25+ thread

>25, 5 months to 26
>only now having that "who am I and why I didn't get my shit together yet?" phase
>still didn't graduate
>still depend on parents
>wasted loads of opportunities and potential by procrastinating literally everything in my life, while reading self-help advice everywhere but never lifting a finger
I-I still have time, r-right?

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You always have fucking time user. Never give up! You are sitting here complaining instead of actually fucking doing something.

Go to college!
Finish high school if you have not!
Get a fucking job!
Get some hobbies!
Go to a bar or online date to find someone you like!
Practice basic hygiene!
I believe in you user. The only person that can change your situation is YOU!

26 in May. Life is simultaneously harder ans less rewarding than I ever dreamed it would be. So much to do, and so little energy.

What is going on user? Greentext it.

>live with mom
>work at a shitty helpdesk that seriously makes me want to end my life and makes me cry because of how fucking miserable it is
>no friends, not being hyperbolic
>never had a girlfriend, don't really want one, but apparently it's critical to a man's growth, and I think I'm beginning to understand that, and the negative effect not having one has had on me
>trying to become a webdev; I study in my down time while running on almost no energy
>thinking about quitting helldesk, to study full time, while living off the money I've accrued
>feel like life is going to crush me at every given second
>apathetic and numb
>don't feel like a victim, but god dammit if this isn't getting to be too much

>tfw 28 years old
>have about as much life experience as a 13 year old
Still waiting on that magical external factor to come along and change my life

>30 year old
>world is a fuck
Honestly giving up on being normal or trying to be an "adult" a few years ago was the best choice in my life, I might not be a "proper adult" with a career and "adult hobbies" instead of video games and anime and doing odd jobs in between unemployment periods and checks, and so on, but at least I am happy for the first time in my miserable life. The "proper" way to live your life is just a big meme for people running on scripts and unable to make actual decisions themselves, rather than doing what other people tell them to do and not do

That being said the only downside is not getting any pussy but I wasn't getting it while miserable and wageslaving either. If the end result between trying and not trying is the same, I'd rather not waste time on all the little checkboxes women need you to check out onto even be considered to be fitting for a crumble of pussy, depending on your social and financial value.

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> mid 30s

The age 30 brick wall is real. I turned 30 and it was supposed to be a big deal like the memes said. In reality every day is the same like any other before it. Except the goalposts have moved. It took time to set in for me but eventually it did. I'm staring down age 40. The legit middle age. There's no more ifs or buts or what ifs of the young man. Deep down the whippersnappers tell themselves it's over but there's an ounce of sense that it's not but you bury it anyways. I was once like that too. Now there's none of that left. gg boyos.

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The, Will we Survive the Apocalypse, Edition.

same. I bailed on the herd. i try to be as successful and normal as i can be for me. I was dealt a absolute bullshit hand. Anyone esle who got it probably would of offed themselves. I did my best to fix and improve myself , went back to work, back up and running, trying to stay healthy. A norm norm would look at me and say blecccch ugly failure, in their context probably, to me everything turned out ok

29. 4 months till wizardhood oh yeah baby

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good stability
shitty everything else

I feel like my life is already over and having to sit through five more decades of Earth is just my punishment for fucking up and never finding anyone.

i'm 34 years old. the biggest let down is that you just don't feel anything anymore like you used to. when i talk to guys in their 20s, everything is so intense and real to them. they're like "this happened to me and that sucked but then this other thing happened and it was alright for a while but then..." the anger is so much more intense.

when you are in your mid-30s, there are no more delusions that you could change your life around. remember in high school how everyone told you and all the others about your "potential"? guess how many times you hear about your "potential" when you're in your 30s... that's right: never.

all these dreams you had as a teenager and 20-something are dead. you will never achieve what you thought you would and the fact that you are in your mid-30s with no progress proves that. it was just a stupid dream and now you don't even have that anymore.

>the anger is so much more intense.
Can't relate to that part desu. I'm way more pissed off now, on a much broader scope, than I ever was in my 20s.
t. 35friend

>remember in high school how everyone told you and all the others about your "potential"? guess how many times you hear about your "potential" when you're in your 30s... that's right: never.
That can also be a motivating factor though. All throughout my 20s my social worker kept asking me to take a high school equivalency, and I never did it. Then I got a new social worker in my thirties, and my new one, who only handled thirty-and-ups, said she wouldn't allow me to take one. I didn't like the sound of the closing door, so I got a stipend and a part-time job to replace the welfare, did the equivalency program, and next semester I'll be attending a university at 37. I wish I'd gotten this motivated a decade ago, but it's not like it's going to be any easier if I wait another ten years.

