old bread

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INFJ here, how's it going mbti frendas

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I hate being an INFP male.

ENFP is the best. All others are autists

INFJ-T here~! \(^_^ )
I'm doing fine! How about you~? ^_^;

Why? :O

Why do you hate being an INFP male? What are the drawbacks to being one?
Being an INFJ with avoidant personality sucks.

>Why? :O

It's literally a female trait. Might as well chop off our balls if people treat us like we don't have any.

How can I be sure of my type without taking one of those professional tests?
Is there a surefire way to know with >99% certainty that you're INTP? No meme answers.

INFP is THE MOST based type
the MASTER RACE of mbti
intj fags get the fuck off our baord

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i went from INFP to ENFP. am i a better person or worse? i need to be validated

I know a lot of INFP girls and they act kind of masculine in some ways. The guys are that way too obviously I was just trying to make a point.
Maybe you should ask other people how they see you as first before you come to conclusions about your masculinity first? You are being too hard on yourself

how did you change? thats a big jump.

>Maybe you should ask other people how they see you as first before you come to conclusions about your masculinity first? You are being too hard on yourself

People have told me straight up that Im "too nice" and I fucking hate it. Many times I've scorned or resented people for how low they think of me or treat me like a loser, yet they get upset with me.


I was INTP in high school then ENTP in college and then ENFP for the past 10 or so years. My life is based af

Its been a year of self improvement as an INTJ.
Today was the day i checked again, maybe im changing? sure feels like it...


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MBTI isn't even professional so there are no "professional test", its the functions that are important

Im INTP and im done with coping, i want a rabid ENTP to shoot me after i beat him in an argument

What type are girls like these?

Attached: Thot.jpg (1063x1075, 808.08K)

ENTJ in UK self isolation. Been reading lots of classic books. Using this time to get ahead in the history of literature

huur huur pill say retard

The higher the power level, the higher the suffering

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INFPs or xSFxs

Wait, you don't want to be an INTJ?


I know, but how can I be sure I use the functions I think I'm using?

INTP-T moment

Just as your file name states: a thot. She even has the tumblr red nose. Unfeminine waste/10. Most likely an FP.

Whats your type? Generally, the functions are consistent but some people use certain functions over others, im an INTP with a slightly stronger Ne than Ti for example even though my Ti is meant to be dominant

Being introverted should be considered as a bad trait, just like a wonky eye, or being a picky eater. Introverts are inferior to extroverts.
Why would you not want to change?

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Cause extroverts are very weak against viruses while introverts are mainly safe, one thing that might kill one of them might not kill the other, neither is objectively superior

>People have told me straight up that Im "too nice" and I fucking hate it
That doesn't necessarily mean you're feminine lol. At least I think so. You can be both very kind to people and masculine at the same time. You should continue to stand up for yourself like that though. That's definitely one trait you shouldn't lose. How do people treat you like you're a loser exactly?

Develope your ESFP subconsiouss dumbass

>Develope your ESFP subconsiouss dumbass
Not an argument.

I see you are caught up in the letters > functions. I get you, but I would not want to be anything but an INTJ or maybe an INFJ (or even ENTJ) because I like muh Ni so much. The difference between an extrovert and an introvert is how they "recharge". In terms of naturally useful to society as a whole, I guess you make a good point.

Are infp really that moralistic?

Your morals are irrelevant if you are guided by emotions.

>either get INTJ or INTP on tests posted here
Those two have completely different functions, what the fuck?
That aside, does anyone here have a problem with being chronically late? If so, can you tell me what your type is? Being annoyingly unpunctual is one of my worst traits.

Am INFP male. Don't understand the pic in OP.

How do we battle with the INTPs?

Where is your type on this compass?

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I love you guys

Smack dab in the middle - INFJ

Overlap between Anonymous on both sides and the two boxes above. It's also where r/neoliberal places.

t. istj

reminder that MBTI is conjecture but semi-accurate so if your personality type starts with an I and you're male you are a completely worthless piece of shit with no value to women or the human race

Craziest conspiracy theories you've ever heard.


>if your personality type starts with an I and you're male you are a completely worthless piece of shit with no value to women or the human race
A lot of projection

I genuinely hope you get laid one day, I really wish you were happy.

t. sensoid

NatSoc here.
I end up on the upper end of why do people hate russia. Interesting

Hate fuck a hot nazi and the "... except for things i dont like" square above it. INFJ

>temporary radicalizing to the left
The fuck thats spose to mean. Ive held these values most of my life. I dont fucking bond with any of the E.left-Lib desc but somehow im here. huh.

INTPs will inherit the Earth. God wills it.

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You became extroverted of course you got worse
No go out partyin' and catchin' corona

Hey look, an extrie who's trying to vent his frustration and probable suicidal tendencies for not being able to go out getting drunk for two weeks

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Nowhere, political compass is retarded

And another one
My my, quarantine is truly being hard on you guys

I ethier get INFP or INTP everytime I take the test, how do I know which one I am?

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Thoughts on this combo?

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>Thoughts on this combo?
Is garfield ENTP

INFJ here
what do you think of us?
other than the Hitler shit

If you're a girl(female), pls be my gf

I think being an INFJ is boring. We are emotional sponges maybe because of our NiFe combo. Feeling what other people feel is tiresome.
Other INFJs I've met have been nice at least. But anyone can be nice if they tried to be.

I get most of my guidance from INFPs

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Garfield is a lazy fat fuck that gets sadistic pleasure from physically abusing Odie...