Why are men so crueI?

Why are men so crueI?

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she probably looked stupid. buying sexy lingerie doesn't mean she has good taste, it just means she bought lingerie that she found sexy. it could very well just look hilariously bad on her.

Women always read too much. He probably thought it was out of the ordinary
but not that she was ugly

>around valentines last year
>buy cute lingerie
>surprise bf at the time with it
>says its cute but he was too tired to have sex with me
>he just goes to bed instead

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Roastie gets what she deserves. Men aren't cruel, we're honest about all women needing to lose 20 pounds

Why do women need constant validation?
Have some self respect and think you're attractive, not because someone told you, not because someone looked at you, just a deep innate sense of attraction.

yea what a shock, men have feelings too and don't just want to fuck constantly

Post the lingerie please.

Something tells me her husband probably doesnt have a sixpack.

can already see the post


>around xmas last year
>buy cute lingerie
>surprise bf at the time with it
>says its hot and starts getting a strange look in his eye
>he asks if he can try it on
>kind of weird but okay
>help dress him up in stockings and ladies underwear
>both get turned on
>end up pegging him

That was a nice night.

This was honestly my first thought. She sounds like she's too self-conscious to wear lingerie normally so it probably caught him off guard.

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>man wants to have sex with his partner but she doesn't fancy it
>woman wants to have sex with her partner who is not in the mood

>140 lbs

lmao she needs to dump that faggot ASAP

ok pay me

I don't need to see you in it. I just want to see what you thought was cute. Even just a screenshot of the outfit from Amazon or where ever you bought it would work.

>140 lbs

Decent starting weight, but she really needs to eat more.

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Why? Thats fucking creepy lololol.

it was this but i also bought a garter belt + thigh highs to go with it. and a collar

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What does that have to do with anything?

>>>Something tells me that the wife doesn't earn six figures.

Stop being egalitarian.

I wouldn't call it cute, but it is certainly sexy.

If you dont take care of yourself you have no right to complain about your partner doing the same. He probably doesnt earn 6 figs either, so quit moving goalposts.

I'm not being egalitarian. I am saying that women have it both ways. A man withholding sex from their female partner is listed as a part of domestic abuse. But a woman witholding sex from a male partner is considered a normal situation.

Something tells me you might be insecure about your weight too

If you arent ripped dont complain about your wife not looking like a VS model.

To be perfectly honest, some guys just think of something really funny at inappropriate times and can't help it. What am I supposed to say, "sorry hon, I wasn't laughing at you, I just remembered this clip of a fish with legs screaming"?

i feel sorry for the guy. I've laughed at stuff like this before. not like a funny haha laugh, but a surprised one. I feel sorry for the guy that his wife projected her own insecurities on his reaction so blatantly. she needs to fix her own damn self-esteem.

Why are women so cringy tryhards

>around Halloween two years ago
>buy sexy lingerie
>surprise bf at the time with it
>ask if he'd fuck me
>he replies "I'd fuck me"
>jerk off in front of a mirror the rest of the night

>woman wants to have sex with her partner who is not in the mood
>just fucking cheats on him
>I don't feel special anymore :(((
>divorces you and takes half of your shit

Based wife tbqh.

Women can cope with that shit, they aren't nearly as visually oriented as men are when it comes to sexual attraction. Just spend a bit of time some place crowded and people watch the couples that go by.
8-9/10 women CONSTANTLY pairing up with goofy looking dudes, they care more about energy and charisma.

Your insecurities are showing my friend.

Is this from Wish?

Watching a lumpy blob try to act sexy is horrible. Good for him not sitting there, forcing himself to pretend to support her self delusion

Its his wife you retard. Ever heard of love?

Most men would unironically do the same if their wife didn't put out.

>5'3" 140 lbs
>overweight but not obese
ok, piggy

my ex did shit like this
never want to date a woman with these kinds of problems again

edit: thanks kind stranger for the reddit gold

You can truly love someone and still think she looks ridiculous in lingerie. The flip side is if the husband tried to act like Rambo - she'd probably laugh bc it's out of character, not because she doesn't like him or the act

She went to the Internet to vent some emotions and then she'll get over it. Women always get over it bc they're the species' keepers of the status quo

I really hate reading these Reddit posts. People are purposefully designed to give a biased account of a situation and when they present it on Reddit they effectively reduce all the answers down to a single one. Not one reply to that post will say "hmm but how strong was his reaction, we need more information". Every single reply will be the same response of "fuck him". Even though he may have been purposefully innocent in his response.

