He didn't do anything wrong, the internet is just mad because he getting bank

he didn't do anything wrong, the internet is just mad because he getting bank

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Dis nigga really ruined his entire reputation over one bitch

if you think this ruined his reputation you are actually retarded.

This will barely affect him at all

>he didn't do anything wrong
massive cope.

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>choosing money over self respect

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Nigga u coulda just told me you pay for anisa's onlyfans page

Hes mistake was being too defensive

If it was me I would just make 1 twitter post saying I dont care that my gf shows tits for money, I'm the one who gets to fuck her. and stop taking about it

Guys my hairline kinda looks like his. Am I fucked?

Dat nigga dun cracked

I predict 6 months - 1 year for his girlfriend to cheat on him or end the relationship. Let's see what he says about that when (if) that happens.

I don't think he's technically wrong but I also think the bitch he's with is definitely taking advantage of him from some of the other shit i've heard about her. I think ian is too oblivious to see the redflags and i'm willing to bet she'll cheat on him at some point and we might possibly get a video about him admitting his mistakes with this drama.

nice boogeyman.

Yeah, as far as I know he hasn't ever made a video just purely defending himself in this way, I think there was one where he was breaking down some other e-celebs backlash against a content cop or something but that's it.

I don't care wether he's a cuck or not, stopped watching his shit around full force, give me the pics and vids

>because he getting bank
He was already making a lot of money before his gf decided to whore herself out.

In all realness though ive never seen idubbbz like this, hes handling it so poorly

Dat bitch really b in his head, she already got him defending her and shit like goddayum.

Zoomers need to shut the fuck up about youtubers.
He's done nothing wrong, and he's in fact a chad for not giving a shit. He's literally pimping his gf out to a bunch of simps and getting money for it. Pretty based if you ask me.

Now it's all gonna end horribly when she ends up cucking him but as long as he patrols her thottery well enough (he won't) it shouldn't be a problem. Remember all women are dog brained whores and require a tight leash at all times which can only be held from nurturing financial or psychological dependence.

This, people don't get that allowing your partner to do this is a shittest in and of itself.

But honestly, I'm too old to care what some fucking edgy 30 year old does. He clearly has self-esteem issues/lack of relationship experience of his own and when he gets hurt and they eventually break up I hope he sorts out his own mental issues.

How the fuck did this goblin mock leafy about his chin while looking like THIS

>be you
>neither money nor self respect
They aren't mutually exclusive retarded teenager

>girlfriend starts selling her body for money
>can't disagree because people will crucify you for being some misogynist incel pig
>can't agree with her because people will call you an incel simp
>easier just to agree with your girlfriend treating your monogamous relationship like a joke and live with the shame

damned if you do, damned if you don't.

Do you not understand context brainlet?

It would be even easier for him to just break up with her. Either she's threatning to ruin his reputation with a break up or this nigga a cuck.

>be you
>do not understand that the concept of monogamy being the standard way to conceive a relationship is due to cultural echoing of christianity over the year
>do not understand that in itself being a so-called cuck isn't degrading
He is infinite times more "alpha" than you for sure, spilling out his opinion in front of millions of people knowing a bunch of incels are gonna be mad is way more alpha than only being able to communicate in the shithole of the internet you stupid dumbfuck with lack of self-awareness

Yeah with his e-celebrity status it wouldn't take long for him to find a new GF. But if he were a low status male he'd be utterly fucked because the amount of effort it takes to even get noticed and get a new gf is so high that it's easier just to be cucked.

It's not just that he's being a cuck, it's how he's responding to the criticism that is making everybody lose respect for him. He made this retarded video of him being all pissed off and defensive about being a cuck, so people have stopped seeing him as this edgelord cool guy that doesn't care about what other people think. If he just made a video waving around money and saying "I can't hear you losers over the sound of my cash. You have to pay me to see what I get to touch for free." He would look like a fucking Chad. He is clearly insecure about this, and that is what people are upset over.

>be cucked
>do not understand valuing your loved ones body is not just religious values
>do not understand that in itself being a cuck is degrading
Holy shit, how long were you left under the water as a child? How can anybody choose money over the body of a loved one, it's blows my fucking mind. I bet you're the faggot to go well at the end of the day she's coming back to me. Good luck with your wifes boyfriend.

Stop sucking your girlfriend's boyfriend's dick lad, it's fucking up with your head.

