80% of men are getting pretty much no sex at all
why do they all seem so okay with it? do they truly believe sex should only be reserved for chad?
80% of men are getting pretty much no sex at all
why do they all seem so okay with it? do they truly believe sex should only be reserved for chad?
because if you can't see the purpose to life beyond sex then it isn't worth trying to explain anyway. disregard women, build yourself first.
My sex drive took a huge dip since I started taking anti depressants, but honestly, I'm not missing out on much. Idgaf anymore, I'd rather focus on my career and hobbies.
why do cyber terrorists try so hard to convince the 80% that they shouldnt want sex?
they tell them to chase untraceable goals like self improvement rather than discussing the reasons why sex is a commodity being traded and hat the elite are brainwashing and drugging and raping young women and that epstein didnt kill himself
yeah its a side effect of (((anti depressants))
wonder why
my argument isn't that you shouldn't want sex. my argument is that if you place sex as the #1 measurement for success in life you will 100% be miserable unless you look like OP's pic. there are other measurements that you should focus on other than hedonism. the system is busted, and only men that repair themselves will be able to put the pieces back together one day
40 years ago you didnt need to look like the guy in the OP to get a gf
im not even sure men realize the power that they hold, they can bring death destruction and waves of fire if they will it.
no a gf isnt an accomplishment or a measure of success, its a natural thing that every man deserves and its being robbed from them.
you just stop caring after a while
no one in this world 'deserves' anything. you have to earn what you want from this life, that's fact. yes, you're right, 40 years ago the standards were different. but we aren't 40 years ago user, we're in the now. you are correct that men don't realize their own power anymore, the system has sapped that knowledge from them, but believing that they are simply entitled to love will only de-value it even further.
The problem is that its impossible for all the women going after the top 20% of men to actually land a relationship with one. All that ends up happening is a world where the top 20% of men pair with the top 20% of women in the end anyways and everyone else is left fucked over. But the thing is that men gain value as we age and women drastically lose value. Start bettering yourselves robots, get a decent career in your 30s or 40s and find a younger women since you now have more value than you did earlier in life. Know that all the roastie feminists and such will end up dying alone with cats.
people dont earn things. that rich kid thet you went to school with that took 20 virginities didnt earn his money.
the vast majority of jobs have been replaced by automation leaving mostly fake and low wage jobs. there simply arent enough jobs anymore. and you have faggots spending hundreds of millions of dollars on yachts, do you know how much good that money couldve done for the world?
the simple fact that your idea of earning a gf is getting a high wage job and lifting some weights should show you how flawed of a view point it is. like women are something that should be purchased. maybe the muscle thing is valid so you can protect her from niggers.
we absolutely deserve basic shit user. robots and ai run the world now and all the money goes to the elite and people who get promoted by nepotism. this hellscape we live in wont improve unless we do it ourselves.
>Yes, good. Take permanently dick killing drugs to slave away for a Masonic corporation and make more money for us!
What's the purpose in contributing to a society that just wants us to be good celibate eunuch slaves?
I'm not entitled to love? Well the system isnt entitled to my labor and tax dollars.
its fucking heartbreaking that people are losing their youth as i write this. they are wasting their lives sitting in their rooms because interacting with women is a punishable offence and they dont have money to do much of anything.
getting a gf in your 30s is something but your youth was already stolen by that point.
it seems people dont realize what happens until its too late.
Yeah honestly it really fucking sucks and modern society is a fucking shitshow but bettering yourself and eventually getting a good girlfriend/wife is better than the simp culture we have now a days for people that give up.
you are fundamentally missing the point. it's not about 'earning' a gf. it's about respecting yourself and your time on this earth. if a woman wants to be a part of your life then good, make it work with the two of you. you can't go around thinking you're entitled to the time of anyone when you aren't willing to put aside time for yourself. if you think you deserve basic shit then go sit in your room and wait. if you truly deserve it then it will come, if it doesn't then you will starve. the world isn't fair, don't lie to yourself and pretend that it can be.
then don't contribute, i never argued for the society, i argued for the principles of self-respect.
in the past, when things were extremely unfair, people just killed the other guy and took it for themselves.
what do you think you are witnessing right now?
the rich chads are not better than us, they are not more deserving, and they did not work for it.
self improvement is a meme, a jewish trick to keep us chasing unobtainable goals
i refer to my statement: if you think you deserve a GF, wealth, and all the joys that come with then by all means, wait for it to come your way. wealth, a gf, none of it will make you happy until you change your outlook. i wish you the best, i truly do, but your mentality is poisoning yourself. good luck, user
yes. consent is very good
Women are retards and shouldn't make decisions for themselves
are you really going to be the guy that says, hey, you dont get to experience love for another 10 years. first you have to lose 40 pounds, gain muscle definition and advance your career enough to double your income.
like where do you even set the bar? you are such a fucking joker its hilarious.
everyone is constantly trying to learn and better themselves by the way. this outlook you keep bringing up is a complete LARP.
words won't convince you, so there's no point in preaching to the choir. i'll pray for you, user.
kill yourself you ugly kike
>oy, vey! how did he know i was jewish?its anuddah shoah
>help im being holocoasted!
