Does anyone else ever feel disconnected from their own generation?
I'm not necessarily saying I feel more in line with another generation, I just feel like I don't fit in with mine.
I'm a 20 yo zoomer, and I just can't stand some of the stuff that represents my generation. All these fucking shitty rappers, the social media, and lingo like "simp" or "ok boomer", I'm just not a fan of. I'm not necessarily saying things were all better back in the day, although I do appreciate stuff from before my time, I just hate the shit that's currently POPULAR with my generation.
The worst is that any time I voice disapproval of this stuff, I get called a boomer, which just drives me insane.
I'm a proud zoomer, and appreciate the progress society has been making, but I just hate the fucking POP CULTURE that my generation seems to love
Generation disconnect
Other urls found in this thread:
>Hey guise I was born in the wrong generation
>Im 20 but the 90s songs are the best
>Who else listening to this song in 2020
Shut the fuck up, dumb newfag
I am based, I appreciate old AND new things. Sure, I don't enjoy a whole lot of stuff people my generation like but I don't immediately hate something because it's new and popular and I can understand why people like it.
Have you ever considered the possibility that the "generation" you feel disconnected from is a vocal minority amidst a silent majority that do not share the same sentimentality?
You just hate tiktok culture which is valid
I've never felt like I belonged to anything in this world, not my family, not my culture, not my country, not my race, nor my generation. I was out of the loop even back as a child.
Are you a human?
im on r9k, of course I dont fucking fit in. I dont fit in my own generation, family, or mind.
I might be physiologically but I don't consider myself culturally human. I'm basically nothing, just forgotten trash someone forgot to take out to the curb.
I was a good boy who listend to the adults so I never went on social media. Turns out that's 90% of how people socialize now, so jokes on me. I think I'd be much happier if I'd grown up when people interacted primarily face to face.
30 y/o boomer here. 90s kids suck as well - they're they ones ruining politics, and pretty much everything else, with social identity shit.
no, you're a dumbass. zoomers really do like mumble rap and tiktok. they also have shitty diets which stunt their brain development.
weird fIex but 0k
Do you relate to the people on r9k and/or people who fall into the etc category?
Do you now or have you ever held the belief similar to the following statement? "Something is true of the whole from the fact that it is true of some part of the whole"
first off, not really. I don't share many interests with people here and I'm too much a brainlet to understand the second question.
If you have interests, how can you say you don't fit in humans culturally? You don't need to share everyone individual interest a particular group shares to be a part of it and the world does not revolve around celebrities, rap, and weed. And even if you find it easier to relate to a different generation more than the generation of your peers, why is that a bad thing?
The second question was asking if you have ever fallen into the fallacy of composition.
when I say I don't share interests I mean have basically none besides wasting time on this image board.
I explicitly stated that I don't think I was born in the WRONG generation, just a shitty one. I actually think most of the 90s is pretty shit Pop culture wise.
>Do you relate to the people on r9k and/or people who fall into the etc category?
i dont know what that really means. whats the etc category? but no i dont relate to the people on r9k their problems and my problems are very different. although i have talked to some anons on discord which have understood me. but there are other anons which are very mean
Wasting time on an image board would be considered an interest. And that fits accurately with Yas Forums as a whole so you're already a part of a culture.
etc means those who don't fall under any of the main categories/ in their own category. You say that others have understood you, have you been able to relate to those who understand you?
no i havent been able to relate to others. i dont have many experiences so its hard cause of that. and my presumed mental problems probably dont help me have the same type of experiences
i dont know the main categories. im guessing stuff like orbiter, incel, etc? so i guess my own category :/ and yeah 2 people have said they understood me but i dont know.
No, people like me are definitely the minority. Otherwise, the #1 trending songs on YouTube wouldn't all be shitty mumble rappers
In terms of youtube users assuming the youtube algorithm is not manipulated in any way, yes you would be a minority on youtube. But #1 on youtube does not translate to being #1 on the globe or even in the country.
If a lack of experience is your problem, why not try to fix that and gain some experience? As for the mental problem, is it autism or schizophrenia or neither?
When it comes to generations, it's almost always referring to just one country. Other countries have too many cultural differences, so it's best just keep it to one.
