Atheists are so fucking stupid
Atheists are so fucking stupid
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Why are all atheists such losers?
Daily reminder that you can't prove or disprove the existence of God, and if you had any brain left you wouldn't make assumptions or even asking yourself that question knowing that you will never get a concrete answer.
Agnostism is the only rational position possible, although not all atheists subscribe to scientism.
Based agnostic user
That description of agnostic is wrong. Agnostics don't know if God exists or not. They don't answer either yes or no. They only answer "I don't know". A Gnostic is someone who knows God exists, an agnostic is someone who doesn't know whether God exists or not.
I mean it didn't sound like he was trying to define agnostism, but his position is clearly agnostic.
>Not all atheists subscribe to scientism
Generally this happens because atheists are generally either "impulsive" or busy people who prefers to answer with a short question instead of actually think about it, or edgelords raised in extremely religious homes (ironically, those end up worshiping other kind of stuff, like political movements or role models lmao)
take some personal responsibility you pathetic cunt.
>he doesnt know science is literally based on facts and evidence
>he believes in a book written by schizophrenic white people yeas ago
Meanwhile, the Pope is the de facto king of the paedos
>l-look this fruit fits my hand that must mean some man in the sky made it and it doesnt simply exist just because!
If that's true then what's keeping my cock from fitting in perfectly into his daughter's pussy? What's wrong with me just fucking her because the size is right and god made it that way?
>oh n-no sex is wrong because god said so!
Pick one.
>white people
it was desert jews
Based pope getting more mad tigh pussy than you ever will
Pic midly related
You have no personality. Pic related is (You)
So you blindly believe in what other people tell you as long as they say they have facts and evidence behind it? Yes, this isn't hypocritical at all.
Are you fucking retarded? Scientists always have evidence and the shit about blackholes is just a theory no one even fully understands them yet.
There are no facts and evidence regarding God's existence besides the bible, which is a complete shitshow because everyone has different interpretations on it and none of it is even clear. Literally anyone could have written it because it's so old, and you expect me to believe it.
You're so gullible.
Can you show us some evidence of black holes, user?
I'll do that after you show me evidence of god.
So in other words, you cannot show me black holes are real like you just said you could.
You should not lie about what you can, even if you really want to win the discussion.
>it's been 10 years atheists still seethe at this
>the most prominent atheist YouTuber was so mentally destroyed by this he shoved a banana up his ass
>I'm too lazy/stupid to research anything so therefor anything could be true.
I don't know how you got to the point where you think that way, but it is profoundly dumb.
If you're over 15 you should feel bad and tell your teachers that they failed you.
There are scientific experiments a child can perform to test hypotheses, your fifth grade teacher should have had you do some. I hope you were paying attention.
Holy shit you're so stupid. I can show you that shit easily, and you know there's evidence. I ask you to show me your god exists before I waste my time. So do it.
>inb4 ohhh so u cent showz me le evidenz
You first faggot.
>inb4 le u juss kno isa feeling
That's now how evidence works retard.
>le microscopic teapot orbiting the sun """""argument"""""
When your entire faith revolves believing experiments you don't know a about and calling people how disagree names for not being as "intelligent" as you.
Truly pathetic.
It's a shame, isn't it user? See he has what is called low iq, so naturally, he's stupid and can't follow along all that good. There's a reason we have a higher iq than people of his kind that dedicate their lives to literal fantasies.
>it's been 10 years and atheists are still laughing at this
And this evidence is what? You say that you think for yourself, but you do the most dangerous thing and trust other men to think for you, and take their word as law. These same people say trannies aren't mentally ill and that you should be ok with your people being replaced.
Your fifth grade education is irrelevant to the point, please ask your old English teacher to go over reading comprehension again.
I asked you something easy, to prove me the things you said were provable, if you cannot do it don't be sad, at least you cannot stop being a liar.
Shouldn't you be eating plastic or something tranny?
>And this evidence is what?
Evidence is something that can be presented to others, so go on and present it to me.
>You say that you think for yourself
I only asked you to show the "evidences" you so passionate preach to us. Can you do it, mister liar?
ta da! or maybe this is just a picture of your asshole...
So your proof is a draw? No math, no evidence, no arguments... you want me to have faith on that draw?
Not guy you're replying to, but let me play Waffle' s advocate here. Let me first start out with this statement: "There is no universal definition for a God/Goddess/Deity". Let me work from there. If there is no universal definition for a God, then a God can be any numbers of aspects or sets. A God can be omnipotent, but a God doesn't need to be. A God can be omniscient, but doesn't need to be omniscient. A God can be sentient, but doesn't need to be. A God can exist in tangible reality or be a truth, but doesn't need to be. But since we're talking about proving the existence of God, let's just add the arbitrary axiom of "God exists" of course, with the definition of God currently being an empty set. Now since God can be literally any set of aspects, properties, ideas, etc, we can say that the air you breathe is God. And since there is no universal set of definitions or properties that define God, I'm within my rights to say that the literal air you're breathing right now, all of its chemical properties down to the atom, is a God. And since I've defined God as specifically the existing groupings of air molecules you are literally breathing into your lungs as God, God exists, because the groupings of air molecules you are breathing into your lungs right now, exist.
