barnum effect edition
good tests:
INTP isnt a personality its a diagnosis
dead threads already? dang man. have a bump.
non-NTPs are a bunch of stupid fucking sellouts who ignore the truth when it's convenient
fuck them
i've heard Ni people usually just "know" things. i've experienced this and i type as INTP on every test i take, but i think i might be an ISTP that has a poorly developed Se.
INTPs, do you manually think through all of your ideas or do you just "know" things sometimes? i find that most of my opinions i think of on the spot just based off of feel and if i think through them, i come to the same conclusion for different reasons.
It's kinda like i know how i got a conclusion and what i thought, but it's hard to put into words. I guess it could be described as 'i just know' but i have a thought process behind it.
For reference, i always type as NTP no matter what.
I've had my subconsciousness lead me to problems at work on autopilot before they became huge problems. That shit feels so slick.
If you're an INTP with high Ni, that's like a superpower mind potential. Noice.
it hurts user delet it pls
INFP-T here/
Are my fellows also afraid to completely show their true selves?
>tfw no dom ISTP girl to bully me and make me do things with her and get me out of my INTP head
Enfp here, i only have a few friends but they are real because i am. Never be afraid to be real, you will attract real people and drive away fake people. Still have not found a woman who isnt, i await the day i find a girlfriend who is real and likes me for me.
afraid? in a manner of speaking, i guess. reluctant and apathetic, though? more than likely. at this point im just oversleeping to obscure reality, getting my dose of suboxone from the chemist, eating and ignoring/suppressing any other superfluous urges.
also i really like/respect intp guys (im gay btw) but seriously you're so awkward and autistic, i have to give up eventually even if you are being affectionate towards me. intps make me feel warm tho, i gather at least one of them liked me considering the compliment(s) i received.. but could never quite tell if it was personally geared towards me or just an analytical observation, so i wouldn't get too hung up about it.
Jesus fuck this hits too close to home
I want a INTJ qt, do they exist?
suicidal thoughts coming back, really think i am going to grab the rope this time.
My mother is an ENFJ. I know what you're talking about. ENF* is a great parent type. I think she may have given me better developed Fe and I encouraged her auxiliary Ni growing up.
Why I don't buy into this MBTI shit like it's some fucking horoscope for incels even tho it's always accurate potrayals of people (myself included)?
Yeah bitch I'm mad cute
i'm INTP
i think the female version of me would be INFP
who are some female INTPs
i've got tina fey, sigourney weaver, and aubrey plaza
>very critical towards religion
I don't relate to that, why are INTPs portrayed as fedoralords even though that should be INTJs due to high Te?
Frick you user stop this please
i used to be critical of religion as an edgy INTP with an INTJ best friend all through my teens. now, i don't really care about it. i think it's irrational to think it's all true, but i understand that the moral systems they create and the function of it create better people. and who am i to be an authority of any of it? i ultimately can't prove or disprove anything including morals. mysticism and morals are something that's interesting even though i would not argue for them.
Based reasonable neutral user
My big dumb idiot brain had me thinking that I'm the only person who acts like I do. As far as INTPs go I'm the only one I know, and I've yet to meet someone who acts like I do. This thread proves that there are more goofballs such as myself out there. Cheers anons.
Also all these intp gf/bf memes are fucking horrifying because they are chock full of shit I do, have done and have thought, and it's spooky as hell. Get out of my brain, I can hardly fit myself in here.
what type is that hipster you see writing a screenplay on their macbook in starbucks?
Okay, every MBTI function from what I understand in my scrambled head.
(Each type is built up of 4 main functions, from dominant to inferior. Every person has every type, unless brain dqmage though.}
Extraverted thinking (Te): Finding the wrench for the problem at hand. Answers, questions are the obstacle.
Introverted thinking (Ti): Exploring many wrenches and many problems. Questions, answers are the convenient byproduct.
Extraverted feeling (Fe): Emotion as landscape. Navigating feeling as an objective structure to work under.
Introverted feeling (Fi): Emotion as engine. Subjective feeling, inspiration and sensibilities leading the individual.
Extraverted sensing (Se): Living in the present sensory nature of the world around you.
Introverted sensing (Si): Snapshotting the past sensory nature of the world that was around you.
Extraverted intuition (Ne): Living from abstract to abstract, idea to idea. Flipping through many books.
Introverted intuition (Ni): Personal abstractions emerging from the subconscious. Obsessing over a few books to come out with a new meaning. Weirdest function.
To find out the dom-aux-tert-inferior stack of any type
I/E = leads with Xi or Xe function
N/S = leads or auxes with Nx or Sx function
F/T = leads or auxes wih Fx or Tx function
P/J = leads or auxes with Ne/Se or Ni/Si
T and F are always opposites. If F in dom, T in inferior. F in aux, T in tert.