have a (You) for your feels, other user did you dirty in our little codependent misery chamber by not replying

the worst part about your 30s is you lose all the energy you used to have. in your 20s you can bounce off the walls, work 20 hours a day, ehh hey whatever, in your 30 s its yea, 8 hours and ok im good, lets wrap it up. those people in their 20s just see that energy as a normal thing, til its gone

the other thing that sucks about 30s , for me anyways, is all my relatives seemed to drop like flies. All my older relatives i was cool with all passed away in pretty quick succession.

when you re young, or when We were young there was the idea that anyone could go off and do anything. Now , they are in the places that they are stuck in for the rest of their lives. No one is going far barring a big lotto win or something. thats going to go out the window soon though as AI takes over everything. Young People who might of been seen as "WOW you will be great at ______" now will be like hehe 50 years ago you could of been a great so and so as a career, yea then it got automated. this is the decade everyone gets turned into a mediocrity . the 2030s will be the decade everyone becomes usueless

fuck the wizard powers meme, I tripped over myself and shot myself in the foot partly because of that stupid shit

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You actually fell for the meme? Like your purposefully kept your virginity for magical powers? Wow

yeah you do
the only time when i'm gonna consider suicide is when i'm 40 and accomplished nothing

I can relate user
>26, still living with broke-ass loser family
>constantly tried to break away, but always listened to their negative take on what I wanted
>now I'm stuck here with them, taking care of them
>co-dependent, but they rely heavily on me for income and physical tasks
>0 friends, no hyperbole
>work an unfulfilling bullshit secretarial job that I hate
>"iT'S sTaBlE tHoUgH!!"
>feel like I'll never know what direction I want to take in life or how to break out of my loop
I've legit been considering suicide in the first time in a year

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>this is the decade everyone gets turned into a mediocrity . the 2030s will be the decade everyone becomes usueless

What about talented artists and inventors creating new shit, there's always that to look forward to. As long as there isn't some infrastructural breakdown and societal collapse that people love to meme about. Optimally automation would allow everyone to pursue passion or fields of talent without having to be a wageslave right. Maybe through volunteer work everything will be okay :^)

I'm only 25 but I already reached this point. I can't "work" more than about 15 minutes a day before I'm exhausted. I sleep 14 hours and lots of my family has died by now, thanks to the fact that my parents were quite old when they had me and their parents were also very old. And I have no dreams or delusions of grandeur, not since age 13. Reached an intellectual and emotional peak at age 13, arguably physically peaked at age fucking 5 since I've been obese ever since then.

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fix your body (may need to switch jobs)
save money
fix your social skills
get friends
quit work
get a job
get a gf x5
get a good gf
progress relationship
have baby
be happy

>i'm ONLY 25 but

lmao whatever you say grandpa

also move out after 1st gf

>tfw my face is fucked up with scars and holes from years of acne
>tfw no matter what i will always be ugly

>in a 25+ thread
>replying to anons talking about being in their 30s
Shit, user, I'm on the border between millennial and zoomer according to most definitions. I've also been stuck exactly like I am since about age 18. Nothing has really changed in 7 years.

not getting a 1 night stand is on you buddy, not "bailing on the herd"

>Optimally automation would allow everyone to pursue passion or fields of talent without having to be a wageslave right
That's under the assumption they would allow this. Dunno about you, but I live in America and our culture is this bullshit mix of Protestant work-ethic and cucking for capitalism. Maybe it'll crumble when all the boomers finally fuck off and die, but I'd be surprised.

only the not creative jobs will become obsolete

>turning 29 in may
>still live with parents
>resume is sporadic retail dogshit
>never made more than 16/hr
>have had 12 jobs in my life
>worthless degree
only upside is i have no debt and standing to inherit 50K, but that's chump change in the grand scheme of things


How old are you then big man

for a while there they were trying to float this idea we'd all make art as Jobs to keep the status quo running. They have creative Ai's writing music, making art, trying to write books, etc... it's ok now, by the early 2030s it will probably match the best people in the fields. The most likely scenario is that everything gets automated and no one has to do anything, unless they wanted to. But our current society would have to fly out the window to have that.

you're probably depressed. when i was super depressed i would sleep all day. My theory is that a depressed persons brain builds a really cool fantasy world while you sleep, where you subconsciously know life is better asleep than awake. the obesity doesnt help. Hang in there young user, life will hopefully get better after the big automation change over post 2030

ok zoomer
make my millennium

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>I've also been stuck exactly like I am since about age 18.
Honestly, how do people change this? Is it getting married and having kids? Does just moving out fix this? Nothing has felt drastically different for me either user.

I've been depressed since I was 11, taken pills, gone to therapy, been in hospitals, been in group homes, taken sped classes and learned life skills, etc. Nothing helps. Yeah being fat doesn't help either. I have control now as an adult over it but I didn't as a kid. 20 years being obese, entire childhood and teen years with no friends and only looks of disgust and hatred.
I don't know user. I've thought about just moving out, being homeless, but I'd end up frozen to death or beaten or on drugs. There's just something fundamentally wrong with us, I think, and no amount of lipstick will make this pig any better. I'm too cowardly to kill myself and I'm hoping I get the coronavirus to kill me.

