possibly long distance relationship
but especially that they don't care about sex. All the e-whores you see and real life whores you see make up some 10% of women out there. Another 30-40% might be in a long term relationship, and the rest just doesn't fuck. Meanwhile 99% of guys are trying to find a girl to have sex with.

easy. dont be autistic.
they are people. theyre uninteresting and retarded but theyre people.

Tell chad stories then.
Where do you live?
Whatever it is the looks that I have, I'm stronger and fitter than everyone I meet, everywhere almost all the time. And guys who have better face than me usually never mog me brutally in that sense, and I normally still mog them physically.
It's rare that someone mogs me both in face and body. There's one guy at the gym who does, he's an ultra chad. Taller, better face and body, yet, it is so rare to meet someone like that, that it doesn't seem relevant in the grand scheme of things.
All I'm saying is that I'm usually better or the best male among my peers irl, yet sex is still hard to get.
What's your story?

If you find sex is hard to get, then just rape

Yeah some of us on here are actual chads until we open our mouth

Women are terrible. Half i write "wanna fuck?" and a quarter is down. I cannot imagine being a father to a girl

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>theyre uninteresting and retarded but theyre people.

So what exactly are you offering of useful advice? Why would I want to listen to retarded people except if they had something I wanted?

Man youre embarrassing. Just admit you dont actually like women and move on. Most of us do in our early 20s lmao.

which country are you in?
what's your body count?
could you tell chad stories?
are you the best male among your peers?
do you have other chad friends?
is your success mostly tinder/apps or also irl?

if you dont, dont spend time around them. if u want pussy learn to socialize with them as if you like them like others have said. otherwise you deserve all the loneliness you get.

which country are you in?
>Denmark (I know right, what a meme country)
what's your body count?
>around 40 which is probably average here
could you tell chad stories?
>probably have one or two instances of being a chad, but otherwhise I idenfity with mostly beeing a loser who occasionally is able to have a few girls want him sexually purely
>are you the best male among your peers?
No, not at all. I get depressed hearing my """friends""" and their friends elaborate on their seuxal lives, it makes me severely depressed. You dont get it. In my country, being a virgin above 18 is a fucking anomaly. Im no chad, just good looking - big difference
>is your success mostly tinder/apps or also irl?
IRL when I was bartending and the second when swiping but you cant compare the two. Women in real life are much more susceptible to charm and wit than on Tinder. There its mostly about hardcore phsyical attributes/status.

Hope this is somehow useful to any of you, ask more if you want. Again semi chad autists here who manages to get laid pretty often despite obvious interpersonal difficulties.

>the numbers don't add up
I've considered this. Most females I know don't seem to be getting fucked by anyone, the others are in relationships.
People should prob fuck more.
I feel like in some way, almost all females I meet have some level of physical attraction towards me which could translate to sex, but it's unrealistic and unfeasible to think it would be common for a guy to just fuck almost all the females he knows.
Maybe when we were cavemen that would be the case.
That's why I'd like to hear some real chad thundercock stories.
I'm starting to believe that chad is not real.

I've heard danish girls are very sexual and open which sounds awesome.
I've interacted briefly with a couple of swedish ones but they were just friendly and one of them seemed legitimally thirsty for black guys lol.
I asked another swede to talk in private and she freaked out a bit.
Did I accidentally asked her to fuck?
I can get laid I just feel it should be easier and it's frustrating.

>I really don't believe that a few guys are fucking all the women or that the majority of women are secretly all fucking chad.
You better start believing it. I have a chad brother, he would usually have a different girl every weekend, sometimes for a month if he liked her. Give or take 24 different girls a year. While you have 0. Remember, Paretto Principle is basically a universal constent when it comes to humans, 20% do 80% of anything, basically always unless artificial restrictions are set in place.

drug dealers can have sex everyday because women find them sexy cause they have a reputation of being a bad guy, also they have weed.

A guy in high school who was underage was having sex everyday with different high school women, even with some teacher's hot kid. Just cause he was a criminal.

>it's impossible for average guys to not have sex
41y robot here. My last contact with a female was when I was 20, and she was only teasing platonically.

are you in USA? I feel that there are certain societies where chad can exist and thrive.
Why does your brother mog you so hard?
Why is he such a chad?
Is he particularly good looking?
Where does he get access to females?

I've met drugdealers and they were not having sex either.
Will women fuck you if you have weed or coke?
Why would they do that?
Weed just makes me stupid and sleepy and I don't like to feel stoned.

>For one I cannot maintain any interest whatsoever in conversations with females without the possible reward of warm and wet pussy.
Same here, so I simply stop interacting with them when that becomes apparent.
If every man did that, there would be no simps and no onlyfans, Instagram, tiktok whores etc.

Ive has plenty of great conversations with women. If youre having a conversation and its shit then youre both to blame

It's not about being Chad in terms of looks, it never has been. Sure, physical attraction is important for making women feel tingly, but what really makes them feel tingly is a a guy who makes them feel powerful. When girls see a guy who can talk circles around his peers, who knows how to navigate social situations, who can easily dish out banter, who makes her laugh and is clever, they feel attraction. That's why you see seemingly ugly guys with hotter women. It's also why women on here wind up dating the obsessive, abusive, failed normalfag, discord-using retsrds that post here more than anyone else. It's because, compared to the rest of Yas Forums, those guys are the social butterflies who can make her feel good.