Same with N and S
Your dom (lead) and aux functions are your powerhouse and what you'll use most when healthy.
The function stack basically shows which functions you've developed the most/earliest.
>Every person has every type
Every function. You generally only have one type.
>Ni: Weirdest function
For you.
As an Intp i also can't relate with hating religion. I really don't think that is at all a trait of INTPs
I used to hate religion when i was an edgy teenager but now i just don't care, kinda inaccurate for adult INTPs
INFP here, anyone else working toward a pipe dream?
What are some of the jobs you INTPs do? Im an INTP that got peer pressured by my sisters into doing nursing and i learnt how much i despise it during work experience, theres so much rules, you have to write so much for each patient, you always have to do something and you have to socialise. The entire thing was me waking up, getting ready to go to work, working, getting ready to go to bed and repeating the process for 2 weeks, my family says "thats how life is" but it cant be THIS bad.
I dont even care anymore if my family hates me, i just want to do something that wont make me kill myself in the first year
I am a janitor getting a useless history degree.
>read up on mbti before taking any tests
>immediately identify what function the question is about
>results get skewed
how do i prevent this? I just want an accurate typing
Why is everyone here an INTP? Why do most seem to be above-average intelligence?
I work manual labor its the only thing I can do
Why did you decide to get that degree? Sounds strange to put in unnecessary effort
I am a brainlet intp, truly cursed
I love history, i truly have a fascination with it. But i am just finishing my first year now and i think i might just drop it and go into a trade.
I have never met another INTP in the real world, i think places like this naturally attracts INTPs. Its a nice feeling knowing you arent the only one who has the same thoughts you do
What type is Gene from Bob's Burgers and how do I avoid that type?
ENTP here,
Fuck niggers
Protect our INTP brothers
>INTP when alone
>amorphous blob literal nothing personality IRL because my edgy shitposter clever INTP personality is tied to online friends
>cannot find a foothold IRL to become anything other than a straightforward and symbolic autist to family members
>realize i can literally only be who people see me as and am completely locked into being the person that people see me as the first time they meet me, but also have almost no control of how i come off
I'm distracted by my thoughts, most of the time.
never been able to appreciate special effects in a film very much, for me it's all about the story, which is why almost all capeshit is unwatchable to me
i was wondering, do you have to be a sensoid to care about visuals?
CGI is stupid and lazy, no matter how "good" it looks; I care more about practical effects.
Watching Die Hard right now and the guy in charge of the lighting in the movie was an absolute master. I'm fucking autistic though- so probably close to a sensoid in useless interests.
i've heard CGI can greatly benefit a film as long as it isn't used as a crutch, they used the recent mad max as an example, although i didn't care for the film myself it at least looked nice
Is it an infp thing to be a lazy piece of shit? Cause lucky me, I just got a job amongst all this chaos when everyone else is going unemployed and I can't be bothered at all. I just want to sit at home and waste time on the internet. I feel like theres no point in working.
which infp isn't, though working towards is stretching it, i should have taken it seriously 5 years ago and i'd have something now.
Is the strongpoint for IxTP the ability to cut to the truth and say what things are in a dry or sarcastic way? Often people will say things to me and I will either tell them what they are attempting to do and they'll laugh for some reason, or I'll just go along with their shit and make it so dumb and dry and exaggerate my response that they will also laugh. From my perspective I am just making fun of them or pointing something out with no emotional intent, but people seem to respond incredibly well to it like I made a joke.
Sometimes I can't tell if people are laughing with me or at me. Do we just come off as so straightforward that it entertains people?
>take 16 personalities multiple times
>take 16 personalities, but answer questions based on how I act online
I used to be really extroverted as a kid, too. However, i was also a giagantic autist with zero self-awareness. As I developed self-awareness and accumulated cringe-worthy memories, I learned to hide my autism by keeping my fucking mouth shut. However, I tend to be pretty extroverted online and around people I'm comfortable with. Does this mean I was Chad the whole time? What do I do with this information?
if you're an INTP and you would like to be an ENTP, take meth
you are a chad papa bless
idk man. in my online friend group, which is my only friend group, i act ENTP. when alone i act INTP. IRL i am INTP no question. i never know which version of me to test with because they are completely different in my mind. i also used to be extroverted as a kid and had so much bad social feedback that i just hid in myself to avoid feeling bad and others disliking me.
Does meth really work that well
I find that alcohol is better at making me act like a normal person, you could say the first few shots don't count cause I'm too awkward to say anything otherwise
a person can function really well on meth, provided you aren't a white trash brainlet, which most meth users are and from whence comes its bad reputation
I can only speak for myself, but I always felt as though the personality I presented while online represents the real me better than the personality I present to strangers irl.
Isn't it really expensive though?
It's another day and another step closer.
>ENTP gf
every ENTP girl in the world who is at least halfway attractive either has or has considered becoming a prostitute at some point