As an American, I can attest that the #1 on YouTube, as well as twitter, insta etc, absolutely does represent us. It's what everyone in high school talked about, it's what everyone on social media talks about, and it's increasingly becoming what everyone on Yas Forums talks about.
a lack of experience isnt per say my problem. here. itll be better just to tell you how im feeling and youll see what I mean.
first big problem is im not connected with my body. lets give me 2 names. Tom and Jared. I'm Tom, then my body, what I call my character, is jared. so its no fun to play life cause people are constantly refering to me as jared, but im actually Tom. when I do things, its jared doing them, im (tom) is just up here. for an analogy, imagine you are drinking a cup of tea or a mug of coffee out of your favourite cup. it just feels right. you cant explain it. it is just much better. if you drink it out of a different cup you feel frustrated, upset even, and you just have this huffing and puffing feeling of "fuck it if i cant drink it out of my fav cup then whats the point". everyone in life is drinking out of their favourite cup, im drinking out of a different cup. or better yet, take WoW. everyone is playing WoW on THEIR OWN ACCOUNT. im playing on a friends account. so even though we are playing the same game, my experience is just ruined cause its not my account. i just cant enjoy it. it feels bad. so i cant enjoy say, going for a walk, or working a job, or listening to music. cause its jared doing it, its out of a different tea cup, its on my friends WoW account - you understand?
second big problem, ill be brief with this one as i probably dont have much space left. say you are drinking a cup of hot chocolate, and i drink a cup as well. youll enjoy it 1000x more than me. this is i guess somewhat linked to my first problem, but i do see it as being seperate. i just enjoy things much less than everyone else, ive never laughed like my father, fallen in love like my friends, enjoyed clothes like a girl, enjoyed food as much as some fat fucker, etc.
so theres a start.
How the fuck do you find these fucked up Mario live action stills?! Like how the fuck? I was like 9 when I saw these and you're, at best, 16 now. Like, fucking find some gay ass shit from your generation, you fucks.
If I understand you right, the first problem is you have a persona or a personality that interacts with other people, but that is not who you truly are within. And because you play to this persona and suppress your true or inner self, you feel unhappy? That sounds a lot like cognitive dissonance, or when your actions contradict your beliefs.
The second issue, there is not enough information to make a reasonable conclusion. Excluding everyone else and examining yourself, have you ever enjoyed something at the level of 1000x or is that a foreign concept to you?
>Like, fucking find some gay ass shit from your generation, you fucks.
They probably can't, because everything is viewed with such a fucking eagle eye anymore that it wouldn't get through the censors.
I honestly believe I was born in the wrong era.
i dont agree with your analysis of the first problem. im not playing a persona. when say, my father calls me jared, i do not feel like he is refering to ME. really think about about the feeling of playing on your friends WoW account, or drinking out of your favourite mug. right these are things you create, or play up, but they are these very mysterious feelings of something just being wrong. when you dont drink out of your favourite tea cup something just isnt right. when you play on your friend's wow account, its not the same as playing on your own account, even though you are playing the same game, the same content, you just arent going to enjoy it. so im not playing a persona, jared acts like tom, but i want to be TOM and TOM, not jared and tom. i want my delicious tea and my favourite tea cup, not just my delicious tea and some other mug.
well, not to get like, hegelian, but i cant exclude everything else, cause these things only make sense and have meaning in relation to other things. so if its just my feelings, there is no 1000x. it would just be my dull feelings. but its when i compare my feelings, to what i imagine these other people are feeling, given how they act, talk, seem to feel, that is when i understand that what im feeling is much much lesser to what they feel. its then i understand my hot chocolate tastes 1000x less than theirs. that my desire for sex is 25,000x less than theirs.
unironically what in the heck happened
how did everyone get so chubby?
>right these are things you create
ARENT* arent*
I don't understand
>paying money for video game skins
>social media #clout
>unfunny modern zoomer meme format
>hyper-specific, autistic historical memes
>paying for exclusive snapchat/video/pic access and other aspects of instagram thot culture
These are all things that have really exploded over the last 5 years. I never understood social media and peoples' compulsion to broadcast every little aspect of their daily lives, even against common sense and I hate how everything, even past times and hobbies people enjoy, has to be a competition where people constantly look for ways to one-up one another, no matter how small. This is particularly common in hobby communities now. What ever happened to talking about the hobby itself?
