Elderly being put to death in Spain

People over the age of 65 in Spain are having their respirators removed and are being sedated so they suffocate to death as there is not enough respirators to go around for younger people.

Something has to be done.

youtube.com/watch?v=bWFr6khY2U4 (embed) (embed)

lmao, let this be a lesson to you bernie bros crying for "muh free governmennt health care the death panels are a myth bro!", this shit would not fly in america, if anything we'd prioritize the elderly and retired folks for most things, as it should be

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nah, let the faggot boomers die

Why should a society prioritize people who do not contribute to that society?

I suppose because they too once contributed to society?

>Why should a society prioritize people who do not contribute to that society?
Elderly and Retired are most sucessful than most young, and have acheived very m uch

If anything we should let the young die

I ain't clickin Dat shit Nigga

What is it

But what other option is there? Let the young people with years to contribute to society die in favour of old people that might not even make it to next week even with care?

It's sad but I don't see what other options they have

Emphasis on once.
Yes, but now they are just a drain on society.

It's a youtube video.

If they're so successful, why can't they just afford private healthcare? Why do they need to be paid pensions?

As long as they prioritize me and the people who can help me when we run out of ventilators it's all good.

>Emphasis on once.
so we should just kill people when they are no use to us? abandon the people who had made this current society go on?
Who would want to contribute to society then? If they're going to be thrown away as soon as they grow old?

>If they're so successful, why can't they just afford private healthcare? Why do they need to be paid pensions?
Thats the point retard
In europe they dont have private health care so even if you are sucessful and old you CANT just buy private health care and instead the young and poor bums are getting prioritized

Seems like they should have thought about that before they antagonized the younger generations.

That's not true. Europe allows private healthcare. Do you think it's just illegal or something?

Death used to be accepted as another part of life. It's only in the modern fucked up West that people are obsessed with clinging to life as long as they can.

This is a pandemic retard. The rules change as things happen.

Sooner or later we all grow old, and we all see the world become more distant from us. This is not a story that only impacts the elderly, but you and me as well. How do you think we'll be treated when we grow old?

>be a tripfaggot
>be a Yas Forumsfaggot
>also talk out of his ass about shit he doesn't know shit about

o i am laffing
almost as hard as i'm laffing at the boomers getting deleted by the most based plague

That depends in part on our actions now.

Do you remember or appreciate the actions the elderly did when they were young? Whatever we do now will soon be forgotten by future generations, as it has always been.
It's natural: The old resent the new and vice versa. But it is no reason to abandon them and let them die. That will be the end of society

>all the south saharan negroid youth in Spain

If you are old and you don't have people who care enough about you to take care of you, that seems to me to be in large part your own fault.

>you don't have people who care enough about you
And how would you know that about anybody?
Do you think there's anyone who is truly unloved by somebody? Who decides that? You?

It's not something that anyone decides, it's just a matter of fact. Either you do or you don't.

It's called triage, dumbass. Look it up.

so are there people who are truly unloved by everyone? By there family, friends? Can anyone know someone else's entire life and decide whether he should die or not?

The point of triaging is to ensure a more positive outcome as far as loss of life is concerned. Not to appease someone's childishly emotional whims. Keeping some fragile 80 year old on a ventilator is an unforgivable waste when you could give it to a 40-50 year old who will actually survive if put on assisted breathing.
It isn't an easy choice to make, and leaving very old people to die in a mercifully sedated haze so someone else can have a chance isn't going to sit well with anyone, but it's better than having both them and the younger people dying.

It's not my responbility to help an old person I don't know.

The reason they CAN do this is because they have a good healthcare system...the US is going to be absolutely fucked especially in rural areas once the peak hits.

>It's not my responbility
you're right it isn't out business. And it really isn't our business to comment about how they should be left alone to die as well

You do realize that even in the United States the same thing would happen, right? It's against the law in the United States for a hospital to not provide you life saving assistance even if you can't afford to pay. The only difference would be the same shit happening and people getting bankrupting large invoices that will ruin their credit.

If society was to make a judgement on who to save, society should save those who have the most to offer society, ie. the young and not the old.

We're back to square one. The major problem is that you're suggesting a society where people are viewed by their practical functions rather than a human being. If that's what you're arguing for... well.. I guess we should agree to disagree

Here i am, rock you like a hurricane with my transhumanist pill.

1) People are not numbers. A decision cannot be made to "redistribute" lives, no matter how many will profit. Keyword PROFIT. Good people can resist their bestial instinct to get a NET PROFIT and ignore the "opportunity", much like resisting the urges to rape, kill, steal to get a similar NET PROFIT.

2) It's your fault. A healthy society will not grow, bloat and consume until it can't even support its own life. Instead, it's very clear that your society does the absolute minimum to PROFIT from your labor, and will easily discard you as soon as your MONETARY VALUE declines. It does not even intend to preserve any life, only the value. You take part in it too, you do the same. Hence, your fault.

