>bullied as an adult
Bullied as an adult
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that's actually kind of hot. as long as it was a girl doing it, unless you like guys then that's also kinda cute. but maybe you mean shoved into a locker or been told to kill yourself in a malicous way, that kinda sucks
One time when I was in 5th grade a kid shoved me up against a locker and tried to choke me
Why dont you just get a gun and force them to handcuff themselves to your trailer hitch, then drag them to death on the highway?
It's the latter kind of bullying, it feels bad man.
Age and details?
time to go postal (in minecraft)
26, get told to an hero, get physical threats too, lots of shit talk, etc.
oh man that sucks. i'm sorry to hear that. hurr durr me me never have good advice and just say the same shit as everyone else adding to the problem hurr durr me me poo poo butthole nasty. but really i hope they fuck off eat shit and live
>26, get told to an hero, get physical threats too, lots of shit talk, etc.
and why don't you do anything about it?
go full shonen protag and fight the meanest one, even if you lose you want to land a few hard punches so he can see that if he wants to harass people e won't get away scot-free
I'm a dumb autismo user I don't know how to navigate the world desu, people realize this which is probably why they feel they can get away with bullying me, feels very bad man.
SHUT UP you whiny hypocritical faggot. all you incels are such fucking hypocrites it hurts. seriously, most of this board is just hypocritical whining. you CANNOT reasonably complain about the suffering you've endured, when you directly cause much more suffering to animals by eating meat
>tfw bullied
>tfw depressed wizard
>tfw girls dont like me
>tfw chads and normies bully me
>tfw parents abuse me and threaten to kick me out
>tfw society treats me like shit
>tfw one-itis likes chad and not me
you cry like whiny faggots when you get mistreated, yet you turn around and treat cows pigs and chickens infinitely worse. the suffering that farm animals endure is unimaginably more cruel and painful than your suffering, you crocodile tears faggot
>heh, fuck pigs, were the dominant species
>might makes right, lol
>bacon is tasty, im superior to them, kek
>i love hearing animals scream, heh
the amount of hypocrisy out of your faggot mouths is ENDLESS. kill yourself you disgusting ugly rat. you pay for pic related and dont care, yet cry about your trivial suffering
>fuck pigs, heh, might makes right, lol
>why don't you do anything about it?
Do what? Escalating conflict is considered an anti-social behavior no matter the scenario, especially for an adult. I learned the hard way that you get punished more for punching someone who punched you than the other guy does. Stepping out of line or out of your status is considered way worse than picking on someone to relieve stress.
dude, make your own thread about veganism... at least offer some advice or be nice to op lol...
Animals are not human. I do not see them the same way I see a human and I do not understand people who do. You're like dogfags but more extreme. If you REALLY cared about suffering, you'd be fighting to help real people in poverty and war zones, not whining about fucking livestock.
>Animals are not human. I do not see them the same way I see a human and I do not understand people who do
LOL. NEITHER ARE YOU. you are not considered human in the eyes of your bullies, you fucking RETARD. they dont consider you human enough to put moral value on you, for whatever dumb arbitrary reason, like the fact that you are ugly and autistic
in their minds, ugly autists = not human, so its okay for them to abuse you, you FUCKING HYPOCRITICAL RETARD
>heh fuck pigs they are not human, i dont care that they can suffer just as deeply as me, im superior to them, they can get fucked
god, how fucking dumb are you?
>If you REALLY cared about suffering
i came here to make fun of your and point out your hypocrisy, you whiny faggot, lol
>euphemisms make it okay to enslave and kill sentient mammals for our taste pleasure
im glad you got bullied, you ugly hypocritical faggot. you are livestock in the eyes of people who bully you, faggot. go vegan, THEN whine to me about the suffering you've endured in life. if you can dish it out, dont complain when you get it dished out to you, you fucking RETARD
lol ur honestly fucking stupid. the people who bully you, dont give you moral value because of arbitrary reasons, like you're ugly and autistic. in the exact same way that you dont give moral value to cows, pigs and chickens, chads and normies dont give you moral value, retard. cry harder, hypocrite
I'm literally autistic and don't take shit from anyone so that has nothing to do with it
where do you live?
>Do what? Escalating conflict is considered an anti-social behavior
so? stop being a beta once you beat the shit out of someone people avoid saying anything to you.
>mfw op couldn't cope with being exposed with his own hypocrisy so he just dodged
i have absolutely zero sympathy for hypocrites
Get back in your fucking containment thread you annoying faggot.
shut the fuck up queer i'll roast you over a stick and eat you too faggot.
>triggered hypocritical meat eaters experience cognitive dissonance because they have no logical arguments to make
make another thread whining about your suffering and being bullied, ill shitpost all over that one too, lol
If I got hungry enough I'd eat people lmao
here, op, i made this just for you. ill make a thread talking about this in a sec. the amount of hypocrisy from so called "robot" bullied incels always bewilders me
Looks like you summoned the veganfag, OP.
