A contrarian perspective from an oldfag who made it

Lots of shitty opinions floating around right now, might as well share mine

Been around Yas Forums since before Yas Forums, nearly 40
Did the same cycle of degeneracy, self improvement, cynicism and now rational thought that a lot of anons have gone through

During that time didn't make any big mistakes, ended up with a great career and moving towards working only when I want and only for myself
Will be there in a year or two

A lot of you here are smart- smart people have always been attracted to free thought arenas and that's all Yas Forums is
What a lot of you lack is the perspective of having seen more of the same cycles which helps you see through the bullshit a little bit better

From a fag who experienced the 80's and early 90's that you romanticize, I think nearly everyone is wrong in how they're viewing the next 10-20 years. I see things honestly, unironically as bullish as hell on almost every front. Here are a bunch of posts justifying that stance from someone who has made it financially, personally, professionally and spiritually who used to be one of you

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Other urls found in this thread:


Look at the pic in OP- not only is that how it used to be but that is what it returns to. Over and over
There have been crazy times in history when roman senators were often gay and fucked young boys for sport, or where aztecs abducted jungle people and cut their hearts out to please a crop god
But picrelated is the norm

People understanding that good looks, intelligence and morality all go hand in hand
And spending their lives trying to get their children to be smarter, better looking and more moral than they were
During those times, people are generally happy
They really were in the 80's and 90's despite the relative lack of luxuries they had compared to us now

But it really all does revert to the mean. It has over and over and over and over since the beginning of time
All of the shit you're panicking about right now probably isn't right, and the upswings every time historically get more and more face ripping


>someone who has made it financially, personally, professionally and spiritually who used to be one of you
Jesus Christ man, really?

What’s your end game

When we were growing up people thought of nuclear weapons as the antidote to wars in that mutual assured destruction would prevent more world wars- but now we have an even more potent deterrent in the smartphone
Genocides, mass rapes and brutality have been completely normal for the last 10000 years and they're effectively crashing to near zero now (compared to historic rates) because you simply can't get away with them anymore

Consider muh climate change- solar just became economically efficient at the same time that fracking unlocked a shitton of new fossil fuels. You're going to see the cost of energy overall absolutely crater over the next 20 years- governments will start giving it away to lure businesses
This used to be the most important limiting factor to a lot of businesses, and now, just like data transmission, you're going to see it crash in price over and over and over until its effectively free
Just like bandwidth did

Consider men and women- we lived in a pretty lie for so long because it worked, and then the facade fell with widespread availability of porn and chadfucks. And now, for the first time in hundreds of years, the truth is there laid bare for anyone who wants to know it:
Men want young physically beautiful virgin women because they are the most sexually attractive and the least shitty to be around
Women want successful non-pussy men with plenty of confidence so that they don't have to do anything they hate like make decisions or pity a man.
It's all out in the open and for the people who meet this selective challenge, they will have relationships better than any of their ancestors ever did

Consider muh white race- a lot of you are hung up about this. remember who you are: white people have never been a numeric majority in human history but they have always been at the top of the food chain. Its not by magic, it's by the same laws of nature that govern everything else on earth: the people from the harshest climates will be able to survive and thrive in easy climates and those who are from easy climates will be easily outcompeted
While coastal liberal fags get most of the press, make no mistake that there are a lot of based white men, and those white men are currently doing the same thing that their ancestors have done since the beginning of time: hoping for the best and preparing for the worst
Behind closed doors every guy in my church group has effectively the same world view which includes securing a future for his children, immunizing them against a world they see as dominated by people committing evil acts and being prepared with significant force multiplication just in case it does come to that

This is one aspect of societies that you only get to see two or three times in your life: societal cycles tend to be contrarian to the prevailing consensus. If everyone thinks doom is coming, they hunker down, prepare and in acting so responsibly, it either doesn't come or it's not nearly as bad as anticipated
Similarly when everyone thinks the good times will never end, that's when they do
White people are pessimistic because they are demonized by an ever more irrelevant legacy media, but what is going on with them right now is actually exactly what they needed

So basically, go all in XRP ?

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Faggot pussy coward whites won't exist in 20 years- all of my liberal friends who hate muh guns and drumph are either childless and too old or have one mixed race kid who wishes more than anything that they were a white kid
All the whites that are raising families of any significant size right now are hardened mentally, physically and spiritually
This makes sense- white people had it so good for so long that we had absolutely none of the selective pressure that made us so great in the first place

It also means something important for the US going forward: we will become a white minority country and that will be incredibly bullish for white kids from strong non-pussy white families

made for BBC

If you've ever spent time as a minority in any society, you'll know that the majority secretly loathes anyone who hates their own culture. In the 90's it was hip to be proud of being latin or black while still loving being American. That's coming for white people.

The same thing is coming for the US economy:
We are the best in the world for basically one reason- if you're smart and not a fucking coward you leave your country to come to the USA where we fucking love people like you
If you're based we dont give a shit what color or creed you are as long as you're willing to work, play by the rules, not be a whiny little bitch and (in the rare instance) if we get into armed conflict you're ready to kill literally everything that isn't American. That's it, that's why we win at literally everything. That's why we can elect a confident idiot (i campaigned for trump fwiw) and STILL outperform the entire rest of the world.
And that's not going to stop, it's only going to get more intense as people are able to come and see America more easily/cheaply via lower costs of travel and the internet

Gay faggot OP

what is the absolute purpose of this thread u faggot? o right ur just a link shill. sage and kys

Top 5 myths of the modern world:
1. People are getting taller
2. People are getting healthier
3. People are living longer
4. People are more intelligent than 2000 years ago
5. People are having more sex

I'm having a LOT more sex.

In summary, here are the next 20 years:
- all the shit that wrecks societies like war, massive corruption etc. crashing because nobody can get away with it anymore
- energy and data transmission becoming cheap to free at the same time that automation on the physical and financial side takes off
- the perception of good and right going back to where it always has
- people at the top of the food chain being more confident, less weak and completely prepared to defend themselves, which means they will never have to

The bullrun in everything is going to be unprecedented. If you're the most pathetic failure in society right now your life will be better in 10-20 years than someone with a "great life" in 2020.

Strap. In.

mostly based. but i think you're overestimating the resolve of the modern man. most men these days are TV dads, play videogames, watch porn every day and/or smoke weed.

another item you don't adress is the real problem of wealth inequality. I bet most of your friends are in significant debt, with mortgages and car loans at the very least.

wheras you see the situation as a spring compressed downard and ready to rebound to normal, most of us see it as a boot on a face.