It's just a random image I saved from Yas Forums. Someone else posted it. Also I stated my age in the OP
Also wtf is your problem? I'm not allowed to enjoy things from before my time?
Shit food, sugar everywhere, GMOs....
What your describing sounds like a disassociation which involves some sort of detachment. Your body Jared, does not align with your character Tom. Jared is acting and being Tom, but you do not feel like Jared is Tom? Though Jared does everything Tom would do?
makes me wonder what us retarded zoomers will be like in 5/10 years
Fellow 20 yo zoomer here. I like a lot of the media and memes and shit of the current gen, but I don't like their attitudes on a lot of shit. Better than the hippy era I guess, but not by much.
Sometimes I wonder if black people just took over naturally or if it was rap music, a lot of people say it was the jews but imo it was rap music. It just seems like being in cool in 2020 is being a wigger, don't get me wrong I'm probably a wigger but the fucked up thing is I was indoctrinated with no connection to black people whatsoever, just from drug and rap culture, and it's not just me, it's literally everyone, on social media at least. Correct me if I'm wrong here but that's what's going on isn't it? The west is being niggerfied by shekelstein and kendrick lamar?
Reggaeton will take over and being a cholo will be the new cool.
jared just isnt tom. it just isnt me. when my father says my name, i know he is talking about me, but it does not feel like he is actually refering to me. to use really retared language, he is refering to my body, not my mind. most people their body and mind are connected so when they look in the mirror they see themselves. when i look in the mirror i see jared, not tom.
to get away from this jared tom stuff, cause i think its causing you to not get what i mean, focus on the WoW character and teacup comparison.
my body is the teacup. for most people their body is their favourite teacup. for me, its just a mug. most people their body is their wow account. for me its my friends account. i really like the wow account example because its perfect, its almost more than just the body, its this feeling of yours. something being yours. i dont think body is fully accurate, but its not personality either, thats why i like character almost. like - here - im not me. when somebody says my name, they arent refering to ME. when i do something its not fully ME. its partly me, not fully. for most people its FULLY them. just think about that feeling of playing on somebody else's wow account. you are upset. its just not right. you cant enjoy things. even if you clear that dungeon its just so wrong and you feel frustated. you want to get up and go UGH. clench your fists and shake your head and chest a little. you want to take your phone and smash it against the wall because it isnt your wow account it isnt your teacup it isnt YOUR PERSON. I understand that this is a body which is mine, but it isnt MY BODY. IT ISNT ME. IT IS NOT ME. hence the feeling of the teacup. you have to know that feeling to understand what i mean. the _essence_ isnt there. and that does effect my mind to an extent, even though it is always me acting, since im "not using my favourite teacup" its like a cloudy rainy day instead of a sunny day. or better yet, how you act when youre happy, versus
versus when you have a migraine. its you acting in both situations. both when you have a migraine, you arent fully capable of being yourself. your capability of truly being you, is not there. like being in a bad mood, your personality is going to be slanted so its not entirely fair to say that that was you. its like asking if some guy ran a race (with shackles on) - yes he ran the race, but you you cant say it was truly him running, his potential to be himself was restricted. likewise, Tom acting in the body of jared, is always going to be tom, but, he is not fully capable of emotionally being tom, and having tom be his personality, fully, because his capability of having 100% of his tom personality glow and shine is prevented due to his jared body
>progress society has been making
Confirmed faggot.
I hate zoomers. They are responsible for ruining the internet in general. Ok boomer? That shit was a gay twitter meme that only caught on because it was the epic new meme that everyone should say because the kids are saying it. Popularity for popularity sake. The internet use to be a place for outcasts. Now every zoomer spends hours of their day on the internet. The internet suck now. See Yas Forums as an example.
The only people In this word are the people born from 1985 - 1998 who were also outcasts. People who truly experienced the growth of the internet from 2000 - 2012
Consider this. You were 12 years old when Yas Forums and the internet in general stopped being fun. You will never know the joy and experience of the internet. Back when it was still kind of a exciting new technology.
When did this feeling that your body was not yours or you start? How can you tell that you have been playing on someone else's WoW account all of this time and not your own?
Aight, I'm a 19 year old zoomer, and I gotta say, you're a humongous faggot who sounds like his mind hasn't truly left high school, much less middle school.
