Sexually active with older men in high school

>sexually active with older men in high school
>now that I'm an adult I have no idea how to talk to men my age
What's up boys, you want a washed up roasty?

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Other urls found in this thread:

nah, not really

no, i'm gay
now leave us alone

please read my post maiden

What post? This one?

If you know the answer is no, why would you even ask?
Here, I'll spell it out for you: No one here wants you, so stop trying to fit in.
Go fuck off and wither away all by yourself, like all roasties do.

only if you would date somebody that was severely raped, molested, and otherwise abused by most of the women in my life.

she graced me with a reply...
holy shit bros...
thank u God

Hey (former) roastie I'll pay for your nudes

No. women like you have turned men like me in to homosexuals. Leave, you've done enough damage by condemning me to eternal damnation

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you have to keep fucking older men and keep being consistent and stop trying to be fickle and random, try that.

Yeah just a tip, save that little tidbit for date ~500.

damn ur one of the lucky ones
if i were you i wouldnt wash this thread ever again

How old are you
What's your body count
How old did you first have sex and what caused it to happen

Sup roastie hosty, what do you like doing?

i want a washed up roastie

I dont give a shit how many old dudes you fucked I just want a friend to talk to (and maybe sex)

God this shits so fucking funny


she replied to me first so that means she is MINE


But I have so much fun taking what's yours.

No, I just want to shoot myself in the head because all women are like you and the world will never be what I want it to be.

I wouldnt care...
I would just want to have a good conversation and share my happiness with you, and you be happy with my company.

inb4 you dont read this. Or you do read this and add me on discord but dont talk to me

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Good luck with that "open relationship"

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i would fuck you up IRL kid I bench 350

Sorry for the late responses my connection is being super dodgy

Maybe don't lead with that next time. You should always share those experiences with someone you love eventually though.

Hahaha let's hang out, you live in AZ?

It's always mind boggling that women with tons of sexual experiences come to a place like this where the majority of guys have no sexual experience at all.

You don't fit in here, you don't relate to us, you aren't on the same level as us, yet here you are. This behavior is so disgusting because you still have this air of superiority about yourself despite finding yourself here. You know you're trash so you come here, where you think said guys probably can't tell that you're trash (we can). You think you're a robot but would spend time with any guy BUT a robot, yet here you are.
Go back to fucking those said older guys, I'm certain not knowing how to talk isn't what's stopping you. It's more likely you're shut a shit person no one wants you period.

she hasnt replied to anyone else so that means shes a faithful maiden even if all you losers keep posting in our thread

13 lays is practically nothing. Are you sure you're a roastie?

never mind fuck that roaster whore
you can have her boys but its gonna be like throwing a hotdog down a hallway

L O N D O N? dhdkjdhn

13 is the average month for a roastie. You'll do fine. Where do you live?

Men are fucking sad.

I mean I slept with those 13 men multiple times.




So was getting blackmailed hot or not ?

>has had sex
>is female
>even bothers coming here
fuck you

Why do you want to talk with men your age all of a sudden? Since you like older men so much just stay with them, no?

no one asked for your opinion or presence lol.

Whats worse is she has probably spent a good deal of time posting here without revealing her identity. Just casually lowering the quality of the board.

what a gross whore

honestly would pull you out into my backyard and death by firing squad you

thats all whores like you deserve

If you aren't sad in this day and age, you are genuinely retarded or are comfortable being under a few thumbs.

I wouldn't be suprised if you are both, goofball.

Why can't you talk with guys your own age exactly? What the fuck is wrong with you? Seems like youre just making shit up to explain your social complexes and inadequacy. If it were not this it would be something else.

P I T T S B U R G H?
add quahp#2622 for a nice 24 yo socially isolated boytoy

>blackmailed for getting caught with cigarettes
youre fucking disgusting
nobody will ever love you if you tell them that story
who knows what other heinous shit youve done

Why the fuck is almost every post on this board nowadays LARPing and RPing?
Jesus fucking Christ, you don't even try to make it any less obvious.

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Not interested.

Since this was addressed to everyone, it technically counts as you being a female who came onto me, and me turning you down. That is technically the truth. Therefor I will tell the women in my life that I technically turned down a woman who was into me, and this will make me appear more desired. Since it's technically true I won't appear to be lying because it's not technically a lie.

Deja vu

If this thread continues it will play out the exact same way. This bitch is going to try and justify her behavior by gaslighting robots and coming up with excuses for her disgusting lifestyle to not feel bad about herself.
Hell it wouldn't even surprise me if it's the same girl.

I am eating spaghetti at night and what's a LARP

as long as you dont have an STD i wouldnt mind you being my gf

Are you guys seriously going to compete for a whore? Don't you have any pride left?

you can be my gf, I like females. I'm a cute 21 yo boy

P-pride?! On teh internets?!!!!111

Cool. I'm into submissive little boys like you :) haha

Yeah I honestly do not give a shit about a chicks body count or any of the incel faggot complaints that you see around here but I am a shut in and not girl wants to date a shut in they will have one night stands tho but nothing more then that.

I think it is hot when girls smoke

OP? A-add me too!

Still to this day i think smoking looks sexy on girls and cool on blokes regardless of all the scare tactics about smoking

What's sad is how a generation of women were indoctrinated by ideologies premised on systemic concepts, yet those women can't think systemically. They're just sold on the idea that someone else really smart is thinking systemically and serving as legit authority. That's why you would blame men for being sad even though it's manifestly stupid.

damn you whores for mocking us REEEEEEEEEEEE

cute pic but please kill yourself, used meat