Waifu General /waifu/ #362

1. Talk about your waifu/husbando
2. Be devoted to your one and only waifu/husbando
3. Let waifuism improve your life
4. Be nice!
5. Have a great time!

Last Thread:

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Questions to get the thread started:

>you are your waifu dress up for holloween, what do each of you go as?

>write a letter to your waifu as if she has been far away for a few months

>izumi has gotten me into tea, what has your waifu gotten you into that you weren't before?

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Something good came in the mail today. I've been content with a single figure and a daki of her for years, but all this stuff gives her so much more presence in the room and it feels me with joy. I won't stop trying to increase her presence in my thoughts as well, but for now, this will do.

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I love you Nao!

I can recommend it, it's both on the PS4 and Steam. Make sure to play it with a controller though.

>>you are your waifu dress up for holloween, what do each of you go as?
We'd probably just follow the current meme of the year and dress up as rick and morty or some shit.

>>write a letter to your waifu as if she has been far away for a few months
I like this idea but it makes me think about the last bit of her source, so I'll pass on this one for now

>>izumi has gotten me into tea, what has your waifu gotten you into that you weren't before?
I've actually been getting into learning Japanese again thanks to her, and being more creative overall with making music and what not.
Doing some translation of the drama cds and audio commentary is on my current to-do list, albeit with some translation help from friends.

Shit, that's awesome dude!

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This thread shows what happens when people do not get much love and attention from their surroundings so they get stuck with an idea of being with somebody that does not exists.
You all need a therapist.

Your wife is an officer aboard a warship (ocean or science fiction space). What position does she hold (i.e. engines, comms, weapons, etc.)?

They kept me in a loony bin for a month and kept interrogating me, trying to learn my entire life's story, but mai waifu is the only thing I never told them about. Now I'm out and on weak meds, and she's always by my side, so fuck you, normie.

>But my waifu is the only thing I didnt talk about
Surprise Surprise, you're a weirdo in disguise

You got that right, pal.

>implying I think I'm in a relationship with her
She doesn't exists, I just love her.

Why did it jump from thread no. 326 to 362?

I love you Bismarck, you are the star that enlightens this ocean of darkness for me

>>you are your waifu dress up for holloween, what do each of you go as?
Gehrman and Lady Maria from Bloodborne
>>write a letter to your waifu as if she has been far away for a few months
Hallo mein kleiner Keks,
How are you doing? I hope your mission went well and nobody got hurt too badly, especially not you. But now that I think about it, you should be fine with your skill. There isn't much that happened around here, but you have to tell me everything that happened when you're back, it should be soon, shouldn't it? I wanted to remember the date we can be together again correctly, but you know me, I'm bad with remembering dates. Know that I love you just like I did when you left and it hurts to have this house for me alone. But I don't want you to feel bad about it, I understand that it was necessary. Greet your girls from me, and take care of Roon, I know that she can hardly hold herself back in a battle.
I would've wanted to write more, but I don't know how to say everything I want and not make this letter half a meter long, so I will wait until you are back and I can tell you in person.
In Liebe, dein Grossadmiral
(of course I would write it completely in German normally)
>>izumi has gotten me into tea, what has your waifu gotten you into that you weren't before?
She got me interested in naval warfare and historical warfare in general, and kinda in having children I guess? At least I never liked the idea of being a father, but now I'm sometimes pretty sad that I will never be able to have a child with her and care for both of them

Nice, that's pretty cool

She is a battleship already, but as a normal person she would definitely be the first in command

