Look at the comment section


Look at the comment section.
>gook chick eats seafood alive because thats her culture
>thousands of meat eating cucks leap to her latest video to virtue signal because a YouTuber named penguinz0 criticized her killing methods
>this is evident as all the hate comments were posted only hours ago, when penguinz0 made his video about this
>these people actually think they are better than her

Can we get that vegan user cuck to go raise hell in the comment section?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Can't we just discourage any form of ASMR, especially eating ASMR? Bitch is fucking nasty and the people that watch her are fucking degenerates.

>people that watch her
Are orbiting her.



>people butthurt that some random gook is doing typical gook shit
I almost gave a fuck

>here's your qt asian gf

Thanks. She is very cute. Or should I say kawaii

Not defending anything here, but Penguinz0 fucking sucks. If I wanted to hear some monotone stoner try to make jokes no one finds funny, I'd watch Pete Davidson on SNL.

>Still watching critikal
I bet you still watch h3h3

kill yourself you morally outraged hypocritical normie. holy FUCK, just how fucking stupid and delusional do you have to be to get mad at this chink for eating animals, yet eat animals yourself? you're mad at her for HOW she killed the animal? HOLY FUCK you meat eaters are so fucking stupid it hurts. JESUS ur dumb

seriously bro, you pay for animals to be enslaved and killed for your pleasure, you are on her level. dont complain about her doing something that you are doing yourself. and vegans arent the ones who have a problem with this girl, its dumbass meat eaters like you. vegans just point out the hypocrisy, you stupid fuck


>waaaaaaaa she ate octopus ablooo bloooooo
>i love eating pigs

meat eaters are no smarter than the animals they eat

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There you are. Go post this shit in the comment section.

To be fair, she's been throwing salt water at fresh water sea creatures which puts them in a lot of pain.

Also chopping a squid open with it's eye sticking out and it just trying to woddle away in pain is kinda brutal. I mean atleast the food industry puts animals out of their misery, you know.

Also go back to Yas Forums or simp some asians on Yas Forums so you can get the yellow fever out of your system somewhere else :)

>Mooooooooooom i-it's doing the thing I dont like again

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She did nothing wrong. I'm not even a simp but how is this any different from eating beef.

what a fucking cutie. it's kind of gross what she's doing but i don't care because she's an asian qtpie. if it were a man or slutty white bitch doing this they'd deserve to die though.

It isnt. Its more like cognitive dissonance at play

based retard. op was saying exactly what you are.

how the fuck do people watch this shit.

what part killed the octopus? the salt? the cheetos?

Thank you for such a wonderful, insightful post PETA.

This is pretty much unequivocal proof that being a pretty female is playing life on easy mode. If this were a dude, they'd be shitted on and have massive dislikes. Cute and innocent girls can get away with some sick shit.

Note too that what she's doing is the equivalent of throwing a nigger out into space without a helmet. That's painful to have the poor fishes die slowly out of the water, it's intense pain for them, it's actually pretty fucked up.

I'll keep eating meat but goddamn if I ever have to or even want to eat a live animal I'll at least try to make sure that it's death is quick as possible.

At least she doesn't torture it before eating it like the gook chick.

If you just google, octopus can be out of water around 10 minutes just fine while of course humans can only do 30 seconds then brain damage after a few minutes. I doubt it's suffering.
Plus I see no proof that the salt is so bad for them.
Whatever torture is in the video is no different than like normal fishing. See

The chewing makes me sick ugh

I'm mad at chinks for eating animals. But I'm vegetarian. So yeah, still on the moral highground.


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it's hot for me, vore is based and basically earth is the vore planet and you cant escape by crying over swallowed sea critters

Chinks are called bug people for a reason, chinks seem to lack basic moral decency and dont seem to care much about their fellow chinks.
They eat animals alive, cook them alive. They can watch a person be ripped apart by an elevator and not even be phased.
>posts chink cartoon

Yas Forums incel: heh I'm not racist, I'm a race realist!

>Chinese person exists


I can but there's no point in trying to talk to these NPC's

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Chinks and gooks are different. You don't see japanese boiling cats alive, or flaying screaming dogs. Chinese are barely even human, they lack any sort of basic decency, and the ground opens up to swallow them out of sheer disgust for their ill actions against animals.

I'm goddamn racist and I'm not afraid to admit that. FUCK CHINKS. Corona-chan should have killed more. I would happily trade the life of 10 million chinks for the life of one cat.

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>she makes thousands in betabux by eating animals alive for entertainment

What a sick fucking world this is. Coronachan do your job and cleanse this fucking planet.

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noooooooNot the squidly diddly bois not my wiggly jiggly jolly wollies not my heckin squisharino's you CANT just chomp them up stop stop stop!!!!!

HURRDURR CHINK CHINK CHINK. Take your meds you embarrassing skinhead.

Why are you so mad about it? Are you from a CHINK family? Are you one of the SICK MAN OF ASIA bros? Do you wake up at night cursing Tarantino for the "noooo brado pittu" meme?

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The top minds of Yas Forums....

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Posting anime pictures is quite telling of what you look like

This. The idiots raging over the gook eating the octopus and whatever are such massive hypocrites. Look at how hard they're trying to virtue signal.