>shut it down!
user you can try to say we should do things to make ourselves happy outside of a relationship all you want but the cold hard truth of it is that constant loneliness will rot you from the inside and suck the joy out if anything you try to distract yourself with.
man up and pay the bills for a post-wall 37 year old roastie and her mulatto bastard(s)
I do not even know what to think.
I do not have a girlfriend, and likely never will, but I know of plenty of guys, even gamers, otaku, etc, that have girlfriends. The idea that only the top 20% of men are having sex is asinine.
it's more like 20% of guys and even then it's because they are specifically not going out looking for women.
Those gamers and otaku are being cucked by their so-called girlfriends.
not necessarily what you would consider the "top" 20% but it really is about only 20% of male adults.
Because they deserve it for rejecting me. I have zero sympathy.
40 years ago OP's pic was the standard.
60% of men are overweight and the ones who aren't are skeletonous.
How attractive are their girlfriends though? Whatever I look at couples I see average to slightly above average guys dating below average girls
take a look at literally any online community when it mentions loneliness
you get posts basically pouring in about all these men that are doing their best but cant get any sex at all
take a look at Instagram, Facebook, simp culture is at an all time high because 80% of men are incel
meanwhile chad ruins a new woman every few days for fun
try chadfishing on tinder if you really want to see how easy it is for them. next try using a picture of a rich and successful man who doesnt look like chad. you will get no matches at all.
obviously this is terrible for women too. they have been brainwashed to get ruined by a new chad once or twice a month during their youth and rely on settling with betabux later on. they are throwing away the best years of their life and making their future husband miserable at the same time lol. like you would fucking puke if you heard half the things these roasties have done, its fugging disgusting.
Sex is a negative thing unless it involves procreation.
its healthier than fapping
That does not make sense then because these guys are not at all top tier.
>80% of men are getting pretty much no sex at all
>why do they all seem so okay with it? do they truly believe sex should only be reserved for chad?
Beta males are not made for sex. They are meant to have sex a few times to produce more beta males.
I've had sex with beta and with Chads and there is no comparison.
>I do not have a girlfriend, and likely never will, but I know of plenty of guys, even gamers, otaku, etc, that have girlfriends. The idea that only the top 20% of men are having sex is asinine.
The women don't want to have sex with them. Non Chads are not sexual to women.
i won't exist in the future in any form so why should i care?
Go date older women. Plenty of women in late 30s and 40s aren't getting laid enough and pretty much just want someone who is nice to them, listen to them talk, and fuck them.
The opposite, actually. Any sex that results in pregnancy should result in the death penalty for both individuals.
Its called the selection process OP.
If all men produced offspring the genepool would gert no better, we'd still be cavemeni
Not having sex means you have failed in attracting a mate, and your lineage dies. Probably for th ebest since theres a reason why you failed to attract a mate
Birth control pretty much completely invalidates that.
user, humans cannot go against their biology.. Come on man use your brain. Women are still programmed to mate with those they find most viable to have children with, regardless of whether that particular sex session end sup in pregnancy.
>Go date older women. Plenty of women in late 30s and 40s aren't getting laid enough and pretty much just want someone who is nice to them, listen to them talk, and fuck them.
In your dreams. Women are done with sex after 30.
>why do they all seem so okay with it?
We have anime, porn, and fortnite
real women are nothing but bad
it's so hard to explain to these stay positive faggots. you literally have to force yourself to do shit because you're so depressed.
"just be stoic and live completely alone bro you'll be fine!!!"
No they aren't. Just with their husbands if they're married. Their sex drive actually goes up otherwise.
Are you married user?
Dont lie user, you wouldnt be happy even in a relationship because youre a miserable sack of crap. You wont be tolerated by anyone
You got the wrong idea. You arent sad because youre alone, youre lonely and sad becauyse youre sad. If you got married your wife would leave you
Can we please frame this issue as one of missing out on love rather than sex?
You just sound like a horny retard if you say it's about sex.
>won't have sex until your 30s
>meanwhile, you potential future girlfriend/wife has already had so much sex she's tired of it by then
>the truth however is that if you haven't had anything until your 30s no amount of success is going to change that
Well yeah, the most genetically desirable traits must live on. The only problem is that Chad fucks ugly women so shit tear genes get spread on anyway.
you know nothing about me.
i've done it all, the successful career, having my own place, having friends, being social and going out doing things like any normie. i know i'm capable of being "normal". in the end i only saw that people were naturally capable of doing something i couldn't, i can't control whether or not women are attracted to me.
in the end it was my loneliness that made me breakdown and lose it all. my existence is proof that you're wrong, there was nothing else wrong with me.
Okay mate whatever you say. Why not date a 3 out of 10 woman? If your only issue is being ugly, and you're a fine person other than that, theres people that will be happy to date you.