That's why I never make new threads, I would surely fuck it up

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Loving Lucina Lots!
>Quick question, do you pronounce her name in the Japanese or English phonics? Lu-key-na, or Lus-ee-na?
I use Spanish phonetics: Lu-thee-na
But no, I use the English pronunciation because that's how her name is supposed to be pronounced. Lucina is named after an epithet for the Roman goddess Juno. Japanese people pronounce her name as Ru-ki-na simply because their language is quite limited on available sounds and that is really the best they could do given their alphabet. Oddly enough though, Lucina the character has very little in common with Juno Lucina, if anything Lucina would be more like the Greek version, Athena.
>phone just doesn't cut it.
I know right? I really don't want to pick up photography as a hobby but it feels like I should in order to get my money's worth of the figure. I might go try to find my old windows phone, that thing had a strangely good camera.
>big ones like Saint-Saens and Debussy.
Those are good starts. Really just let the youtube recomended videos take you on a journey. I think the Louis Vierne piano preludes are a good start. Also search up some Latin American composers, very underrated.
>Comfy in a way
Honestly, yeah that's a good way to describe it. Sure it was kind of fun shaving my head working out a bunch and driving out to the middle of the mountains to read a book and watch the sunset. Sure, I had time to read all of the official Touhou manga to that point. Sure I got a 1CC on LoLK. Sure I got to listen to weeb shit music every night. Sure I managed to save nearly 1000 .swf files from /f/. Sure, I could quote just about every single gachimuchi line. But its probably best I left those days behind me because I was starting to worry my family and what little friends I had left because I would practice throwing a brick just so I could drive down to Texas and smash a dude's face in with it. Plus I was just super angry and every day I felt sad enough to feel physical pain.

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You have to introduce your waifu to your family and friends.
How would their reaction about her/him be and would they get along together?

>I'm black Michael Jackson, she's white Michael Jackson

>Come back, you bitch. How does laundry even work?


Although it's not only the camera that counts, lights, framing and the context is also very important, if not more important. At least that's what they thought at photography class.

>You have to introduce your waifu to your family and friends.
>How would their reaction about her/him be and would they get along together?
She's pretty friendly, my friends would love her, and my family would adore her. She would fit right in with my friends, I would love to hang out with her and my friends if she existed.

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If you still wanna join the dicksword the invite should be aKNvhM, hope you can figure out the rest.

I'm glad you enjoyed the silly meme photo I found

I'd hold Captain and I'd assign Izumi as Persuer (upper deck officer responsible for getting supplies, artillery, ammo, etc.). Since she gets so shy I want to put her in a position that's with the least amount of stress social wise but also carries importance.

Just introduce her normally. Say her age and how we met.

They'd get along. Izumi is an easy girl to get along with.

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My mother would definitely make some jokes about how I must've paid her to play my wife, otherwise it wouldn't be possible for me get someone like her, but after that I think they would get along pretty well, or at least there wouldn't be any trouble because Bismarck knows how to treat others so they meet her with respect and manners. And I think I would get some jokes about how it is typical for me to get a wife that's in the military, especially in the navy

Got it

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>Also search up some Latin American composers, very underrated
16th-18th century Latin American composers are definitely underrated. They even incorporate Aztec/Inca motifs and chants into their compositions!

I think her regular outfit alone would do. But if that's not good enough an answer, she'd probably choose something fantasy-esque since it'd look normal to her. Assuming we're both that age, I'd again wear my mother's BDU as always. Sleeves covering my hands. Fantasy warrior. Modern day warrior. A cute duo.

>She's been deployed
>Scenario taking place in this universe and timeline
Alleyne. You'd be amazed with how the kids are doing in school. Your influence really did rub off on them, huh? Both me and them are eagerly awaiting your return, my little trooper, even clover, our little puppy. I hope all has been relatively well on the other side of the world. Bet your platoon is kicking ass under your supervision, eh? Please get back safe. We all know you'll return especially I. You've never been a pushover, after all. I love you.

Nature. Forests have become a lot more attractive after meeting her. When I see trash, I can't help but just rid of it from the landscape.

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>ctrl+f waifu in catalog
>first result is a picture of a destroyed 3dpd vagina
this is why I hate this fucking board

I love you Alice

>you are your waifu dress up for holloween, what do each of you go as?
>write a letter to your waifu as if she has been far away for a few months
My dearest Alice,
is everything alright? How is your mental health? Have you faced any problems recently? I miss you so much. These months without you are so horrible. We should never have been so far away from each other for such a long time. I dont want to wallow in self pity but its so depressing without you here. I feel like someone took my biggest treasure from me, like my world lost it's light and I can't appreciate it without you giving colours to it.
I can't wait for the day when we will finally see each other again.
Yours and yours, only
>izumi has gotten me into tea, what has your waifu gotten you into that you weren't before?
80's romantic disco. It's not that Alice is a fan of it, but after falling in love with her I started to enjoy this kind of music.
>You have to introduce your waifu to your family and friends.
>How would their reaction about her/him be and would they get along together?
As for my family, I think that at first they would notice that this girl almost always looks sad and depressed. They would probably want to know more about her past life but I'd tell them before to not even bring that up as she has been through a lot and it would be difficult to talk about it. I think that later after telling them a bit about her they would feel deeply sorry for her so even though Alice is an emotional girl who has sharp tongue and I could see her getting into some small arguments with my family from time to time, Im sure they would understand why she acts that way. I think that after a while and maybe spending few holidays together she would like my family and vice versa
As for my friends, Alice is a bit from different world and I don't think that they would get along really good. I guess she could just tolerate them.

