26 year old female

>26 year old female
>have always been 100% asexual, never had sex, never masturbated, never wanted to date, anything
>ran out of pasta
>one of my roommates is a mtf transgender and she keeps extra food in her room to not take up all the space in the pantry
>knock on door to see if she's there, no reply but hear some light music playing
>open door because she didn't reply
>she is on her bed anally masturbating with a dildo with one hand, biting the other hand with her mouth while moaning
>watched her for a few seconds before leaving the room
>unable get the scene out of my mind for days
>masturbated and had an orgasm for the first time in my life while picturing what happened

Why is something so disgusting so arousing? Why is this of all things my sexual awakening? Why is it even biologically possible for me to be turned on by seeing something so unnatural and bizarre?

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Pics of room mate. That's all I'm here for this site isn't your personal diary, hole

I'm sorry to say but you're a roastie.

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Jesus Christ women were a mistake, Hell you're probably a dude larping, but either way kill yourself for posting such trash.

I'm not going to violate her trust like that. Sorry for the blogpost I just don't know where else to talk about this.

Rethink your life hoe.

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That tranny's name? Albert Einstein

Have you masturbated or been horny at all since then?

Probably because you're so against anything remotely sexual.

>see something completely and utterly depraved
>gets you off

Dont go down this route of finishing returns, op. I did and regret it fully.


I have looked at porn many times deliberately trying to find something that would turn me on. It's always been just utterly disgusting to me.

Diminishing* fuck my life

>I'm not going to violate her trust like that.
Then fuck off. This is probably a LARP anyway

I don't have any interest in proving this happened so believe what you want.

Did you masturbate to anything else, or still the same thought

This is really interesting, getting this insight from someone starting 15 years later than average

The same thoughts

You are in danger of being raped

Congratulations on finally being a healthy female, now die

Well, as you said in the op, you find this disgusting as well. You tell me. I have no idea what kind of childhood trauma Induced this phenomenon in your fucked up brain, you have more info than us.

What I meant by that is more that it's supposed to be disgusting but for some reason it wasn't.

OP should tell her roommate and see what happens uwu

What part of it was hot to you? Did you self insert? Or was it just a voyuer thing?

I got a panic attack just by reading that.

This shits got shill written all over it.
Don't believe the tranny. It's trying to give you hope that being a tranny will get women to like you.

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ok larper, just post your throat with a timestamp that's all

I can't point to any one thing. In porn it all feels so fake but also so dirty. It's so trashy and ugly, I've always thought that was sex was. This felt nothing like that. It was seeing a real human that I've known a certain way (and honestly not particularly liked) being so private and intimate in a way I never pictured before. Hearing the music that she is masturbates to, hearing the softness of her moans of pleasure. She's always sounded fake to me when she talks, like she's trying and failing to sound womanly but ironically her moans were so genuinely soft and feminine. And then just seeing the movements of her body, the way her back pulled back revealing her shoulderblades, the way she was rocking back and fourth, the way she was breathing so heavily, I just felt that in that moment every part of her body was working in tandem to just hold on to the pleasure going through her. It was so picturesque and beautiful to me, even her asshole having plastic shoved into it looked like this intricate piece of life in motion in front of me. The two separate rhythms of her fucking herself quickly while the rest of her body swayed gently. I feel like this door was opened into this entirely new dimension of life that I've never truly conceptualized was real. If I was forced to pick the one thing that fascinates me the most it's just how much she seemed to be enjoying it. The genuineness of it all.

That's the most poetic description of a tranny fucking his ass I've ever heard

Alternatively, walk in on him and yell BOO

attention loser boys:
cis women BELONG to mtf lesbians
they crave the BTC (big tranny cock)
thank u for listening to this public service announcement

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I wish there was a place like Yas Forums but people replied more seriously

how could you even know if you're asexual if you'd never masturbated? you sound like a retard who's either sexually repressed or just trying to be different so they feel "special" instead of "being boring and mainstream" i.e. accepting your humanity including the natural instincts associated with it.

Because I never had the desire to masturbate. The very first time in my life that I had the desire to, I did it. I no longer think I'm asexual user

are you one of those lolcow roasties?

Crystal Cafe but they'll call you a larping moid

I hate people who get their entertainment from putting down others so no

That's actually pretty funny. What's the point of calling everything a larp?

>terfs exist
okay retard

Have you tried watching amateur porn?

Yes and it's gross to me.

