Weekly Family Thread technically part II

I lie down for like 5 minutes and the thread dies edition

Ask for advice, share stories, give advice, the usual. Keep it generally family-related.

Archive(still not updated)-
pastebin.com/3G5CJ4xZ (embed)

Previous Thread-
(Technically speaking, the linked thread was up for like 30 minutes, so if you want the last actual thread, go to the linked thread there)
Ask for advice, share stories, give advice, the usual. Keep it generally family-related.
boards.Yas Forums.org/r9k/thread/57387132#top

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It might have been deleted. There's that one janny that doesn't like these threads and used to delete them at random.

That is possible, but I just assumed that it died naturally. Whatever the cause, I'm here now to ensure that the thread does not die again.

I have a few things but we are doing something today so I'll report back later. Bumpity bun

If the janny deletes them randomly then it's not a personal grudge. What is casually hating something. Hes probably just cleaning threads up and not targeting

Bumpity fuckity faggiy pokemon is fun and helps keep the boredom away

>lie down for like 5 minutes and the thread dies

that's because it's the retardest moronic thread

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That's the thing though. It isn't really random. Threads like r9gay or britfeel stay up longer than we do, without bumps

Bumpity fuckity faggity I'm starting a new game of Pokemon Platinum, what starter should I pick?

Alright, I decided to just take Turtwig

Suddenly the cost of expecting to be entertained for nothing but poorly timed bumps in return is starting to take its toll

Everyone is gonna show up eventually, it's just gonna take some time.

What's this from?? I would like sauce

The initial sauce is an incest manga parody of Qualidea Code, but the text was edited in here after the panel was blanked out

This stay at home shit is making me mad.
I've recently become depraved and any
human contact would be a relief, even if it were my sister. I'm just too scared to actually hug her for no reason since we never had that kind of contact before.

Are you two in the same home, or at least close? You might be able to get away with just spending some time together, at least under the guise of loneliness if you are worried about initiating contact where previously there was little.

We live in the same home. My sis has always claimed she disliked skin contact so I didn't do anything. That was before COVID tho.

Maybe just spend some normal time together, then maybe give her a hug after a while. But don't get too touchy-feely if she says not to, you could really piss her off.

I legitimately had no idea it was Sunday. Anyway life is dumb and I legit feel depressed but my brother is nice and everything is great even if I don't feel like it's great. Also Coworker was pissed that she can't go swimming even though it's fucking HOT and she bought an inflatable pool and invited me over to sit in it and I was so happy I cried and completely freaked her out.

Anyway what's good.

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>I legit feel depressed but my brother is nice and everything is great
Elaborate further.

Uhhh elaborate on which part? I feel depressed because my brain tells me everything sucks and I'm dying even though I'm fine and things are good. My brother is nice because he puts up with my bullshit and buys me ice cream and cuddles me and kisses me and all the dirty stuff.

>I'm dying
Is that exaguration, or does your brain actually tell you that you're dead?

So when I get anxious my brain starts to tell me shit like "You're not thinking clearly so your brain must be melting" or "That heartrate's not normal, guess you're having a heart attack!", not literally those things but along those lines. It's dumb I know.

Are these thoughts something that your bro helps you with, or are they just something that you keep to yourself?


No family thread yet?
Sister called me over to stay the night yesterday, we were supposed to go to the local market and buy some weird thing.

The thing is that we overslept.
I got up a little late so I tried waking her up, she wouldn't listen so I started removing her sheets.
But she didn't bulge at all, in fact she just moved in the opposite way!

I tickled her, told her we were late, told her it was she who wanted to go. But nothing.
So I started removing her clothes, she fought back of course but she moved and I saw her face.

She was laughing her ass off!
She was fully awake and was just playing with me!
She made me pick her up and carry her to the bathroom to get her ready!

Nevertheless we didn't made it to the market, we are having launch in the local mall.

I'm home now, we actually had a great time and played videogames all evening.
She went really mad when I told her I had to leave, she made me promise to visit her tomorrow too. Oh lord.

He knows, and we figured out the best thing for him to do is not to acknowledge the dumb thoughts and to distract me, usually makes me angry in the moment but it works.

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That doesn't seem like the most healthy way of dealing with those kinds of thoughts, but I guess if it works for you.

Make sure to keep spending time with her, quarantine might be making her lonely, and even if you aren't going for incest, this is your best chance to improve your sibling bond. Careful that you don't get her sick though.

If he acknowledges them and makes me talk about it I've been known to cry for hours.

Anyway I need ice cream bye.

Even if it's tough to talk about them, it might be best fi you try really confronting those feelings headfirst. Maybe an actual therapist could be more help than your brother, but this seems like something that you need to confront at some point before it gets worse.

>grass types
No. Water All the way
It was about time, you've been doing this non-stop since, what, September? A lot has changed since then, including you getting a gf and The Plague appearing, a lot of time has passed. Careful you don't get burned out.
I heard when you get anxious sucking on an ice cube or two helps you get distracted, might be wrong tho

>No. Water All the way
The only good water-type starter was Totodile, though I will admit that Totodile was the best.

>It was about time
That guy was not me, Bumpanon. I think that he was complaining that my bumps were boring.

Yeah, she's really lonely I can tell, and she's really warm and happy when I'm around, she likes physical contact, hugs, kisses and such. If it wasn't for my job (a couple of miles from there) I would stay the whole quarantine with her.