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i appreciate your perspective. you always gotta view our current position as a part of history. i understand your return to homeostasis for societies too. i do think our current trajectory is something like a bladerunner dystopia though; a few trillion dollar corporations ruling over the masses. it will be a slow decline rather than "happenings" that overthrow the system. life will probably still be fine for the foreseeable future

Faggot OP thinks he’s enlightened stfu

I know Christ, I think he'd agree
Giving perspective to everyone who is having their emotions manipulated 24/7 and feeling bad. If you actually sit down and think about the situation logically and with reference to significant life experience, you come to a completely different conclusion that you almost never hear.
I would never buy XRP
That meme will be as cringe as "my nigga" in 5 years
Shilling a bullish outlook on the next two decades
Stand to personally profit none from it
Except to share the truth
The people with intelligence and discipline are getting all of those things
And where the people at the top lead, the masses follow
Good for you

Fuck your mother OP
you are not welcome here
and there is nothing bullish

Disagree on every front
If you're a Christian you're told directly to stay out of debt
They could be lying, but they either are completely out or are working on paying off mortgages
Some live humbly to do so
The porn addicted weed smokers are the weak whites who dont have many or any kids
They're taking care of themselves
Wealth inequality only matters when debt is involved
Debt is slavery
An ethical free man sees another ethical free man with more wealth and asks him for advice and guidance
Which he freely gives
Again, disagree
So long as the measure of success is how much value you bring to other people, those megacorps will rise and die over and over as each progressive one gives more to the end customer
Appreciate your depth of thought

Thanks for the thread OP. It's nice to have some optimism among all the worldwide panic that is happening now. I too have a positive outlook for the future, however I do things are going to get much worse before they get better. And it may take years for it to get better but by god the bounce back from this will be hailed as the beginning of a new age, our most prosperous and healthy age to date.

Which of those girls is the biggest slut?

Based oldfag opinion

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>the people from the harshest climates will be able to survive and thrive in easy climates and those who are from easy climates will be easily outcompeted

Europe isn't a harsh climate, it's one of the easiest climates on earth, if not the easiest period.

Bottom Row to the left of the girl holding the sign (Blond with a big smile). Totally the slut.

bottom, fourth from left

You’re a faggot and you’re shilling white women wearing dresses in wheat fields to the polcels here

also this, provided he's not larping.
I agree with him on solar tho

These are some serious grug boomer takes.

If you'd like to back your argument with data or logic im all ears
Disagree, I think we're on the launching pad right now and will see the goalposts within 5 years
I could of course be wrong
But so could you
Probably lower left corner
But in this era that meant a few BJs at house parties
While still saving her cherry for her husband

That pic gives me nostalgia when i didn't even live then

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I think he meant when Europe was in an ice age.

you are correct user

shut up fag

unironically this, if you weren't a bunch of ignorant fags you would have been ashamed of this lame age and all your bullshit

Don’t let this pedo faggot cunt brainwash you guys

i dont think these are myths
1. objectively true for shitskins, not so much for whites. japanese average height for example has risen a lot.

2. medicines better but people are definitely less healthy. we all know that we eat garbage processed foods and have an obesity problem.

3. its stagnated for a while.

4. objectively true. google "flynn effect"

5. no, studies find zoomers/millenials are having less than ever before

how can he brainwash anyone, his posts are as boring as watching paint dry.

nigga, im not reading a wall of text

Christianity is literally so cucked. Worshiping a dead jewish individual who flew to the sky.

a total trash religion

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The nordic people who contributed the bloodline that made europe great are from some of the harshest places on earth
it's also why they're such social pussies/cowards
because if they didnt have the love of the tribe the winter just came and they were no more
but now those genes are being burned out
and all that's left is the resolve
Disagree, that's a good girl who is self conscious about her face not being pretty
While she has a banging naked body
And she spends the rest of her life just getting excited that someone wants to fuck her
And she's happy every time she sees the d
Not shilling anything, making an argument based off logic
You seem like one of the weak leftist whites we'll all be better off without
There's a reason caveman genes persist

>a few BJs at house parties
Even so much as seeing a penis is unacceptable.

>Europe isn't a harsh climate

It is, but that doesn't matter anymore, because this isn't the stone age. One horrible winter would be a death sentence for the ancient brainlets who were too stupid to think ahead and prepare for the worst part of the year.

How do you know you're not just in a new even more retarded phase than all of your past phases?


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You're saying that the dumpster of old england and europe, Mmurica, where they basically sent the worst scam of their society is now (maybe in the 90s) the first in the world because of muh bloodlines coming from some imaginary superior northern race.

I like your being right wing, because i'm a right wing, but please, read some uncucked book.

>and all that's left is the resolve
have you ever heard of the concept of sisu?

I think OP had a bit part in a movie a while back. He's the user at the front of the line - m.youtube.com/watch?v=L90uDzDbdV0

If you never got that get ready
You're gonna see that and more
It will be just that zoomers who never saw a golden era get to see the greatest golden era yet
Less this than nordic/anglosaxon derivation, but still relevant
I think so
And hope so
But I'm prepared to be very wrong
Which ironically makes me more likely to be right
Read what I wrote above, the average is a lagging indicator
Watch what those who have all the options do
Not sure what I'm trying to brainwash you to?
That biology exists?
This kind of
More importantly, watch what the leaders and those with all options available do
The masses follow
And you're the kind of low IQ net negative contributor who is about to have a bad time
Institutional Christianity is for sure
Biblical Christianity recognizes that jews who reject Christ are doing so to prioritize worldly glory over eternal glory
And are without salvation

Every guy in my group is a Biblical Christian
The church building could burn down
And the pastors could all die
Wouldn't change a thing for us

>Logic, darwinism, muh mmurica best of the world because i've got lot of dollars, bloodlines!
What are you, some irish descendant that got some money with coding? What's in your library? Probably the best book you've ever read is a tolkien one.

>And you're the kind of low IQ net negative contributor who is about to have a bad time

tell us your networth and how you made your money. thats the only thing that matters

Rome recovered from degenerate behavior when it was still largely governed, administrated, and defended by Romans.
Guess when it didn't recover? That's right. When the Roman empire wasn't just sick of spirit, it was sick in its blood too. There's no recovering the spirit of your forefathers when everyone's a fucking German.
So it goes with America.

