
hows it going bros? back again after a nap. having some soup and more voodoo ranger. last night of drinking for awhile cheers

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How drunk are you and what are you drinking the vodka with?

half a bottle of captain gone mate

im not drunk yet just got started again and dirnking beer
cheesr bro just drinking it straight?

Six beers in and in quarantine. Mac and cheese with ketchup hot sauce and cut up hotdog

sounds cozy cheers and enjoy. im havin italian weddint soup and ipa

How can we turn this thread into a drinking game?

na run out of coke and i mix it now with ice tea

Ran out of cocaine or Coca Cola?

>last night of drinking for awhile cheers
was supposed to be me ysterday. But Im just not doing well as I should. Drinking a silvver bullet right now. Maybe a voodoo tall boy in a bit. Maybe more coors. Maybe play vidya. Maybe shitpost more. Maybe talk to that fella on discord im ghosting. Maybe go for a walk.

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idkk maybe but id rather just chill and drink
how is it? ive had ice tea and vodka but never with rum

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cola. fuck i dont do drugs

its actually not that bad. but i rather have cola

make tomorrow your day too then user. i know it sucks fucking up a promise you made to yourself but keep at it

Never know. Booze and coke go together like peanut butter and jam.

so guys whats your reason for drinking tonight?

thanks senpai. I think I will. Definitely should. Im at the point in the hole where its my last chance to climb out or else keep digging.

addicted and getting over heartbreak
iktf and am in the same boat. lets do it together bro. ill make a thread tomorrow i fi can about staying sober witha picture of my cat and if you can join in

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me too dude. but i am still not really addicted

Alcoholism. What is your reason for not drinking tonight?

then stop while you can. for most people addicion to alcohol is rarely a one day im not next day i am thiing you spend years feeling like you have it under control until you finally realize its been out of your hands for a while now

I've started drinking myself to sleep since this quarantine

I have alcoholic genes, my grandfather died of cirrhosis of the liver and had to provide for a family of 8 on a sheet metal worker's salary...maybe the stress is similar

Ill be there. Gonna be a long Quarantine. Maybe it just ought be a Qurantine.

take it easy if you know its in your genes. you know how fucked you can get user. dont let the quarantine fuck you up more than it should
hang in there. i live on east coast america where are you so i can set a decent time?

yeah but iam just fucked up right now because of that heartbreak like you.

Central. Usually here about now everyday anyway.

I can drink a 24 and wake up for work at 7 the next day. Practice makes perfect. Thanks to covid I can just sleep in now

Is this turning into an A.A thread?

then i know how hard it can be to avoid it. its cheesy and cringe but today was supposed to be our 4 yar anniversary so ive been drinking every single day for 3 weeks since the break up and told myself today is the last day. maybe you need to set a concrete date for you too bro
alright ill try and make a thread at night then i ned to run errands and clean my place up for the first tim ein weeks anyways
idk i make drinking threads and enjoy drinking with others while posting but when i run into similar heavy drinker like me i like to say we need to stop

bro iam sorry. 4 years? that hard atleast i she fucked me over after 2 months

Cool to know there are other anons out there like me

dudes if you want a good song while drinking lsiten to Yelawolf -Till its gone

yeah its been rough. theres a lot going through my head but ive honestly been numbing my feeling for the past few weeks and have purposely avoided processing it so i know tomorrow will be hard too. but hey ofc relationship length matters but im sure youre fucked up too, i hoep you and i can both get over it soon bro
bless you bro, hang in there

yeah i hope so. god she was something different not that basic bitch girl.

same here. i loved her. hell i still love her. she broke up with me because she fell out of love with me first a few months back but was unsure if it was real or just a bump in the road after going out together so long. we both cried a lot the night we broke up and ill never forget how she looked in the dark outside waiting for her uber. she turned around as i walked her out and hugged me and said thanks for everything and that she was sorry and cried again and i could only see half her face and when i came back inside all i could do was cry and think about how she was here just minutes ago and that she would never be again. fuck man fuck

>job getting quarantined on Monday
>have 22usd to my name
my liquor is not going to last

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apply for unemploment asap and tak to yoru landlord about rent user

>live in Ontario
>all non essential business closed
>liquor store consider essential, stays open

Do not take a canadians booze unless you want riots

>Do not take a canadians booze unless you want riots
They dont want all of the homeless people dying from the shakes man there is a significant amount of alcoholics out there

fuck. dude iam so sorry. she just started ghosting me. and then i found out she fucked me over because of her best friend.

im trying my best to com terms with it. i know she had it just as hard but had a head start so i know itll take me a while. i plan on checking on her with her in a week or two to make sure shes safe from corona and letting that be my real closure. thank you though bro. sorry to hera about your ex, what did her best friend do?

I live in a small town. Everyone literally buying cases of beer by the dozen.

its her male best friend so you know what happend. dude but wait before you check on her again. give it some time maybe it will work out for you again.

ah shit that fucking sucks. next beers for you bro. and yeah i def need to give myself more time. i dont know if we'll get back together btu i decided not to hope and hang onto that hope since thatd be unhealthy but yeah who knwos whatll happen in the future

I feel your pain. Work on you and then get out there and kill it.

>voodoo ranger
good shit, I have a 12 pack of that here

ive had 8 already and have 5 left along with some yunegling. ill miss it

next glass on you bro.
yeah, but i feel like shit now

cheers man. im glad my last drinking thread is full of bros for the first time in a while instead of TOPPED fags and retards

i hope this my last too. but atleast some normal people to talk too haha.

im going to transition to a sobriety or wl being thread. planning on working out again and working through my backlog of books during this quarantine

i already startet working out again because of hate.
and i also got alot of books to read now in these times.

Gotta get a hobby to keep your mind occupied instead of drinking. Create something and be productive.

based bros with the same mindset. finally gnna put my pullup bar and dumbbells to use again

rate my drink of choice
>ginger beer
>lime squeeze

I am drinking Shiner Bock like a true Texas retard would :)

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Finally some good comes out of Yas Forums. Stay strong brothers.

if the right people meet, then its always good bros.

Not drinking tonight but I'm going to a party tomorrow. They going to have jello shots vodka soaked gummies and the like also gonna have beer rum and vodka there too should be a good time. Its not a big party just some of my familys birthday.

drinking Franzia Dark, made some brown rice with sausage and canned tomato earlier. can't wait for my birthday gift to arrive, won't be a very powerful PC but at least I'll be able to play classic games again

havnet had jello shots or gummies in ages jesus. i miss skipping class on st patricks day in college and going for a day drink at my local college bar and having hot wairesses walk around with dollar jello shots