Imagine having a dick smaller than 7 inches in 2020 lol

Imagine having a dick smaller than 7 inches in 2020 lol

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Imagine that she still enjoys the larger dildo in the background than his dick

The dildo has a good personality

When I see pictures like this I just want to hang myself. Fuck, what's the point of even trying if every girl has been ruined by big dick Chads and they will just cheat with them behind your back. I might as well just give up and become a wizard or go see prostitutes.

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Seriously, mod? Yikes.

It's ok. Remember to post this again in about 200-500 years because then 7x5.5 inches will be the new average. Variation in penis size exists because in ancestral times resources and protection mattered a lot more to girls. Now that they earn their own money and security is outsourced to a system of justice, sexual intimacy and satisfaction becomes the focus for modern females. Additionally, they can choose or reject their male partners more easily due to the incredible selection power girls have today. I guess that small penises will die out at an exceptional rate in the next decades.
There is a reason why small dicks get shamed by literally everything and everyone. It is an undesirable trait that needs to be eradicated as soon as possible.
t. 4x4 incher who got humiliated several times by girls

The game was rigged from the start. Either kill yourself or go monk mode. There is currently a thread about how to get rid of sexual desire. Try that.

Humans will be dead in the next 200-500 years, who cares? Also Greeks/Romans preferred small penises and it was seen as Regal. These things work in cycle based on the current political and social climate. It'll double back around in 100-200 years again like it always does.

calm down lol it's just a novelty.

That isn't how genetics work or else brothers would all have the same penis.

ouch my sides

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Is this from some big dick reddit?

Greeks and Romans sculpted their statures with small flaccid dicks because it stood for virtue. The ideal was not to pleasure girls but to ensure a civilized and moral culture.
There are many gods of fertility and people depicted in erotic ancient paintings or literature who have large penises. A big dick is simply desirable when it comes to having sex because they can provide more pleasure. A large phallus has always been a valuable trait and it will always be.

That is closer to 9-10 inches unless she's a midget, then we have to question the size of the penis being 7 inches even still.

she's in her 20s idiot

It's 10" she measured it in vid before

Sure hope so. Need more of this.
Outside of general faggotry and ejaculating on figurines reddit has a good side.

>It's 10" she measured it in vid before
Link it then faggot. Don't just mention a video and not tell where it is.

i wonder if like how kids these days seem to be taller on avg, the recent gen has bigger dicks .

That is not true at all. Those statues while flaccid are not that much different than actual normal penises, even to this day. Bigger penises were seen as ugly, monstrous, and foolish. Often see as humurous or grotesque. While you are correct in that there are statues and depictions of larger penises, primarily between Satyrs and Priapus, those were still looked heavily down upon even by the women of their culture. Being a man was about intelligence, logic, and authority, penis size didn't matter at all. It was the complete opposite culturally as it is now. These things again, go in cycles and repeat themselves among cultures as they change and grow, because eventually each one of them fails, so they double back into the exact opposite until it eventually fails, the cycle repeats. Big penises were in no way a valuable trait among Romans and Greeks.

tfw 4 inches since 2000
better this way or i would have fucked OP's whole family allready

They do, at least if all the kiddos on Yas Forums are any indication when they post their dicks. But it doesn't stop them from being incels. Also there is a correlation that homosexuality and bigger penises are linked. Which Yas Forums and shemales help to prove that a lot of the time, even without the data.

i think its hard to draw a conclusion from just chan lol. if you post your dick online youre likely to have a big one or be confident

Penis size is not everything. I'm 6" which is average but my height is 5'7 manlet tier.

In 2020 you need the full package: face, height, race, and dick.

Reddit is full of big dicks chads.
Look, it's the same girl and her boyfriend:

Still, sexual pleasure and satisfaction has nothing to do with culture but everything with biology. Women try to fit into society and therefore only act out what it tells them is desirable to be a part of the group. However, this has nothing to do with what a female would actually prefer and what would actually give them the most pleasure. A small penis is biologically inferior to a bigger penis.
I heavily doubt that the cycle will repeat.