If you're a high quality man this is true
She ends up marrying a guy with a sketchy past who made good
And they're ok with each other
And happy
Selection of genes matters most
I don't follow
Have you been to England and Europe? Recently?
I go frequently and interact with the upper echelons of both societies
Anywhere but America is effectively irrelevant, and it's not just because we have all the nukes
We also have all the good genes
Finland is one of my favorite countries
When you actually talk deeply with their people they could be viewed as the quiet, patient version of Americans
but always based
Funny how even posting a clip from a movie from that era shows how far we've fallen
And how violent the upswing will then be

*laughs in Gallic*

Good words, but I think a minority white country might just become the next south africa. If democracy happens.

How much Link do you hold OP?

100% nordic and anglosaxon
The Bible is the only book in my library that matters
Came from 0
Now worth 7 figures
No debt
Started a business in HS, went to college, worked a year, became a professional, saved, invested in my field
Just like almost every other person who really makes it
You think the roman empire was entirely european blood?
The rulers of the roman empire were
during the good years
Just like they will be
During the coming American golden age

>You're going to see the cost of energy overall absolutely crater over the next 20 years

It's been increasingly harder to extract fossil fuels from the the earth. All the long hanging oil had been taken. Terrestrial solar power will never be viable. It takes up too much land versus the power generated. Unless we discover some novel form of energy production like fusion power, I don't see that happening.

>the people from the harshest climates will be able to survive and thrive in easy climates and those who are from easy climates will be easily outcompeted

Many White people now are no longer living in harsh environments, even metaphorically speaking.

So i described you perfectly.
>the perfect genes
How come? Mmurica was formed by the worst people from the old world, and this is proven by the large amounts of alcoholics and serial killers.
Let's add niggers, chinks and some freemason jews to completely mindfuck the rest of you.
>the perfect genes
English are one of the ugliest race in the world
>the perfect genes
You are one of the mongs who actually believes that you "evolve" while staying in the same race.
Monkeys are ALWAYS monkeys.
You can meet some random more intelligent monkey, but hey... it's still a fucking monkey.

Nice try in believing you're a right wing, but seriously, you're too ignorant to even recognize the half of the cuckery you've in your mind.
This doesn't make you free, you're scared, and you're scared for the WRONG reasons, because your education is completely faulted and you've not enough IQ to free yourself from the kike cage in which you're trapped.

>Started a business in HS, went to college, worked a year, became a professional, saved, invested in my field
so basically
>i started a business so now i have a giant ego and god complex above everyone else
90% of businesses fail. so good luck to anyone trying to replicate you


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Or Brazil
or Uruguay
or America when it was young

White people are rarely the leaders in population
They just lead in everything else

I have slowly come to the terrible revelation that none of you know what the fuck you are doing. I have a Master's in Accountancy with a minor in Finance. I work for a fortune 100 as a corporate accountant with a CMA and CPA. I used to have some faith in user.
None of you know how to actually value a company. You can't read financial statements. For fuck's sake you think TA works and the entire field of decision science churns out dissertations every other day highlighting their absolute dismay at the fact that brainlets ever consider using it. You have no idea what Dunning-Kruger is. You don't know what survivorship bias is. You are fucked.

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>You think the roman empire was entirely european blood?
Pretty blatant strawman when I spelled out
>governed, administrated, and defended by Romans
Were you born specious or did you pick it up with your many years of experience?

It also betrays a rather embarrassing truth: that you don't even know the dictionary definition of "Empire" which necessitates a lack of homogeneity in its makeup.


also golden age after this crisis, so look forward to that

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I’ve been saying this for quite some time the Jews plan just drove white men with purpose into the trenches to better themselves. hard times create strong men and this past decade has been insane. Pussy beta whites locked themselves in their rooms gaming, smoking weed, donating to Ethots and men with purpose started lifting, eating healthy, building empires and reading philosophy, meditating and growing spiritually. So much has happened this past year. We are on the brink of something beautiful. There’s been too much darkness the past twenty years for us not to be swinging back the other way. Cheers, pain and struggle bring the most growth in those willing to rise to the occasion.

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a college degree is as worthwhile is a piece of toilet paper if you dont go to an ivy league school. the job market is completely fucked now of days for non-ivy people unless you have good connections.

all the anons who say shit like
>i got my Accounting degree and now i make 150 k a yr at 24
are either
1. ivy leage
2. nepotism

Seriously, i regret going to college at all. Going into trade is the most stable and worthwhile thing you can do in the 2020s.

>The nordic people who contributed the bloodline that made europe

confirmed for brainlet. nordics were a total backwater irrelevant farmers for the vast majority of the timeline where europe was great.

If your idea of upswing is America under martial law and a completely subjugated populace then I would hate to see what your downswing would be. Can't have the liberty without the death - some famous dead guy.

Seriously, a part from a bunch of fantasy books, odin and other useless bullshit, the north has always been one of the shittiest places of the world.
They always try to conquest the world because of their short sized dicks.

Have you been keeping up with the tech you're discussing?
You're exactly wrong on nearly all fronts
And wrt white people it looks like your reading comprehension isn't too good
Try re-reading the thread
Again, do you spend time around the groups you're comparing?
I do
Top notch Americans are better than top notch Europeans, Chinese, Japanese etc. etc. etc.
In intelligence, beauty, work ethic, morality
In literally every way
I got a professional degree
Which means I didn't pursue the business
Just used the money to pay for my education
Your comment is not very relevant to the discussion
Sounds like you're agreeing with me
And using the most pretentious language you can to do so

The fact a company like theranos fleeced a bunch of retards like you that think you know something because you push buttons in quick books/excel should show you how much of a smoke and mirrors show the corporate world is.

What's funny is that in a "muh darwinism" point of view, the ones that spreaded their genes all across the world were portugese, because they were sailors.
English were sailors too, but they probably were too busy drinking liquors to fuck.

