What are your standards for girls, r9k?

What are your standards for girls, r9k?

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Literally just don't be a landwhale.

>Not a whore/thot
>Someone who is loyal to you no matter what
>Someone who loves to play and cuddle with you
>Someone who share similar interest
>Someone isn't controlled by the media and can think for herself.
>Someone who takes care of herself helathwise and isn't fucking fat/ obese.
>Someone who is willing to get married and have children.

We already had this threads about 5000 times, learn how to use the archives, normalphonenigger.

>innie pussy
>no stds
>not obese
>no tattoos
>no drawn on eyebrows
>not atheist
>no fake nails

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>Smol but not flat tiddyz
>A cute ass
>Healthy weight with nice thighs
>Shares hobbies and interests
>Is attracted to me
>Physically affectionate
>Looks after herself and her property
>Not overly loud
>Likes things orderly

>look like a girl
>have a vagina
>be hygienic
That's literally it.

How many of you meet the looks-match equivalent of the standards you're posting?

I tried dating ugly girls, not worth it. She has to be at least average looking.

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>has a penis
Thats all

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What are your interests and hobbies? Origienen

this is a pretty woman, not average.

depending on your country (namely the United Shakes of Amerifat), just being a healthy weight puts you above "average"

Vidya(Pokemon and shit)
Hiking (Been doing that with m mom while trapped at home)
Learning Piano
Having some random obsession that I happen to develop at that time

India would be a good fit for you user

>Not fat (chubby is ok)
>Not ugly (minimum a 6/10)
>Not crazy
>Low bodycount
>No STDs
>Shares some of my hobbies and interests

>not fat
>nice ass shape at the very least
>will go as low as 3/10 if they have a nice ass.

aslo she can't be annoying

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Groin area is not pigmented with shit
Not too fat (Still looks proportionate, doesn't have a huge gut and skinny legs, etc.)
Doesn't have danger hair style (dyke style/rainbow hair color)
Clear skin/tits/ass are a plus

well if she gives me the time of day that's a red flag

I think I meet your standards desu. What's your age?

19 years as of July 2019.

Great kisser

As long as Im comfortable around her and she isnt obese I couldnt really care what she looks like

Where do you live? Do you have contact?

cope roaster

I live in NZ I suppose i could figure out how to get discord working if you'd like.

dont be fat is #1. a lot of women freak out at this and start screaming about how they have weird patches of cellulite, they don't have good fat distribution, they don't have curves. yea that's fine, you can be normal weight with an ugly body too, but for me its always better to be normal weight than fat. i'll take all the cottage cheese in your thighs over you actually look like a jar of cottage cheese.

>likes me
>prefers conflict resolution over conflict avoidance
>not submissive
>shared interests
>good sense of humor
>at least somewhat physically attractive

>good sense of humor
Damn right, a girl that can genuinely make me laugh is worth a gallon of gold.

My standards doesn't mean anything, Non of the vagina owners and operators on this board live anywhere near my 3rd world shithole.

Only one requirement: she must be EXTREMELY white(pale) and blonde.

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>nice person

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Oh, I live far. But we could talk if you want to.

Sure why not. LVCI1453#9417 (I don't actually no how usernames work).

>white (exceptions for hapas and soft latinas)
>at least 6/10 face
>at least b cups (exceptions for in shape girls with fat asses, skinny girls with model tier faces)
>shapely ass (any girl can get if she works out so I wont budge)
>not fat (thicc is a plus however)
>preferably tall

>all these anons listing individual physical traits
>hardly any desirable personality traits
and you have the audacity to say women only care about chad

>not obese
Pretty much it desu

>all these 4/10s expecting 6/10s

white, thin, fit, pretty face, fun sense of style, good hygiene, decent conversationalist. face is the most important physical feature and i prefer smaller tits and an athletic ass.

I don't think you can have a relationship with someone your not at least somewhat attracted to. Also some of these guys are just being dicks.

im all that but i'm agnostic

sure, they ought to be physically attractive to you, but it's ridiculous to have a very specific physical criteria in mind when choosing a partner...

basically, yeah.

>sure, they ought to be physically attractive to you, but it's ridiculous to have a very specific physical criteria in mind when choosing a partner...
That might be true so what would you say for yourself.

physical (ideal):
>in shape

>likes music
>likes to go outside
>wants to be a mother
>loves me
>is friendly

Unironically "not like the other girls"
Dont be a whore
Dont be fat
Thats it

> Good personal habits
> Bit of a homebody
> Stable living situation/don't be crazy
> Tolerable family
> Her own job and career, though not obsessively driven by it
> Either no kids or at most 1 young kid with father completely out of the picture
> Not into BDSM of any kind, or have any overly depraved kinks
After that it is just basic attraction. I don't think I have terribly high standards in looks, though as stated earlier she needs good habits which would likely keep her from being really unhealthy.

-Is female
As a khhv I don't think I can really ask for more than that

Not him but agnostic is way better than atheism.

what do you mean? what would my standards be?

I really want a gf who has a real personality and doesn't really follow into the "normie" or "4channer" category. I would prefer them to know and use Yas Forums but not be a fucking drone if that makes sense.

Want them to actually have their own opinions and have relatable depression BUT not be act like a faggot doomer, actually has some optimism for whatever bad situation she may be in or was in.

