Last thread died; here is an extended Ask the Opposite Gender thread
Last thread died; here is an extended Ask the Opposite Gender thread
To the 24 y/o girl who is in love with her older co-worker:
There is no "trick" to getting over someone, and stop putting yourself out of the game.
Tell him how you feel and explain yourself well, without being extra like earlier; regardless as to whether he accepts your feelings or not, you are both going to feel better afterwards. And again, realistically the worst thing that can happen is for him to not feel the same way and put a bit of distance between the two of you.
Will this devastate your career or his is he says no? (Genuine question)
Would femanons date, marry and have children with a man who is 5 feet tall?
fmoid here
why are you robots so gay
Why do femanons say they care about personality when they really care about status?
I'm 5'8 and dated a guy who was 5'2. So yeah probably.
What's the best way to convince my dog to have sex with me?
Roof roof roofie.
fembot here
user, why don't you just let go of society, if it failed you? (no, not kys, just let go)
3 inch pp yay or nay
Are you fucking retarded? The only way to do that would be to literally go live in a cabin in the woods like it's the fucking 1800s. Society is everywhere, you can't just not interact with it you dumb cunt.
How does one simply, let go of society?
Because the other option is dealing with dumb whores like you
why are you lashing out? i mean mentally, of course
you make sense of it, understand it's just a construct for the stupid masses, and things matter only if you let them
then you'll be able to do anything
Where are you, beautiful, pure-hearted user; your cause was a worthy one
Because your suggestion was so idiotic that I felt insults were the only reasonable response
where's the 4'9 femanon i wanna ask you stuff
Females: What makes a guy approachable/unapproachable?
I don't think I'm all that bad looking, I have good hygiene, I don't dress weirdly or anything, I have decent posture. I don't think there's anything that'd make me specifically unapproachable, yet women never approach me. I'm not exaggerating when I say a woman has never initiated a conversation with me, ever. At all.
What could be causing this? How do I fix it?
Women don't do much approaching so maybe you're better off taking initiative instead of waiting for things to come to you.
Guy here; chances are, women are waiting for you to initiate a convo with them; most women are submissive by nature and pretty much always require a male to take the initial action. Try talking to them about something you like and see if they like it to; treat it as if you were talking to one of your friends, except don't act like an autist.
I'm a femanon and I absolutely agree. You have to go to them.
not that user but
>it's wrong to feel entitled to women's attention when you're a dude
>it's completely fine for a woman to be entitled to male attention
the world really do be like that. makes you really wonder huh...
>Try talking to them about something you like and see if they like it too
Would it also work to just pretend to be interested in something that they're interested in? I'm fairly sure that there are basically no other college-age people with the same interests as me, let alone female ones. It seems like it would be easier to just talk about things they like, instead of forcing my boring and obscure interests on them.
It's almost like women have different opinions on things and sometimes they're opposites of what others think. Almost like they aren't some sort of hivemind.
>It's almost like
Blue checkmark
If you're just trying to smash, yeah sure if that's how you wanna be; but if you're looking for an actual GF to care about you, she's gonna leave you the second she realizes you're fake, no matter how good that relationship may seem to you.
>Blue checkmark
would a fembot give a non-thug black guy a chance
why cant girls ask about penises i want to discuss penises with girls because its cute
A bunch of the girls I work with are pretty cute, and I was intimidated to speak to them at first too; but after having some 1 on 1 conversations with them at work or by overhearing the conversations that they were blurting about, I learned a lot about them and figured out that they smoke weed, play video games, watch anime; one of them even reads manga, LOTR, Star Wars, etc. and she is god damn gorgeous.
TL;DR Women are more than they seem, despite their looks, they can be nerdy as fuck; shoot your shot
For women:
Can love exist`for women without finances being a part of it? I have literally never seen a romantic relationship where the man is poorer than the woman, let alone broke and unemployed.
Girls, how old were you when you got your first bikini? Do you feel comfortable in them, or do you just wear them because of peer pressure?
Guy here; If she needs you to be loaded it isn't "love" fuck that hoe, user.
That being said, no self respecting woman is going to be looking for a man who is also her dependent.
Star Wars, LOTR, weed, etc. are mainstream as fuck nowadays, and not things I'm interested in. When I said my interests were weird and obscure, I meant things like 1970s electronics, WW1 naval history, and NES games. Things that I can guarantee you no college girl is interested in.
Seconding. Aren't one piece swimsuits comfier?
I can guarantee you that one of those aforementioned co-worker is VERY into NES SNES and N64 games, she grew up on Nintendo games and she particularly likes Mario / Zelda / Metroid
Anyone old enough to have actually grown up with NES games is far too old for me though, I'm 19. I'm just a weird loser who likes games a decade older than he is.
>Anyone old enough to have actually grown up with NES games is far too old for me though,
>not wanting a based vidya boomer GF
I dont wear bikinis, I just wear shorts and bikini top because I'm ashamed of my body even though I'm not fat
I'm 4'10 is that ok
you could have just been my gf and id grope you and hug and tell you how much i love your body
but you chose not to
What would you like to discuss about penises ?
Dude, kids your age are STILL growing up with NES's lol; my managers daughter is around your age, and he has her playing A Link to the Past on their SNES; the dude is a fucking god tier chad dad.
So you're okay with people seeing everything except your ass?
I was probably 10 or something. I hate to wear them though, and I usually wear a one piece and clothing over it because I hate showing my body and feel uncomfortable to do so.