Ok boomer

Within the next five years I think
One of the best parts: I now have friends I genuinely like
I enjoy spending time with people with a spine and a brain
And I can't stand being around whiny coward do nothing men
I hate them as much as women do
Its almost like your education is as valuable as the knowledge you gained, rather than the act of having gone through education
They replaced the bloodlines of subsistence farmers for millenia through their raids
Why do you think all great europeans look more like a norse than like a med
Where did I say that?
I see exactly the opposite
More enforcement of social norms
And more social consequences, rather than physical/criminal ones
In 5 years you'll see legit slut shaming and bullying of coward men
And it will become the norm
You're not supported by data or genetics
Ever notice how the most successful people are taller, fairer and more likely to be blue eyed?
Wonder how that happened

Please tell me what's better, because i lack of enough logic to realize what's better in:
>intelligence, how did you measure that, in groups you spent time with?
>beauty, what's that? More muscles, more big vaginas? Big booties? Big boobs? Well shaped ones?
Again: how to measure a better shape?
>work, you probably refer to money, earnings
>ethic, morality
ok, you're talking about intelligence and... ok

>24 yrs old
>financially well off
>zero debt
>love america
>military for 6 years
But god damn I watch a lot of porn. Old fag user, am I fucked?

Theranos fleeced weak Godless coward whites
All part of the selection process
That's why the worlds business and science is all done in protugese
You'll believe when you see zoomer

So, let's see... the most "successful" people are often jews, are you implying that jews are a superior race?
If i look at the billionaires club i can spot:
bald ugly people, creepy old jews, creepy young jews, chinks... sorry, very few blonde german tall master race there.

Thoughts on my stack of Chainlink?

>You are one of the mongs who actually believes that you "evolve" while staying in the same race.

We have an anti-White spic amongst us. Oh boy

Here you can't distinguish a pure darwinism point of view from what you actually think darwinism is: social darwinism, that is an absolute meme.

lost me when you went civnat

Intelligence- how quickly they understand novel ideas, can spot potential friction points in them and develop algorithms by which to evaluate those concerns
Beauty- facial symmetry, height and strength in men, femininity and neotenous facies in women
Morality- constancy/transparency of beliefs and consistent performance of them in real world situations
Normal for a strong high T man
Fighting against it will make you strong
And good with women

Also know that means your 30's will be great
I raged from 14-30
Getting to a semi-human sex drive in my 30's was an enormous relief and let me enjoy all aspects of my life more
I'm looking forward to my 40's even more
Not because I anticipate higher peak highs
But because I have even more aspects of my life now
And all of them bring me constant pleasure

You can't actually become a dinosaur if you're a human by "improving" your genes by fucking hot chicks, not even if your grandparents fucked hot chicks for centuries, hope i've not to explain that.

>"""Oldfag""" so out of touch by age 40 that he can't even understand the absolute state of the world
>Don't worry about the race guys, being replaced is ok
Lands can be regained, soldiers recruited, structures rebuilt, even people repopulated, but to mix with others and your enemy; is to be destroyed. Disgusting amerifat faggot spread his cancer across Europe and kills the white race. What are his final words? "it's all going to be OK, trust me".

Hitler shouldn't have gassed the Jews, it was Americans who were the ultimate threat all along.

Hitler should have gassed the jews.

Lay off the philosophy books faggot. You’re no more an intellectual then the nepotistic kike who got a job working in a bank or in uni


Never said anything about dinosaurs spiccy. Shitskins always make such vague statements to try and prove a point; keep chasing your tail little boy. Not my fault your ancestors were total failures

Explain Sweden. Think they'll bounce back? I think they have killed themselves off permanently.
Sometimes it's not a cycle but simply the end. And there was only one chance at there ever being a USA

Are childless ugly billionaries who can still only get whores successful?
What do you call a man who has little monetary wealth but who also has a youthful wife who gave him her innocence, children who love him and the respect of his peers?
Its a common misconception
You are making a lot of arguments that are logically inconsistent and appear to be based primarily on your feelings.
If you'd like to provide data that would help
I'm not going anything
I'm making the best prediction I can for the future
And backing it up

Problem is that you're 40 yrs old, you can't simply read a lot of books and realize how your half-scientific culture is misleaded and self-referential, because at 40 men become somehow retards.
This and the intrinsic cuckery that germans bring into their blood.
Nazis didn't even invent their wonderful aesthetics, they copypasted it from fascists.

Give me 5 tips for life. Mainly for self improvement

I'm almost your age and I am calling you out
This sage advice is fake and gay.
I'll listen when we're 80

>such vague statements
Your idea of darwinism is completely faulted, i'm not even saying that niggers are shit and whites are not mighty, but y'all say this for the wrong reasons, showing a complete lack of culture.
So what's the white man without CULTURE? Do you believe that your "muh genes" are enough if you're a fucking low grade retard? You're just white trash

It’s not even advice. It’s the ramblings of a boomer who read to many philosophy books.

The reason the world's most beautiful women are from a region of the world with effectively no natural resources is because of the constant effort and success of the men of that society
Over millennia
Just as it always has been
And always will be
Did you read anything that I wrote?
Or are you just parroting someone smarter than you to feel good about yourself
I am predicting a bright future for the whites strong enough to understand their genetic heritage
Do you know what the worst thing you could possibly do to the jews right now, in real life would be?
I have the most competitive professional degree
And amongst my peers I've outperformed by a large margin
Everything I have I've earned through a combination of work and resilience
Same question for you
I think white majority countries will experience this across a spectrum
I think that those countries that fall the farthest will have their people hardened the most
For that rare based swede the future is bright
But for his coward kin, there is no future

>dude trust me

Nazis were taking brides from sweden and poland because their ugly womens were not enough "aryan".
Did you know this? Of course no.

I too am beginning to feel some hope. Things that can't go on forever, don't. The pendulum comes back. If we have to go through the 20s again we'll get the 50s too - and get the US we were promised and get away from this intersectional theory neocon oligopolistic dystopia we're in.

Godspeed brother, catch you on the other side.

>Do you know what the worst thing you could possibly do to the jews right now, in real life would be?
Post antisemitic things on the internet? Don't worry boss I'm on it!

damn look at all these subhuman poltards go fucking back you plebbitors

.t Jew Overlord

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Do you think that all men over 40 are retards?
1. Don't ever lie. Ever. Tell the truth or say nothing.
2. Realize at the beginning of every day that you are the result of thousands of generations suffering through lives worse than yours so you might enjoy the life you have. Know your ancestors are watching you live your life and would be vindicated in their suffering if you were happy and successful.
3. Know what you believe and know why you don't believe what you don't. If you're a Christian you should have read the talmud, quaran book of mormon and the best atheist apologists.
4. Do first what you want and what you believe will make the world better. The moment you are motivated by what others want you will be a slave to the cruelest of your peers.
5. Love everyone you can and tell them directly that you love them. Being ironic or cynical is false courage. Telling a good person you love them for the good acts they do is right and good.
Good for you
>you're white trash
well im convinced
I'll give you a participation trophy

You should
So you're agreeing with literally everything I'm saying
And you're mad about it?
Godspeed to you too
It will be glorious
Ironically that falls under the same category as zyklon b
There is something much worse

>I have the most competitive professional degree
lewl, based on what? Someone told you that this was competitive and you achieved it? Nice!
You're a very good hamster, you beated every other hamster thanks to
>a combination of work and resilience

You're running into a rigged jew game, believing that actually this is the reality, and you're winning.
Good goy, your master must be proud of you, i'm hoping you will pass your hamster genes to another winning one.