>still no evidence of god
>BTFOing himself
>still reads the bible and waste hours in church like a cuck
im laffin
That was a stupid copy pasta, allow the guy what he belief can be proved provide us with some sort of proof. The way he said made it seem so easy to just prove what he believe is right, so let's give him a chance.
I love when this happens. Christians are some of the most narcissistic, sociopathic pieces of shit out there. They think they're good people for reading a book, yet piss them off and their true colors show. Yes insult me please you oh so amazingly faithful man. You're such a good person. At least I know I'm a bad person and admit it, when are you gonna wake up and take responsibility?
>can i get a quick rundown on advanced/theoretical physics?
i can't tell if you're joking or not, but maybe you should ask that tho one of the people who dedicate their lives to the pursuit of such knowledge :^)
>I've this "image" of a black hole so black holes need to exist, no I don't know the science behind it, but a powerful science man said it's true and I've faith on him.
here have a proof Hitler is killing migrants.
>35 replies
>16 ips
just like I like 'em
>You should ask people that know about black holes, instead of people that doesn't know about them and only have a religions faith on their existence
user, can you give me the contact of someone that knows quantum science, instead of simply believing really hard it must be right?
I literally proved God for you, what more do you need lol.
It's real fucking funny that mere mortals think gods don't exist when you probably are the outlier in the universe. The spiritual world is much older and has long been hidden away because of retards like you who would shit up the place.
There are probably a quadrillion angels, spirits, demons everywhere hell even a book of their names but your puny brain won't be able to comprehend them.
Besides that there is physical and archaeological evidence. The historicity and non christian accounts of Jesus and his miracles, remains of Noah's Ark, Shroud of Turin, Giant skeletal remains of Nephilim. Grow up dude, cuz one day you'll die and realize u were wrong.
actually i do know the science behind it, and with you choice of search engine, and with a marginal amount of effort, you could too.
i dont know any quantum physicists, but there was a diverse range of other physicists at the collage i went to, so a local collage is a good place to start, here's the list of physicists from the collage i went to
So you don't know quantum physics yourself, you don't know any quantum physicist, but you've went to the same college a few physicists had. That's all you have to prove me black holes are real?
Maybe someone on that list know about black holes, but your "knowledge" about black holes nothing other than faith, without any form of evidence or proof you could provide me?
This is called the teleological argument. Of the 3 classical arguments for the existence of God, I find it to be the least convincing. Just because something *seems* to be engineered for us means nothing, we've adapted to our environments and they've adapted to us so of course there will be patterns like this found all throughout nature. That doesn't indicate an intelligent designer in my opinion, and it certainly doesn't imply the necessary existence of God. The cosmological argument is much more convincing to me, as it is plays off the laws of the universe which are universally held true, primarily those surrounding motion and its contingency on outside forces. Even then, though, it's pretty up in the air.
And don't get me started on organized religion, that's basically just a cult. There is still plenty of rational debate going on in the modern world discussing whether there is *a* God, and you think you have it all figured out because you have a neat narrative starring one of a few select prophets? I get that it's a cultural phenomenon to help y'all make meaning from the cosmic void but still, be honest with yourselves here. It's our duty as rational beings to be better than that, if you ask me.
Your argument has deteriorated from
>We both technically have "faith" in something, don't be so cocky
>you don't have a complete, comprehensive understanding of the current science, therefore your faith in these claims, which are substantiated by empirical evidence and years of research, of which you are familiar with, are equivalent to my belief in unsubstantiated ones based entirely on faith and fallacious consensus.
Like come on dude, seriously?
>you wanted to say this, but then you wanted to say that, so you wrong
I only asked you to show me the evidence and proof you claimed to have, what you called "substantiated by empirical evidence and years of research" you claimed with such pride.
Instead I got a variety of insults, a random pic, a list of graduates and rather strange claims on what I meant to say.
How can I take you serious when you fail to show me something that simple?
Your "evidence" is bunk. I don't need a scientist to know that mutilating your genitals is a mental illness, or a person refusing to eat meat and single mindedly screaming at anyone who does so is mentally deficient, but scientists not only approve of these things but are among their number. Logic beats your modern onions science any day, math is superior to your tranny studies. Deal with it.
Samefagging is pathetic, you should read a book
Oh shut your whore mouth. Don't tell me what I believe or how to do it, you homo. I'll insult whoever I want because I feel like it.
>oh yes, me can insult u but u can't lelelel
Dilate and seethe, tranny nigger.
>Your "evidence" is bunk. I don't need a scientist to know that mutilating your genitals is a mental illness, or a person refusing to eat meat and single mindedly screaming at anyone who does so is mentally deficient, but scientists not only approve of these things but are among their number. Logic beats your modern onions science any day, math is superior to your tranny studies. Deal with it.
Imagine doing such a show because someone asked you to show some evidences you said (probably a lied) you had.
they aren't stupid user, they're just blind. you can say the same things about people that arbitrarily believe in god.
It's not my "evidence", it's the evidence about black holes being real you said were real, but still failed to present.