I mean, I'm still wearing a bikini top. And I'm fine with it, everyone wears it so why can't I?
She's probably a chestlet so what is there to see?
I was just curious about why shorts make a difference to you when there isn't very much difference as far as what's covered without them.
That kinda misses the point of his question though. It just seems odd that you say you don't wear bikinis because you're self conscious, but a bikini top with women's shorts covers barely more than a bikini does. It still leaves stomach, thighs, etc. uncovered.
>What makes a guy approachable/unapproachable?
Unapproachable: if you have no self confidence it shows, you have bad hygiene and no self awareness, i guess that's the only thing that's makes women not want to talk back to you.
>I don't think I'm all that bad looking, I have good hygiene, I don't dress weirdly or anything, I have decent posture. I don't think there's anything that'd make me specifically unapproachable, yet women never approach me. I'm not exaggerating when I say a woman has never initiated a conversation with me, ever. At all.
Existing and with good hygiene and good posture isn't the only thing that makes you approachable. I think most women right now don't have any strong feelings for you so nobody would approach you. Why don't you be the one approaching? Most women don't approach and by approaching and doing it right you can show the girl that you are a confident person.
Small titty girls are WAY hotter than girls with big tits. Big titty girls get away with being stupid because everybody wants to get smothered by their tits, but small titty girls have to be sexy in other ways, they have to use their eyes, lips, legs, etc.
Hmm that might be okay I guess.
Yes but no matter what they do, chestlets will never be a real woman, only a little girl.
Due to harassment online do you become defensive when men message you? I suspect that's why dudes seem creepy. The idea being they're outside your circle of trust.
Nah bro, Stoya is 100% a woman, and hot as fuck
Well, my thighs are kind of fat. the rest of my body is not so i'm not ashamed of showing it off. I've tried diet and working out, my big thighs just won't shrink down no matter what, its just how i am.
well shorts cover more than a bikini bottom that literally looks like underwear, and im ashamed of showing my buttcheeks, i guess its because of my religious upbringing.
What's the question you got oregano
having good hygiene and good posture is not the only thing that you need in order to make women approach you. to most women now they probably dont have any reasons to approach you unless you look really hot, so most i would say would view you as neutral. have you tried approaching women?
A lot of dudes like thick thighs; the "thick thighs save lives" meme isn't just a dumb joke. I personally love a woman who has some nice curves / thick thighs and ass. Go look up the pornstar Amilia Onyx for reference on my 10/10 body type; if you are similar; chances are some dumb wants to fuck you, bad.
You are so kind user, thank you for answering my question even after the thread died!
So many people said not to do it but you're right, I'll do it!
My hearts would explode if I had to keep all of these feelings to myself for much longer.
The only issue is that neither of us are working right now since we are in quarantine.
Should I wait for this madness to end or tell him in messages?
I might message him to check up on how he is doing.
Would that be creepy? We never exchanged numbers or social media.
>Will this devastate your career or his is he says no?
Unless he tells people about it, no.
Worst case scenario is that things become really awkward and he starts avoiding me.
Although I'm not sure how other people would react if he said yes.
People in the previous thread were weirded out by our age gap, I'm sure our other coworkers will be too.
My crush is 5'4 and I'd like him just the same even if he was under 5 feet.
So yes, height is not that important.
That's just not true. I think most people care about personality first.
You'll be spending time with this person for the rest of your life, it's important you get along well.
well i just looked it up and my body looks like hers maybe even my thighs are bigger and the waist is narrower, the thing is i have cottage cheese on my thighs and its ugly.. and it would not go away
can i spank your cottage cheese booty
Are you afraid of having manlet sons?
Holy shit, i'm so glad you came back! The best advice I can give is to stop caring about what other people care about, and just do what makes you happy (within the means of the law)
Checking up on him would be a great idea, just be casual about it and don't escalate things unless you are completely confident that he wants it.
And yeah, as long as there is not going to be any extreme long term damage done to someone's career, family, etc. I say fucking go for it! :)
If he told you what to ask that would take all the fun out of it. He obviously wants you to ask the dumbest most cumbrained questions you can think of.
>ask the opposite gender
>on a board that's exclusively male
Yeah, fucking brilliant idea, dipshit.
The "guys like thick thighs" thing is mostly a myth anyways. Guys like thick thighs that are perfectly smooth, well shaped, and in good proportion with hips, waist, and rest of the body. If you just have fat that goes to your thighs and looks like that, guys aren't going to like it.
Do 50+ squats a day and you will 100% be a pawg in no time; the cottage cheese will likely go away once you start to tone your legs up a bit
Yes but not really. I wouldn't mind if my son was a manlet, but at the same time I don't want him to be concerned about it.
well im tired of trying, nothing worked for me so far, i was underweight and they were still there on my thighs. i squatted 100 times a day and still had them, i built muscle but fat always sits at the top of them so nothing has changed.
I'm so happy to hear that, you have been of great help to me and I'm glad you came across my posts!
I'm just a little worried that he might be teased for it or looked down upon, I don't care what people think about me.
Although I'm thinking too far into future, I'm not sure what the odds are of him saying yes anyway.
I'll message him right away! Thank you so much again, kind user
Also can I fuck you in the asshole
Well fuck; if they really won't go away, just find someone who doesn't mind them or even enjoys them; or, alternatively, find a position to get fucked in where it's less obvious? Mating Press might be good, or Pile Driver.
Would you post a pic, or send me one privately if you're not underage?