How do you feel about the normalization of sex work? Also how much to borrow your daughter's pussy for 20 mins?
Sex "work"
Having sex is neither a job nor 'real work', and no matter how much you stomp your feet and write Twitter threads demanding that people respect you for giving your pussy up to anyone with $50, you cannot reasonably expect people to.
>B-but you consume pornographic media!!! It's the same thing!!!!
No, I don't, bitch. If anyone besides yourself has access to your partner's genitals, you are a cuck and/or faggot.
I dont really understand the thing where people think that strangers seeing a pic of your gfs tits is the same as fucking her.
Well that just proves that society is falling apart. No sane man would allow his daughter to degrade herself like this.
I wouldn't let my daughter do that, I said gf. Totally different.
>I wouldn't let my daughter do that
Like you could stop her.
Your gf is someone's daughter, retard.
It's called insecurity. Personally, I find it rathar hot myself *tips le fedora* *preps le bull*
The problem is these guys are putting their gf on the same pedestal as their would be daughter, its a difference. Your gf is a thot out for the biggest dick and payday, but your daughter will love you through thick and thin.
But not mine. Big difference. Im not invested in raising her.
>"I would let the mother of my child do it, even though she is my daughter's role model and she will follow in her footsteps most definitely"
I'm here to make a reservation for your daughter for the moment she turns legal. How much is it?
For her pictures for for sex?
>a guy was doing this to your future wife and mother of your children while you were collecting pepes and being virgin
i think the stigma of slut work/sex is caused by religion (christianity specifically); we were told countless of times, passed through generations and generations that offering this fiesty, juicy, sex to the man/woman you'll actually marry is sacred thus putting it to a pedestal that this should be the standard of marriage, or in other word, abstinence
tldr we just naturally felt that it was "wrong" to defile your body with so many people for money bc of a damn fan fiction drilled from our grandp's, parents, and the environment we associate with
idk im just retarded or something im drunk
It depends on how lewd her nudes are. Icuckz defense of "it's just a pussy lol" is laughable. Showing your tits/pussy is degrading no matter what.
You don't seriously believe that? Family isn't special at all, people will always do what they want in the end. As a parent you can shape their perspective but when the going gets tough everybody will leave eventually
Only if you care, and it appears neither of them do.
THIS! there are pieces of meat just waiting for a man to degrade them but when a parent cares enough, a girl would not feel the need to get ramraided and just be content with Mario kart and a snuggle on the sofa with her bf
That's pretty based.
Now that she fucked all kinds of studs, she won't be curious anymore and will be content with monogamy.
I on the other hand will be happy just to have a woman.
Chad will be happy too, because he got to bust some nuts.
Literally everone wins.
Lol I hope you have many children based retardo
Oh he cares.
I posted to wrong person :'(
Trump is a cuck sowwy buddy!
I hope to abort any who may come close to existing. I'd prefer an early retirement. Why do you care about children?
Sex is a service, yeah? Especially for someone like me who can't talk my way into pussy.
>"Hurr durr stupid books can't control me, I am capable of moral thought on my own!" 2 mins later "Why is incest illegal"
and this is why people argue that atheists can't be moral, and why religion was created in the first place
Just a few knocks away from freely allowing a guy to actually fuck her.
I mean it's her choice?
female pornstars earn about $2000 a shoot if you had a pornstar gf you could literally live like a king and not work
and it's your choice to
A) break up
B) be a cuckold
The entire idea of an open relationship whether it's selling your nudes on some backdoor simp site or shooting porn is retarded.
There's a reason why they say it takes two to make a relationship, not three, not four.
I wouldn't want my gf to casually sell nudes or suck someone elses dick and call it a day, the fact that it's normalized in a way now shows how much we as a human species are degrading.
I like hookers but I'm tired of bitches with an onlyfans pretending it's the same thing.
It's more of a respect thing. I can't take you seriously as a man if I can see your gf's pussy for $10.
Piker is a pornstar
>it's her choice
ok so you mean because she consciously made that decision I am 100% justified to criticize said decision?
Lots of female pornstars have "boyfriends" who do just that.
I just don't understand why people see sex as such a frivolous thing. To me it's a way to show my love for the other person and a way to better connect with them. I don't want other people to feel what I feel with them and I don't want to be second best. Then people say shit like her body her choice or whatever but when you are in a relationship with another person isn't this allowing another person to be involved and to have effects on the choices you make.
whatever you just said, brother, is the truest truth a man has spoken
The next question is why religion valued that. I'm not religious, interested in a relationships, smart, or a historian, but I figure it's something like
>society evolves beyond smaller tribes
>you're responsible for the family you create
>less effective birth control
>no DNA testing
>if abortion existed, it was probably extremely risky
So the concept of marriage (like more strictly enforced monogamy through the idea that it is "sacred" and rule-breakers would suffer eternal damnation) was more appealing to women as it secured them a mate who could help them provide for their offspring. They couldn't risk getting knocked up and left behind. It was appealing to men because you couldn't trust a woman who regularly gets porked by a bunch of dudes to have your child. You wouldn't want to put resources towards another man's offspring.