We humans can be in bad moods because of simple hunger pans effecting our mood. Yet people have this new online tedency to "automatically believe" every story they hear even though the wording of them is always incredibly bias one dimensional account of a situation with multiple witnesses. It is like asking the mob for a direction, the mob only moves in the single direction burning as it goes.

The "advice" will solve nothing and provide nothing, just discord. When the only real fix would be telling him her feelings and talking them through. Instead, it will boil down to passive agression and either a fight with a resolution (like sex) or more likely festering arguments leading to petty disputes down the way.

And of course because it is a woman's body it fits neatly into that narrative just helping the reponses. As always. When I listen to a witness statement in a report I can tell what is bollocks. It is pretty simple. And most people cannot give decent detail to scenarios.

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>rambo LARP is the same as lingerie

Wee-woo, retard alert.

Theres a difference between being a bodybuilder and just not being a fatass. But maybe to womens minds there isnt.

women say they date men not boys well but me a man? I'd sure love to date a women not a fucking baby girl

Ultimatel no one goes to those subreddits for advice. People know the answer and they don't want to do it. Talking is too hard because they will squabble. So all people want is "someone on their side" to prove they are right.

roasties have no self awareness lmao

Guarantee that she was bitching about her husband to one of her friends or family, probably either about his tiny dick, how he doesn't fuck her like he used to, or how he doesn't make enough money to make her happy.

I'm these video gaming millennial couples it really is. They're half a step away from calling each other 'besties"

men and women are not orignooly equal

Everyone likes a skinny woman. Nobody likes a skinny man. Lift you lazy skinnyfat faggot.

>Have some self respect and think you're attractive, not because someone told you, not because someone looked at you, just a deep innate sense of attraction.
We. Don't. Work. Like. That. Women need validation, because we need validation. It's intrinsic. Don't expect to understand it, just accommodate it, damn.

It's like cuddling. You don't really get that, either, do you? Can you sit in a bathrobe and cuddle up to your dad and your uncle, and feel totally comfortable? No? Well I can, with my mom and my aunt, we'll drink wine and watch a Hallmark original movie and it's fun. There's nothing sexual, there's nothing weird, the satisfaction, of being close to someone you trust, your stupid boy brain can't comprehend it.

Or like violence. I've seen Dirty Harry, and Rambo, and The Warriors, and Mad Max, and Precinct 13, I play Pathfinder with a group of guys and we watch movies together sometimes, and then they talk about what they'd do in that situation, how they'd optimize their performance as killers. And I'm just thinking "Why would you want to shot anyone with a .44 magnum? Why do those exist? Why not just talk things out, over a cup of tea?". I can't wrap my head around male violence, any more than you can wrap yours around the female need for validation. It's just life, we're wired differently.

Because your erection ruined it.

As a guy with a low self-esteem gf, I can tell you that there's nothing more paranoid than a girl with low self esteem. In that situation even if the husband had a massive boner and immediately started jackhammering her against the wall, her post would read : "it's like he was trying too hard, he was probably forcing himself because he thinks I'm uglyyy abloo bloo".

Men can be too tired to have sex. Men are not robotic stallions.

As long as you're fine with getting raped by the entire village. Yes, the village idiot too.

does anyone think lingerie is attractive? I'd rather see a woman in a bikini than lingerie

Not what it is, but what it represents

God I wish I was him.

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This board is a black hole of complete bullshit.

And oh my fucking God, there we go, there you are with the RAEP. I say, "Say nice things to women when they expose their bodies to you, so we feel good about ourselves", and you counter with "Okay, but everybody gets to rape you. Everybody." The fuck is wrong with you? How is that remotely proportional?

What should we do to stop people like you from becoming people like you? Should girls like, just, start fucking every guy on their 14th birthdays, set up a duty rota, so they like us all and don't become violent misogynists? Is that what it will take? I just don't know.

It's like I said, I just don't understand the male mind. I can't imagine why you said something so mean to me when we're strangers on the internet. Maybe I should stop posting here, I get way too many rape threats. I thought that if I showed up and was nice and just told people candidly how I felt, people might like me, but no, just rape threats. I just wanna die, now.

I just want to die.