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As always, numbers 4 and 3 are forum inside jokes, while 2 is completely serious.
I say this every time.


But again, re-l Mayer is uncontested for me, shes almost nice and mean at the same time but I like her
Shes not super cutesy or some high pitched voice typical anime girl.
Doesn't seem like an easily fooled person, just stand up and more serious...
Idk why exactly I just strongly prefer that kind of personality.

Am I the only one who kind of likes that anons?

>you are your waifu dress up for holloween, what do each of you go as?

I don't really do Halloween, I couldnt see her being the kind of person to do that either if she were re-l... huhue.. im not funny

>write a letter to your waifu as if she has been far away for a few months

I honestly dunno about this too, Id probably just say whats going on.

>izumi has gotten me into tea, what has your waifu gotten you into that you weren't before?

Nothing really, only thing ive been given is a standard for a companion that I know pretty much nobody IRL wouldn't meet, unfortunately. Probably sounds retarded but yea....

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I saw that too, it's fucking stupid as well because that ain't how vaginas work.

Just hide the threads anons, this board is only going to get worse, and has been for many years

>What's your waifu's star sign? What's yours?
>What is waifu's profession? Does she enjoy it?
>How does your waifu handle intense emotions? Bottle them away? React in anger? Isolate?, etc.
>What is your waifu like when inebriated?
>What superpower would your waifu have?
>In this thread, which waifu do you think your waifu is most like to be friends with? Enemies?
>Did you like your waifu at first sight or did you have to warm up to her?
>Are you satisfied with how your waifu's character develops in their source material?

My is Aquarius, hers is Libra.

She works at an arcade. She doesn't seem to like it too much.

She'll hide it around others then cry when alone

I imagine her as either very silly or the depressed drunk

The ability to see into the Akashic Records for ten seconds every 24 hours

She'd probably get along with most anybody. Her main problem is getting her into social interactions at all due to her anxiety.

Took some time to warm up to her

very much so.

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Ha. You're kidding, right? I don't even want to think about it, and I'd avoid having Misaki meet my parents for as long as possible. It'd be... just an awful experience. For me that is. For at least the past decade, my mom and dad have treated me... in a certain way. Misaki and my parents would get along well. Misaki is a very nice, sweet, smart, and beautiful girl. And my mom and dad would love her, but that first meeting would just be.. ugh. If I could, I'd just have Misaki meet them one at a time.

I have the pleasure of knowing how at least one of my friends, or at least, someone I consider a friend feels about Misaki, and I do wonder what a couple of other people I consider to be friends think about her. Though it'd just be a really weird thing to ask out of the blue, even in here. In any case, I believe they'd all get along pretty well.

>How does your waifu handle intense emotions?
While Misaki is very adept at keeping cool and keeping her emotions in check, there's times where her emotions have gotten the better of her, times where her mind was put under intense stress and... how she responds really just depends on the situation. Whether that be lying on the ground and laughing hysterically, or nearly causing a worldwide catastrophe.

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>which waifu do you think your waifu is most like to be friends with? Enemies?
Friends? Kiyohime, Elizabeth, and Kate too. Those three possess qualities that Misaki values in people, though in Elizabeth's case, and probably Kate's too, there might be a barrier of friendship that depends on whether or not the two have knowledge of Misaki's Mental Out. As for enemies, well, there's Jonathan.

>Did you like your waifu at first sight or did you have to warm up to her?
I guess it was first sight.

>Are you satisfied with how your waifu's character develops in their source material?
The only thing that really changes about Misaki throughout the story, at least to this point is her relationship with Mikoto, and that was very nice to observe the two go from rivals and enemies. To partners in crimestopping, and now to almost but not quite friends.

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Typical incels

(this is actually #327)>you are your waifu dress up for holloween, what do each of you go as?
I usually do some normal spooky thing. Like just a pumpkin mask.
Undyne would probably cosplay some anime heroine.
>what has your waifu gotten you into that you weren't before?
Proper healthy habits.
I've given up chocolate, soda, and heavier meals. I've almost lost 20lbs, and today I hit a new low weight.