>I am predicting a bright future for the whites
Thats the problem with you fucking retarded Amerimutts. You take huge steaming shits on a plate, and proclaim proudly you have just made a fine meal. Imagine a country that only gained power because the rest of Europe fought a bloody war while it sat on the sidelines. All the while it reaped to benefit of being from Europe and thus relied on. Immediately afterwards it makes it goal and number one priority to kill Europeans in a way Communism never could. No, you see simply killing Europeans wasn't enough for Americans, it wanted the complete destruction of every white person on this planet. So it spread its own ideology in the form of Neoliberalism, combined with the pure cancer of white guilt.

Yet after doing all of that, after losing half its power and wealth to the THIRD WORLD COUNTRY CHINA, after the destroying 2000 years of European heritage in less than 100 years, what does the eternal Amerifat say? "I am predicting a bright future for the whites", I would rather sit next to a nigger, a chink, and a jew than an Amerimutt.

moot point since 99% of European genes come from foreign migrants from after the ice age.

Also North Asia and Tibet were under ice sheets too, further south than europe

It sounds like you're looking for a way to justify your lack of success
jews want the same things i have
just like every other race/color/creed
You are a whiny cowardly white looking for an excuse for his own failure
You have exactly proved my point

>You are making a lot of arguments that are logically inconsistent and appear to be based primarily on your feelings.
You're just avoiding his point and attacking him.

It's a fact that intelligence curve tends to go down at 40.
Old dogs can't learn new tricks, so at 40 you basically get stuck with what you learned at 20.
Sorry if you learned books of useless code and business bullshit, this makes you probably a good earner in this jew rigged society, but you lost all of the actual gold that mankind created, and it's the only way to achieve a superior vision about things.
What modern men lack is the cultural inheritance that allowed their ancestors to do great things.

As i said, i'm a right wing, even more than you probably.

>elect a confident idiot (i campaigned for trump fwiw)

If you work for a guy you think is an idiot, then what does that make you?


No such thing as a self-made billionaire who's also an idiot. Trump's history is littered with the minds and bodies people who've underestimated him.

>Imagine a country that only gained power because the rest of Europe fought a bloody war while it sat on the sidelines.
Imagine a race that only gained power because the astronomical undiscovered supercontinent of resources was situated so close to them that sailing in literally any direction would get you there.


Projecting your own life on me doesn't change anything you autistic fat fuck Amerimutt. The white race is dead, with only the Slavs to be left as our memory. Congratulations, your disgusting and rancid failure of a country has undone everything by our people. Your children's children as well as mine, will be working for chinks while our countries are swarmed over by niggers and shitskins.

My only peace of mind is knowing that America will fall before we do.

>the third world and underdeveloped masses of land invented the industrial revolution
Imagine being a complete retard.

My projection: things continue as they have. Quality of life in the US suffers the continued attrition it has over the past 26 years. The culture continues to degrade, with a larger and larger divide schism between the parties, no novel party is introduced, and the differences between the two come closer to homogeneity than ever before but the general population is too hellbent on infinitely scrolling through Twatter to glean the fact that the two parties are now a unitarian government bidding on being elected simply to accumulate the wealth offered. Meanwhile the whole of the nation is increasingly divided into, what is most accurately described as a oligopolistically established neofeudal system.

More and more the culture is disrupted by intersections and ideologies that are increasingly separatist. More and more people fall into small boxes, confining their minds. Small groups shrink, groups dissolve into loosely associated individuals, and then individuals are left alone to rot. Fewer jobs are available, machines wring the cloths of the dishwasher, flip the burgers of the cook. The masses that make it out alive from the ensuant hellscape, are indebted to the masters of their domain. With each passing generation, the collar around the neck grows ever tighter, from employees, to public servants, to slaves.

Some sickly combination of Brave New World and 1984 are emergent. The social divisions turn to inescapable castes. The new lords preside with iron hands. Despots ruling without any semblance of control. Monitoring escapes reason, social credit becomes an everyday currency. In and out, purchases, consumption are all monitors, quotas are kept. Work is monitored to the T.

And it's you, OP, with your race and your religious proclivities, and your divisionism that are causing the divide that allows this occurrence. You're not strengthening the "white race" you're causing a societal divide that will shackle the world.

How do you measure success? Money? I don't lack money.
Things? I don't lack things, i've many things indeed, too much.
Luxury? Not very interested in, seriously
Do you own land? Can you produce serious wealth? Vegetables, wine?
What do you have? A car? two cars? Some building? Good.
Can you tell what is what you consider wealth? Can you tell why? Can you ask yourself deep questions? Can you shake your own vision? Are you a real human being or you're completely identified with the successful puppet you want resemble?

>find loads of free stuff (the Black Death freeing up resources, but more importantly the Americas)
>use it to invent new stuff and focus efforts on not tilling the land 15 hours a day
not entertaining this further because I know your type (it's the default here) and it fears reality to the point where it will deny any fact or argument with name calling.


>All of the shit you're panicking about right now probably isn't right
it's true
everything is overblown and exaggerated

the real things that truly matter are the small things that we do repeatedly

Piss Earth 2025

The black death is your argument? You mean the same disease that killed 30-60% of all Europeans? This disease then creates the industrial revolution, not Europeans. Which of course allows Europeans to conquer the known world. Meanwhile other races couldn't even put together a boat able to cross the Atlantic ocean. Of course.

>not entertaining this further
Whats the matter, been btfo one too many times?

why the fuck didn't people cut their hair in the 70s?

