I'm awake...

I'm awake, how come everyone has friends and things going on in their lifes meanwhile all i do is sit here browsing Yas Forums the whole day everyday. Why is it so hard for you to talk to me, you can make friends just fine apparently, do you hate me?

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Yes, we all hate you.

And why is that? I can't tell who's speaking or who is all, it's all so vague.

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Why'd you try to add or something? What was that supposed to accomplish, i didn't even get the chance to accept it.

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why dont u try to just find someone new, stop obsessing over one person, its not healthy

I should try to make friends but really, it's not that simple for me, it's something i would give up on much more easily and it is a lot of effort for nothing in the end, i don't get why you people think what i do is wrong.

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You seem needy, which puts most people off.

stop beating it to anime all day and try and communicate with some humans. or rot in decadence and isolation for your entire existence, its all the same to me.

I don't hate you I just don't find you interesting enough.

I suppose it does, i'm afraid if i'm not everything would just fade away.
Would adding people on discord be fine? Last time i've tried that it didn't went so well, though choice though.
Now that's something that makes sense to me, it can't be all that though, all i do must make you think something else.

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You seem gay and underage teebeehaych

It does feel that way, but I've come to realize that even people who you thought were "social butterflies", they are not. Rarely they are. Cherish the moments you have, faggot.

making friends is not just "okay lets be friends" you need to have common interests

Yes, i fucking hate your guts.
But seriously, people hate those they don't understand. i. e. weird people, You.
If you're doing something they are not familiar with, they will be uncomfortable around you and will be on guard.
If you do something they're familiar with, they'll feel relaxed around you and be more friendly to you.
It's just human nature.
It's why people find it "cute" when their grandma buys them a gift they won't use, because it's something grandmas do or when kids ask innocent questions(it's to be expected of them)
If you spend time with normies, you'll understand their ques, what they like, how they behave and you'll slowly mimic them(which is what happens to normies who hang out with other normies at a young age)
If you spend too much time alone without human interactions, you'll start to develop habits and behaviors that are alien to normies and you'll slowly turn into a robot.
If you want friends, you need to find people who are exactly like you, share your behaviors, understand what you say and why you say it, etc.
I was exactly like you a few years ago, thought that everyone hated me but i found a few people who are like me and managed to be their friend. then i understood what makes normies tick.

tl;dr, don't be weird, behave like a normie.

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I don't really go outside but we can talk here if you want

What makes you think that user, i'm not.
I have people like you commenting on my thread, and other anons from other threads, i guess it is something but it feels like nothing.
I never got that, i like manga, anime, video games, computers, i think most people here would like that but i don't see how that would net something more than a 15 min dry conversation so i really don't think that is true, i think it's more about the person itself, people with nothing in common can do just fine too, my mom and my dad are completely different but they've been married for a long time.
I think that makes sense but i'm talking about online interactions so there shouldn't be expectations i think, you're absolutely right though, at least for other people, i don't know if there's anyone like me around, i've talked with people with no friends, etc, it seems like it's all the same, i think the people i would have an easier time with would be the people that talk a shit ton and make it easier for me, it's already a drag to talk to people in threads but i do it anyway.
I go outside, i have a job and college, not anymore though because of corona though, why does everyone assumes i'm talking about irl people, the issue is much lower than that.

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What kind of video games do you like? ^^
Also its not just about that, both of you have to be interested in talking to each other (which starts with talking about hobbies and such) and later go into daily things what you do and all, you two can be totally different but still there must be an interest to want to know about the other, for example one of my closest friend is going to clubs anytime they can, do drugs drink a lot while I am an introvert who likes to play video games for a long time

I don't know user, i think the issue is deeper than that, i've talked with a lot of people and most of all i did is be interested, i probably should but this is not waht i want at all, it's so tiring talking to people.

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Well you should also notice if they give back the same interest, over the years I talked to many people from Yas Forums and I must say only around 10% could even keep a conversation from the beginning and even less than that asked questions back (like if I ask about their day they don't ask back or just hobbies and so on) so don't blame yourself over not finding friends, it is really hard to find anything meaningful
also maybe you overlooked over my first question

why do you still orbit this pathetic aiste guy, hes just a shitposter and annoying avatarfag, he just wants weak willed orbiters like you to get attention, you mean nothing to him

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>What makes you think that user, i'm not.
Just a feeling I guess. So you're not a faggot?