>What's your waifu's star sign? What's yours?
She doesn't have a canon bday. But by UT's release date she'd be Virgo. I'm Aries.
>What is waifu's profession? Does she enjoy it?
She's had 3 jobs. Knight, cop, and gym teacher.
In my own imagination she's currently a knight still. She loves it.
>What is your waifu like when inebriated?
She's very clingy and goofy. She'll hang onto me and be almost obnoxiously loud.
>What superpower would your waifu have?
She already has super strength and can breathe underwater.
>In this thread, which waifu do you think your waifu is most like to be friends with? Enemies?
Friends with Lucina, enemies with Chara (canon).
>Are you satisfied with how your waifu's character develops in their source material?
Yes, all the characters in that game are so lovable.

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>>What's your waifu's star sign? What's yours?
She's an Taurus and I'm an Aquarius.

>>What is waifu's profession? Does she enjoy it?
Well she's still a high school student so she doesn't have any yet

>How does your waifu handle intense emotions? Bottle them away? React in anger? Isolate?, etc.
She expresses them and talks about them. Although she can jump the gun quickly and react to things strongly, which sometimes is hilarious.

>What is your waifu like when inebriated?
I think she'd be a happy go lucky drunk, just like I usually am

>What superpower would your waifu have?
Well she canonically already has a super power, and that is that she can hide from a single person.

>In this thread, which waifu do you think your waifu is most like to be friends with? Enemies?
She can be super friendly, but I think she'd be more towards herself because she doesn't really trust people.
But I think she'd be friends with most people here.

>Did you like your waifu at first sight or did you have to warm up to her?
It took me a bit to warm up to her, well, until I realized I had fallen for her.

>Are you satisfied with how your waifu's character develops in their source material?
Yes and no, I don't really like how she ends up with the MC.

Staying healthy Undyneposter! I still need to do my work out today.

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>Star sign
What? I think her zodiac sign is pisces.
When it comes to mine, I'm not in the mood to dox more information about myself. Too much has gotten out already
She's an Eva pilot, and she hates it about as much as everybody else does. No 14 year old kid wants to be burdened with the responsibility of saving the world against cosmic threats.
>Intense emotions
Rei doesn't know how to express emotions, and has Schizo Personality Disorder. She simply doesn't express them, or does in a very minor way. She's been getting better at it recently though
Probably some sort of psychic power. It's in character and she's definitely more of a mystic kind of mage
>Friends/ enemies
Unless somebody initiated first, then nobody. She wouldn't do anything on account of not knowing how.
So it would depend on the person
>first sight or warm up
First sight really. Though I didn't catch anything for her until 6 episodes in.
I am satisfied with Eva as a whole. That shit was good

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>>What's your waifu's star sign? What's yours?
We are both aquarius (why are so many here aquarius?)
>>What is waifu's profession? Does she enjoy it?
She is in charge of the Ironblood Fleet (don't know if you know anything about Azur Lane, it's basically the German Kriegsmarine from the second world war) and she likes it and cares well for the other fleet members, but she still wishes to not be treated differently by them just because she is of a higher rank
>>How does your waifu handle intense emotions? Bottle them away? React in anger? Isolate?, etc.
She isn't allowed to show any strong emotions and doesn't even really know how to do it, so she bottles them away
>>What is your waifu like when inebriated?
More open about her feelings and quite clingy to me
>>In this thread, which waifu do you think your waifu is most like to be friends with? Enemies?
She never really had friends, except maybe U-556 who looked up to her and treated her almost disrespectful, but Bismarck appreciated that because she was finally treated like a normal "human" being, but I think someone like Kana, Undyne, Lucina, Asuka, etc, someone experienced in combat. Enemy? No one, except they would pose a threat to Ironblood
>>Did you like your waifu at first sight or did you have to warm up to her?
It was basically love at first sight, I got her as the first loading screen and instantly liked her design. After that I looked up how you can get her, and found out I missed the event where she was available. After that I researched her personality and all that and fell in love with her
>>Are you satisfied with how your waifu's character develops in their source material?
She is the character with the most background and best story in general, so yes, although she is only really present for her event's story because she is killed at the end of it

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I think this Scottish archer chick is pretty groovy.

