/r9gay/ - #977

Wishing he was here edition.


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op is a cutie edition

I wish you were here...

Damn quarantine.

still no cute brit bf to make a suicide pact with, really funny guys :c


Would you rather be a top with a micropenis or a bottom with ibs?

how about you get a brit bf and don't make a suicide pact? if you commit suicide, you lose your bf


i mean i cant seem to get one either way user

>tfw you want to hang yourself just to experience it

ho am uou toda-ay?

are you a brit? or someone with some kinda britfetish looking for an LDR? I just wanna make sure you know that LDRs are retarded, where as close range britboy on britboy relationships are the definition of pure

Where in britland, user, let's get our hopes up so we can fail spectacularly and be depressed enough to go through with killing ourselves

>I just wanna make sure you know that LDRs are retarded
Who cares. Quarantine desu. Lockdown de nanimo dekinai you know?

quarantine probably won't last forever. you could have just answered the question about whether or not you're even from the UK, and maybe this conversation could've gone somewhere. nvm i guess :)

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Not the same ningen dake janai. But yes I am bong.
>tfw no bf to meet after quarantino

thank you for this information, would you care to perhaps extrapolate further?
For example, are you near london? Because i am in london. If not that's ok. Just pls dont dodge the question again cos i feel like im interrogating a terrorist suspect or something.

I don't want to die user, infact i am very afraid of it

Cute britgay here. Cuties apply now

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apply your dick to my bussy? good idea user

I have lost my will to live. Also I have nobody to tell this to so I'm going to post it here

How about we write a r9gay vs /lgbt/ epic rap battle of history?

Maybe, if you are near London. I'm gonna be desperate to nut in someone when this lockdown is over

>tfw used to actually like ERB in my teens

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>Maybe, if you are near London.
i am but i'm not actually looking for casual sex, sorry user

Fuck. I miss him. That pic is way more relevant than it should be. Come back to me K..

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Hmm, well maybe we could have something less casual then? Just hit up my discord if you are interested SgtNotASperg#1367

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I wish I had someone I could immediately hang out with when the lockdown is over. Just go get burgers and after we can go sit in the park
I feel like as soon as I'm free to go out I'll feel more isolated than ever

me too, I used to watch all the time, my favourite was always Christopher Columbus vs Captain Kirk because of how he just walks out at the start, I thought it was hilarious, I'm gonna rewatch and probably still think it's funny because I'm an idiot

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>tfw no pianist bf or just pianist f

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i am indeed English living in England
see above, and dw im good at not getting my hopes up too much
okay thanks for the update fren
we should try it together :3

Im trying to learn the piano right now. Gonna buy a subscription for the simply piano app

I was gonna get a piano this month but my dad doesnt want to go and bring it to our house due to him being old and scared of corona

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>Stayed up all night to see my favourite streamer
>He plays a boring game

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>tfw no fit top bf who abuses my pp whenever I even think of disobeying him


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cringe overload after 0.5s

my ex hugged me like that, super tightly

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fuck off normalnigger tourist

i've been here for years retard

Are these the degenerates who got invited someone to fuck them?

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fuck off normalnigger, go find yourself a new bf

my ex was a aberration, I'm never going to have another bf due to my major flaws
stop being rude

fuck off normalnigger durr my bf fuck off

I hate being so horny all the time once theese cravings will lead to me getting topped by some random dude raw worst is i am a virgin i don't want to loose it like this

What makes you say that?
Where did you find him, user?

Get a bf then stupid idiot

I'm in the same boat, I don't want to have sex, I want someone who respects and loves me but I still get urges. I just feel like one of these days I'm going to make a dumb mistake

>What makes you say that?
I have so many flaws that make me undesirable, the only reason we got together was he was lonely and desperate
>Where did you find him, user?
in a discord server posted in one of these threads 2 years ago

stay strong and don't give in to being a slut

That is funny, that's how I found my ex.
Do you mind listing some of your bad traits? Also how long did you two date?

how to kms lole

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guys don't seem to care about anything but a slut though and the only time I make progress with good guys who don't only want sex they break my heart

I admit it I am a slut and I want to be fucked by lots of men in my lifetime and I want to fuck lots of twink and I cant be loyal to one guy

What so bad about this?

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You should use this time to learn about sheet music, rythm and other important information

based trugay :3 go out and get that sex boy! be yourself (slutty self)

you're unfaithful and just mess with people, you're in a cycle of degeneracy that doesn't lead to emotional fulfillment, I don't think you'll end up very happy
Enjoy yourself and live your life, but don't make your life all about being a slut, that doesn't sound healthy

>Do you mind listing some of your bad traits?
I'm ugly, depressed, lazy, boring, etc
I hate who I am but I don't change it
>Also how long did you two date?
just over a year

I'm sorry, thats just kinda how gays are.
You might find the one rare exception like I did but I massively fucked that up lmao.

guys im such a loser lole
btw my bf...

Cant comment on this, dont know.
Were you his first? That might indicate something, but can't tell without seeing.
This might be the most major. How long have you felt depressed? Have you sought professional help?
Just a matter of habit and motivation. Sounds like you probably have a lot of bad habits and little to no motivation. Tricky but doable.
Now that depends, really. Some people require far more amounts of informations in conversations than others. You could somewhat fix this with information and practice, but experience is key with this one.

Overall, I have known worse. I would reconsider my own self image if I were yoy, and also keep in mind exes can poison your mind, make you think you have done wrongly or that you are useless.
Very common

>Bf just arrived with dinner, we're having chinese
>Never drunk wine or any alcohol before but bf brought some so we're gonna test it tonight
>We're watching Titanic tonight since its his favourite movie even though I've watched it several times before
>Cuddling on the couch and having great fun
>I recently got a haircut, but I'm still jelly of my bfs cute semi long hair

And then I woke up and realized it was all a dream and im a lonely NEET IRL

The only boy who ever understood me killed himself, I'm cursed and I don't think I can love anymore.
There's having your crush not like you back and then there's having your crush just be gone forever

I am london no chikaku ni. I also don't japanese all the time like this; I am just experiencing a mental breakdown.

>Bf just arrived with dinner, we're having chinese
Stopped reading there. Why would you 2 fucking idiots be eating chinese food with covid 19 around? NEITHER of you deserve a boyfriend

Please finish the post

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