Thanks old one

I have slowly come to the terrible revelation that none of you know what the fuck you are doing. I have a Master's in Accountancy with a minor in Finance. I work for a fortune 100 as a corporate accountant with a CMA and CPA. I used to have some faith in user.
None of you know how to actually value a company. You can't read financial statements. For fuck's sake you think TA works and the entire field of decision science churns out dissertations every other day highlighting their absolute dismay at the fact that brainlets ever consider using it. You have no idea what Dunning-Kruger is. You don't know what survivorship bias is. You are fucked.

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If you read the thread he answered nearly all of these already

What the fuck did you just fucking say about my gear, you little n00b? I’ll have you know I am a lvl 90 Undead Arcane Mage, and I’ve won so many PVP matches, and I have done raids on every 10 man heroic dungeon. I also have a fuckton of macros and I have a GS of 10K. You are nothing to me but just a lvl 12 gnome hunter. I will pwn the fuck out of you with Arcane Missiles the likes of which has never been seen before on Azeroth AND Outland, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over raid? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my guild of mages and shamans across The Eastern Kingdoms and your character is being targeted right now so you better prepare for the ownage, n00b. The Arcane Barrage that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your character. You’re fucking pwn'd, n00b. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my secondary talent tree. Not only am I extensively trained in Arcane magic, but I have access to the entire arsenal of Fire magic and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable neckbeard off the face of Azeroth, you little faggot. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re getting debuffed, you goddamnn00b. I will shit Dragon's Breath all over you and you will burn in it. You’re fucking pwn'd, faggot.

>Have you been keeping up with the tech you're discussing?

Solar technology hasn't really progressed. Simple math is enough to tell you it's not feasible. Max energy from sun is about 1000 watts per square meter. Efficiency of current solar panels is about 15-18%, so you get around 150 watts per square meter under ideal conditions (clear sky at noon). A typical coal power plant produces 600 megawatts. The equivalent solar panel farm would need to take up least 400000 square meters or 1.54 square miles worth of land.

>You're exactly wrong on nearly all fronts

Explain how I'm wrong. When you live in the most advanced country with the most comfortable lifestyle, how does that situation not create weak people? Why would US make oil cheap when they have the one of the least oil reserves in the world?

Most retards here have no idea that oil has multiple uses beyond energy. They don't even realize that there is literally no replacement possible for oil, because batteries have no ability to haul huge weight or for flights. They unironically eat up "green energy" shilling. This is the age of oil, and so far we have literally no replacement in sight besides using nuclear energy in everything. Which is just asking for fallouts to crop up around the world.

Are you, could you... Possibly be insinuating... That somehow the West's continuous greed, wanton lust, and their tastes for making desperate displays of power have done anyone any good? Fuck that, all of these propped-up artificial systems are nothing more than a steaming pile of dogshit that most are initially reticent to accept. Non-sensical stimulus blunting over-exposure and behavioral corrections offered up on the dole in public schools slowly make it acceptable. Nobody wants to be cooped up with the degenerate assholes in class trying to flex their meager power over you, nobody wants the racking anxieties of trying to juggle personal grooming, school, and social expectations. But that's what we're handed, told to go get out there champ, jump in the meat grinder and if you get lucky the hedge fund your 401k is in doesn't end up insolvent and all your money doesn't "ashes in the wind." so you can, while you're crippled, finally feel a little relief.

We're never told that it's possible to live off the land. Technically we aren't allowed to, poaching you see. Game and fish won't be recalcitrant to throw you in the Federal pin for that fish. That territory you're fishing on, that's federal property, and you're trespassing, too. Sure you could live on the lam and do it alone, and there are some really clever people that manage. We're a social creature though, and the thought of a functional commune is a terrifying concept. Existence outside of the realms of the status quo is the scariest form of resistance to the puppetmasters. It's how you just say "No, I refuse your world, your system, your perspective, and to service it."

Like that cliche Tyler Durden quote. Identity today is defined so exclusively by consumption, net worth, job titles. Not action, or ability. And Ted was right, what he did was wrong, but I suppose to extract the moment of attention he needed, it was necessary.

at the same time, none of this will be realized until you come of age
therefore the early-teen years can be viewed as an example of how society is at whatever current time you take that photo
i remember as internet got my accessible and iphones were developed, the girls in my highschool became more sluttier; to my astonishment it went into the lower grades as the years progressed so even though i went from grade 9-12 i saw a huge development of basically thot (at a very early stage, before the word was even popularized) for the grades starting at grade 10 and going down to grade 8 before i graduated.

really it was just females becoming aware through the accessibility of internet and trying to prepare for that day they flood niagra falls out of their vagina, though this example of awareness can be applied to everyone throughout their early years

Local commercial has a great vacuum for electrics, actually. Short haul box trucks, buses, and maybe even really short haul aircraft. Shit you can pull the battery out of with a forklift or proprietary tool and replace as needed.

Listen shitskin, I know civilization isn't your ideal life, and you would rather be in the bush picking berries or dying to wild animals, but I don't give a fuck. You can go live in the bush like Ted did if you want, nothing is stopping you.

Wow, thanks.

>Nobody is stopping you
You're right, Fish and Game isn't stopping me and neither is the BLM, right? Certainly local communities won't see me as some derelict ne'er do well. I'm sure some millionaire rancher will be entirely copacetic with me groveling across his pasture so I can catch a rabbit. Local police won't mind me having a rifle, and people within a 2km range won't mind when I have to shoot it.

They won't label me and my friends as a cult, right?

Lets pretend this is even true (flights lmao). Is it better in anyway, shape, or form than oil from an energy point of view? No, the answer is no. The elements and metals required for batteries and solar panels are not efficient, even while using oil based production energy. Electricity as an energy source is being propped up by speculation niggers, retard investors, and government welfare. Which is the only way it's going to """work"", and by """work""" I mean it's a complete waste of resources that uses more energy overall compared to just using oil.

The only way electricity works as an energy source is via two things happening that won't happen for the next 50 years. 1) we need a real source of energy that isn't meme based like solar or wind, limited in use like dams, or nuclear. 2) We need more efficient batteries that don't fail as often and can be compacted FAR more than they are currently.

Hard cope and pathetic excuses. There are places in America where you will not see a single soul for years on end. If you want to be a hunter gatherer throwing sticks at animals, then go do so. Lets be honest though, even with the option to do so, you wouldn't take it. A nigger who lives in a European created society is far too comfy to ever leave it. After all, you wouldn't even last a year on your own in the bush regardless.