I mean it sounds dumb, but I thought I was asexual until I was like 28 because I had never felt attracted to anyone and could never cum from jerking off.
Then I met a girl that I fell hard for out of nowhere and it completely flipped my life and perspective on the world upside down and I haven't been able to think straight since.
Not that she reciprocated my feelings or anything, I just have 28 years of repressed emotions I'll never be able to get out of my system and it's slowly killing me.

Is that the fate that awaits me? I haven't been able to stop obsessively thinking about this for days

definetely a larp written by a faggot tranny. no person, let alone females would ever be attracted to or by a tranny.

Why is there so much trans porn if no one is ever attracted to them

It sounds like sex needs to be personal for you, which seems standard for women. You could get off this time because you knew your roommate. If you saw the same thing but a stranger in a video, I doubt it would have done anything for you.
It's going to make (modern) dating a little backwards for you. You probably won't feel sexually attracted to a guy until you've already been dating him for a while. Have you tried dating before?

I've never dated anyone and I still don't really feel like I want to.

Guys who watch too much porn start associating seeing a penis with sexual pleasure

What about your roommate? Feel anything extra for them personally? Or was it just that specific scene that worked on you?

>I'm 26 and have the life experience and maturity of a teenager
You are a stark reminder that there are even women who simply arent competent enough to reproduce.

Good riddance.

I mean probably not. You're a girl, so it's gonna be way easier to get it out of your system than it is for me, a reprehensible goblin that barely passes for a human.
But you should probably do something about it sooner, rather than later.
Otherwise things will just start to get weird.

keep crying incel boy/fat roastie
women crave the feminine charm and dominant personalities of the BTC
one only needs to look at male icons of beauty to see the advantage of androgyny
mtf dominance is the next step in human evolution

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please keep posting i beg u

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I don't know her that well but the times we have interacted have been pretty nice. She's generally sweet but when we play games together she can get a bit controlling and annoying. I've never felt a spec of romantic attraction to her before and I don't think I feel any now either, but I am definitely feeling something. I wouldn't describe her body or clothes or personality or anything as sexy normally but when I was watching her she was pure sex. I want to see more

>mtf lesbians
literally don't exist. not even actual trannies, just men who didn't want to accept failing with women or that loneliness is common or anything else who saw society accept and even push an easier option.
if they're an actual tranny, they like cock champ

It sounds to me like you've had a sexual awakening then. A lot of girls I've been with have had the same experience, it just takes one personal moment of the ethereal and just letting yourself be in the moment, just seeing the beauty of sexuality and letting it encompass you, whatever form it takes, allowing your body to do the rest. Erotic moments like these should be treasured in your mind. Hope you delve into it deeper and explore more, user. Best of luck.

>virginity stealer Chad

Fuck off

More of exclusively your roommate or of anybody else that you know?

Her specifically

Your roommate isnt a she you dumb fuck. He, hes a he.

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Even the really horny people like me think sex is gross at times, but you'll get used to it. Have fun!
Because it is fake lol. I can only get off to 2d manga and writing.

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You fuck off, you bitter, cynical assuming nigger.

> A lot of girls I've been with have had the same experience

>Yas Forums science
cringe, cope AND projection. shit effort.

can you handle it, user? can you?

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I somehow skipped this post but I just wanted to say thanks.

>been with a lot of girls
>given them all sexual awakenings
>not a pussy destroying uberchad
get out of here you unvirgin

The transbait gets more and more complex by the day. Get a life dude.

Yeah I've had sex before, and I know how to do it well. Does that mean I'm a "virgin stealing chad"? No. I've been completely fucked over in life too. Fuck your competitive "woe is me muh secret club" bullshit

>been completely fucked over in life
>gets to have sex and have women beg for more
man i wish my life was as fucked up as yours
must be terrible

Porn is pretty disgusting, that is why you are supposed to jerk off to anime girls. There are quite a few female mangaka who write pegging and orgasm denial stuff, it might be something you'd like.
link related e-hentai.org/g/1551044/38c27f7487/

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Well what are you waiting for? Go suck her cock you filthy slut!

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I'll trade you. Glady.

You've fucked lots of women so you're Chad
Other guys will end up with your pumped-and-dumped sloppy seconds, so virgin stealing

Most anime and especially anime style porn drawings have this gross infantilism that turns me off from it.

Enjoy being a fat ugly balding virgin who can't make friends or attract women and isn't smart enough to get a good job

>fucked low quality women

Pick one

i'm not balding

I didn't even see what her dick looks like and even then oral sex seems pretty nasty to me. It's also hard for me to imagine her being into that although I'm not sure why.