Don't expect anyone who derives all their knowledge of female anatomy from porn to understand how vaginas work.

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>what do each of you go as?
I don't think Asuka would do this really, she'd rather hang out at home or go out somewhere.
>write a letter
Hey Asuka, it's been rough without you here for a little while, but I'm holding out. I can't wait until you come back, I'm gonna give you the biggest hug imaginable when I see you again, and we're gonna cuddle a lot too. I hope life has been treating you well while you've been away, write back and tell me all about it if you can. The bed feels really empty without you there, I'm waiting every day for you to come home.
>waifu gotten you into
Soon, probably once I start Japanese classes, I'll start studying German solely so I can speak her language, but that's about it.
I wish I had a lot of Asuka stuff, it's always cool to have that sort of stuff.
Been over this a lot. My father would probably like Asuka, they'd get along since he has a way with jokes, and my mom would probably be nice to her, might shit talk her behind our backs though.
>star sign?
Aquarius, I'm Scorpio.
>waifu's profession
Eva pilot I guess. She enjoys it somewhat, but not enough to find happiness and contentment in life.
>Bottle them away? React in anger? Isolate?
Pretty much this, yeah.
>What is your waifu like when inebriated
Probably emotional.
>What superpower would your waifu have?
Not sure.
>most like to be friends with?
Not sure really. I like to imagine Asuka wanting to patch things up with Rei, since they never had the best relationship in the anime, and she might like hanging out with Bismarck, but I don't know what her personality is like at all (Bismarckfag mentioned Asuka, so I'm just trusting him with this one). She'd find anyone who really gets on her nerves or one of the more competitive ones to be a rival / enemy.
>did you have to warm up to her?
I liked Asuka from the beginning, but I only loved her when the anime showed more about her past.

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>Are you satisfied with how your waifu's character develops in their source material?
From a storytelling perspective, I think it's absolutely great. It's incredibly subtle and leaves it rather open and ambiguous. Evangelion overall is just a really interesting show. From a lover's perspective though, I can't say I like it that much. Being a waifufag, and I'm kind of ashamed to admit this, makes me less appreciative of the artistic merit because I'd like something more concrete. When usually I'd say keep the series simple and not dumbed down, being a waifufag makes me want to see all the personal quirks of Asuka like it were a slice of life series. Its a weird fence to sit on. All in all, its not bad.

Why is the thread moving so slow lately? It's usually pretty active. This is like /c/ levels of slow.

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Because of the social discord circle, I guess?

>Did anyone else really like 2015?
My life has declined since then. Everything's been worse since then, school, life, even things I enjoy like anime and music. Just now I'm rewatching ZZ Gundam. I have so many memories of when I first watched it, especially the first few episodes where it was at the end of a wonderful vacation still drunk after a great dinner, boosted by some sake my relatives bought. I laughed my ass seeing Judau and his friends in action after endless times using him in Super Robot Wars.

Five years later I rewatched it and in drunken fun laughed my ass off, but it wasn't the same. Not when I watched it alongside Symphogear GX (best Symphogear season for the music!), LOGH, VOTOMS (that chill ED is burned into my memory) and shows I eternally love. There's no chill college dorm, no cheap sake, none of it. I miss it all.

youtube.com/watch?v=lc-URIIbJrM - Thought of Kana singing this song to me the other night. The lyrics hit hard
>dress up for holloween
I'm Reinhard and she's Kircheis, we'd do a wonderful LOGH cosplay
>waifu gotten you into that you weren't before?
International soccer, Olympic volleyball (sports Kana plays/wishes she could make an international team), watching sports in general, I like my own local teams more than ever thinking how Kana would want me to watch them (fucking season's cancelled now). I make ghetto Tschunk out of the mate and rum I can buy here and am developing a taste as to which rum I mix with the mate. And so much else, learned a lot about Kana's homeland Slasja (Silesia)
>What's your waifu's star sign? What's yours?
We are both Pisceans, symbol of the current age. In Kana's world, this is the 4th Age, which started around 1 AD, and in 2000 alignment of the planets marked the start of the Age of Aquarius and conclusion of Kana's story. Jesus marks the Age of Pisces, with tradition and futurism, yet in Aquarius this has vanished. Much as my views, and even Kana's.

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Sagittarius I mean. I just woke up upon writing that, I think I saw a 2 for the month and conflated that with 12.