>over the years I talked to many people from Yas Forums and I must say only around 10% could even keep a conversation from the beginning and even less than that asked questions back
So what are you saying? That you're better than most of us? That is very self-centered if you ask me.

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>immediately assumes he is in the 90%
>also assumes I say I am better than others
I don't care about being better than anyone, simply not being able to show any sort of interest in other person right from the bat is just plain bad
>inb4 be more interesting
obviously I can't be interesting for everyone but I have yet to encounter a person who would add me and start with more than "Hi", if I just say hi back and not ask about them the convo is over and thats all then its just a dragged chat about me trying to ask about them while they don't even care, I used to try to talk with people like that for long but now I just resent them and don't want to be even around them

>simply not being able to show any sort of interest in other person right from the bat is just plain bad
So you admit you have superior social skills.

How do you expect to make friends if you automatically assume you are better than them? To make matters worse, if you find that are not at your "level" you ignore them. Why can't you just be a decent person and friend? How do you think they felt when you resented them and began acting this way?

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I don't think that's happening user, the only way i would be comfortable about it is if there were someone with nothing better, the minute i see that they have more people for them it immediately makes me want to leave, i don't want to go through everything if it won't mean much to them as well, i don't to compare myself to anyone because i know i do worse than everyone else.
No i am, it's more complicated than that but i think i am.

>No i am, it's more complicated than that but i think i am.
Is your asshole virgin?

>So you admit you have superior social skills.
Just so you know I have anxiety and autism yet I can fucking still ask a question you can literally google how to make friends (what I did) and learn it
I don't have superior social skills, I fucking google stuff I don't understand
>assumes again I did anything visible
Okay picture this
>make a post
>write ton of interests and alike
>get added
>either no message at all or just a "Hi"
>literally a back and forth of me asking who they are why they added me
If you want to make friends thats fine, if you give 0 effort into it then I am not the one to blame
You shouldn't feel bad because they have more friends, they still talk to you and you can have friends to discuss certain things (maybe one with your day with the other mainly game stuff and so on) but if someone is interested in being your friend they will in some form try to show it ^^ (either by writing longer or just trying to ask questions even if they don't really know what you are talking about or something else) If they don't and its really just you asking questions don't feel bad about that also, they are the ones not giving effort in (also not every person is compatible to be friends) I for one like to say good morning and good night if I talk with someone much and ask about their day if I feel close enough and alike, so don't give up ^^

What do you expect? Not everyone is going to do what you did, just because you did a little 5 minute google search does not mean others will. You have knowledge that others do not. If you are truly autistic, I find it baffling that you fail to understand the actions of your peers that may be going through the same thing. You're not autistic enough to not understand how to socialize, so surely you should not have difficulty understanding those in your position prior to your research. You are literally hurting your poor friends that probably want to talk to you but just have poor social skills and are incredibly shy, and you call this "0 effort". Do you know how hard it is to want to talk but be too anxious to do so? Surely you once felt that way before. Your knowledge does not give you the right to be a conceited asshole. Please reconsider your actions and your perception of others. You seem very, very narcissistic and the degree is rather worrisome.

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Why would I want to be your friend?
Post some reasons.

I agree with you that he is underestimating the difficulties one may have socializing, but he has some good advice up the sleeve. You don't expect people to get to know you if you dont apparently show them any interest in the conversation. There's no such thing as a highly social person that will figure out your personality and understand that you like them but dont know how to express

