Let's play a game. Make your choices

Let's play a game. Make your choices.

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I have a question about N.34 : Do you have the 14-15 yrs old version? Thx

Nope. It's a 18 year old, period.
Also you can download and stream stuff from the internet with the exception of games.

hot 18 year old 12 points
library 6 points
garden with greenhouse 3 points
workout room 5 points
skylight 2 points
full kitchen 6 points
typewriter 1 point

too easy

Fine , i will choose nb:3,15,17,18,13,34,39 .
Trade 10 yrs in a basement for a hot bod , 10m , bigger brain seems like a great deal .

How dare you make me fantasise about this

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Wait , i want to change N.39 for a up grade of N.18 . Just want to make sure i will be a ok while staying in a isolate room for a whole 10 yrs

NB 31 is kinda use less choice to me LOL

>>barry bonds
fucking keked

8-11 + any food option is literally all you need

I tried to break it down to mostly things I need to survive instead of things I'd want.


Full kitchen - 6 pts
skylight - 2 pts (keeps me sane)
balcony - 6 pts (fresh air)
hygiene products - 3 pts

Other: (18 pts left)
philosophy professor - 10 pts ( Someone to talk to and acts as a library)
tv - 6 pts (since it has all channels includes porn, sports, movies and stuff like netflix im guessing)
medical care - 2 pts (just in case for me or the philosophy guy)

Overall its pretty boring but the tv plus other things will keep us sane. Rip the asian waifu dream though

35 pool tables comin up

lmao you'd go insane without sunlight fresh air or hygiene for 10 whole years

1- I'm kinda rich so I don't need the money
2- Because of the "huge outdoor space" I'm assuming this location is off grid.
3- Satellite phone for emergencies because I'm assuming it's off grid and trust me, you will need one.
4- Yes, I'm an adult and I live off grid, Fuck city life and fuck your unhealthy consoomerism bullshit, been there done that.

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>fast food
>cell phone
>medical care
>every book ever published
Holy shit dude,
all the lost classics in the library of Alexandria.

only normies would.

get off my board

I think after few months you will gonna get bored of playing video games and movies ( cause i will ) . And 10 yrs of sitting , eating it will turn you to a whale , cause u alot of heart attack and stuff like that . Without human interact , health care , hygiene you will kill your self or just drop death after 1-2 yrs .

nah thats normie talk, real basement dwellers would know how easy it is to not see sunlight for a mere 10 years.

+ another human

you wouldn't be able to live 10 fucking years without seeing a single human person

Get a load of this quarantine normalfag.

>I think after few months you will gonna get bored of playing video games and movies
Yeah because I got bored of them after 20 fucking years of my life right? The OP is a bit retarded too because it means you get new games and movies and stuff too so it's literally impossible to get bored. Not to mention this includes internet so any social interaction i'd want is supplemented, which is pretty much how my life is now.
>health care
only matters if I somehow contract something
How would any of this affect my hygiene?

with that u cant fuck the 18 year old 4 times/ day and you cant work out. the philosopher cant tell you anything that is not already in books which is why i chose the library

dude you wouldn't be physically capable of living without fresh air or atleast sunlight for 10 fucking years. It's something you take for granted because no matter how much of a neet you are you still get fresh air.

Huge outdoor space (20pts)
Computer (6pts)
Videogames (4pts)

Now, 5pts left. The question is: if we do not pick a food option on the list, do we get a source of food, or do we just die of starvation?

If we get food, kitten or puppy (5pts)
If we don't get food, unlimited fast food (4pts)

???? Just do body weight exercises? I agree with maybe taking the philosopher out (and replacing it with another human) but the 18 year old is a waste. If you're gonna fuck an emotionless husk of a person its not even worth it. Might as well continue masturbating like everyone here has done for the majority of their lives.

U just waist 20p for nothing . If you still think it is a good choice then u should spend your last 5p for number 1 and 17

everyone here

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Drop pay down to five mil
>God tier pc for obvious reasons
>Internet so I can use pc
>vidya gaem to go with pc
>garden to grow dank ass weed
>kitchen to cook shit
>medical care just in case
>hygiene products because my hair gets really fucking greasy after only a day of not washing

Phone 3+
Outdoors 20+
Get your money +7
Extra large fish Tank with Fish +4
Gun with 3 bullets +1

Text mom my location. Go outside my basement, give her my card. Tell her to bring me everything. Hire a bunch of Mexicans to built my homestead as quick as possible. Build a tower to get wife, install the biggest antenna I can find in the market. Spend the rest of my days reaching enlightenment and knowing my choice is best choice, and everyone else in this thread is really fucking retarded

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But getting suck and fuk a real pussy is a very different experience than jacking off . Worth every points

I get that I'm just saying that she's not worth it lmao. You will get bored of her very soon since you're going to be fucking like rabbits at the start and the biggest thing is shes fucking emotionless. No moaning, no smiling or pleasure faces just a fucking starfish that will never actually like you. So every time you do it is the same. Dk man that will def get boring. I think people just overvalue it because they'd kill to have it right now but they don't think of what it would be like 5 years down the road.

What does that even mean? What is origniasfs?

>only using her for sex and not as a punching bag as well

Where is the part that he said you can interact with people out side of the basement smart ass ?