I eat meat because it tastes good and i don't give a shit about cows pigs or chickens
what other reason do i need?
last i checked we don't bully and abuse our food and enjoy it
lol veganfag is funny desu
I live in the USA.
>I live in the USA.
very descriptive
Also how do you not take shit from anyone? Just tell them to fuck off when they say shit? I feel like normies are smarter than me (socially) and can still fuck with me even if I tell them to fuck off.
How big of a difference would it make where I live in the USA?
just kill em if you get the chance
>Also how do you not take shit from anyone? Just tell them to fuck off when they say shit?
yes and it usually works
and if they persist i threaten to beat them
has worked every time
>How big of a difference would it make where I live in the USA?
You tell them this in a workplace environment? Damn user.
>last i checked we don't bully and abuse our food and enjoy it
this is what you pay for when you buy animal products. the animals experience abuse and cruelty that is much greater than any whiny hypocrite in this thread
>Escalating conflict is considered an anti-social behavior no matter the scenario, especially for an adult.
Then there's nothing wrong with being anti-social.
Insolence must be paid in tears and blood.
OP, where you're from?
If by mere chance you live in my country I'll be glad to help you fight the normoids.
Do not let people walk over you. You have to let them know bullying you will only be their doom.
>Inb4 edgy
I don't care
ops a fag that likes being bullied desu
I quit teaching almost 10 years ago because the kids would not stop bullying me.
True story.
But they're doing anti social deeds to you aswell? Clearly they don't give a fuck.
Tell this to your superiors, because your coworkers are acting like children.
Either they do something about it and your problems are solved or you threaten to get police involved since there's physical violence.
Shit. can you share some stories please?
Pro gamer move right here
poor little babby can't handle the bants. Why don't you go cry to mommy how mean the real men were to her precious baby boy?
>new job
>stay quiet, I hate talking to normies and can't relate to their tastes or hobbies
>coworkers start talking about sex life
>"Hey user, have you had sex?"
>Explain I've only had sex with 2 girls
>"Yeah right you're a virgin"
>new joke at work that I'm a virgin, nearly everyone laughs behind my back or jokes about me
>Every time
Let me add something to this:
Maybe you're anxious about going to your superiors because of the way your bullies are going to look at you afterwards. But your bullies already pick on you and view you as inferior, so it'll be no different.
Self defence is defendable behaviour, just don't initiate and be smart about it. (Don't take them all on at once, etc etc)
The only reason why I personally wouldn't get violent right away, is because I don't know where the bounderies for those bullies are. You don't want permanent damage to your body.
One good option might be to tell them calmly that you're fed up and that if they keep pushing you, you're gonna snap and end up shooting them with a pistol. The important part here is to tell this to them calmly and seriously. They'll maybe look at you as a psycho, but it's better than being bullied.
If you think they'd just tell your boss, because they're just sly dogs like that, obviously don't do it.
And if they don't even give a fuck, they're seriously fucked in the head, consider finding a different job.
I'm a normie and I would never in a million years treat someone like that.
Why are your coworkers this retarded?
It's not the vegan user, this looks like a copypasta. R9k considers him a eceleb so its someone copying him
>189cm tall swole man
>stoic quiet loner
>always sitting by myself
>people are afraid of me and avoid me
>I'm actually the one avoiding people because I got heavily bullied as a kid and it ruined my self-esteem
>I still stutter when I speak so I choose not to speak at all
same but like 186 and fat but with broad shoulders and a good muscle and bone structure
> It gets better
The biggest lie we're told as kids.
Truth is either you man the fuck up or you're gonna get got for your whole life.
Only way it gets better is if you make your self better.
This. The only redpill you'll ever need is that you don't have to accept or tolerate mistreatment from anyone.
schools make sure to beat the fight and defiance out of you though
and then when your an adult the cops do
this is why everybody fucking hates vegans shut the fuck up and go back to your fucking onions cave you fucking troglodyte
Go back in an unoriginal way
people who get bullied almost always deserve it. especially you, as an adult, you deserve this for allowing other people to victimize you. grow a fucking spine you coward.
>"just wait bro, when you're out of high school you won't have to deal with this shit ever again"
Highschool N E V E R ends.
spoken like a true fucking doormat
jesus christ this has got to be the most autistic person i ever seen and i mean real autism like borderline fucking retarded. jesus christ no wonder you were a bullied virgin but atleast OP isnt is an unlikeable militant retard
That's why it's important to get it out of your system when you're a kid. There's no real consequences in school. Don't hold back your sperge rage on a motherfucker. Get suspended. Life goes on. Bullies will think twice next time. A criminal record will follow you for life. Or worse you contemplate everyday of your adult life if it's worth it to become "that guy" who everybody thought wouldn't ever hurt a fly but now they're sitting in a supermax. I wish I understood all this when I was a wee lad.
>That's why it's important to get it out of your system when you're a kid. There's no real consequences in school.
pretty sure Juvi and being put on a ton of pills is a pretty bad consequence
right. I forgot about your fascist american systems.
it's actually probably worse as a kid here than an adult
some Juvis you even get raped and severely beaten