>Not everyone is going to do what you did
Giving effort? I mean I get what you try to mean, but it is just not how it is, somehow everyone I knew with serious anxiety/depression/autism or anything they all TRIED, someone came into their life who shows interest in them and they all tried their hardest to talk, my best friend from elementary was someone with aspergers he literally tried to kill me with a brick at some point, yet I was his friend because he at least tried, those who know have problems either acknowledge it and try to do against it or start identifying with their mental problems rather than trying to solve it, 2 of my friends (from here) were scared to even go outside or even staying inside made them anxious and also talking and not talking scared them since both can make someone angry, I saw both of them have mental breakdowns (one even irl) which I felt shit about because I didn't understood anything but I knew I don't understand it and still tried to do something, if you think writing "and you?" after answering most types of questions to be engaging is too much that is really not my table to deal with... most people left me behind as soon as they saw a reason to(my dad passing away) and I don't blame them for it, you can't really support or help someone who is just sitting in the class looking blank into nothing and literally respond to everything with "hmmm" , if someone shows the slightest interest in talking to me I will try my best to workaround if they have any problems, even if by just plain asking what would make them more comfortable, but I can't really make a conversation out of someone answering "Yes" and "No" or (actual example)
"What do you like to do in your free time?"
"A little bit of this and a bit of that" (and get no actual answer or anything I can respond to in any way or form)

I don't know user, i think we're different, i don't think things work out for me like they would do for you, i'll probably try to talk to people anyway.
You wouldn't want to, there are no reasons, i wouldn't want to just be friends with anyone either.

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(poster count will increase I changed device)
And maybe now it didnt yet work out but it always can ^^ I yet have to find a friend who I can play rts games with a lot or just random games sometime in general...

yeyeyeyeyeyeye ayyyy lmao roringana

>you can make friends just fine apparently
you must not be speaking to me, cause I have literally not one

I always find this to be bullshit when i talk to people like you.
I don't think i'll ever enjoy talking to anyone, all i want is one person and i'll even try to make things myself because i know is what he would want.

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people ain't doing shit right now due to lock down

I always had friends, and I was considered to be nice back then. Now I found myself temporally without friends, but I can give you guys some of my experiences. I'm not trying to judge anyone here, I just want to share what I know can be useful.

1- none gives a fuck about you, and most people are always thinking about their problems and life. It's nice because you don't need to bother as if you were being analysed. You're by yourself.

2-people that has no personality judge you based off status, so they can gain something being with you. For instance, if you're hot they want to be around to share the girls with you. You don't this kind of person to be around you. Authentic people don't follow status and don't give a fuck about what others think. You need to get this kind of people to know you so they will always be loyal to you if you be their friend.

3- never try to please everyone, only please people that value you and are supportive to you. The easy way to get this people to love you is to listen to what they say and be real with them. Other than it give a shit about opinions.

4- people don't actually like you, they like the feeling they get when they are with them. It's all egoistical, they love the hits of dopamine you give them. If you treat the right people well you'll have a friendship for life. Again, fuck the other people.

I don't mean irl, why is everyone such a normie that they just take online for granted.
I do 1,2,3 and 4 as well, 4 makes no sense to me though.

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Do you have someone specific in mind? What do you plan to make for him?

Effort can come in many different ways. In fact, I would argue that they put in more effort than you. Say I'm your friend. I am anxious, have poor social skills, depressed, and you come along. You seem okay, but this is all new to me an it feels weird to actually talk to someone for the first time in a very long time. Because of all my mental health issues, I cannot function normally. You ask me questions that I do not really know how to answer because of my poor social skills. I still, however, engage with you as best I can while being crippled with anxiety behind the screen. I sweat and feel uncomfortable around you. I think hard before replying because my own insecurities make me question if a response will be good enough for you. My mind races and soon enough I am mentally exhausted and remember why I never had friends in the first place. All of that effort, while you sit back and just ask questions with an unquestionable confidence driven by your desire to have friendships. I want to be your friend, it is just mentally exhausting and I do not want risk saying something stupid. Then you gradually pull away and stop talking to me. How do you think that makes me feel? You were my first friend in a long time, and then you just selfishly gave up on me.

user, you are not better than others. How many friends have you done this to? I feel bad for them. By you not talking to them, you are only confirming the very things they are insecure about. You are not as good as a person as you think you are.

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Yea, to make my own thing, have things going on for me other than just him, i'm pretty sure that would make me more attractive to him too, i'll never make it though.

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>I always find this to be bullshit when i talk to people like you.
yeah I do too. its amazing how many people like to say they have no friends yet have a good handful of people they hang out with and can speak to on a personal level, and then go completely fucking silent when you point that out. they don't know what its like to spend everyday in your room engaging in escapism, having nobody to talk to but randoms on a shitty imageboard. I never go out, I have no social media but a Discord that hasn't been used since it was made, I have no one to text, nobody to play game with. those people just dont get it at all.