I can tell you have a lot to offer society, you fucking psycho.

The best at murder are those who preach against it.

I am not suggesting anything, I am describing the way things are. Any society that prioritizes the old over the young is doomed.

>lets the young die
>now have a bunch of old people that can't do shit
>something needs to be done

I'm not criticizing this user btw. It's natural to hate other groups that you're not a part of. I just think people should be self aware of that.

In actuality triage is based on likelihood of survival, so it's about doing as much good as possible. If the 80 year old is kept on the ventilator, and the 20 year old is denied one, there is a good chance that both will die. If we give it to the young one, then they will certainly survive.

That's not even an argument. Also, your previous argument was based on the word "should". Your whole ideology is a philosophical sandcastle.

A logical answer, but the thing we were arguing here was the morality of
>Why should a society prioritize people who do not contribute to that society?
The system itself I find logical and practical. It's just the justification behind it that I found offense

In conclusion, even though we might not have another choice, I don't think we should parade around that said choice as if it's some sort of good thing. It's tragic

Don't worry, the swine won't admit it, i can explain instead. Prioritizing people that "contribute to society" means higher economical efficiency. Take note! Nothing to do with cultural value, or moral confidence... That means higher prosperity for our friend the psychopath. In other words, he can afford 7 more grams of meat in his meals, and an additional hour of sleep every day. That is his value of human life, his value of principles.

we already do that in the states. when an elderly person is a lost cause we give them a morphine drip to shut down their respiratory system

If someone over 65 is on a ventilator for a month chances are they arent going to make it. why not give the 40 year old with two kids a chance

It's not fair, but at least the elderly are still and were still given a chance. at least we're not taking them out back and shooting them in the head

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You think you can just go around putting value on things that are without value? The only value anything has is the value that anyone anyone sees in them.
If you're old and you don't have anyone who cares about you. Guess what, you have no value to anyone.

it sucks but we don't have a strategic reserve of medical supplies to handle crises. We got caught with our pants down and now we have to save as many lives as possible.

So do 90 year olds on death's doorstep. There is nothing abnormal about dying when you are old.

Instead of deciding ethically who must die, by choosing those with the fewest years left to live, the United States says: the poor will die, the rich will live. Even if the rich want elective medical operations, they will get priority over poor people without healthcare coverage who need life-saving treatment in a crisis.

This is an argument FOR government health care, not against it.

There's a difference between dying of old age and denying a sick person health support.
In case you can't comprehend it:
dying naturally is is out of everyone's control,
the other requires an autonomous decision from someone else

refer to this
If that is your concept of value than you are a husk of a person. The only defining character of yourself is what society makes you believe.
You live only to present yourself to society.

Sorry that you just want to live like an irresponsible boomer and antagonize everyone and then when you're in need you'll complain that no one cares.

You do realize that the reasoning doesn't even have to take into consideration "who has the most to contribute to society" right? It's as simple as the simple fact that the older people are likely to die even on the respirators. Why waste a respirator on an older person that is probably going to die anyways when it could be used to save a younger person?

>antagonize everyone
Have I ever done that? If anything you are the one insulting everyone by saying they have no value at all.. That their sole function is to contribute to society until they are abandoned.

I suppose letting the elderly die because they're useless and helpless is responsible behavior for you?

If people disconnect you from the respirator because they don't care about you. What does that say about your value?
It's not my responsbility to save random old strangers.

Choices have to be made all the time in healthcare, its just now that shit was always relegated to combat zones and whatnot so your average joe just believed that everyone got to see a doctor with world class medicine. Truth is some fuckers are just too fucked to continue living or try and stretch a few more days out of, double so if they are already old as piss and cannot do much but reeeee over their 401k memes dying in real time, so its better to save up for the younger guy who still has decades ahead of him and can recover much better than the old guy who may or may not also have a bunch of health problems beforehand. Normalfags like may not comprehend this very well but thats just the way this shit goes. Catastrophic shit happens, people get in the blast, not enough to go around for everyone and their grandma. And personally, once the US gets to that level (which it will soon if the death and infection rates are any indication) it will make Italy look like a joke. Also if you think respirators will be enough for some of them you are a naive dumbass.
t. navy hospitalmanfag

y'know what we're repeating
part all over again.
Just wanted to say sorry user. I don't usually like to argue with people. You have your beliefs I have mine. I come to Yas Forums to feel comfy and not to argue with people. Sorry user, and whatever problems you have I hope it's going to be okay.

Boomercide NOW, start spreading those hoarded resources and I'll start washing hands.

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>prioritizing people that are nearly on death's door
>as it should be
are you genuinely fucking stupid?

>Do you remember or appreciate the actions the elderly did when they were young?
Yes... shipped our industry overseas and brought millions of immigramts in to drive housing prices up and wages down.

Goodbye, boomers!