What is it with Asians and their obsession with wanting to be as disgusting and inhumane as possible?

I have a selfie right here

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Who fucking cares, food is food. I don't give a fuck about no animals lmao


You are like the PC principle of r9k. You are a meme

Seriously I will never understand fuckers that complain about this yet still eat meat from slaughterhouses. Like who gives a shit

cheers bro that's actually funny

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Shit nigguh aight. I mean this is only a burden if she acts like this irl all the time. I am ok with her acting like this souly for the camera.

>Ya vegan, brah?

Imagine not having a self-sufficient homestead.

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There's nothing wrong with eating meat but chinks make it a habit to mutilate and torture squids, which are one of the few sentient creatures on Earth. Eating them alive and removing their sensitive organs while pouring sauce on them is nigger tier behavior. I can't believe how strict these video streaming sites are with language, violence and nudity but genuine animal cruelty played for laughs is 100% ok with having Walmart and McDonald's ads run on it. Obviously, every user knows that the advertisers don't condone or even watch the content, but the double standard is just so flagrant.

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>be me
>weird looking mammals took me out of home for no reason
>go from weird place to weird place until i'm in a weird box
>lots of light
>a female mammal has me trapped in this box
>hear her say some ching chong nonsense
>try to make my daring escape
>she grabs me with her dry tendrils
>oh shit
>mfw she bites my head
>try to shove my penis up her breathing orifice
>mfw she spits me out only to chop off my tentacles
>mfw she bites my head off
>i can't feel my skin
>everything hurts
>all i can see is white
>last thing i hear are her weird panting noises, like "ha ha ha"
>i won't make it out of this one
>tell my family i love them

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All this vegan comparison with dogs will turn eating dogs into an acceptable practice.

...and then everybody clapped in unison

This. How disgusting and unethical.

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I resent usuing this word but...mega fucking cringe. For serious.

>which are one of the few sentient creatures on Earth


>Eating them alive and removing their sensitive organs while pouring sauce on them is nigger tier behavior

GOD ur dumb. the animals lived in the wild and had a relatively decent life before they were captured and killed. the animals that you eat on the other hand, like pigs cows and chickens, were born into slavery, castrated, raped, injected with anti-biotics and steroids, and killed at a small fraction of their natural lifespan

how is that not worse than how the squids and octopusses that chinks kill and eat? how fucking delusional and hypocritical can you morons fucking get? dude honestly, HONESTLY ur a fucking retard

>There's nothing wrong with eating meat
> but the double standard is just so flagrant.

do you even understand the definition of double standard? dont you think its ironic that you pay for animals to be brutally killed like pic related, yet whine like a morally outraged faggot when chinks deviate from your standards of normality?

you meat eaters are so fucking stupid it really hurts my brain. honestly, kill yourself you hypocritical moron


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Dumbass, if you quit shoving celery up your ass you'd have noticed that the debate is that she's playfully torturing squids and eating them alive for millions of views, instead of ethically instantly killing them so that they don't suffer beforehand. Pigs, cows and chickens in factories have strict rules on the whole killing part. There are meticulous ways to ethically end the life of a sentient animal, and so are there for squids and other sea creatures. Imagine completely failing to grasp the issue at hand this badly.

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biting animal body parts off for youtube is just abhorrent, and if you don't understand that you are probably of Chinese origin

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You are a closet pedo incel who browses r/topmindsofreddit

Please take your meds

I don't extend my morality to creatures that aren't human.
But knowingly causing harm to animals for fun is a sign of sociopathy. Perhaps it's even a gateway to it. That's why we try to be "ethical" about our consumption of animals. It's also just safer to eat animals that can't squirm and fight on the way down. We evolved to want to eat only dead animals for good reasons, and while it doesn't surprise me at all that a gook foid does this, I definitely don't want to be around anyone who does. I say that fully knowing that she is not doing anything unethical. And yet, at the very least, her being willing to do this is a red flag.
And saying "It's just her culture bro!!" Is a cop out for actually discussing the topic.

Anybody is better than these yellow bastards

There is millions of videos and comments on her saying she is fucked up and a terrible person
I know Critikal has made a video on her and this other Asian youtuber I found the other day talking about this called
Sherlize or something.
So many fucking people are calling her out and telling her what she is doing with wrong.
No one fucking condones animal abuse unless theyre legitimately insane.
Only Yas Forums is saying this shit is okay

>No one fucking condones animal abuse unless theyre legitimately insane.
>Only Yas Forums is saying this shit is okay

dude what the fuck are you talking about. most people eat meat and conveniently ignore and laugh at the suffering of pigs cows and chickens who are enslaved and killed for their taste pleasure

most people are so fucking hypocritical about this shit it HURTS. seriously, all these morally outraged retards are the biggest hypocrites on the planet, they eat meat themselves, yet condemn some chink who also eats meat

most people PAY for pigs to be enslaved, castrated, raped, and killed at a fraction of their natural lifespan. to live their entire lives as virgins in a small cramped pen, so some obese fuck can eat double bacon cheeseburgers and pork chops. they are all hypocritical RETARDS who dont care about animal suffering in the slightest


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I could imagine being racist because some foreigners eat seafood differently than us. I honestly don't.