Now, I gotta say though, I do feel that disconnect. I listen to a lotta old shit, watch old shit, play old shit, etc. But it isn't to be different, because I think it makes me better, because I was born in teh rong thyyme, because every sux noawayda musik dieded in 1999 leik if I agree. I consume this old shit because it just feels natural to me, I dunno. I'm sure there's a lotta new shit that's good too, but I just gravitate to this old shit more. It feels weird when I watch, listen, look at the stuff other people my age are into, and I obviously feel super out of my element. I dunno what they're into at all, I can't relate.
I think this applies to most of us. If you visit Yas Forums in the first place then something is out of line, visible or not, good or bad, there's something putting you off in the compared to others or what you think you should be (your ideal character).
It has to be kikes. They own the record labels. They control it all. They decide what is popular and music that is popular becomes popular because people want to be popular. Think of every other decade. Rap music has been the thing for 30 years now. Most decades had completely different music that was popular with different styles. Since then kikes have only gained more control over the music industry. You no longer go to see live concerts of random guys in the hopes that they are cool. You just look on itunes and see the top billboards.
Being a whigger in 1995 was just as cool as being a whigger now. Something is not right.
yeah 90s kids are fags too i went to a private school that had both high school kids and elementary kids in the same class.
all the high school kids were born in the 90s and all except one of them became complete degenerates.
Again, I never said I was born in the wrong generation. I just think that what's currently popular sucks, despite being part of the group that made it popular.
>If you visit Yas Forums in the first place then something is out of line, visible or not, good or bad, there's something putting you off in the compared to others or what you think you should be (your ideal character).
This might have been true 10 - 5 years ago. Not anymore.
100% my super autistic zoomer cousin literally eats nothing but pasta french fries peanut butter and coca cola its amazing that hes still alive.
i identified it jan 1st 2020 at 9:26pm. but in hindsight i can see that these sorts of feelings really started around 2015: when I was 15 years old, im 20 now. like i can see it started to build up from then. maybe even 2014. i was a late bloomer so that is when puberty really started to hit me. but jan 1st this feeling hit me like a freight train when i woke up i just wanted to die so baddly i had nothing to look forward to I felt, and still do since then.
how can i feel that ive been playing on someone else's wow account? I meant that in the sense of feeling. its like asking, how do you know that you arent drinking out of your favourite tea cup? why does tea taste different when its not out of your favourite tea cup? whats actually different between your favourite tea cup and this other mug? like... how do I answer that? it just is, when i drink out of my favourite tea cup its just different, its special. and when i dont its upsetting. likewise with the "essence of my body".
and actually, 2013 id say. cause that is like when I got pubes for the first time and i couldnt look at my crotch region for a while. but as for my body not being mine, this weird thing did happen in decemeber i think of 2019 when my dad started calling me "son". he always called me another nickname, and I really started to feel disconnected when he did that. he did it out of nowhere as well and is relenteless with calling me son now. each time he does it it reminds me that im not myself. that im jared and not tom, to use those names again. and even now when he uses my OG nickname, even that now reminds me that im playing life as jared and im not living life as tom. very important feeling difference there: playing life V living life. but that is when it actually really started, with my dad calling me son.
Why does it feel upsetting to drinking out of a mug other than your favorite/special tea cup or body essence?
Can you go into more detail about how the disconnected feeling came about from the change in the previous nickname to the son name.
they always have owned record labels and the artists of the 60s and 70s and 80s all became influential because a small group of powerful people behind the curtain decided they would be.
everything in pop culture and infact everything bottom line has been fabricated there is no such thing as a modern mainstream influencer or politician or figurehead that is "organic'.
fuck mate, i wish you knew the teacup feeling if you did you'd understand perferly. maybe youre a yank but i live in canada and everyone i talk to, atleast my mom, understands what i mean with the teacup. (i havent told her about this but she has mentioned to me before how drinking out of her favourite cup is just special)
but dude, hrmm, how do I put this? When you drink out of your favourite tea cup, it really is just so special. in a way you connect with that tea cup, it's yours. it's not just some random mug, it's yourself. my teacup is clear so i can see the tea and its nice colour, it feels warmer than other tea cups, the rim feels better to wrap your lips around and take a sip out of: it just is YOUR teacup. its special. you connect with it. it feels right. you have never felt this? i imagine, atleast from what my mother says, she feels this feeling more intensely than I do. but like i said, thats with all things i feel like.