>Isn't a landwhale
>Isn't severly malformed/disfigured
>Fun personality that i like being around

Honestly i think i need to lower mine, im turning 21 soon and after that, me being an incel is going to get really fucking weird. If my parents start asking why i have never had a girlfriend im going to kill myself

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>wants children
>would be a good mother

shame, would've married you. at least you're not atheist scum

Yes, that is what I mean.What traits to you consider necessary for you partner to have.

>Dont be morbidly obese
>Dont be a single mother
>Dont be an addict/smoker
>Dont have STDs
That's literally it. Women cant even meet these basic standards.

I'd still have to be attracted to them, but otherwise:
>mutual interests/understanding
>easy to get along with
>not an addict
>similar age
and I can't think of anything else right now

Do girls believe in settling?

Ideal: Close to my age (30)
Will settle for: 22-38

Ideal: Intelligent and educated
Will settle for: Intelligent and wants to pursue education

Ideal: Not a NEET
Will settle for: Trying to escape NEEThood

Ideal: Healthy body weight
Will settle for: Not obese

Ideal: Close to my height (5'7") and is okay with short men
Will settle for: Any height at all and is okay with short men

Ideal: Virgin or at least inexperienced
Will settle for: Patient and non-judgmental with my sexual inexperience

Ideal: Makeup is minimal or even nonexistent
Will settle for: Makeup isn't excessive, no long fake nails/eyelashes/tans, moderate perfume

Ideal: Agnostic
Will settle for: Believes in science, doesn't think I'm going to Hell

Ideal: Likes folk music
Will settle for: Doesn't play anything too loud

Ideal: Likes movies and television from before we were born and/or from other countries (not just anime)
Will settle for: Not a giant fan of capeshit, formulaic sitcoms, cookie-cutter procedurals, shonenshit or moeshit

Ideal: Plays vidya sometimes, would like to play with me
Will settle for: Doesn't judge me for playing vidya sometimes

Ideal: Reads multiple books per year
Will settle for: Reads one book per year

Ideal: Rarely drinks and doesn't do drugs
Will settle for: Drinks responsibly and doesn't do anything harder than weed

Ideal: Wants to foster and adopt
Will settle for: No more than 2 biokids

Ideal: Wants a cat
Will settle for: Wants a dog

Ideal: Vegetarian
Will settle for: Not a hardcore meat evangelist or fad diet fanatic

Ideal: Likes to cook together and/or take turns cooking
Will settle for: If she doesn't cook then she at least likes my cooking

Ideal: Progressive
Will settle for: Not conservative

Ideal: We talk, cuddle, consume entertainment and do IRL activities together on a regular basis
Will settle for: We talk and cuddle together on a regular basis

Ideal: Admits that Star Trek is better than Star Wars
I won't settle on this.

Not alot of experience with girls but here we go:
Doesnt look alot worse than me.
Takes care of themself.
Not afraid to speak her mind (problem resolution dont avoid it).
Share my interests somewhat (Cause im really into my hobbies) , or have her own interests, she is passionate about.
Good at discussion.
Appreciates the little things (like hiking or sitting in nature).
Doesnt judge people easily.
Be able to laugh, and to think freely.
Knowing that there all always be consequences to anything you do. Even if you had no way of knowing them, then you werent invested enough in the research of youre consequence (lives no regrets life in a thoughtfull way).
Good ass.

Not all of them. Alot off the points are just more specific cases of more general categories, but i wanted to paint a clear picture.

In short:
Be honest.
Think for yourself.
Have passion.
Have a nice ass.

There ya go lads.

Owns a gun

Wants to live in a rural location

Drivers licence

These are reasonable but I think its normal to have some physical specifications, i.e: not obese or taller than me.

>Admits that Star Trek is better than Star Wars
I would argue that there's Star Wars still has a little bit of hope, while STD and Picard are evidence that Star Trek is beyond saving.

>pale hispanic
>smonks weed
>can have flatass or small boobs idrc
>shy in public but talkative in one-on-one
>deeper, raspy voice

There is no hope for any million/billion-dollar multimedia franchise in the current era. If I'm going to enjoy something from the current era, it should be low-key or outsider work. For big budget franchises, we must only look to the past.

I dont watch star trek. But star wars is beyond saving lad (espescially since 7).

wrong person dude haha

I think height and weight are reasonable, but it's silly to have a long list of specific physical traits she must possess. Plus, it's redundant when you could just say "cute".

How tall are you? Do you have any fetishes you would like to disclose?

Fair enough, do you meet many people who meet you requirements then.

>biological female
>pale or light colored skin
>can carry a conversation, doesn't resort to one word responses all the time
>not obese
>looking to date to find a life partner
>doesn't smoke/drink/ whatever vice excessively
>children maybe
not sure
>green eyes, I have green eyes and I consider it one of the most noteworthy physical traits I have to pass down to any potential children
>able to dress up and act dignified for occasional fancy dates
>no horrible mental illness
>can't think of any others right now

I don't meet many people now, but I really based that criteria off of positive experiences in the past - so I have met a few before. Before I had those experiences though, my criteria probably would have probably been more specific; I think that's normal for inexperienced people.

Preferably thin to begin with and willing to become a fucking lard mountain

So would I be being to unreasonable with my specifications.
Hobbys and interests

Thanks lad. Slipped up.

Text posted the wrong ID. This one: