If you're not trying to become a saint, how are you ever going to follow the footsteps of God?

If you're not trying to become a saint, how are you ever going to follow the footsteps of God?

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Simple: I'm not trying to

What does the world offer you?

I seek no redemption

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>If you're not trying to become a saint, how are you ever going to follow the footsteps of God?
by taking on personal responsibilities and try to make a positive difference in peoples lives.


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Pleasure, joy, interesting challenges, and deeper meaning outside of materialism if you know where to look.

>Pleasure, joy, interesting challenges, and deeper meaning outside of materialism if you know where to look.

and then you die and have to face judgement from God.

What if God doesn't exist? What if you realise you lived all your life worshipping something which doesn't exist?

>judgement from grouchy dickhead who has nothing better to do than moral police people without doing shit about it
God is just your average Yas Forumsfag

I don't want to be my mom

>Created humanity
>Documented the lineage of humanity
>Performed miracles
>BTFOed kings
>Predicted the rise and fall of Israel
>Came to the earth as Jesus
>Died for our sins
>Rose from the grave, not even the romans knew where his body was
>His followers went to their deaths preaching that he rose from the dead, and that he was God

Geez user, it's too much of a coincidence.

you realise how dum this fucking question is?

Yas Forumsfags are degenerates by God's standards, you seem to be angry at God user.

God didn't even know about the dinosaurs. For a guy who supposedly created the entire world, he doesn't seem to know about his own creation. Could it be cause, hmmmmmm, maybe it's a bunch of humans who wrote those books after all?

Who said he didn't user? God clearly showed a dinosaur to Noah God called it a behemoth.

>God didn't even know about the dinosaurs

When did God tell you this?

Show proof. orgario

Lmao my bad it was Job

Job 40:15-20
15 Behold now behemoth, which I made with thee; he eateth grass as an ox.

16 Lo now, his strength is in his loins, and his force is in the navel of his belly.

17 He moveth his tail like a cedar: the sinews of his stones are wrapped together.

18 His bones are as strong pieces of brass; his bones are like bars of iron.

19 He is the chief of the ways of God: he that made him can make his sword to approach unto him.

20 Surely the mountains bring him forth food, where all the beasts of the field play.

21 He lieth under the shady trees, in the covert of the reed, and fens.

22 The shady trees cover him with their shadow; the willows of the brook compass him about.

23 Behold, he drinketh up a river, and hasteth not: he trusteth that he can draw up Jordan into his mouth.

24 He taketh it with his eyes: his nose pierceth through snares.

What about other dinosaurs? That only describes one species, and dinosaurs existed long before the flood chronologically.

If you trust God who never lies, you'll know that the earth isn't that old. Job was alive after the flood, and God only showed him the largest dinosaur to take Job's breath away. After showing him the dinosaur God showed Job the complexity of the universe, and how Job has no right to question God's wisdom.

Science and many historians disagree with you, but whatever dude, if believing in God makes you happy then do that.

These are the same scientist who tell you that radiometric dating is accurate, that evolution is real, and that belief in a God is a mental illness. And the same historians that said that Hittites weren't real, or that Jesus never existed. But whatever dude, if you want to ignore the obvious and live your life, that's fine by me, am happy that you were warned. Just don't complain to God when punishment comes to you.

>Hittites weren't real
Literally who said this? It's universally agreed on they exist, just like the ancient Egyptians. What "scientists" are you listening to?

The same mainstream historians that say that Jesus wasn't real, that the dark ages were bad, and that people thought the world was flat.

>'trying' to be a Saint
Is that how it works? If you do good works not for their own sake but for the personal glory of Sainthood then would you be one at all?

Why do Christians get off on trying to guilt and malign people?

The dark ages WERE bad. It was one of the worst periods of Europe. And you're mixing shit all over the place, nobody says the world is flat.

>nobody says the world is flat.
You may want to tell your colleagues in academia that.

>And you're mixing shit all over the place
No, you're throwing everything you can't to ignore the fact that men get things wrong.

>Why do Christians get off on trying to guilt and malign people?
that's a trait not unique to Christians.
so, why do people guilt and malign others?
because they feel their own values and morals undermined.

Guilt trip? Oh no please continue to live your sinful life, am just warning you because Jesus commanded us to warn you. Had it been up to me i wouldn't have said anything because i dont want people that i don't like to crowd heaven.

A saint is someone that doesn't sin user.

Ok, then why do Christians dress up their maligning with holy speech so that it will be considered benign? Why not just be more outright vicious?

How do you respond when you're warned in the same way?

Sorry I did too much, some with my very sister, is not happening

Nobody who says Jesus isn't real, thinks the world is flat. You're mixing beliefs to make yourself look good, it's usually creationist christian retards who think the world is flat.

What if I lived my whole life spiritually fulfilled and leaving a positive impact on the world you mean?

I listened and realize that i was doomed if i didn't repent and obey God.

>Ok, then why do Christians dress up their maligning with holy speech so that it will be considered benign? Why not just be more outright vicious?
can you give me an example of that?
you are being very general here with your comments.

What positive impact? Religion by far, has been one of the leading causes of the greatest tragedies in humanity. So many wars, so much abuse, so much killing has been done in the name of God. You're worshipping a literal demon.

By exposing the corruption of religion and destroying the very fabric of faith in anything but morality itself.

A relationship with God isn't a religion user, not unless your relationship with your parents is a religion as well.

>destroying the very fabric of faith in anything but morality itself.
Wow so where does morality come from?

Which religion is the right one, out of the many thousand which exist?

>A relationship with God isn't a religion user, not unless your relationship with your parents is a religion as well.
I thought atheist were smert bois

What God are you having a relationship with, you retard?

>Using a capital G without knowing that the god of the bible is the the only god therefore all who believe in him write his name as God.

So you're a Christian. God you morons are so unbelievably pedantic.

You know damn well what I mean, stop grandstanding. Christians malign people, but they do it by casting their victim in the role of some contemptible biblical figure or pointing out how their victim is failing to live up to religious laws (laws which will conveniently change at the whim of the persecuting Christian). It is intended to make their target into a villain, or a laughing stock and invite more abuse and to convince people that it is ok to abuse them. It really is hate speech, but the Christian will then say "Hey, I'm just the messenger. You're angry with God." But that very same Christian will defend a friend or family member from the same behavior if they see someone else doing it, because they recognize it for what it is: malice.

>can you give me an example of that?
Have patience, despite being "Christians" most of them don't have read the bible.

Atheists are always the most self righteous people. It's funny

I'd bet 10 bucks you're Americans, all American Christians I've met were just like this.
It's of being quiet, meek and humble many decide that being "saved" by God is something to proud and all others are inferior.
As a general rule, if a Christian don't know how to be in peace and quiet, he is not a good Christian.

>You know damn well what I mean
no I don't give me an example.

Except that it is a religion if you are either attending a church or if you are reading the bible (as the bible is a set of specific books canonised by church authorities, by reading the bible are subscribing to their policies).
And just read the smallest fucking bit of moral philosophy please if you really are so ignorant that you think god is the only explanation/justification for it. Fucking religionfags man...

Atheists in general are less insufferable than many many Christians I've meet. God, I still remember when I was converting and tried to visit a Methodist church.

Not everyone can/will study and understand moral philosophy, you should at least understand the value of religion to society.

What value? Why do you keep ignoring actual questions that get asked in this thread and just keep saying the same dumb shit over and over.

I'm pretty much a saint expect i'm not religious

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Before anything, I'm not the user you were talking with.
What value? Not everyone is capable of following or even understanding abstract philosophical morals, no society can work while most are being egoistical and not caring for the common good.
The watered down "religion" that is given to the people is perhaps the greats pillar of civilization.

All the morals and teachings in religion existed before religion even was a thing. Wanna know what religion really accomplished? Look at the bloody history of religion. How many innocent people died, how many countries waged war because of it and so on. That's what your religion did to society.

I always clean up my cum after fapping and that makes me a saint. What should my saint name be?

Religion is as old as mankind, organized religion may not be that old, but it's an integral part of civilization.
No matter how much you hate or love it, it'll exist anywhere were civilization does exist. It's not really a matter of choice.

Except it is. Just as we created religion, we can also erase it.

It's still stored on the hard drive though

Can you give me a single example of a civilization that managed to not have a religion? It can be from any time or place.

Modern, western civilisation.

It's mostly Christian, unless you're only counting a few major cities as the whole civilization.
Your form of delusion is strange, most usually say USSR (that was mostly Orthodox) and Red China (mostly Chinese folk religion), but naming a civilization where more than half of the people follow one specific religion is just strange.

>western civilisation.
founded on religious beliefs.

Not only founded, as it's mostly Christian. With the exception of Czechs republic every single western country has a majority or religious people.

>mostly Christian
Not really. USSR and the greatest peaks of Western civilizations were atheistic. Christianity rose as a response of the rise of superstition because of the crazy dictators at the time. It has nothing to do with religion.