Being single and being unable to ge tout of bed 'or forced to do stuff' isnt normal. Youre depressed son and you likely will be no matter what with your outlook on life. Get therapy. When you live like a normie things happen on their own accord. You dont have to force yourself to do shit
I didn't say wait until you're 30. I said you can date older women if you just want companionship and sex. Just be careful if they want to start a family. If they're career women they will want to plan a family so they will just dump you when they want it, but if they have nothing going on and you're a catch just be careful and don't get her pregnant. That's mainly for early 30s though. If you date past 40 it's way less of a problem though she'll have more baggage.
you truly don't understand this at all and that makes me even more depressed. it's always the same gaslighting or refusing to believe anything.
i wasn't depressed when i lived as a normie, all that of that came afterwards.
whatever man, believe what you want.
>No they aren't. Just with their husbands if they're married. Their sex drive actually goes up otherwise.
Telling you that women's sex drive goes up after 30 is just a scam to get men to marry post wallers.
If you look at the data you will see that sexual frequency and sexual desire in women peaks in their early 20s and declines with age.
>I didn't say wait until you're 30. I said you can date older women if you just want companionship and sex.
Stop lying to him. Older women don't want sex. They want a provider.
Telling you from first hand experience user, sex drive goes down in marriage and to husbands, as well as post-pregnancy, but otherwise women's sex drive increases towards 40 and continues.
Any data that says otherwise is counting marriages, and sexless marriages are a very real thing that almost always happens and every guy should be prepared for it since they never expect it for their relationship.
>am dating two milfs, friends with benefits, one had sexless marriage with ex husband and is very open about wanting to fuck other guys that entire time
Me and a few other retards are the only people that I know who don't have a gf or wife. I work in IT and have a lower managing position on top of it, so I am forced to have networking with people. I also go to tabletop clubs and interact with people there. I know manlets, fatties, skeletons, manchildren and the rest of filth who have someone. Cucked or not, saying that all of them are successful or all of them are friends with their wifes boyfriend is speculation.
I do have a theory that this is a simulation and the creators are doing it to piss me off, by matching people who are worse looking and less successful than me with average or above average partners.
t. I casually talk with about +30 people between my job and hobby. Only 4 or so don't have a gf and one of them recently broke up.
>but otherwise women's sex drive increases towards 40 and continues.
All scientific evidence points to the contrary. That's just a lie to get men to pay for post wall women.
But let's say that it's true. You know that women over 30 are gross right? Even if they wanted to fuck (which they don't, trust me on this!) you would be better off paying for a younger woman.
>Any data that says otherwise is counting marriages, and sexless marriages are a very real thing that almost always happens and every guy should be prepared for it since they never expect it for their relationship.
Single women of all ages have virtually no sex at all. This is based on self reported surveys.
>>am dating two milfs, friends with benefits, one had sexless marriage with ex husband and is very open about wanting to fuck other guys that entire time
Post pics.
> Older women don't want sex. They want a provider.
They want sex, and will also want a provider / superman / hero to save their lack of relationship success. It really depends what kind of women you date.
You can just date them. They will either accept that it's better than watching Netflix alone at night with their cats, or they will dump you for a more serious relationship. Either way they will want to fuck while with you.
It really depend which you date. Divorcees with careers don't really need you to provide as a younger guy. They will want you for sex more often. If you date single Moms just stay away from the ones who want you to be a big part of their family life. You want the ones who want to keep you separate since those are the ones looking for a date as an escape, which means sex. Foreveralone women usually will want to be building families, but if they're slightly older career women this is less of an issue and you might find a friend with benefits there / long term girlfriend without marriage.
Just be careful of early - mid thirties who are looking to fast track dating into a relationship into marriage and a family. Most will have dated and gotten dumped by guys before and will indicate on dating sites not to waste their time and that their focus is on finding a guy to settle down with, so it's less of an issue.
Best advice honestly is just say you aren't looking for marriage. You'd be surprised how interesting and comfortable that makes you. A lot of older women basically just want someone to snuggle with, watch Netflix with, and fuck too instead of being alone on their search for "the one".
Roastie detected. You should have settled when you were 20.
>y-youre just a gaping hole!
I'm a guy you coping "xd gamer" tranny. Everything I said is gospel.
>They want sex,
Post proof. Because I can post tons of proof that they don't.
>It really depends what kind of women you date.
All women over 30 are awful. The good ones are taken.
>You can just date them. They will either accept that it's better than watching Netflix alone at night with their cats,
Or I can pay for a young hooker. I have fucked two women over 30 actually. They were the worst lays of my life. Never again!
> or they will dump you for a more serious relationship.
Serious relationship after 30? Are you a post wall woman?
>Either way they will want to fuck while with you.
No they will avoid fucking for as long as they can. When they have to put out they will starfish. And they will be gross compared to younger women.
>Post proof. Because I can post tons of proof that they don't.
Post it
Older women have sex user. Like I said, it's not the same as in marriage and over pregnancy.
>But let's say that it's true. You know that women over 30 are gross
In my experience they let you do a lot more things in bed with them, assuming they aren't from conservative cultures that kept them back in previous generation values.
If you can get a newly divorced milf, she'll basically want you to fuck her in all the ways her ex husband ever did and more, and if her ex gets a new girlfriend she'll just want it more. She'll basically just want romance and sex while she figures out the next chapter of her life.