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4 is more like people don't actually like you because of your characteristics and virtues, they will like you if you make them feel nice. That's really important to one's success in having nice friends and even good social skills.

I'm not a social skills guru guys, I'm timid and a introvert most of the time, but it's not that hard to follow this. I'm not trying to sell you a course. This is perfectly reasonable and I have actual experience with being popular. It's not hard if you really try

You should try that ^^ and don't let that pull you back if it doesnt work out, if you like him try your best to get them

Youre borderline, get help

user. I'm not gonna judge you, son. I empathize with you. It shall pass, too.

Try the steps that some user have posted, it might help you out. Can I hug you? No judgement.

All i do is talk to people on Yas Forums, all day everyday on this board.
What if they feel nice being with you despite of what you do?
You're the first person to say that, i think that too, you'd probably think otherwise if you knew everything.
What makes you say that?

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user... in every of your answer you assume things and dont talk to my points, even now you say "you try your hardest and think about answers" the people I talk about write a one word reply in seconds and be done with it and if I see someone is thinking what to write or try in any shape or form I will appreciate it but thats not what I was talking about, you mention you actually trying not that you answer yes or no to every of my question and leave it at that, even if the answer doesnt make sense
>how many friends you have done this to
I dont do this to friends who said I do? Its new people who add me or I add them, if they have mental issues they should state it or say they are shy or anything but if they dont state it I dont have to necessarily cater to them, you cant be friends with everyone not everybody is compatible for that, but as simple as it is, if you dont ask back or just say thinga about yourself more then I cant go further than that, I spoke to many people like that
if you mention lets say only a few interest I can only ask so much before running out due to the yes/no answers I never once left a chat with someone who has poor social skills but if they show no interest at all (which is if you try hard and think what to write for minutes the outcome is not simply a "Yes") If I write a Yes only I just cant send it without needing to add something
>You ask me questions I do not really know how to answer
If I ask you about lets say what video games you like to play I would even read a 4000 letter essay about it and even if you just mention a few is better than "Whatever I feel like so" and then it just added an extra step of me awkwardly asking "But what kind of?" and then get an answer for example "mainly rpgs" to make me have to ask "For example?" and then they say idk or maybe mention one game, finally answering my original question ofc I get someone might feel scared to share what they like but they also dont want to talk about

Well if you want to tell me about what happened between you and him you can ^^ I am not sure how long I will be awake but you can leave a contact if you would like to vent about it

>>What if they feel nice being with you despite of what you do

Because they feel pleasure to be around you anyways, even when you're doing things they might not find good. But that's because they like being with you, you make them fell better, lighter. They don't like you because you're intelligent or rich or any other interest you might have. For instance, I have interest in politics and economics, but most people don't give a fuck about it. They might listen to me talking about it because they might like to listen to me or because they don't have anyone to talk like me, so they accept talk about things they don't like.

That doesn't seem like a bad thing to me, i'm not understanding what you mean.
It's fine user, it just feels good someone saying what you want to hear for once.

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Because I'm not saying is bad. You agree with me, btw. I'm just saying that that's my experience so people don't need to feel bad about not being "interesting"

Yas Forums is very much like Gilgamesh.

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Oh I see, well I really do hope you will get him one day and I think you sound really pleasant to talk with

You're right. If people don't give you the minimum output you expect it seems like they don't want to talk with you and you're stealing their time

How I actually wanna know why you think this.

I see, i still think there is something you intrinsically need to have for something like that to happen though.
Thank you for that but i really am not.
I don't understand what you mean user.

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Why do you think you are not pleasant to talk with?

>I'm awake, how come everyone has friends and things going on in their lifes meanwhile all i do is sit here browsing Yas Forums the whole day everyday.

Because they have
>interpersonal skills
>full-time work, school, and/or extracurricular activities to fill conversations with

I can relate to you when it comes to one-sided conversation and feeling like nobody cares. Lowering my standards works for me, maybe it will for you. Eventually I stopped craving friendships and settled for short and transactional interactions like sharing music or literature, or playing chess.

Keep in mind there could be multiple factors when talking to people who don't show the same eagerness to communicate, that could be out of sight. Nobody is obligated to show the same level of effort either.

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