This is a well-polished by hundreds of years of religious scholasticism doctrine. But being based on an abstract premises it is just a well-polished pile of bullshit.

There is nothing relevant besides biological ecosystems and competition for survival and resources.

By your own logic Chinese will outgrown you in this very millennium just because they have a larger and mostly better pool of genes and much higher social pressure. Basically, China is a New World of this age.

Japanese are even better but they are constrained by environmental factors and ageing population as the consequence.

Look who scored best at all the Ivy League schools - Asians and Indians. This is the metric.

I could write a similar narcissistic wall of text, but I don't see what is the use. Just a single demonstrated flaw in logic is enough to refute all the bullshit.

Your model is too abstract and vastly oversimplified. Most of things in ecosystems are just happen by stochastic processes. The way that Japan has lost in WWII was such a chance. You would face a completely different world if it turns out differently. Philip K. Dick explored the idea long ago.


He's American, he would proclaim "god bless the USA, we're #1" even if he was living in mud while his Jewish and Chinese overlords spat in his face.

Thanks for your optimism and wisdom OP.

Wow, you are a fucking idiot. Do you even capable of imaging that everything except transportation is already powered by electricity? A fucking Tesla factory have not a single combustion engine except backup generators lmao.

What is your education by the way? Some liberal arts bullshit?

I'm not arguing for solar, but they're actually highly recyclable. The majority of their makeup is Si. The newest generation is even more efficiently recycled.

Li-ion batteries are actually very durable, but the recovery in recycling processes is dogshit. I'll give you that their performance and range varies with environmental conditions, too, but for a furniture delivery truck that has to go back and forth a predictable number of times in a predictable range, it's not improbable. Same with a bus. I'm not going to argue about the plane, it's kinda dogshit, but I'm sure there are some exceptions where it would be useful.

Solar, wind and dams are used to offset the need for irreplaceable resources like coal and oil, both of which have measurable impacts on the environment. It's not bad to have them in place, but to prioritize them as we have seems like a misstep.

Application ultimately becomes the big question. Most people aren't very enthusiastic about the premise of paying $10k to install a solar panel on their house. Downpayment on a new Ford F350 Extended Cab KING RANCH edition is probably more their speed, right? But if you could magically shit 50 million solar panels onto the roofs of most consumer real estate, I think the premise of wind/solar mains would become increasingly viable, with coal, diesel, or NG backups.

>Did the same cycle of degeneracy, self improvement, cynicism and now rational thought that a lot of anons have gone through
Where does thinking Im an OSRS character trying to make money fit in this cycle?
I wish selling my products overseas was as simple as te grand exchange


You know those places where you wouldn't see a soul for years?

The winter kills you there, but you wouldn't know about that, since you grew up in some cute little subtropical haven.

Also, I'm fucking whiiite.


>everything except transportation is already powered by electricity
HAHAHAHAHA. What is powering the machines that dig the precious metals and coal which you use as a power source? What is moving those materials to use for power sources, and construction of batteries? OIL.

Actually, no. Most modern shovels are electric. A lot of fixed face open pit mines have electric trucks. Shit, the engines in the trucks are are just attached to generators that power motors. It's really handy cause you can recover some of that tasty energy with gravity. Same with locomotives. I dunno about dozers and other equipment though.

You need oil to make that battery. You need oil to make all those vehicles. Fossil fuels made the energy that goes in the battery or they made the "green tech" that produced that energy. Try mining lithium and rare earth metals using a equipment that's battery powered. Not happening.

this tbdesu
This gramp doesn't even address the illuminakikes plan for global population reduction and the NWO final implementation in the years to come. Just another deluded boomie clueless about what is at stake.

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Happy for you user and I’m glad you came back just this once to share some info with us

>actually highly recyclable.
Your forgetting the energy costs and efficiency problems of doing so. 50 million rooftop solar panels would be the largest waste of money in human history, with only climate change as it's argument. Wind especially is the worst meme of all time, it only works in very specific places, requires constant maintenance, and barely breaks even even in ideal situation.

It's funny that you bring up trucks, diesel trucks are extremely efficient at what they do (hauling and durability). Without massive government welfare, an electric truck will never reach the same price as a diesel let alone actual efficiency. Even gas trucks are a hard sell compared to diesel. No corporation will swap to electric trucks EVER, unless the government either mass subsidizes them or forces them to by law. They are a gigantic waste of time and resources.

Buses and delivery trucks could work by using power line hook ups, like they already do in some places and subsidized by the governments. Which is basically the same as electric trains. Otherwise diesel is better for hauling.

At this point you're just arguing for the sake of it, I already made my position know, that you're correct about the necessity of oil and coal. My point is those resources are finite and take extraordinarily difficult-to-replicate processes to form. Alleviating our dependence on them, is beneficial in that one, we won't use the remaining reserves as quickly, and two, the environmental impact from their use is reduced.


Only when hooked up to a power source, they are absolutely not battery powered. When mining in remote areas, diesel is used like always.

noooo you don't understand

all you need to do is pray to jesus and live in the woods, and the merchants will give up on their plans or something

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Where should I go to learn

Assembling an electric car with only electricity and claiming victory over fossil fuels is like running the last 100 ft of a marathon and saying you're a finisher.

What is your education by the way? Some liberal arts bullshit?

>big waste
Yeah, I just picked a number out of my ass, a hypothetical to illustrate that pushing demand for FF's isn't totally improbable if the pricing was appealing in the consumer domain (or could be made appealing by commercial refurbishment products/core charge system). I wouldn't condone wind in the consumer domain, you're right, it's clunky and annoying, and a hazard. But no, climate change isn't even an argument, just offsetting demand and reducing emissions.

I'm talking about local haul trucks, like the cute little box trucks that Coke and Pepsi drive around in. The fuckers they use to deliver bread and shit after they've parceled it out of an actual semi. Every time I've been in one of those, they've been gas, and I've been in a few, and in different states and many years apart.

Sure they are, they just have a hydrocarbon battery. They're pretty much all diesel electric, if you're a big boy. inb4 "I watched that gold miner show on the TV channel!" That's a babyshit operation. Look at Kennecott, or NARM. Nobody cares about some rock quarry baby shit.