There's a discord now? I'd love a link

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Yeah see the invite over here, if it's still working

>you are your waifu dress up for holloween, what do each of you go as?
>write a letter to your waifu as if she has been far away for a few months
Hello Urabe. I've missed you so much, every day I long for coolness of your presence and the sweetness of your love. I hope you're doing well, and you can return soon. I love you.
>izumi has gotten me into tea, what has your waifu gotten you into that you weren't before?
She's given me an interest in art and learning Japanese. I also think cats are cuter now.
>How would their reaction about her/him be and would they get along together?
They'd get along with her, she's very polite with her lover's family.
>What's your waifu's star sign? What's yours?
I don't know her birthday.
>What is waifu's profession? Does she enjoy it?
Right now she's just a schoolgirl. She's fine with it.
>How does your waifu handle intense emotions? Bottle them away? React in anger? Isolate?, etc.
She keeps them hidden.
>What is your waifu like when inebriated?
>What superpower would your waifu have?
Some kind of psychic power.
>In this thread, which waifu do you think your waifu is most like to be friends with? Enemies?
She's typically pretty antisocial, so it's hard to say who she'd be friends with. It'd probably depend on some weird circumstances. She wouldn't have any enemies unless someone really bugged her.
>Did you like your waifu at first sight or did you have to warm up to her?
It didn't take long for me to fall in love with her.
>Are you satisfied with how your waifu's character develops in their source material?
I'm okay with it.

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The link is ded

It's the beginning of the end of /waifu/ threads then

Unironically, she'd do one of those white sheets with eye-holes. A ghost, not a KKK member.
I do have a spare T-Rex costume laying around too...
>>write a letter to your waifu as if she has been far away for a few months
It's 2020... Writing letters is now as useful as surplus weapons from WW2.
>what has your waifu gotten you into that you weren't before?
I definitely tease people a lot more after she became my waifu. I've become more fun from her, ngl.
>Us being in any position of importance
That's pretty funny. We'd be a bunch of logistics clowns.
>Introducing a ghost no one can see
If it comes up, I'll just tell them. They might see me the same, since I've always been eccentric. 'Like huh, I probably should have expected it sooner.'
It's her choice if she wants to show herself by chucking a bunch of rice in the air or something.
>What's your waifu's star sign? What's yours?
She's a Capricorn, I'm a Taurus. Never really followed Astrology though.
>What is waifu's profession? Does she enjoy it?
Highschool is pretty fun right now. Being invisible and on your last year with the no-holds-barred mindset can create some fun moments. She probably felt the same way.
>How does your waifu handle intense emotions? Bottle them away? React in anger? Isolate?, etc.
Depends on the emotion. She'll get angry when she gets jealous. She'll isolate herself if she's lonely. She's transparent about it.
>What is your waifu like when inebriated?
Most likely really, really intimate. When I get inebriated, I pretty much become the same way.
>What superpower would your waifu have?
Being a ghost lol.
>In this thread, which waifu do you think your waifu is most like to be friends with? Enemies?
People with more extroverted waifus would be friends. Those with more quiet personalities wouldn't really interact with her.

And that's all I could fit...

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>And that's all I could fit...
It's fine if you want to make multiple posts, most people do that!

I wish I never made that fucking server now.
But Reifag has put too much work into the game that I can't just delete it.

How can we speed up the thread more? I feel like dickscrod has slowed it down too much.

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We just need a decent flow of questions, and not multiple ones at once but questions that will take some thinking and have people go more into depth. Having others engage in responding and asking about anons and their waifus will also help.

If we want these threads to be good, we all have to work on it.

>What's your waifu's star sign?
>What is waifu's profession?
She works at an orphanage as a kind of maid. Her work allows her to live there as she doesn't have her own home.
>Does she enjoy it?
Probably not but she's in such a shitty situation that she doesn't really have a choice. It's still better than other offers that she received
>How does your waifu handle intense emotions? Bottle them away? React in anger? Isolate?
Alice isn't afraid to express her emotions even if they may sometimes get her into trouble.
>What superpower would your waifu have?
Being able to enter minds of others
>Did you like your waifu at first sight or did you have to warm up to her?
Kind of both. First time I saw her I was very attracted to her beauty but only after actually playing her game and learning about her personality and backstory I felt love which helped me appreciate her beauty on whole new other level and perceive her as much more than just a fictional character
>Are you satisfied with how your waifu's character develops in their source material?
It's OK, buy I wish I could know more about her day-to-day life.