>do not understand valuing your loved ones body is not just religious values
What an uncultured swine you are, then why in different places of the world where christianity hadn't an influence polygamy isn't seen as something so atrocious? Hit a history book and spend less time on Yas Forums retard, I bet you are american lmao
>good luck with your wifes boyfriend
Currently I am single but I wouldn't be ok with a polyamorous relationship; the fact that I understand that in itself there is nothing wrong and the fact that I don't judge those who feel for a non monogamous relationships aren't sufficient condition to determine how my relationship would be
now go fuck yourself brainlet and maybe improve yourself instead of spending your days shitposting and raging about girls and what other people do in their relationship

>uncultured swine
You try to come off as intelligent when really it's just pathetic and ludicrous. No wonder you're single I bet you try to show off to every person you meet how well read you are and how Christianity has had such an impact on society. What a loser that even here you have to showboat.

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You're retarded and should shut up. The standardization of monogamy in western civilization is not explained only by Christianity, and saying that shows off how programmed you are. You're a cultural Marxist bot who thinks he's liberated but is eternally in shackles, attacking others with a perceived righteous fury and what you think is truth. There has been made an army out of people like you, toys the lot of you, who are accepting of putting up with shit like having your woman whore herself out for cash, and you call it cool and revolutionary. I loathe you and your kind.

it really shows you have never been in a real relationship

ecelebs are not your friends so don't treat them like they are

>cultural marxism
lmao, you do realize that cultural marxism can be boiled down in to three words "pop music bad"
it doesn't have anything to do with what you're talking about

>he getting bank
LMAO he's going to continue paying for everything and she's going to keep all the money she makes in her own account.

/thread. pack up boys we're done here

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Only a cuntoid who sells her body online would write something like that.

Sex work is not real work. Youre a whore and whores arent people.

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>What an uncultured swine you are, then why in different places of the world where christianity hadn't an influence polygamy isn't seen as something so atrocious? Hit a history book and spend less time on Yas Forums retard, I bet you are american lmao
If you dont like then go live somwhere else you degenerate commie heathen. I dont care that our society frowns upon women like you when they walk around naked. Deal with it and shut up.

If someone is willing to pay for it, how can you say the product being produced by the work has no value?
I thought you types like Capitalism.

I honestly don't see what the drama is all about because I don't really see how who he dates is really any of my concern. It's not like she's underage or anything, the whole thing just feels like I'm reading fucking Women's Weekly or something, just a bunch of gossip bullshit.

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the problem is he came across and frustrated and upset just by making the video, and then looked frustrated and upset throughout the entire video.
Like if it takes 10 minutes to tell people how you're not technically a cuck, you're definitely a cuck.

He has the cuck soiboi face shape, not sure why people are surprised.

Hes not getting any bank, his gf is. And most likely a new bf too. When start doing this like this in a relationship its because they have lost allr respect for the Man and are acting out in order to make him jealous and angry so they have an excuse to leave OR just to prove to everyone that he is a spineless cuck again to justify leaving him.

It wont be long before an actual PIMP gets into her DMs and start chatting her up, giving he rmoney, validation that shes never had and she'll cut idoobz away for some roided up, tattooed gangster with gold teeth.

I guarantee it. Give it a year or less.

>Cancel Culture is real
I wish I could be as delusional as you
Regardless go back to Twitter where you belong

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Simps will white knight and sacrifice everything they have including the most important thing: their self respect and dignity, just to get laid.

Except most women aren't attracted to that. You know what they're attracted to? Self respect and dignity. Simps cuck themselves and as a result women don't want to sleep with them.

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so what's going on, is idubbbz canceled?

There is a market for heroin too, doesnt mean you sell it.
>how can you say the product being produced by the work has no value?
Are you admitting that women are nothing but objects?

>There is a market for heroin too, doesnt mean you sell it.
No, but pharmaceutical companies do.
I don't get how this is comparable.

>Are you admitting that women are nothing but objects?
Depends are we talking about prostitution or lewd photographs?
In prostitution the woman sells her body as an object. That's undeniable.
The product with the lewd photographs are the curated images and the fantasy of the woman, not the person herself.

Just like ecelebs sell a fantasy of being your friend, but they're not actually your friend, you don't get to fuck the girls whose pictures you may buy. What is being sold is a dream, rather than a reality.