>and only looks of disgust and hatred.

yea i get it, im in the same boat, but the AI take over will be OUR golden age; remember the AI is Our friend, and support it a 1,000% it will help people like us, try to fix us and give us real second chances.

and ignore normie fuck heads who try to make you their clones. I tried to get my own place. Here's what happened, You have all the same problems you do now, and ALSO way way more debt. Ask norm norms what to do when you cant pay your rent, then they are like Oh Well, no solutions there. Dont let strangers on the internet try to talk you into that bullshit. try to fix your life as best as you can, dont worry about trying to be a norman

I got the same feeling at 25.
Started getting my shit togheter and got myself something to work towards.
Moved to a new city, started uni.

It's been amazing.
Do it.

Fucking based. I'm 19, and I just made this decision a few months ago. I am so much happier than I ever would have been going along with the rest of the herd.
>Wahhhhh manchild you need to grow up and pay the government and get a wife wahhhhh
Kek, no. I'm going to start doing research on mental illnesses so I can fake a disability and get my neetbux.

>nice trips
I wish I wasn't so dependent on my family's approval at 18, I should've joined the military. It wouldn't have made me perfect, but maybe I wouldn't be where I am now.
OTOH I had a close friend in high school who joined, and I don't think it did much. Still delusional as ever and has worked the same dead-end job for years.

I get what you're saying, it's just hard to keep in mind. I live in an expensive city, and I do realize if I moved out I'd just be dealing with roommates instead of family. My family sucks, but at least they're not strangers.

Please elaborate, user. Really do

>watch vrchat videos because i ordered a vr headset
>those people all having fun with their models and shit
>realize the amount of work you have to put into the models and effects
god this is so frustrating
i tried the doughnut tutorial from YT for blender but that shit is frustrating as fuck

>It's been amazing. Do it.

Already doing it, will probably graduate in 1-2 semestres. But still, its so fucking late already

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maybe I'm just an idiot for not realizing sooner but maybe automation is just the next step in true art. Sure it removes the soulful human touch but a lot of SOUL is going in to creating these AIs right. I really am pretty stupid

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>burned a ton of bridges
>moved to new city in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic
>no job
>still havent finished school


A pure act of defiance against something that I can only describe as a higher power in order to obtain a whimsical wish. A real reflective experience that I like to think I've gained some wisdom from, even if I am still just an idiot. It is what it is, I'm still alive and I am what I am, being a brainlet with no talent or creativity and the feeling of being extremely stunted and limited mentally are the only real repercussions I've faced so far. Having to swallow the pill of what a fool I am

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Step1: Grow a pair of balls.
Step2: Just believe in yourself.
Step3: Stop being depressed.
Step5: ???
Step6: Profit.

I'm sorry user. I wish I could hug you for real.

27 soon 28 and I just want to watch everything burn to fucking shit.

bet you had to take your arthritis medication to even type this up, ay there gramps?

Recently had the worst depressive episode I've ever experienced hit in January after being on autopilot for well over a year and then turned 26 in February. Heavy reflection going on and chats with my mother about how I mentally feel no older or more capable of taking care of myself than an 18 year old. I've always had suicidal thoughts but was always confident they were simple fantasies, this time I'd convinced myself it was how my life would eventually end. Get prescribed sertraline and within a week I'm in the fucking clouds feeling great with next to no side effects. Feel so hopeful about turning things around that I actually start applying for loads of jobs again so I can get back to working in the city and meeting new people. I start looking at taking piano lessons (I'm not content to self-teach via YouTube as I want the experience of forming a relationship with the teacher) and I even sign up on Meetup and join a bunch of groups.
Next thing I know, COVID-19 starts ramping up and I can't get involved with all this shit for the foreseeable future. I'm already gradually declining from my high so the window of opportunity where I actually want to get involved is starting to close too. It's all a big joke.

Sitting on 17k Britbux and have nothing I want or need to use it for. Parents are telling me to stick out this shitty part time retail job and I'll be up to 20k before long, but I'm at a point where I can barely hide my loneliness. Keep telling them that they were married with children long before they were my age so we're well past the point where we can even relate to each other in that sense, and that sticking out shit jobs would've been more bearable for the because they had something to provide for with what they earned.

Fuck it, man. Stay strong, lads.

i dont know about SOUL user, but a lot of work is going into these AI's and there is a huge global race to be the first nation to achieve human level AI. I'm not an artist, but i think art and artists kindah build way to much into the art process. It's an activity of the human brain, and all human brain activities will be surpassed by AI n the early 2030s.

