
Cabin fever setting in edition

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Ebin come home

>when they are it's still between 16-18
nudes of a 16-17 year old is still CP

Is a new britfeel op image Renaissance in the woodwork lads?

*works hard on developing a coronavirus vaccine*

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You can still shag em in the UK just don't record it.

Real, authentic, genuine 10 stone lifter here
Just letting you all know that nubbers and I run /britfeel/ now
Poley can get shot

Anyway nubbers check out this song

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Got pal called Big Dave, squaddie in the army he is. Told me in a few days Boris has authorised the use of corona-seeking missiles desgined to target infected members of the population and neutralise them at long range with massive firepower. Remains to be seen if the army will turn these weapons on Bozza himself.

I know you can, we're talking about nudes/sexual images.

I think we should all design 1 and see who has the most nicest 1

>trying to impress some whore with your oh so cool indie music
Embarrassing lad.

is nubbers a new namefag?

bout time the real Queen showed up, good to see you TSL, keep that bussy waxed for me x

11 st just sit abouter here.

Lad that's just different flavours of ribena mixed together

>turn these weapons on Bozza himself.
he'd allow it, hes the traditional mental go down with the ship type

*roars into thread on a Kawasaki Ninja and swings a chain into an passing Apu's face*

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I remember when all it took to get a girl to like you was quoting lines from the mighty boosh and rolling them a cigarette

Been on the phone for 3 hours for the Jobcentre, how many people are applying for bennies eh.

don't worry lad, he knows what he's doing

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respect her gender identity,

am I the only person that still watches that occasionally and finds it funny? It was mega popular back in the day but now nobody talks about it

lots of people still talk about. also it's shit


half a mil so far and counting, you're far better off trying the website than ringing you helmet

>nudes are porn
Not true. For one they need to be sexually explicit - this applies to all age ranges. Photos of naked children are very common in family albums.

Otherwise for a 16-17 year old, it's legal to have sexually explicit photos/videos if you were together, either married or living with them.

You need to be very careful. Safest option is to just not get involved.

Im still a Boosh fan, in many ways they were the first to fully utilise "lol so randumb xD" humour

>Just letting you all know that nubbers and I run /britfeel/ now

Attention whoring cunt and her simp manlet orbiter, dime a dozen i'm afraid

Nah have to phone for the appointment now.

me NHS mum is annoyed about all these volunteers, going on about how much of a safeguarding hazard it is to have a load of unchecked people transporting medicine and vulnerable people about

kek that reminds me of a time in my childhood when I took photos of my sister's bare arse for a laugh using the family camera (this was before everybody had cameraphones). When the film roll was taken to be developed I told my dad he went white as a sheet and I couldn't understand why at the time

you ever listen to the radio shows? I always thought they were superior

Snuff Box,Garth Marenghi's Darkplace>Mighty Boosh

Boris Down! Boris Down!

your mum's talking sense. most of the do-gooders are only tring to help i bet though really.

Fucking hell lad the people at the camera shop might have got your dad done for being a nonce

you don't actually go near the vulnerable people lad, you just dump their shit on the doorstep and leave, Dominoes style

I don't need to try to impress anyone pal which is why you're constantly seething about my great taste and the fact i'm stronger than you
Get over it
Here's an oh so cool indie song for you, only 4k views so don't tell anyone ok?

Anyway what's everyone doing today? Currently looking for JRPG reccs (ps2 mainly) so if you have any hook me up

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>the fact i'm stronger than you
You're so cute when you try and act tough you little minx.

which is why I didnt volunteer, I could spread it to nurses and all the people I do deliveres for, then bring it home and give it to the who family

But nah the police have a problem with me running 6 miles with no one around

while Im ranting wtf is going on with the tube, lets cut services even though we know business wont close until ordered too now the tubes are even more packed and keyworkers even more at risk galaxy brain thinking


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Go back to those gold soundz
And keep my advent to your self
Because it's nothing I don't like
Is it a crisis or a boring change?
When it's central, so essential
It has a nice ring when you laugh
At the low life opinions
And they're coming to the chorus now

I keep my address to yourself cause we need secrets
We need secret cret-cret-cret-crets back right now

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yeah close one eh? I know they were developed cause I remember my dad showing my the photo and telling me it was serious but I was just giggling

shame RSD was pushed back to like June

I unironically have volunteered. I'm a decade long NEET and my mental health has recently taken a nosedive

bung a bob for some beechams for boris

>TSL likes indie music
Just when I thought my dick couldnt get more erect. She truly is best tranner

bet your dad still has nightmares about that years later

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>decade long neet
>immuine system going to be a lot weaker than any normie
>decides to head to the worst place possible place he can
>hes doing it for free

RIP user

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Nice work on the image lad. Thanks for your effort and time.

I like loads of stuff
Are we friends now?

Ebin was a dirty faggot

Think its time for a another exciting episode of user goes for a cycle and smokes some spliffs

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Might write a paper on the shallowness of the British indie music scene

Signed up for the Amazon free trial last night. I'll see how good it is and decide whether it's worth the subscription.

Taking a massive shit at work. My arsehole will surely be bleeding after this.
Have semi whilst shitting. Basically making my foreskin touch the ceramic bowl.
Paid to shit. Work from home starting Monday.

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thanks lad im glad the image is being used

let us thank the try on slags during this difficult time

Reckon a woman would date a soft lad with a 4" dick lads?

>hook me up
Would rather hook up with you bab x

thanks, keep us updated scea

Can't believe her patreon. No nudes. No nips. What the fuck is wrong with people.

>family order pizza
>get them to do it on my account for points
>have 45 quid worth of points now
Papa John's FEAST today lads

enjoy de lad, lovely weather for it. I might bring my bike back into action if this quarantine goes on for ages - I think the tyres need pumping but apart from that she's good to go

Ordered one last night and the delivery fella had a mask on and put it down on a tray for me to pick up, top lad didn't want to spread the virus.

don't underestimate the depths that desperate lonely incels will go to lad

181 deaths today lads

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should we even be surprised at this stage? What's happening is exactly as predicted vs Italy

How are we still in the hundreds when Italy and Spain are in the thousands?

*puts his do-rag on*


who finna get fit in lockdown?

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