and likewise with your body. its yours. its special. but my body, or should I say jared's, it isnt mine, i dont connect with it, it isnt special. yesterday actually, i was listening to a lecture on youtube, laying back in my chair, and I have been growing my nails out so i was playing with them by like snapping them together. and i just stopped. i was so amazed. i lokoed at my right ring fingur and i think??? for the first time??? i saw my fingur. only that one fingur. i didnt feel happy i didnt feel cheerful just amazing. it was my??? fingur. but it was almost like, the inverse. that fingur was mentally mine but not physically, it felt empty almost. literally like an empty bucket. rather than it feeling full, a full bucket, a solid fingur, but of jareds. this was an empty bucket, a fingur, but of mine.
i really dont know if I can. fuck it, ill use my fucking name. he always called me "win" or "winston". but then he started calling me "son". and like i said, i just started feeling immenditently, in the next couple days or
in the next couple days or whatever, within the week, (and he still refers to me as son, so its not like it stopped, but now he also calls me win again), i was like, got this feeling of, "im not "son"". and "im not win". "im not winston". i dont know what more detail i could give. maybe ask more specific questions and ill try to answer them? and now when he calls me son, or win, it upsets me, because to use those old names again, it reminds me that "im jared" and not tom and tom. that im jared and tom instead. that im not me. that he sees me as winston, but im not winston.
Since I've got to go to bed soon, I'll be brief. What you described in regards to your body is what I conceptually understand marriage to be. Having one who is irreplaceable who you have a unique relationship or teacup. A position no one else, or regular mug can fill.
I don't know about constantly feeling happy with regards to ones body being their own. I understand being connection with ones body to yield a certain kind of peace or order, but it's more of a state than an on or off emotion.
With final questions, if you're not his son and you're not Winston, what are you exactly? What is the Tom you're striving to be? What qualities or details would you associate with Tom, and in what ways could Jared become Tom and in what ways could he not?
okay, i dont know what im meant to take away from the marriage analogy, other than thats just how it appears to be? i dont get it.
i didnt mean constantly being happy with ones body. but rather, being connected to ones own body - having your body be your body.
>With final questions, if you're not his son and you're not Winston, what are you exactly?
im me. im my own person, i dont have a name for myself. but i am myself. winston, and son, are _others_. "tom" was just the name i temporarly gave the actual me, the "myself" i just refered to, in this conversation. jared represented winston, and/or my father's "son", tom represented myself. i donit strive to be tom, because i already am tom. its just that my body isnt also tom, and an additional factor due to that, as i mentioned, is since the physical tom isnt there, the mental tom is "reduced in power", like when you have a migraine you arent 100%.
what qualities are ones of myself, i have no clue. because ive never seen the physical me. i only know the disminished, the weakened, the "migraine" mental me.
this is going to be so embarresing, but ill literally just say the stuff that comes to my mind right away when I try to think of myself - aka whatever my brain comes up with: sunshine, summer, long hair, dark brown hair, girl, dress, kasper, dont tread on me, hegel, marx, fuck marx, tranny, loser, suicide, pale skin, makeup, dresses, earings, while room, tea, tahlia, Yas Forums, the n word hard r, poor, 400k in debt, parents in debt, nothing to look forward to, sad, girl, small, pale, skirt, redhair, friends, i have no friends, tomato, tea, honey tea, lemon honey tea, cloudy skies, tomato, potato, tomato potato pealer. music. smile. feminine. masculine. long hair. short hair.
okay ill stop. jared could never become tom because jared isnt tom. jared is a physical body, and currently, tom has no physical counterpart to his consciousness. the qualities i associate myself strongest with is, again,
to do stuff off the top of my head: weakness, vulnerability, glass canon, self conscious, fragile, not independent. need to be held and hugged and cuddled and protected. can cook.
pathetic, i know.
In terms of further delving into this issue, I can be of no more help than recommending you make notes of these details, and come back to and reflect on them, in order to reach a better understanding of yourself and your feelings on the matter.
well, thanks i guess. ive actually saved this convo so i can look back at it. the reason why i can tell you as much as i can is cause i think about it everyday. all day. but thanks anyways. goodnight i guess. sleep well.
can i just ask what you think? in your own brief opinion? or do you have none?