Anyways its not like it will be illegal to still make art, people will be free'd up to do whatever they want, outside of economic constraints, and robots and AI will give us the shiny futuristic cities that they clean and maintain

28 at the end of the year. Had a decent couple relative to the prior decade or so really. Still feel fucking awful and a few bad experiences away from offing myself though.

Even things I should just be happy about and enjoy, like the company of people I like, gets me down half the time because it makes me realise how many years I wasted scared and alone... more alone anyway.

>robots and AI will give us the shiny futuristic cities that they clean and maintain

an entirely new slave race that cleans up everyone's shit and does it all for free

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>finally get my shit together at 29 and move to japan
>build a life. get gf. etc
>living in Japan for 9 months
>boss was crazy, would constantly berate me and started taking money from my paycheck
>quit job
>look for work that isnt english monkey shit (pro tip: its all foreigners can do in anime gook land)
>see that japan isn't doing anything about coronachan + cant find work
>fuck this.jpg
>move back to usa
>will be 30 soon and starting from zero again

I'm sure my gf is going to cheat on me. japan is over rated dog shit.

>My theory is that a depressed persons brain builds a really cool fantasy world while you sleep, where you subconsciously know life is better asleep than awake.
Sounds about right. I've been in a shit spot lately for a number of reasons and I've been having, or been conscious of, way more detailed and vivid dreams. Many of them giving me false experiences of what I feel I'm missing.

>japan is over rated dog shit.
if you have to work for a japanese company
if you can work for an american company or freelance then it's great for weebs

what was your job in japan that you quit? did you have it before you moved there or did you move first?

Know that feeling mate. This virus predicament has fucked a lot of the progress I'd made when I was on a high. Now I'm falling back in to the depression, praying I can claw something back at the end of it and don't lose it all again.

Thought I'd made friends for the first time in ages but I've come to realise none of them really want to spend time with me or talk to me... I just sort of tagged along. I'm tolerated and that's about it.

Reckon theres a good chance I'll off myself in the next few months if I don't find enough work to distract me from the loneliness.

I'm not a weeb so...
English monkey. I had it before I moved so I could get the visa and residence card. 99% of foreigners (white people) in Japan are English monkies.

I'm 5 years ahead of you and let me assure you 25 is not old. The only thing that makes age matter is how people treat you, and at 25 you're still treated like you don't know anything, which is good because you don't. Start trying to figure shit out because the actual cut off is 30. If you don't have shit at least kind of figured out by 30 you're in trouble

Fuck man I feel ya. I'm a few years young but holy shit 30's is a whole different level of suck

>Having swing of negative thoughts again
>So behind in life and just didn't get any guidance from the start either
>So much that one can do and accomplish
>But it will take alot of effort
>Don't really have any interests or energy to do them
>For what purpose in the end
>Just to earn some money
>Not even depressed (been way worse off) and clear headed
>Feel suicidal because I'm just too tired to even care about anything

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I'm 25, turning 26 this year.
Since 14 years of age I've dreamed of being a filmmaker. But pursuing this goal for ten years has led me to realise that it won't bring me happiness. I finally met a girl (21 years old) who accepts me fully for who I am. She's the kind of girl that wants to be a mother, is wholesome, but also is anti-feminism and is generally great. She is a 7/10 in looks, sometimes she looks like a 6/10, but she is definitely solid 6-7/10 material and doesn't drink or smoke or do any degenerate shit, so she'll age well.

I've pivoted my goal from seeking a film career to getting a homestead with this girl.

I hate that my ego is even considering not sticking with her 100%. There's a part of me that isn't coasting on the initial first few weeks romantic high. Every relationship requires effort to maintain, and I need to remind myself of that. Being addicted to the pornos gets in the way of romantic attraction to a real girl in a consistent way.

Anyway Christ is my lord and saviour and he makes every day anew and a gift. Life is what it is and I thank Him for it.

Please don't, user. Find the energy to do things and live.

Lucky cunt, go fuck yourself desu

>graduate with STEM degree
>apply to all the nearby entry level positions
>don't hear back
>apply to a shitty retail job. get an interview
>don't hear back
>be 30 year old NEET

yeah no. fuck this. don't even need the money, i'll never have a family to support.
going to live off inheritance then kill myself when it's run out.

i almost never remember my dreams. i will go years without remembering a dream. Well, one night, a few years ago, i wake up startled in bed, and remember a snippet of the dream i must of been having. im sitting on the couch of this beautiful Mcmansion, my house i guess, watching TV, with this woman, who must be my wife, looks like a cross between shoeOnHead and Syrian girl, she is wrapped around me, She says, user are we going out to for dinner tonight, and thats where i woke up in bed startled. i laughed, it was like the sleeping pepe meme, i was like Huh? thats what i was dreaming about, lol and then cried myself back to sleep