Because both sides are perma-virgins that have never touched a woman I'll explain why he is a cuck:

1. Ian made his career off of making fun of ethots
2. His gf is the definition of an ethot being a booby streamer even before she met him
3. His gf also cheated on her last bf and only got with Ian after she found out he was an eceleb
4. She latched onto him and used his popularity to shill herself with nothing other than "I suck idubbz dick!" This point arguably is the least troublesome since 1 could argue it was to make more $$$ but then we go to...
5. Ian himself paid for her tit job that she wanted
6. SHE was the 1 who wanted to make on OnlyFans account
7. Instead of owning up and saying something like, "I find her hot, you fags find her hot, and since some of you ironically bought the a bitch's bathwater, I know some of you will unironically buy my bitch's nudes", he acts incredibly passive going for character attacks and strawmen arguments

Also, anyone who has actually been in a relationship knows that if you have a strong stance on something/passion about something and a woman can make you drop that position/passion, she will lose all respect for you. Considering her sloot behavior it's not hard to imagine her seeing Ian this way
>inb4 h-he's pimping her out
lolno. When your bitch is the 1 coming up to you with shit like this it is not your idea. She is shit-testing you to the extreme and if you fail, she will drop your ass when you no longer serve a purpose to her. If/when times get tough and/or she makes more $$$ than Ian, I guarantee she will drop him at which point it will be undeniable he was/is a cucked simp

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>not giving a shit.

bro he made a 7 minute long response video he absolutely gives a shit lmao

These. Actual anons who have gotten laid before

>No, but pharmaceutical companies do.
No an argument. And they are allowed too. Women arent allowed to sell their bodies for money to empower themselves just as a drug dealers cant sell smacked up drugs to people for money. Doctors help people, drug dealers and whore taker advantage of people. Nice try
>Depends are we talking about prostitution or lewd photographs?
Its the same thing. If you use your body as a sexual object to make money youre awhore. Whether you take dick on camera, sell nudes on onlyfans or pose nude for modelling shoots youre a whore.

If women truley are equal to men and not mere sex objects then they'd go out and work and earn a living not just take advantage of their assets which they inherited.
>The product with the lewd photographs are the curated images and the fantasy of the woman, not the person herself.
Lol keep telling yourself that roastie. A cunt in a slutty cosplay costume is still a cunt.
>Just like ecelebs sell a fantasy of being your friend
I think anyone who buys into that is an idiot ftr
>you don't get to fuck the girls whose pictures you may buy.
We'll see about that.

He is obviously a loser outside of his Youtube persona.

Yes I can admit I have had sex and relationships. I stll think women are whores though.

He decided to make a video to back up his opinion which was honestly extremely weak and that's why hes getting so much shit. If he just didn't say anything or just made jokes at his own expense then it would be all fine but he decided to try and defend himself which would only end positively if he does it very well which he didn't.

His whole argument was basically "I'm not a simp cuck because these 4 reasons this guy wrote on a video is stupid". He tried to argue against the 4 points made against him and each argument was extremely weak which made him look worse and worse as he went on with the video.

Might as well had "his wife's son" come out at the end to back up his opinions because it couldnt get any worse.

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Not cancelled, just humiliated and tarnishing his reputation.

DESU the samething happened to me to where i feel I hate women more now than I did before.

I didnt even know who this guy was until all this shit happened. WTF does he even do?

isn't that what cancelling is?

He's not getting shutdown, he's been made into a joke. Two different things. He can still hang around and make content, it's just that people are going to make fun of him in the comments from now on.

As opposed to people sending death threats? It's really the same thing. Social media is being used to harrass a person.
Last time you guys did that it certainly got you those ethics in games journalism.

not giving a shit about his girlfriend, faggot.
He should have left it alone regarding the fans, but because Youtubers are complete narcissist trashlords he didn't

>Getting death threats online
>Actual concern

Every single cunt online has been threatened with death. Its pretty much part and parcel of being outspoken online.
>Social media is being used to harrass a person.

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He made bank being a cringe-lord in the more lawless youtube-era alongside a guy who complained about shitty rappers and then ended up becoming one himself.
If he hung up his cringe-lord content creator cape like George than nobody would be giving two shits that his girl is an e-whore.
If he didn't acknowledge it than a lot less people would even know or care about it.
BUT niga dun went full Maddox.
He had one final joke and he made it himself.

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