To surmise, socialbility king. If a man cant socialize, if he cant make a woman laugh, or give out banter, or lead a conversation, hes going to have an exceedingly hard time finding a woman interested in him, even if hes rich and physically attractive. That's why being an introvert is so disastrous for men.

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>Most females I know don't seem to be getting fucked by anyone
That's the thing. They don't make it apparent, as that's considered slutty.
Even the most sexually repressed female you know has done dirtier stuff in bed than the average male.

People saying Chad isn't real are just thinking about it too literally. Chad is hyperbolic, but "he" is real. Studies have found that in the past 20 years there's been a large minority of men having an abnormal amount of sex partners and a large minority of men having none.

And no, it wasn't like this in the past. The average married woman in the 20's had 2 sex partners in their lifetime. Before you say, "Ha! So much for your precious virgins," remember that's the average, not the median. If you had a group of 20 women, and 15 had only been with one guy, three had been with three, one had been with six and one had been with 10, that's an average of 2. Today, it's a lot worse. The average 24-year old has been with six guys. True, most are 1-3, but they're most likely not finished.

Women used to date men awhile, increasing the odds of them being the right guy, and using sex to bribe them into marriage. Now, they hop from the wrong guy's cock to another wrong guy's cock, and whose cocks do they try? Who are they hedging their bets on? Who would you sleep with if you were to do so WITHOUT knowing them? Obviously, the most superficially attractive men.

On one hand, I want to say they simply don't see the problem. Men have a perception of sex which is partially negative. They don't want to raise another man's baby and they don't want their daughters being whores. Have women ever considered sex to be negative in any way? Besides rape, I would say only for unwanted pregnancies. Women now have control over that, so they fuck the best guys they can and no worries. Because their desire has always been children, they think they can gatekeep that from men. "I've fucked 20 guys, but you're the one I want to settle with." Men aren't women. This doesn't work. All they hear is a whore who wants to chain him down and give him whore daughters.

But on the other hand, they must know, because studies have found women abuse substances the more men they sleep with.

Unless youre in a wheelchair I just dont believe you

Imagine only sleeping with one person in your life. Shit sounds fucking awful and the only reason you think it sounds good is because youre not thinking about it properly

That's how it is though, I don't really know what to say. I know it's hard for young people like you to consider it but men like me really exist.

personality and "coolness" are what get people laid. Some guys are genuinely nice, good people who are fun to be around (regardless of gender), and women notice them. This guy just needs to be confident of who he is and not desperate, and he'll get girls. Some guys are talented, nothing gets a girl wetter than guy working hard on his passion. girls still throw themselves at Mick Jagger despite looking like something a cat threw up, because he's famous and talented (or at least was) and every singer, actor, etc with fame (derived from talent) is the same. Then there's the neckbeards, guys who don't care about anyone else (especially not what a women has to offer besides her looks), with no talents or hobbies (lifting is not a talent or hobby) who are so desperate (read as: confidentless) and boring that even if they look like a Greek god, they get no action. how do you fix this? get a hobby, volunteer (women love to volunteer), go on meetups and find a group of people to do stuff, and start pretending to care about something other than yourself (read How to Win Friends and Influence People, it will blow your mind). Overall, women are sharp, and very picky (tinder and OkCupid have gifted women the cock carousel, I admit), but if you learn to give a shit and have something going on besides chasing women and moving weights, you'll be a better, happier person that women will sense and want to be around.

Hard to tell how good looking you are. But height and body don't matter, just be taller than her and have a good face.

Who even cares about sex anyway
You have it once and you've had it all

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> The CDC also reports that virgins make up 12.3 percent of females and 14.3 percent of males aged 20 to 24. That number drops below 5 percent for both male and female virgins aged 25 to 29 and goes as low as 0.3 percent for virgins aged 40 to 44.

0.3% of people are like that. But then again you have to factor in all the disabled people, down syndromes, and other retards. I genuinely think youre trolling if your claiming to be a 40 year old virgin. How is that possible? What did you do wrong for decades lmao?

Lol. Women are just very discreet.
Every single woman, no matter how ugly, how fat, how poor, has a guy in her contacts list she calls over to her flat whenever she's feeling horny. it might not be a
"public" relationship, but it's still a relationship. It's important to understand that women are NEVER truly single for more than 24 hours at a time.

The problem with this is that a minority of good looking guys are the ones being called over for sex.

>What did you do wrong for decades lmao?
Socializing is everything. If you can't do it you can't get anything :
>get bullied at school for being shy and being the "good kid" because of my education
>eventually stop caring about others
>don't socialize
>got fed up with college
>stay at home
>play vidya
>fast forward to my 30s
>i should really try to get a job
>don't know how to socialize anymore
>each time I felt like I just embarrassed myself
>eventually stopped and went back to vidya
>now 40
And there you have it.

Shut up. Find a good wife and she will be willing to have lots of sex with you. Wasting your time pursuing different women is retarded, even for chad. Just get yourself a companion for life.

Shit thats sad if true. You played yourself homie. Its your fault and you should really just call an escort over. No man should die a virgin.

this bot knows. make a women laugh and she will be like putty in your hands.

do people really, honestly believe virginity statistics?

You wanna know why ?
Because you overthink too much.
A lot of guys do this (especially whites)
Probably a bit of slight autism

Be more instinctive and don't overthink.

Precisely right. They just don't talk about it to you, but they sure do to Chad.