
pretend trucking edition

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friday yay its the time my scottish friend check around so i try my luck !

i got nothing to do during lockdown in algeria all i keep thinking about is my robot friend plump who i miss and will probably not read anymore this message because he dont post anymore (or maybe he ignore my post because you cant leave Yas Forums we all know it)

if i knew i would miss him this much even tho i didnt meant much to him (just another puppet in his harem) i wouldnt have got in argument that got us separated ...

my sweet darling if you read this because uk is on lockdown and its friday, your old friend want to speak with you again please forgive him, dont we all deserve to be forgiven ? its not like i cheated on you or anything i'm devoted i havent betrayed you never you know me i'm a real man, keeping promises and true to his words

.... but i know deep inside me that the fact i'm not a girl destroyed everything otherwise i would be your promise, i could have tried to wear skirt makeup , i know i would be hideous but you wouldnt say i dont try


how do i get him back ? like for real i tried to become a better friend for him, read advices and the dummy book for relationship yet i dont know how to gain him back if he isnt around

i dont think he could leave Yas Forums or even britfeel have been regular for years ... he is still around and higher chance him being around during all this lockdown, this is my chance if i keep trying he will surely show up its not like it take energy to post its not like keeping friendship ...

fucked up so bad now i feel guilty, i just want to stop posting on this retarded website forget about plump but its not possible, since august 2017 when i met him it was clear that he was going to be an important part of my life

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My neighbors niece raped me again lods

how old is he lod

bog off, anime nonce

>media really excited about these antibody tests
>all it can tell you is if you have had some kind of corona before
>if you have you become a permanent wageslave toiling 18 hours a day constantly

haha thread printer go brrrrr

is this fat incel still trying this larp that failed the first time? all that effort for no result, what a creepy little virgin

She's 18 years old aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh

Why do you gays say twot instead of twat

When I eat digestives I bite bits off to make a shape or picture. Anyone else do this?

away anime dickhead

About to order a curry lads, probably a really unsensible idea rn but proper craving a Vindaloo

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What was the outcome of that? Doubt mine would care, they are Geordie Shore tier deanos.

noncenest be like
>we say twit

my fetish is to get bullied by a 18 yo girl

Who raped nubs?

>also call up Ahmed and tell him to rustle up a long pig special and bring it round, i'm starving

>Who raped nubs?
Al Gore

how about just reading with a glass of port instead of replying

>brother can't taste or smell anything
oh no


the invisble man

*body slams Plump into a pile of glass then sets him on fire*

I was totally OK with staying inside, but now the news and government are telling people not to go out I want to do it just to spite them and society in general.

Grow up you sad spastic.

I can be your lover instead, anime friend

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Hmm I wonder why personalities thrive on here, hardly like people talk to and about them all day

Has to be done de lad. Has to be done

>enjoy your vindapoo

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so I just realised Tesco cut the packaging of their southern fried chicken steaks from 4 pieces down to 2 and i'm not happy about it

Anyone else suddenly find girls wearing face masks hot?
>be walking though town
>see loads of girls in their summer clothes with masks on
>my dick rock hard
Legit think i unlocked a new fetish lads

>Anyone else suddenly find girls wearing face masks hot?
This is probably just an extension of yellow fever, since it's primarily slopes who wear them.

I don't but I guess I can understand why because it accentuates their eyes and adds a layer of mystery/danger

timmy not being dead yet makes me think this is all a hoax

>he knocked up a fat chick

There was an Indian in my town which was in the news once for being particularly unhygienic. Funnily enough I had one of the best curries I've ever eaten there.

evening plans lads? Gonna smoke a couple zoots and build some Lego while watching endless episodes of Always Sunny

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Timmy social distances anyway though. He also gets his shopping delivered and doesn't take public transport. He was isolating before it was trendy to

How big is your cock eh, lassie?

That's why I only go to McDonald's
At least you know where you stand with them

Painfully cringy lad. More like 'cannabis roll up' or 'joint'. Stop talking like a stoner faggot you manchild.

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>fit and healthy young lad had a bit of a cough
>slight improvement after a few days
>suddenly die

j-just a flu bros

Tbqh I think facemasks are pretty fucking effay and I hope they become part of our culture the same way they have been in asia for a long time
they'd make any fit look fucking sick especially if you got some kino ones

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Playing trucking till I get drunk enough to start crashing, then don't know. Solo pleasure act later for sure.

gonna roll a scooby lads

ok nice mald

>they'd make any fit look fucking sick especially if you got some kino ones

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>practice gf tells me she's preggers

Guess it's time to relocate to a nice quiet village in the valleys

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Smoking a zooty wooty

>what is a statistical outlier
it's lucky you're too stupid to be disappointed by your own stupidity

why did my post upset you? are you one of those mongs who wears trackies and thinks having your own style is gay?

Roll my zoots for tonight then play Yakuza 0 and Three Kingdoms, maybe watch something new.
lad hav a puff on zoot you uptight sperg

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Maybe she's pretending to be pregnant

>eating the same meal for the third day in a row
I fucking hate this corona virus thing

isnt this all of swindon anyway?

Can feel the coronavirus paranoia setting in big time now.

Same as every other day

Spliffs and a cycle

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Would quite like to get a cute one. They've got a lot in the east.

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bottom left looks fucking sick

*faces kekka and begins his nightly claps*
1 in 1 out hallallala
1 in 1 out hallallala
1 in 1 out hallallala

Surely having a washable one like that completely voids them?

I don't think Timmy is even aware of the situation tbqh. He seems completely oblivious.


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My Apuette gf just told me she's pregnant, I'm in fucking pieces she's already spawned in the local pond.
I can't afford 2,000 children, even if most will be eaten by predators.

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Was posted here mongboy

do what I do and block their number

damn, lets hope no more young lads get this virus or it'll kill them

Can't believe Tim is breaking quarantine to go on non essential walks.

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Drunk for the first time in months lad WAAAAAHHHHHEEEEEYYYYYY

no way i m not looking for any lover or friend, when i say lover i'm joking because i'm prison gay

you think he dont like me enough to post half of those desuarchive.org/_/search/boards/r9k.desu.meta/text/thana/type/op/ ofc i m his friend so he post about me if he is missing me

he is scottish and nice but lately i havent see his post im afraid he is ignoring me ... pff he is avoiding me because he is having fun with other guys but you know what they say

boys will be boys with their testosterone and cheating tendancies, all you can do is hope they take care of you good aswell

one day he will get bored of the rest lie he got bored of me and will come back

yes he will come back ... plump will come back ... i talked to him so many time even if he didnt know

you know, i never wanted to be his "lover" just his friend i m pretty sure not normie understand what it means having someone close to you like a friend

i lose the only thing close to a friend and you wonder why i'm going crazy, social isolation not good for anyone

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Why the fuck are you having sex without contraception, let alone with a practice gf?

oh my scottish friend used to get drunk and tell me he love me

i never drinked in my life so idk how it exactly work but if he said it while, it meant it was true like his true feeling or just a joke ?

Tenancy ends in less than a week and I need to travel to my new address. Will I get stopped and fined?

janny can you do something about this fucking weeb noncer please.

don't tell me you are one yourself

it just struck me how surreal all this is

i heard shutin did it at one of the london meets

Is BoJo gonna die lads?

Is that you redstripe lad, you theiving bastid

He better. Bloody putting mummy pretty in danger like he did.

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should I finally crack open this prosecco lads?
don't even like it but if I chug a glass it should go down easy after that