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Your newfag is showing. Threads' pace is fine, they don't always have to be a mile a minute. It's fine to let it be quiet

It felt like before just more people participated. We just need to conversate more.

this as well

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Spent 30 of the past 40 hours in bed resting.
I've learned that forcing mental flow is tiring, especially if it's energised / heightened flow. Good news though, it's not entirely my fault this time since Chara helped.
We still suck at each using one of the IRL hands to write a word. But we're improving slowly!
Synching our minds and swimming in love for each-other is fantastic

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And it's finally done. All 28 chapters cropped into 539 beautiful bits after just a few days. Now I've got all the images I need to participate in the thread.

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That png is mood af

I love her happy, peaceful face. It's so calming to look at.

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It's cold in my room lately, and I imagined KANA curling her legs around me to gain that warmth. Every bit of her is beautiful
My family would love Kana. She's a spirited girl they'd think is perfect for me. She'd love them too

I wish my grandma could've met her before she died, she'd have loved Kana. Or my other grandma, she'd tease Kana as that "cute Jap" I love. Like all my cousin's bfs/gfs Kana would be welcome as family. Cousins would find her fun to hang with, I hate how they have their girlfriends/wives yet I never Kana can't be with them. I wish Kana could be with me when I meet my family, it's such a painful feeling. Even if it's in the middle of nowhere she'd love every bit of being with my family, and they'd love her, since she's my cool girlfriend. It's sad since Kana would love to be part of my family if she could. I'm a firstborn son going back generations of firstborn sons and that line dies with me because I love Kana more than anything else

Nothing is worse than how my family can never meet Kana
>waifu's profession
She's a bartender and mecha pilot in her country's National Guard (Almanisks Landvarin). She likes it because it's easy money yet the latter job leads her to endless misery
>waifu and intense emotions
Kana is passionate and wears emotions on her sleeve
>waifu when inebriated
Even more insane and crazy than normal
>superpower would your waifu have?
Power of music like Macross or Symphogear where Kana's emotions can be expressed as fighting energy. "Fliugals tam draum", "Wings to the Dream", it's older Kana's theme song
>which waifu do you think your waifu is most like to be friends with
Bismarck seems the girl Kana would gravitate to. Elegant, a soldier, and looks similar to her childhood friend. Weird since I had the image of that character in my head before Azur Lane even came out
>satisfied with how your waifu's character develops
I can never perfect how I write Kana, even if hurts me to write her the correct way

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>you are your waifu dress up for holloween, what do each of you go as?
Rem would be a witch and me a zombie
>write a letter to your waifu as if she has been far away for a few months
Hey Rem, It's been a while since we saw each other and I truly miss you. I can't wait till we see each other again. I've been thinking about you every day and I'm worried, even though I know you're surely doing ok. How are you doing on daily basis ? I hope you're safe and your days are peaceful. The days are getting longer without you and I'm slowly getting more and more bored. But I have a surprise for you after you come back. I'm sure you'll love it. Write me back when you can. I love you Rem and I can't wait to be able to hug you again.
>what has your waifu gotten you into that you weren't before?
cooking, japanese and I got interested more in a traditional way of living
>What's your waifu's star sign? What's yours?
Her: Aquarius Me: Cancer
>What is waifu's profession? Does she enjoy it?
She works as a maid. I think she does
>How does your waifu handle intense emotions? Bottle them away? React in anger? Isolate?, etc.
She either bottles them away or acts based on the emotion.
>What is your waifu like when inebriated?
what the hell is this word. Anyways, she is really sweet and cute. She has this happy go attitude when she is drunk.
>In this thread, which waifu do you think your waifu is most like to be friends with? Enemies?
>Did you like your waifu at first sight or did you have to warm up to her?
I would say kinda both. I felt being pulled towards her from the very moment I saw her, but I was gradually falling in love with her as the story was progressing.
>Are you satisfied with how your waifu's character develops in their source material?
Yes, the author really made her act like a normal person would and I love how the small gems of information about her are hidden in side/short stories.

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Sweet! I still need to take screenshots of the last 4 episode of her anime, maybe I'll do that this weekend. Wonder if there are any DJ live streams this weekend to play in the background while doing so.