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minet desu

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you can't use the internet if you have nothing to access it with dipshit

Where's the part that it said it didn't? You illiterate fuck. All it says is that you're forced in a basement. I'm no longer in the basement when they give me 100 acres of land to explore. Must suck being so low IQ user

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o-oh... said faec :(

i REALLY wanted the philosophy professor, but i couldnt really change anything else, pretty solid stuff i got, also decided to change from 10m to 5m for those extra 40 points

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you dont get an extra 40 you get an extra 5

Well that sucks, then i suppose its not even worth cutting 5m just for 5 miserable points

And who said it wasn't an artificial outdoor space? You ? Even if it is in the real world it would going against the original purpose of this post so what is the point of picking other options shit head ?

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average girl-10
gameboy - 1
another gameboy for the girl - 1


I'll do it for 100k lol

Absolutely trivial, I'd take the $5 mil option because that's plenty
>N. 1
>N. 15
>N. 34
My day would go as follows:
>Wake up cuddling N37
>Make TV dinners for the three of us
>Fuck N34 for maybe an hour
>Take a post sex nap with the two of them
>Do calisthenics
>Discuss books with wife
>Fuck the 18 year old some more
>Fall asleep
Yeah, I'd get paid a half million dollars a year for that. No problem.

11. 16 points
33. 10 points
17. 3 points
3. 6 points
Halfing my 10 million
9. 6 points
10. 4 points
overall: 45 points
Well that was easy, probably should've traded philosopher with a kitten, but I'm not sure if I'm allowed to talk with other people on the Internet. (It's not written anywhere, so in that case I would take 33 for 29 and spend last 5 points on 7)

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kitchen 6
skylight 8
workout room 13
hygiene products 16
library 22
unattractive girl 32
garden 35

Gonna get yoked and hoop
Help with cabin fever
Finally become well read
Gonna give her the PIPE every night
Gonna fuck her in the jacuzzi every night
Fresh fruit and veggies for DAYS

I would live like a king for ten years and come out a total chad, plus ten million dollars richer.

The balance of the points suck ass, I'll just use 45 and anyways then just mug whoever was supposed to give me the money, doubt he'd pay up since he kidnapped me and somebody else possibly?

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>original purpose
The purpose is that you are stuck in a basement. That's all it says whatever assumptions of being alone are constructs of your own short sightedness. Also it does not say it's an artificial space. It's not my fault the person who made this hypothetical is an idiot.

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He can. The desktop computer that costs 6 points is very high end. The internet option comes with a shitty pc for browsing the web.

Fuck, I'm a retard. To get 10+ points you're suppose to give all money. Then It's:
11. 16 points
17. 3 points
3. 6 points
9. 6 points
10. 4 points
Not sure if it's worth getting 5 million just for a kitten. A little bit too much points for a small companion, but I've a feeling I'll die in loneliness for 10 years, so.
29. 5 points

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gee I wonder what 10 years of tv dinners would do to you

I agree that some options is lack accurate information and the person who created this post may have not thinking through . And i have better post to surf so i will end this point less debate here .

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4. Gourmet food
6. Skylight
15. Library
17. Hygiene products
18. Mayo clinic doctor
24. Pool table
33. Philosophy professor
42. Type-writer

I looked thru the whole thread to find if anyone was deluded enough to pick 37. Congratulations, you're a winner!

I admit you surprised me, I expected it would be some "I don't need sex" guy, but you tried to get that from somewhere else. I urge you to reconsider, this setup would suck.

Can't cuddle with someone won't fuck you.

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3 full kitchen - 6 points
6 skylight - 2 points
15 library - 6 points
16 cell phone - 3 points
20 drugs - 5 points
23 workshop - 6 points
27 stock market access - 7 points

Would've liked the balcony, but the skylight will do. Everything i need to stay alive and in contact, while I invest my money and study and build stuff.

Internet, fast food, 18 yr old, hygiene products

What do you mean you can't cuddle someone who won't fuck you? I guess it would be difficult to cuddle without wanting to have sex, but that's what the 18 year old is for. What do you think would suck most about it? The isolation? That's true regardless of what you pick. For me, that would be the biggest problem, but I don't care about the lack of entertainment. Books are fine. Loving and being loved is more important to me than Tv, games, what food I eat, etc. None of the other humans available really give me that (except for the woman it specifies I won't be attracted to).
I'd agree usually, but the way I understand the game, the Tv dinners must fulfill all my nutritional requirements. It wouldn't make sense if that option just kills you.

>cant download

So internet I can't use? all forms of data transfer is a cached download

>What do you mean you can't cuddle someone who won't fuck you?
I'm asserting that you don't simply need love and sex, you need them _from_the_same_person_ (or if poly like me, people).

>I guess it would be difficult to cuddle without wanting to have sex
That's just the beginning.
The deeper you bond with Ms.Perfect-But-Wont-Put-Out, the more and more difficult it will become.
The schism and psychosis will be atrocious.

> Loving and being loved
Sure, that's a different way of putting it.
But I still assert if you don't get both from the same person it's going to be atrocious.

Of course I'm not you, this is just a guess.
But it would absolutely be true for me.

>except for the woman it specifies I won't be attracted to
It says that but the picture seems fine. If she's not fat and not old and can shower I can't think of a problem. If the rules are such that one of those would be a problem I would just take nobody=the internet or the dude.

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kitchen 6
workout 5
library 6
hygiene 3
skylight 2
meh girl10
garden 3
10 mio if it is allowed to be tricky and grow your own tobacco and weed
If rules not allow that:
5 mio. and add drugs

I will also ditch skylight and hygiene stuff for a kitten, if the basic set up actually does include getting a damn toothbrush. 10 years with girl and no hygiene articles might turn out ugly, but cat is cat!


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