Anons, would you rather add 2 inches to you dick lenght or 2 inches to your overall height?
Anons, would you rather add 2 inches to you dick lenght or 2 inches to your overall height?
if i got taller my dick would look smaller
A 10" pp or become king of the manlets. Couldn't I use this for something else?
Pretty content with my cock and height is imo more important to see to that my dick actually gets wet than its size.
How about 1 each?
pls pls pls add 2 inches to my dick pls
I'm 5'3" with a 4" dick. If I add 2" to my height, I'm still a 5'5" manlet with a small cock. If I add 2" to my cock I'm still a manlet so noone will want to see my cock anyways.
I'm already 6'1" I just have a really small dick.
Easily dick
Two inches of height won't do anything, but having a 7 inch pp will all the difference in the world
Dick length
Then id be 5'11" with an 8" penis and is be fucking unstop-- wait... No I'd still be a fucking loser
My ideal is a girl taller than me so dick length
5'9 so and 6" dick. 6" is enough, especially with good circumference like mine. 5'9 is marginal for height though.
2 inches to my dick so it would be 8.5" inches and I could get laid simply by virtue of having a big dick.
It's hard to say, since I'm 5'10" with 7" pp
On one hand, I could join the 6' king club, or I could have a 9" cock.
Think I'll go with the 9" pp desu.
I'd add it too my dong, I'm already too tall
Dick for sure. I'm 6'0 already and I doubt most women can tell the difference being 2.7% taller would make, but making my dick 25% bigger would be extremely noticeable. I'd still be a lonely virgin, but god damn jerking off with a 10" dick would be fun.
Would you show it or how would it get you laid?
except how do you advertise this?
Happy with pp size but a little short so height. Maybe it I could add it 1 girth 1 height that would be ideal.
Show it on /soc/
All it takes is one girl to confirm it then it will naturally spread.
Surprisingly tough question. Probably height. I'm 5.5 and I think 7.5 would be too much for the type of girls i'm into. Being 6'2 would make me feel like the ultimate chad though
I'm 6'2 with a 6" benis but it's pretty slim, can I add 2 inches of girth instead?
both sound horrible because my body and dick are too long and skinny already. i wish i had a small cute dick but im cursed with a lame ugly 6 inch pp.
Height just so I can be 7 feet tall.
I would 100% go for the bigger dick. I'm comfortable with my height but not my penis size.
I'm already 6'2" so 2 more would make me even more lanky, and a 8 inch dick would be cool.
Absolutely height.
I'm barely 5'10. It's a huge setback.
dick, no brainer
Now those are some quality side abs. Thanks for the art OP. Also, I would choose 5cm to my height even though I'm pretty tall, but it's because I don't want to have 20 cm cock.
20+ cm would only take size queens that only get aroused with huge dicks, because their hole is already fucked.
5,10 with 7inch pp and would take the height because it would unironically make a huge positive impact in my life.
Height, I'm 5'7" with a 6.5'er that hits my gf's cervix so if I go any longer I just nerf myself even more.
2" to height is not insignificant when you're as smol as I
Every girl is a size queen. Some just don't admit it.
>I don't want to have 20 cm cock.
Genuinely curious, why though? I have one and it's pretty fun to jerk off with.
Some are just biologically fucking small for such dick, both partners will get more pain then pleasure, but I feel you there.
I've no doubt that it's much more fun to jerk around with bigger dick, but if you ever get laid with one, it's not really comfortable, not much positions you can do with it and if the girl you like is having first time (funny, I know, but those do exist and not all of them are ugly) she's gonna be in a world of pain, unless she's one big girl. People, especially a lot of guys are obsessed with having a big dick, because of porn and western culture in general.
Dick cause already am 181cm
>if you ever get laid with one, it's not really comfortable, not much positions you can do with it and if the girl you like is having first time (funny, I know, but those do exist and not all of them are ugly) she's gonna be in a world of pain
Really though? Like maybe I measured wrong, but 20cm really doesn't seem insanely big. Like I'd imagine that as long as you're attentive and careful and you use lots of lube it's probably not a big deal.
Height. Dick is already 7" but I'm 5'5"
That's the problem, you'll have to use a lot of lube and all that shit, which will dull the pleasure and you said yourself, you'll have to be really careful and attentive, which will just stress you more, but hey I'm just saying what I know, you do you. I think 15-17 cm is the perfect size. Golden middle phrase applies here.
>tfw 6'3" with 8" penis
I'd take the height, because a 10" dick would make me a freak. Ideally, I'd split it and add one inch to my penis and one inch to my height, or decline the offer altogether.
I think I'd rather be 5'3 with a 9" dick than 5'5 with a 7" cock
Dick obviously, having a dick as big or bigger than a girl's feet is one of my fetishes
Height. 5'11" is ideal for smol girls, which I like, but 6'1" is more ideal overall. My dick is almost ideal already, adding 2 inches would give me more confidence, which would be good, but if I can't fit the whole thing in I'll be upset.
>tfw 6'4'' and 6.75" peen
i'm taking the height and making myself 666
>6'0 5.2" dick
i'm happy with both my height & dick size. but if i had to choose, i'd choose a 7" dick because being 6'2 would make my actual dick look smaller.
I'll take the height. I'm 5'10" with an 8 inch dick so I'm fairly happy with my tackle.
Height any day of the week . Dick is okay size. Height 5'4" manlet .
Seeing as how a girls sees your height first before your dick, I want to be taller. Maybe if I was 5'10 my first gf would not have left me for someone taller.
6'1 height
9 inch cock...
I'd get the height
6'2" with 6.5", I think I'll take the height so I can win the bet with my dad.
Dick, i'm 6"4 in height and my dick is like 6'2 inches
Height. I'm 5'11" with a 7 inches dick.
Are you me? lmaoriginal
6'2 is the pefect height
6'4 and i would not be able to fit in cars as i already can't get in the back seat
would my girth increase too?
now i'm like 5.5 long 5.25 thick
No, I am my own person.
7.5 at 5'6" so id definitely go for height
Well, I'm a manlet either way, so I'd rather take the cock length. At least if ever someone would ever want me, they're in for a nice surprise.
i would only become 5'6 so add it to my dick. (it rhymed)
im already 5'11 and being 6'1 is eh. but goddamn if i had an 8.5 inch dick holy shit
2 inches to the dick.
>and being 6'1 is eh