Now that birth control and abortion exist, things have changed, but sex outside of relationships is still generally viewed negatively. At least, if it's not agreed upon by both parties. STDs make this worse (along with the possibility of getting impregnated by another man that still exists), but you can rationally argue that someone's actions in the past are the best predictor for how they may act in the future. So you could expect someone who has been extremely promiscuous over the last twenty years to continue doing so even if they decide to enter a relationship. Male or female. Same reason people wouldn't want to date someone who admitted to cheating on a past partner. And why they may find partners who generally had long-lasting relationships in the past appealing, because even though they ended (unless it was for something crazy like they tried to stab them), it shows potential for long-term commitment.
Try talking like a real person and not like you're submitting a piece for National Geographic
Pornstars dating each other are actually both cucks and cuckqueens.
What if I, and many others, just don't love anyone, but still want sex? I'll never understand that view because everyone wants sex, but you have to have a certain personality to want "love".
>Im not invested in raising her
Damn, imagine having kids and letting them have a whore for a mom.
You have to be morally bankrupt to think it's totally ok to sell your sex for monetary gain
Dilate, degenerates
>How do you feel about the normalization of sex work?
I think it should be legal, but I probably wouldn't pay for sex. I'd also never, ever pay for porn. If I were interested in a girl and I found out she did sex work, I wouldn't date her. I could maybe understand if she was extremely poor and absolutely needed lots of money very quickly, especially if she was just selling nudes and not actually having sex. I definitely wouldn't judge her if she was forced into it and had no choice. However, if she just decided one day that she wants to sell herself, I wouldn't date her for the same reason I wouldn't date someone who had a lot of casual sex. Obviously sex is something that doesn't carry a lot of weight to her, so she's probably more likely to cheat. If other people are OK with dating that sort of girl, good for them. I, personally, don't want to.
The problem is that idoubbz's gf herself says she's doing it to "feel fulfilled". She's almost outright stating that her boyfriend isn't enough to make her feel fulfilled. If that alone isn't enough of a red flag for you, she also is apparently obsessed with some other eceleb and flirts with him right in front of idubbbz's nose. I'm really not too invested in all this drama, so I could be wrong about that, but it's still a pretty big red flag, especially in conjunction with her onlyfans and the motivation behind it.
I think were just wired differently. I don't want the person I love to have sex with other people. But if it's someone I don't love I would not care. Saying that though I think I would have difficulty having sex with someone I did not love. Since I equate love with sex.
Seems to be the fetish of the modern left, I always knew Destiny was a fucking cuck. Didnt know Hasan was though. Hell, Destiny left his kid to be with this thot in LA.
>How do you feel about the normalization of sex work?
I endorse it. With religion ,unfortunately, being less relevant then ever before porn is a great alternative of controlling the unwashed masses and spineless faggots.
WHo the fuck made this post.
Looks like the simps are at it again.
Of course, a man with a lot of partners has proven inherent value since that is more difficult to achieve (excluding rape) while a woman with a lot of partners is just not as selective or unable to present herself as relationship/reproductive material to secure higher value men, which could mean something to lower value men she may eventually "settle" for. And the man may be more likely to cheat than his lower value counterparts, but it's not like a woman who gets cheated on would end up giving birth to another woman's child.
Anyway, I think prostitution should be legal, but it is only "legitimate work" in the sense that it is labor in exchange for resources. Posting nudes requires less skill and cognitive function than being a janitor.
The fact that men pay for nudes is pathetic beyond measure, but it is what it is and it's not what it isn't, I guess.
I mean what do u consider real work ??
Is playing video games real work, is taking photos real work? Is acting real work?
People make money in a lot of weird and different ways. What makes one real work and another not?
I think open relationships are fine, provided that the relationship isn't entirely one sided. That being said, women can whore themselves out way easier than men can so unless you have a 7/10 girl dating a 10/10 guy then it's not going to be fair.
good chart bro
I post my gf's nudes, with her excited approval, on Yas Forums all the time. Also like showing them to my friends. She doesn't make money from it though. For me I like showing her off like property, like a car or watch. For her it's like an ENF thrill.
Am I a cuck? Would I be a cuck if I let her make some money off that?
I found sometimes it's open but the girl isn't really into it and just wants to please the guy, so he fucks more while she chooses to not really sleep with other guys.
Which isn't really beta for him, but feels kind of skeezy. Wouldn't want to do that to a girl I loved.
Sex work is real work, however I would never date a sex worker and if you do you are a cuck, double however I would have sex with a hooker
Just dont marry a whore, you don't have to raise your wife wtf user.
Incest can cause deformities so it's not just morallity why it is wrong.
Would robots rather:
Fucking someone really attractive woman for like a thousand bucks
Paying like 5bucks to fuck a really attractive woman
To this day I can't understand people who pay to see some whores totally averge nudes.
LUL Trump is the most cuck out of them all because he's the one paying her
whad how is he paying her?