>A small penis is biologically inferior to a bigger penis.
In what way? I've seen a lot of women that can't take dick worth a fuck but granted there are some that can. it's almost like everyone is different and there isn't a "one size fits all".
Your best bet is to just have an average size so you can play both sides and have a greater chance of success numbers wise. (average is the average for a reason if natural selection is a thing)

While Yas Forums incels have to stick with eternal loneliness and far right politics (because of their pathetic little dicks), big dick redditors are stretching all the girls. They are also winning the political game with based Bernie.

>10x9 cock

no thanks, i'd rather keep my 6 inch than walk around with an ape dick.

dont forget money or power can replace one of those things

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Isn't it funny that the average cock size in Yas Forums is 11 cm and it's full of incels and far right views?

Money or power cannot compensate for the pleasure an above-average penis provides. There is a reason why rich guys get cheated on so much, why girls demand an open-relationship or cuckold is becoming more and more popular. The cuck almost always has a small penis. Face, money and status are pure cope if you lack proper endowment to keep the girl long-term and faithful.

I'm the only here that would choose to have a big dick instead of a pretty face?

jfc who hurt you?

You have been muted for 8 seconds, because your comment was not original.

I wish i had either user

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>who hurt you?
Go back, faggot.

10 cm and left wing. What gives?

what was her name user? sarah? jessica? jennifer? why did she leave you for chad?

why do sex havers feel the need to take pictures like this and upload them on the internet? keep it to yourself you fucking pigs

>assuming a robot had a girlfriend
>the state of r9k in 2020

imagine being born with a small dick and instead of at least trying to get a laid a few times you post on an anime image board about how women can only be pleasured by big dick

Imagine having sex with a girl and be humiliated by the experience alone because your pathetic tiny penis cannot even fuck her properly. Yeah, I gladly rather post on Yas Forums than to humiliate myself trying to get laid. Seeing a girl getting excited over you, only to disappoint her is more depression inducing than browsing this website. Show some empathy and fuck off normalfaggot.

>in about 200-500 years
Long before then we'll be able to artificially grow dicks in a variety of ways, including genetic modification.

>7.2 inches cock
>Still no gf
What am I doing wrong?

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imagine being cut lmao

cause you have to be 6+ inches around too

>lso Greeks/Romans preferred small penises and it was seen as Regal

The reason why statues had small penises was because the penis should not distract the viewer

cant imagine lmao

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She looks like my ex lol any source?

I'm confused lads.
Since 4 years I'm reading posts that say that most women like above average dicks.
But if I look elsewhere most women who post on the net say that penis size doesn't matter.
So what is true now?
Do you think if humans had a distinct facial feature that is correlated with penis size (for example if a big forward grown mandible) that can easily be recognized, would that mean that more women would go after men with that particular feature?

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>tfw no slutty gf to bully my 6.5" cock and cuck me for big dicks

women say things to make you feel better
if dick size was irrelevant how come average dick size has grown over the time of human evolution
And when women see a guy take his dick out and it's big, why do they go "woah"?

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It only matters to a degree. Too big or too small is a thing but when hard pressed a woman will choose one that is on the higher side of average. I wouldn't be surprised to see verified sizes becoming apart of online dating profiles in the future.

i recognise this penis originally

My dick is about that big, depending on hardness I measure anywhere from 6.5-7.5
Does that mean it is bog enough to take a picture like this? I've always wanted to despite never having the desire to take or receive nudes

gl with your phimosis lmfao

It might be cause you're reading reddit, and women on there know what audience they're playing for

his is measured at 10.5, but she starts at about .5 so he's at least 9.5 inches

I will be a cuck I dont care anymore
I just want to have sex

Haha imagine cucking for a woman by having a big dick and pleasing her... CRINGE! I get my nut then I dip women should not be allowed to cum and so Im happy with my 5.5 incher. Making a woman cum is simping.

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unironically this