Too optimistic, russia turkey china usa are antagonists that will stir shit up

>military for 6 years
I'm pretty sure 7 is my upper limit for the amount of bullshit the military offers

> I wouldn't condone wind in the consumer domain, you're right, it's clunky and annoying,
Don't forget the holocaust of 6 gorillion birds that die from them every second.
> local haul trucks
Ah, like the Japanese mini flatdecks, maybe. Still not convinced that they can replace gas powered one efficiently.
>hydrocarbonbattery. They're pretty much all diesel electric
So basically you mean they aren't actually electric.

>If you're the most pathetic failure in society right now your life will be better in 10-20 years than someone with a "great life" in 2020.

>Your children's children as well as mine

You ain't gonna have any children bro

Oh no, they're more electric than they are diesel. You could plug the cunt in to the tree and you'd be burnin' rubber in no time. Y'can't say that about a diesel truck though.

>being ironical or cynical is false courage
Based. Modern cowards need to hear this more. God bless you OP, doing the Lord's work.
t. Catholic-Christian

>there is nothing new under the sun
true but also
>For at that time there will be great tribulation, unmatched from the beginning of the world until now, and never to be seen again.

this is the first time the criteria for revelations has been met.

Strap in boomer

It wasn't until the around the 1700s that wolves relegated to the mountains in France. If you ever get to read the brother's grimm stories you start to realize that Being in the rainy cold version of the Congo (basically just a tropical forest with different animals) was quite a frightening ordeal. Not to mention the best growing crop in Europe (Rye) started poisoning people and cattle because of ergot fungus that learned to jump from swamp grasses to the Rye plant.

Thanks for the whitepills, user.

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You fucking retard.

You don't need oil to produce stuff. Lots of countries are relying on green energy for their production, such as Canada. Just the US and China that are highly reliant on oil,gas and coal for their electricity

jesus christ man, not burger military but are you me?


>unless you have good connections.

Yo man, times have changed.

I like how OP won't answer my thought provoking question

Civic nationalism is the only thing that will work in America. And integrating minorities to white people eventually leads to more white people who have “1/16th” ethnic blood like how Native American white people larp

That only applies if 15 out of 16 people are white. When neighborhoods have more brown people than white people the reverse happens. The amount of brown people has gone up every year since 1965 and never down, not once.

TLDR , you're racist? Cool. How much UND do you hold and will you set up slavery camps when you make it?

I agree brother. But remember what another user once said: “This is a slow boil we are in (see parable of slow boiling the frog). If we wait for the shit to hit the fan, it will never come. WE must become the shit and SMASH through the fan, taking out not just the ceiling but cratering the entire house like a nuclear defecation.”

Thanks for the thread Mr sir

#FinNexus initial goal is to offer a diversified set of crypto assets to users

The level of cope and Hebraic brainwashing, lol. Also imagine apologizing this hard for Africans absolute inability to do anything other than be talking dirt chimpanzees.

There is no way a cuck like you will have anything other than an adopted nigger-human hybrid. You don’t get to have a family you disgusting faggot cuck

No dude. The shit that’s coming is because people like you were so easily manipulated by Jews

You are projecting. Also you seemed to have not gotten the memo but Jared “The Jew” Diamond’s pathological Jewish attempts to discredit European achievements have been discredited by academia

very woke it took me a while to process this phenomena

look he may be racist but i think the key take away is meant to be regardless of shit thats happening things will turn out fine overall. Once shit has bottomed out theres only 1 way to go.

>And it's you, OP, with your race and your religious proclivities, and your divisionism that are causing the divide that allows this occurrence.

>it's religious white people promoting inclusivity, morality and love while encouraging other races to be proud of their heritage and country that will divide the nation
>"I refuse to take any fault in this doom and gloom I've projected, it's all YOUR fault"

Yeah man. You're what we call a "sociopath."

>t. Some dumbass who thinks that electricity comes from a plug in the wall and not a coal or gas power plant

>Civic nationalism is the only thing that will work in America. And integrating minorities to white people eventually leads to more white people who have “1/16th”

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>Been around Yas Forums since before Yas Forums
That was like three years ago we've all been here that long retard.

dumb burger thread, filled with bluepills
sorry, but demographics don't work through wishful thinking
right now 1 birth out of 3 in western countries is non-white. and even "whiteness" is a burger concept that doesn't preserve the uniqueness of each population. a frenchman is not a german is not a dane, and so on
burger imperialism is more alive than ever through google, netflix, amazon... meaning we're all drawn into anti-intellectual globohomo vs racist redneck dynamics, where no matter which side wins we all lose
>hurr durr you can make it if you strong white man with high T fuck women in ur 30s gruuuh >:)
you retarded mutt eat the scraps your jewish masters deign throw your way and you start thinking this is life. absolutely shameful

Yea man people are gonna stop fighting wars because they can't get away with it anymore due to smartphones.


>3 kids
>military 40hr/wk job
been browsing Yas Forums since early 2017, made just over $100k in the bullrun and lost 90% of it from hodling.
How do I make it uncle oldfag

>- all the shit that wrecks societies like war, massive corruption etc. crashing because nobody can get away with it anymore
bless your soul

I'm surprised to see such a genuine post and subsequent interaction but Jesus Christ did you have to be so fucking verbose about. I appreciate what you're doing but it won't change any anons, also you're a faggot

I lost my virginity at 28 and got herpes from a woman who was 37. How fucked am I?

fuck you. die

OP is mildly based and redpilled

Gotta disagree on the energy costs thing though - There is absolutely no way that energy will become cheaper and cheaper because you have overlooked the concomitant increase in energy demand that comes with newly developed technologies.

Our thirsty energy requirements inevitably go up at the exact same rate as our ability to harvest energy, whether from solar, fracking or otherwise.

If anything, current energy supply limits the technology of the day so the two are intimtely linked.

>wealth inequality
stfu and get a job
save instead of mindlessly spend. wealth inequality is a term used by communists, manipulative , divisive politics & media, and idiots too lazy to work, save and be responsible.,


fuck you. Im 45 you swallowed the its not about colour, fuck yes it is you can't build a functional people with non anglo white people (japanese excepted).

Colur is just and eay way to identfy all the other traits. Like you call a toyota a toyota.

You dont say that car made in japan as factory x by people in office y.

You say a toyota.

Civilisation cannot function babysitting, non whites, feminists etc.

>4. People are more intelligent than 2000 years ago
Iq peaked in the victorian era.


oy vey good topic


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>Strap. In.
I can't believe I read all that shit and even mostly believed you, and you hit me with this walk the dinosaur shit link shilling end

Fuck you pal

Than 2000 years ago?
Is that you Jesus?