If I asked something too hard, I can ask something easier.
What are you even saying at this point? Never did I say I was going to provide evidence, the only one who said that and didn't provide was you. Imagine calling people liars because you yourself are lying. Clearly a mental illness.
it's pretty easy to understand the concept of black holes and they are much more believable than a timeless spaceless immaterial being who exists outside of the universe and wants you to believe in it.
>Never did I say I was going to provide evidence, I said this evidence exist somewhere, even if I'm unable to present it
Sound like a lie.
>it's pretty easy to understand the concept of black holes
It's great that it's easy, can you give me an explanation on the concept or you expect me to believe because you said so.
Holy shit, why is Hitler doing that? Why is he so fucking big? That is some weird shit m8.
Well, because it's *NOT* simple, not at all. It's something people have devoted their lives to and only barely scratched the surface of. Our current understanding is based on *tons* of research that employs math that would make most professors' heads spin. Some of the evidence for black holes, however, include but are not limited to:
>Our current understanding of physics aligning with the existence of black holes (Such as motions of stars orbiting Sagittarius A)
>Gravitational phenomena in the cosmos that can only be explained by said phenomena
>Detection of gravitational waves emerging from black holes
>Observation of accretion discs of matter around black holes, held by their centrifugal force
>Flicker of X-ray level frequencies at regular rates from black holes
>Black holes being the only current explanation of gravitational phenomena observed at the center of most galaxies
And even more recently, there's things like microlensing that can hypothetically be explained by black holes.
This isn't just some guess, it's a robust, observed phenomena that is agreed upon be experts who have understanding of empirical evidence in the situation and have no problem saying "we don't know", as they have with so many other things, like God for instance. Meanwhile, no one can agree on God for more than 5 minutes unless you go to the exact same church.
Also saying one thing and then changing your argument while presenting it as the same argument is called moving the goalposts, and it's a logical fallacy. Don't act like you did nothing wrong by
>wanting to say this, and then wanting to say that
I think you're confused, I'm not even that guy. All I said was that the human gods you call scientists are frauds and trannies bent on destroying the west and killing your people, assuming you're not just a jewish tranny. I never claimed to be here to prove anything to you with some scientific process. Your fields of study have been infiltrated and used as propaganda for leftism. A virus has taken over and you are enabling it.
I refuse to post any evidence, but such evidence exist and you're dumb if you don't believe even when I categorically refuse to present any evidence, but this evidence exist beyond any possibility of doubt.
>I am a pedophile who rapes kids and has a small cock
See? I can also put words in your mouth that you didn't say.
So you lack the knowledge and evidence to understand of proof black holes, yet your faith on their existence is not faith, because it's SCIENCE! ?
you specified QUANTUM physicists, astrophysicists and astronomers would be who you are looking for. and do you LITERALLY want me to explain physics to you? you might as well ask me to teach you how to fly a jet through the medium of pictochat. you went to school right? if you really care to know, you are gonna need more schoolin'. also there are various online programs that can help you get a better understanding though. i recommend great courses plus.
I want you to explain me the very basics about detecting black holes, things like gravitational lens and trajectories, so I can know they are real instead of believing based on your excuses to not explain as evidence.
No, I just explained that I *do* understand black holes, and the science surrounding them, and my belief is justified by observable phenomena. I didn't just pull that stuff out of my butt, I studied astronomy quite a fair bit in college because it's cool as fuck, and I did projects and tests to check my understanding of the underlying phenomena. It has nothing to do with faith, it has everything to do with rational belief based on things that have been proven, some of which I *just* listed, and you chose to ignore for whatever reason, opting instead to say
>you lack the knowledge and evidence to understand of proof black holes
when that's blatantly not true based on what I said.
If you mean that I don't have a complete history of every mathematical proof in the books stored in my brain, then you're just reaching ridiculous skeptic territory, and at that point this whole conversation becomes useless because according to that interpretation you literally cannot know or understand anything about the universe truly, as nothing is reliable, not even your senses, therefore faith is all that's valid. That's the vibe I'm getting right now from your argument.
>an explanation
>an excuse for not being able to provide an explanation
Both of them are welcome.
Things like "You're too dumb to understand", "I know but I won't tell you", "take some link for and explanation, I don't even know what's there" are not welcome.
Can you do it?
>I just explained that I *do* understand black holes
Ok, show me a few of the things you understand
>my belief is justified by observable phenomena
Ok, show me a few of these observable phenomena
>I didn't just pull that stuff out of my butt
Ok, show me a few of the places you've learned it
>I studied astronomy quite a fair bit in college because it's cool as fuck
Ok, show me a few of these things you've learned studying.
>I did projects and tests to check my understanding of the underlying phenomena.
Ok, show me some of these projects.
>it has nothing to do with faith, it has everything to do with rational belief based on things that have been proven
Ok, show me some of these proof, please.
>some of which I *just* listed, and you chose to ignore for whatever reason
Ok, show me some these things you listed, maybe I've missed them.
I alreayd know you can make many claims, seven of them to be exact, but why you don't show what I asked yo support any of those claims?