She's specially lonely at night, she's always saying she wants me to stay overnight, I share her room and she has always prepared a bed for me, right next to hers, so there really is a difference, we are chatting through whatsapp until she falls sleep for now. I work really early so I can't really stay with her and then go to work. If the virus gets worse and I actually don't have to go then I'll definitely stay with her.

I read hentai's for images like these. Is the original manga any good?

It was pretty good, but it felt kind of short. The one that I read, at least.

Make sure to spend time with her, but really do be careful about giving her the virus. What's her job?

She's a student, I'm helping her with expenses. She helps me out every now and then

Is her school still going, or has it all shut down?

Shut down. Original

>That guy was not me
Oh, well, either way, I wouldn't have blamed you even if tgat was the case. If you're still going strong then all's well. Also, reminder, I've renamed you Bumpictetus.
Personally I liked Piplup (though Totodile was great). The reason I like water types is that they beat fire by default and can learn ice type moves to beat grass, assuming they don't die before attacking. This helps with the rival battles, and also not having to switch pokemon every single time.

I hope pic isnt related

>Also, reminder, I've renamed you Bumpictetus.
Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Gotta remember my cool name.

>I liked Piplup
>can learn ice type moves to beat grass
I know that Piplup's a penguin, but I don't remember it learning that many ice moves. I'm probably just forgetting though. Also, am I stupid or aren't flying types supposed to beat fire?

Tits out playing DMC3 what's going on with you fuckerssssss ice cream and other things did wonders to my mood holy shit.
I guess, but we've tried talking through everything before and the conclusion was to focus on other things. Also I feel like if I see a therapist now they're gonna find out I'm fucking my brother and that seems bad.

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>that seems bad.
I'm pretty sure that unless you are actively contemplating either suicide or violent crimes, a therapist is legally obligated to keep your secrets. I don't know exactly how that would apply to incest, but I think that breaches are only allowed for violent crimes.

>but I don't remember it learning that many ice moves
Water types usually don't learn them naturally, but they have the ability to learn them through TMs.
>aren't flying types supposed to beat fire?
Nah, it's just ground, rock and water

>Tits out playing DMC3
Wait, are they actually out? That's kind hot

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>Water types usually don't learn them naturally,
I remembered that Totodile learned Ice Fang naturally, so I didn't remember if Piplup had something similar.

So, I had a talk with sis just now.
She really wants me to spend the night with her tomorrow. She's begging me.
I just can't say no to her, she says she gets sad, and misses how warn I am, and my touch, she really wants me to caress her.
She says she wants me to hold her hand when she sleeps (I used to do that whenever she was sick). She's scared of everything that's been happening, she really wants me.
God, I won't be able to get any work done. But she's first.

Hey guys, it's been a few days. First, the question you guys are all probably wanting to ask. We didn't escalate past kissing and using our hands. My dad didn't get to come home. He doesn't have any real symptoms other than a cough but he tested positive and they aren't letting him go home at risk of his symptoms getting worse or he infects others. Regardless he wouldn't join us in the house anyway because he doesn't want to infect us. So essentially I'm just leaving to get groceries then me and my sister just hang out. We've actually started to separate a little bit, before she want clingy to the point of rarely letting go of some part of me. My dad managed to digitally sign of on a prescription for anxiety medication so my sister is doing A LOT better. Other than that it's pretty much the same.

You two have a fun time.

Glad that your sister is doing better, but how are you handling quarantine?

Yeah well I don't really wanna risk it.
Yep. Mostly because the bedroom gets too hot with the PS4 turned on in it but I don't wanna get dressed to open the window or move it to the living room so my brother gets to look at sweaty tits.
I can't keep track of anything anymore, why are you kissing your sister.

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I'm tired. The last few days have been a massive relief with my sister being medicated. I'm just worn out. Panic attacks, constant stress, hysterics, I was getting really worn out having to take care of her with all that. Plus she was starting to not eat and I don't think I would have been able to manage that too. She's started doing a lot of homework too which is distracting her. So I'm doing better. The isolation doesn't bother me too much. I'm missing the people I see from day to day but I can manage. Now that she's off my back I'm going to spend a lot of time working through our yard. We have a few acres and it's been neglected. I need to get into the sheds and clean up too.

She started it. She just wants to so it's what we're doing.

>I'm tired.
Make sure to take time for yourself, don't burnout over quarantine.

Well fortunately she's sleeping on her own right now. I've managed to not get into my dad's liquor too much but tonight I'm enjoying myself a little bit.

>Yeah well I don't really wanna risk it.
I'm pretty sure that if you go to a therapist just about your other thoughts and don't talk about your incest, then you can build a friendship with your therapist, to a degree. My mom's a counselor and she never told anyone about her clients' nonviolent crimes, most of which were concerning drugs, which are worse than incest.

Bumpity fuckity faggiyt goodnight everybody, I got to sleep really late tonight

My family keeps inviting my older male relative Who Diddled Me over, might as well turn the world into a sex slave for one person I suppose. I feel like this is Epsteins situation

Have you told your mom about what he did to you?

Or any part of your family for that matter?

Yes, the household knew already.
He only drops off another one of my relative. I'm being vague to protect my identity.
I may have exaggerated a little.
Thank god it is not Epstein's world